long good old table view data source

Determination of the mineral volumes for the pre cenozoic magmatic basement rocks of cửu long basin from well log data via using the artificial neural networks

Determination of the mineral volumes for the pre cenozoic magmatic basement rocks of cửu long basin from well log data via using the artificial neural networks

... oil fields on the basis of data collected by sampling methods However, by now no research work has been done on the mineral volume calculation Database: The actual data usually allow to get to ... log data are sufficient and good enough, has experienced specialists selected for the mineralogical parameters and treatment, the results would come out with greate accuracy Many theory review ... determination, mineral volumes, Magmatic basement rocks, Cửu Long basin, Artificial Neural Networks, ANN in oil and gas industry, well log data Introduction∗ created serious difficulties for the porosity

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2021, 20:17

11 14 0
(Skkn 2023) develop digital competencies and self practice of vocabulary and english grammar for 10 graders through building data source on quizziz, kahoot

(Skkn 2023) develop digital competencies and self practice of vocabulary and english grammar for 10 graders through building data source on quizziz, kahoot

... graders through building data source on Quizziz, Kahoot in the current time? 3,80 Very urgent From the data obtained in the table above , the following observations can be drawn: Table is likely a survey ... Methodology • Research design • Participants • Data collection methods • Data analysis methods IV Results • Quantitative data analysis and results • Qualitative data analysis and results VI Conclusion ... language learning resources In conclusion, the topic of developing digital competencies and self-practice of vocabulary and English grammar for 10th graders through building data sources on Quizizz,

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2023, 08:44

44 2 0
Đề tài thực trạng Ứng dụng Điện tử vào hoạt Động kinh doanh của old quarter view hanoi hostel

Đề tài thực trạng Ứng dụng Điện tử vào hoạt Động kinh doanh của old quarter view hanoi hostel

... địa với số lượng giao dịch còn thấp Trang 9Chương II: TONG QUAN VE OLD QUARTER VIEW HANOI HOSTEL 1 Giới thiệu về Old Quarter View Hanoi Hostel - _ Địa chỉ: 3-5 Ngõ Nội Miếu, 42 P Hàng Giây, Hàng ... booking@oldquarterviewhanoihostel.com - (Cac trang web có thể liên hệ đặt phòng qua các app: agoda; traveloka; booking.com; tripadvisor; hoặc web cua hostel ST Geese xa ( Hinh 1: Old Quarter View ... Hostel ) Old Quarter View Hanoi Hostel la lựa chọn hoàn hảo cho những du khách muốn tham quan và trải nghiệm cuộc sống của Hà Nội Trải nghiệm chuyến đi trốn đô thị ở Hà Nội với một kỳ nghỉ tại Old

Ngày tải lên: 19/11/2024, 21:47

16 0 0
Sorting and Filtering Pivot Table Data

Sorting and Filtering Pivot Table Data

... to the last row of data If the source data has been formatted as an Excel Table, the formula should automatically copy down to the last row in the table Refresh the pivot table, and add the ShipLater ... binders in your pivot table source data The Product field is in the Row Labels area of the pivot table, and Quantity is in the Values area When you refreshed the pivot table, Binders appeared ... affects all fields in the active pivot table, not just a specific field Right-click a cell in the pivot table, and click PivotTable Options In the PivotTable Options dialog box, click the Totals

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20

19 522 0
Grouping and Totaling Pivot Table Data.

Grouping and Totaling Pivot Table Data.

... the second pivot table, and on the Ribbon’s Options tab, click Change Data Source 6 In the Change PivotTable Data Source dialog box, change the Table/ Range to SalesDataNew, and then ... pivot table, the same grouping appears in the other CHAPTER 5 ■ GROUPING AND TOTALING PIVOT TABLE DATA110 [...]...CHAPTER 5 ■ GROUPING AND TOTALING PIVOT TABLE DATA pivot table ... pivot table is based on two years of sales data. When you group the order dates in your pivot table by month, the January data from both years is lumped together. You’d like to keep the data from

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20

21 425 0
Printing and Extracting Pivot Table Data

Printing and Extracting Pivot Table Data

... connect to the new source data. If not, you can connect to the new source range: 1. Select a cell in the pivot table, and on the Ribbon’s Options tab, click Change Data Source. In the Table/Range box, ... pivot table, Excel inserts a GetPivotData formula: CHAPTER 9 ■ PRINTING AND EXTRACTING PIVOT TABLE DATA176 [...]... hidden pivot table Users can change the layout of the main pivot table, ... won’t affect your GetPivotData formula results The GetPivotData function requires two arguments: =GETPIVOTDATA (data_ field ,pivot_ table) For example, the formula =GETPIVOTDATA("TotalPrice",$A$3)

Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2013, 12:20

22 467 0
Extracting Pivot Table Data

Extracting Pivot Table Data

... the source data aren’t required in the pivot table, rearrange the source data, moving those columns you don’t want included to the far left or right of the source table. Then, base the pivot table ... the source data, and changes made there won’t affect the source data. Make the changes in the source data directly. Then, you could use the Drill to Details feature again to output the revised data. ... originally held the source data, the pivot cache may automatically connect to the new source data table. If not, you can connect to the new source range: 1. Right-click a cell in the pivot table, and

Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2013, 22:20

22 406 0
Sorting and Grouping Pivot Table Data

Sorting and Grouping Pivot Table Data

... the Data Source Order option is disabled, and you can’t select it. Solution In the PivotTable Field Advanced Options dialog box, the Data Source Order option is avail- able only for pivot tables ... 3 Check the source range in the PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard to ensure that no blank rows have been included at the end of the source data table 4 Refresh the pivot table, and ... Field: Data Source Order Problem When you created a new PivotTable report, the field items were listed in ascending order. You want the items in the same order they appear in the source data,

Ngày tải lên: 21/10/2013, 22:20

20 278 0
Tài liệu Human-induced changes in US biogenic volatile organic compound emissions: evidence from long-term forest inventory data ppt

Tài liệu Human-induced changes in US biogenic volatile organic compound emissions: evidence from long-term forest inventory data ppt

... area, it would be helpful to have external data on LAI changes, but this is problematic The only source of data extensive and intensive enough is satellite data, but over the range of LAI values ... the observed data from the first survey time, and the emissions at the second survey time, calculated from model B2 with alternative time-2 data for plot j This alternative plot data had the species ... in the FIA inventory data, but there are important sources of uncertainty, including model assumptions and input parameters (see Methods: the uncertainty in the inventory data itself is likely

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 08:20

19 642 0
Old Mutual plc Interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2012 Good strategic and operational progress ppt

Old Mutual plc Interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2012 Good strategic and operational progress ppt

... (1)% OLD MUTUAL plc INTERIM RESULTS 2012 FY 2011 11.64 Appreciation / (depreciation) of local currency (8)% (2)% Group Chief Executive’s Review Review of Operations Strong financial performance Old ... were sold in the period H1 2011 also excludes Lincluden, which was sold in December 2011 At 31 December 2011 Overview During the six months to 30 June 2012 (‘H1 2012’ or ‘the period’) Old Mutual ... include long-term business on a statutory solvency basis Inclusion of Group equity and debt instruments held in life funds2 Goodwill Adjusted net worth attributable to ordinary equity holders

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 08:21

117 392 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Generation of landmark-based navigation instructions from open-source data" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Generation of landmark-based navigation instructions from open-source data" pot

... automatically acquiring landmark data from existing electronic databases, for instance cadas- tral data (Elias, 2003) and airborne laser scans (Brenner and Elias, 2003). But the raw data for these approaches ... requires two kinds of data. First, it must plan routes between points in space, and therefore needs data on the road network, i.e. the road seg- ments that make up streets along with their con- nections. ... we generate preview messages on the street leading up to the decision point. These preview messages describe the loca- tion of the next driving maneuver. Of the three types, preview messages are

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 21:20

10 349 0
Turbulent diffusion from a point source, laboratory data

Turbulent diffusion from a point source, laboratory data

... of hill at height of source along-plume coordinate measured from source (see Part I) distance along streamline from source to hill top surface coordinate (arc distance along hill surface from ... in source height The location and value of the maximum surface concentrations are found to he extremely sensitive to slight dispkuzments of the source from the stagnation streamline when the source ... impinges from an upwind source are presented The stability is varied between very stable and neutral The results are compared with the theories developed in Part I When the source is below the dividing-streamline

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2014, 19:36

34 213 0
Outline môn Tiếng Anh - What are the good and bad points of advertising from the view point of a consumer?

Outline môn Tiếng Anh - What are the good and bad points of advertising from the view point of a consumer?

... Topic 12 What are the good and bad points of advertising from the view point of a consumer? Group BUI THI HOANG ANH 1102015001 PHAN THI MINH ... spend more money to own products Conclusion Advertising has both good and bad points Therefore, consumers should consider whether it is good or bad before buying a product GROUP – TOPIC 13    ... customers for advertisement objects LEAFLET   STRENGTHS Advertisement by the leaflets may be suitable with new companies which their financial is not strong  The suppliers not worry much about

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2014, 15:10

20 864 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Phenotype and envelope gene diversity of nef-deleted HIV-1 isolated from long-term survivors infected from a single source" pptx

Báo cáo sinh học: " Phenotype and envelope gene diversity of nef-deleted HIV-1 isolated from long-term survivors infected from a single source" pptx

... (SBBC) of long-term survivors consists of multiple individuals infected with attenuated, nef-deleted variants of human immunodeficiency virus type (HIV-1) acquired from a single source Long-term ... attributed to gross deletions in the nef and nef/long-terminal repeat (LTR) overlapping regions of the HIV-1 genome Despite being infected from a single source, long-term prospective studies on SBBC members ... (SP), as well as individuals who remain true long-term nonprogressors (LTNP) and antiretroviral therapy-naive with stable CD4 counts and low or undetectable HIV-1 RNA levels [4] Three SBBC members

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 18:20

12 401 0


... PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA – A NEW VIEW OF THE OLD PROBLEM Edited by Jose Fernando Martin Pheochromocytoma – A New View of the Old Problem Edited by Jose Fernando ... explicitly identify the original source. As for readers, this license allows users to download, copy and build upon published chapters even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher ... Additional hard copies can be obtained from orders@intechweb.org Pheochromocytoma – A New View of the Old Problem, Edited by Jose Fernando Martin p. cm. ISBN 978-953-307-822-9 free online

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 17:20

174 338 0
THIẾT KẾ TABLE (Chế độ design view _ tạo Field) ppt

THIẾT KẾ TABLE (Chế độ design view _ tạo Field) ppt

... KẾ TABLE (Chế độ design view _ tạo Field) 1) Vào chế độ design View a) Tạo Table  Chọn trang Table  Nhấn nút New  Chọn Design View b) Vào để sửa chữa thiết kế Table  Nếu đang ở cửa sổ Database ... tên Table Trang 2 Nhấn nút Design  Nếu đang ở DataSheet View : Vào menu View  Chọn Design View c) Ra khỏi chế độ Design View  Nhắp nút Save để lưu cấu trúc Table d) Chuyển sang chế độ DataSheet ... cấu trúc Table d) Chuyển sang chế độ DataSheet View :  Vào menu View  Chọn Datasheet View Trang 3 Field Name : Dùng để khai báo tên Field  Data type : Khai báo kiểu dữ liệu cho Field (Các

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 09:20

21 472 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Large-scale data integration framework provides a comprehensive view on glioblastoma multiforme" pot

báo cáo khoa học: " Large-scale data integration framework provides a comprehensive view on glioblastoma multiforme" pot

... The data are divided into 13 fields corresponding to analysis results and data sources For example, the field ‘GeneExpression’ illustrates fold changes between GBM and control samples using data ... interpretation of the data and allows an advanced view of genes and genomic regions crucial to GBM progression Most importantly, Anduril can be applied to data from any accessible source Materials ... methods for data analysis, integration and visualization are needed Methods: We introduce a novel data integration framework, Anduril, for translating fragmented large-scale data into testable predictions

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 12:20

12 233 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Exact distribution of a pattern in a set of random sequences generated by a Markov source: applications to biological data" pdf

Báo cáo sinh học: " Exact distribution of a pattern in a set of random sequences generated by a Markov source: applications to biological data" pdf

... that we observe in the data, using simulated data sets under the single sequence approximation. We observe that high z- scores are strongly over-represented in the simulated data set: for example, ... three biological data sets: structural patterns in protein loop structures, PROSITE signatures in a bacterial proteome, and transcription factors in upstream gene regions. On these data sets, we ... consists in concatenating the sequences in the data set into a single sequence. Conclusions: Our algorithms prove to be effective and able to handle real data sets with multiple sequences, as well

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 17:20

18 409 0
The long view getting new perspective on strategic risk

The long view getting new perspective on strategic risk

... challenge management’s view about how the future might unfold  © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2011 The long view Getting new perspective on strategic risk Key points n Long-term thinking ... 25 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2011 The long view Getting new perspective on strategic risk About this research T he long view: Getting new perspective on strategic risk is an Economist ... The long view Getting new perspective on strategic risk A report from the Economist Intelligence Unit Sponsored by The long view Getting new perspective on strategic

Ngày tải lên: 06/12/2015, 23:14

38 258 0
Nâng cao nhận thức bảo vệ bản thân cho học sinh trường tiểu học vĩnh long huyện vĩnh lộc tỉnh thanh hóa ( nghiên cứu trường hợp do tổ chức good neighbors international tại việt nam thực hiện)

Nâng cao nhận thức bảo vệ bản thân cho học sinh trường tiểu học vĩnh long huyện vĩnh lộc tỉnh thanh hóa ( nghiên cứu trường hợp do tổ chức good neighbors international tại việt nam thực hiện)

... (CES) CỦA TỔ CHỨC GOOD NEIGHBORS INTERNATIONAL TẠI VIỆT NAM VÀ VAI TRÕ CỦA NHÂN VIÊN CÔNG TÁC XÃ HỘI Error! Bookmark not defined 2.1 Vài nét xã Vĩnh Long trƣờng tiểu học Vĩnh Long huyện Vĩnh ... trường Tiểu học Vĩnh Long Quyền trẻ em.Error! Bookm 3.1.2 Sự hiểu biết học sinh trường tiểu học Vĩnh Long thểError! Bookmark not de 3.1.3 Nhận thức học sinh tiểu học Vĩnh Long cách đánh giá người ... “Nâng cao nhận thức bảo vệ thân cho học sinh trường tiểu học Vĩnh Long huyện Vĩnh Lộc tỉnh Thanh Hóa” (Nghiên cứu trƣờng hợp tổ chức Good Neighbor International thực hiện), bên cạnh nỗ lực cố gắng

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2016, 15:41

14 331 0