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the relationship between corporate social responsibility implementation and the development of five selected companies in hanoi

the relationship between corporate social responsibility implementation and the development of five selected companies in hanoi

... Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business” concept of TBL was coined. In TBL concept, theorist mentions three bottom lines, which are economic line, social line and environmental line. ... into company strategy. 2.3.3 Triple bottom line theory The meaning of “Triple bottom line” (TBL) was firstly mentioned in 1981, by Freer Spreckley, but until 1998, in a book of John Elkington ... creates healthy working environment, and ensures the sustainability development of its business. Environment line in TBL related to how companies reduce their negative impacts into environment,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:20

67 845 0
Báo cáo y học: "A prospective observational study of the relationship of critical illness associated hyperglycaemia in medical ICU patients and subsequent development of type 2 diabetes"

Báo cáo y học: "A prospective observational study of the relationship of critical illness associated hyperglycaemia in medical ICU patients and subsequent development of type 2 diabetes"

... resistance and dysfunction of beta cells. Insulin resistance is present in the acutely ill [13,15,18,28] in different intensity, but the factors determining the extent of insulin resistance are not ... Prevention of diabetes in women with a history of gestational diabetes: effects of metformin and lifestyle interventions. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2008, 93:4774-4779. 52. Bellamy L, Casas JP, Hingorani ... 2 of 8 systemic inflammatory response, such as interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), cause hyperglycaemia and peripheral insulin resistance by inducing the release of...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:02

8 657 1


... Monitoring & Evaluation MPI Ministry of Planning and Investment MOF Ministry of Finance MBA Master of Business Administration VLAP Viet Nam Land Administration Project WB World Bank LIST OF TABLES ... computers in the system at the same point of time. - Ability of integrating into email system to destroy virus - Capacity of files, database and Operation System scan - Ability of integrating into ... LE NA IMPROVING INFORMATION SYSTEM SUPPORTING MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF GREATER MEKONG SUBREGION SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT PROJECT IN VIET NAM MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION THESIS SUPERVISOR:...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2013, 16:01

114 655 2
Seafood Supply Chain Quality Management:  The Shrimp Supply Chain Quality Improvement  Perspective of Seafood Companies in the Mekong Delta,  Vietnam

Seafood Supply Chain Quality Management: The Shrimp Supply Chain Quality Improvement Perspective of Seafood Companies in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

... for Development Studies (CDS), the Faculty of Economics of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, and the School of Economics and Business Administration (SEBA) of Cantho University in ... Hong Minh, the deputy of Fisheries Industry; Mr. Dinh Hoe, the deputy head of VASEP in Ho Chi Minh City; Mr. Nguyen Chinh, the director of the NAFIQAVED branch in Cantho for all your information, ... successfully in all steps of the food supply chain. However, this is not necessarily true. There has been a lack of defining of critical control points (CCPs), which have the function of eliminating...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2013, 09:34

247 719 1
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Dmrt1 genes at the crossroads: a widespread and central class of sexual development factors in fish pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Dmrt1 genes at the crossroads: a widespread and central class of sexual development factors in fish pdf

... (DM) domain. Being a noncanonical cysteine-rich DNA- binding motif, this domain has two highly intertwined finger structures that chelate one zinc ion each, and binds to the minor groove of the ... in developing germ cells (Table 2). In terms of inferred function(s), this incidentally indi- cates that paralogs of dmrt1 in fish, although obviously not involved in the first steps of gonadogenesis, ... during the earliest stages of embryonic development in various organs, including the undifferentiated gonads. Second, later during development, these genes usually remain expressed in a subset of...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 19:20

10 861 0
Tài liệu World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and Subregional Development Banks in Latin America: Dynamics of a System of Multilateral Development Banks ppt

Tài liệu World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and Subregional Development Banks in Latin America: Dynamics of a System of Multilateral Development Banks ppt

... position in the field of development finance and this increases their potential to innovate in development approaches and financial instruments. Not only do MDBs in the region operate within the international ... closeness to international capital markets. Other SRDBs are introducing innovations in microfinance and SME financing with instruments such as loans to financial intermediaries, financial support ... 2010 net income (55% of total net income), in 2010 it allocated US$105 million of 2009 net income (45% of total net income), and in 2009 it allocated US$70 million of 2008 net income (40% of total...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 06:20

35 481 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Identification and characterization of the transcription factors involved in T-cell development, t-bet, stat6 and foxp3, within the zebrafish, Danio rerio docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Identification and characterization of the transcription factors involved in T-cell development, t-bet, stat6 and foxp3, within the zebrafish, Danio rerio docx

... is implicated in other protein–protein interactions, a STAT protein DNA-binding domain and an SH2 domain, which binds phosphorylated tyrosine residues in the context of a longer peptide motif within a ... FOX proteins, a leucine zipper domain and a C2H2 zinc finger domain, both of which are thought to help mediate DNA binding and may be involved in the induction of dimerization [43]. Each of these ... domains, including an N-terminal STAT pro- tein interaction domain, which strengthens interactions between STAT dimers on adjacent DNA-binding sites, a coiled-coil STAT protein all-alpha domain,...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 09:20

20 690 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Roles of AP-2 transcription factors in the regulation of cartilage and skeletal development doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Roles of AP-2 transcription factors in the regulation of cartilage and skeletal development doc

... role of AP-2a and AP-2e in chondrogenesis. Overview of the differen- tiation stages during chondrogenesis and the involvement of transcription factors (henatoxylin and eosin-stained section of ... syndrome has over- lapping features, such as orofacial clefting and occa- sional lip pits, with Van der Woude syndrome, in which disruption of an AP-2a-binding site within an interferon regulatory ... story of AP-2s during embryonic development. References 1 Mitchell PJ, Wang C & Tjian R (1987) Positive and negative regulation of transcription in vitro: enhancer- binding protein AP-2 is inhibited...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 09:20

9 642 0


... socio-economic development. Indeed, the census (administrative) districts show severe inequalities in terms of economic development. The reasons, like in the case of provinces, are found in historical ... resource-base theories are inadequate for explaining the nature, rate and level of regional development in space. These developments included, in the first place, theories on the location of economic activity, ... Certain areas in Zimbabwe have relatively high levels of development while others have low levels of development or no development at all. This spatial pattern of unequal levels of development...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 16:20

114 434 1
Tài liệu The Development of the Feeling for Nature in the Middle Ages and Modern Times doc

Tài liệu The Development of the Feeling for Nature in the Middle Ages and Modern Times doc

... nursery, in later times, of landscape, animal, and genre painting. CHAPTER III THE NAIVE FEELING AT THE TIME OF THE CRUSADES In the development and maturing of the race, as of the individual, nothing ... the present of earth vanished into the future of Heaven, and the Kingdom of the Infinite arose upon the ruins of the finite.' The beauty of earth was looked upon as an enchantment of the devil; ... suggestive myth of Baldur, god of light and spring, killed by blind Hödur, was the expression of general grief at the passing of beauty. The Edda has a touching picture of the sorrow of Nature, of her...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20

194 634 0
The Role of Small and Large Businesses in Economic Development doc

The Role of Small and Large Businesses in Economic Development doc

... growth from the second quarter of 2000 into job classes using beginning size of firm, mean size of firm over the period, and end size of firm. If the beginning size of the firm is used to classify firms, ... longitudinal data from individual firms. 4 The job figures presented in Chart 1 classify firms into size classes based on their size at the beginning of the period, which favors a finding of higher ... rate in the prerecession period from 1997 to 2000. Recessions often find individuals moving out of traditional employment and into self-employment, which explains some of the discrepancy in growth...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

25 660 0
Academic Writing Development of ESL/EFL Graduate Students in NUS pptx

Academic Writing Development of ESL/EFL Graduate Students in NUS pptx

... listening, speaking, reading, and writing (including the writing of emails and even the writing of essays in students’ native language), as shown in the following comments: It improved my listening ... reading texts 9) making use of sources in writing 10) presenting my arguments in a coherent manner 11) presenting graphic information in a clear manner 12) interpreting graphic information ... 10% used in my discipline 3. writing for the intended audience 3% 3% 39% 45% 20% 4. synthesizing key information in reading texts 3% 0% 32% 39% 26% 5. making use of sources in writing 3% 10%...

Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 05:20

20 579 0
sams teach yourself html5 mobile application development in 24 hours (2012)

sams teach yourself html5 mobile application development in 24 hours (2012)

... Offline Apps and Converting Apps to Work Offline 341 The Cache Manifest 343 Using DOM Events and Properties for Offline Apps 347 Debugging the Application Cache 351 x Sams Teach Yourself HTML5 Mobile ... Application Development in 24 Hours About the Author Jennifer Kyrnin has been teaching HTML, XML, and web design online since 1997. She has built and maintained websites of all sizes from small, single-page ... language) 2. Mobile computing—Programming. 3. Application software Development. I. Title. QA76.76.H94K97 2012 006.7’4—dc23 2011036380 Printed in the United States of America First Printing: November...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:01

492 777 0
Báo cáo " Using multi‐criteria analysis as a tool to select the feasible measures for sustainable development of brackish water shrimp culture in Quang Tri Province " doc

Báo cáo " Using multi‐criteria analysis as a tool to select the feasible measures for sustainable development of brackish water shrimp culture in Quang Tri Province " doc

... decision making process beginswiththerecognitionandthedefinition of theproblem.Thisstageis in the intelligence phase of decision making and it involves in searching the ... of MCA to selecting feasible measures for sustainable development of brackishwatershrimpculture in QuangTri Province 3.1.Currentandfutureproblem Duringthelastcouple of years,thespread of shrimpdiseasesoccurredfrequently in the study ... 0.998  Thefinalstep in evaluatingthemeasures is to determine the weights for the alternatives.Byreferringtothe standardized scores in Tables 5 and 7, and scoringcard of combinations...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20

13 488 0