lighting with only the key light

Báo cáo khoa học: Deciphering the key residues in Plasmodium falciparum b-ketoacyl acyl carrier protein reductase responsible for interactions with Plasmodium falciparum acyl carrier protein pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Deciphering the key residues in Plasmodium falciparum b-ketoacyl acyl carrier protein reductase responsible for interactions with Plasmodium falciparum acyl carrier protein pptx

... nm)1 with n = The value of Ka was determined for other mutants using nonlinear least squares fit of the data, using the Adair equation with one to four 4760 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Sample Titrated with: ... shows the involvement of these residues in the PfFabG–PfACP interaction Allosteric binding of NADPH to PfFabG mutants in the presence of PfACP The Ka value for the binding of NADPH to PfFabG, with ... patch at the active site entrance on the PfFabG make contact with PfACP The hydrophobic residues on PfACP also make contacts with the hydrophobic patches on PfFabG, and in turn help in the proper...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:20

11 180 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Shape-from-Shading for Oblique Lighting with Accuracy Enhancement by Light Direction Optimization" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: " Shape-from-Shading for Oblique Lighting with Accuracy Enhancement by Light Direction Optimization" pdf

... distribution of the values − of gm1 that the effective averaging region is roughly elliptical around the reconstruction point with the long axis being in the direction of the tilt angle, τ, of the light ... image with flat-shaped strips whose shading value is determined from the lighting direction, and we shade the boundary between the object and the surrounding flat part on the assumption that the ... two criteria to optimize the light direction One evaluates how accurately the flat part with the initial null value is reconstructed, and the other evaluates the rank of the converting matrix, SMin...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20

10 197 0
Employee Engagement: The Key to Improving Performance

Employee Engagement: The Key to Improving Performance

... costs, without giving greater emphasis to neither of the two, not to bias the decision makers Thus there is a need to study the cost aspect of engagement decisions The remarkable fact is, the findings ... In the bottom line there are basic needs of pay and benefits Once an employee satisfied these needs, then the employee looks to development opportunities, the possibility for promotion and then ... by the employee towards the organization and its value An engaged employee is aware of business context, and works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit of the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 11:05

8 673 2
Stringing in the Key of C#

Stringing in the Key of C#

... } } } The ParseSequenceWithSplit program begins by reading a string from the keyboard The program passes the cDividers array of char to the Split() method to indicate that the comma and the space ... put the two substrings back together with the // character in the middle missing sOutput = String.Concat(sBefore, sAfter); } return sOutput; } } } Chapter 9: Stringing in the Key of C# The key ... of removing the character(s) The logic is much simpler and less error-prone The foreach loop in the second half of the program puts the pieces back together again The output from the program...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2013, 21:20

24 467 0
Working with XML - The Java API for Xml Parsing (JAXP) Tutorial

Working with XML - The Java API for Xml Parsing (JAXP) Tutorial

... identify the message as a whole, the destination and sender addresses, the subject, and the text of the message As in HTML, the tag has a matching end tag: The data between the tag ... multiple areas on a page and then link them together When a text stream is directed at the collection, it fills the first area and then "flows" into the second when the first area is filled Such ... have to come up with another identifier You could not simply call it "name" without conflicting with the element defined for use in a Another problem with the nonhierarchical...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 12:15

494 493 0
Tài liệu ADC KRONE - Guide - FO - The Key to Unlocking Fiber competitive advantages doc

Tài liệu ADC KRONE - Guide - FO - The Key to Unlocking Fiber competitive advantages doc

... on the fiber network at the same time For example, if the splicers are in the office splicing the OSP fibers to the pigtails, they will not want the operations group working on the frame at the ... Housing the splitter in the ODF, on the other hand, would require only one patch cord to be routed from the ODF to the FOT equipment at all times, no matter what the splitter configuration Along with ... rerouting is done at the OSP termination panel within the ODF While these OSP fiber appearances on the OSP termination panel are generally located either adjacent to each other or within a few terminations...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 02:15

22 492 0
Tài liệu The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook- P1 pptx

Tài liệu The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook- P1 pptx

... in the scene To this, place the X-Rite ColorChecker in the frame and capture the image When you process the file in Lightroom, use the White Balance tool in the Develop Module and click on the ... watermark 17 The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook The idea of using glass with a meniscus curve is that light will pass through the lens and hit the sensor and then bounce straight out through the lens ... looking at the histogram on the back of the camera? A The histogram on the back of the camera is in the sRGB color space only, and shows a very small gamut It is also a luminance histogram only, and...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 16:15

50 328 0
Tài liệu The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook- P2 pdf

Tài liệu The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook- P2 pdf

... watermark 77 The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook ● (A) Lightroom can turn out the lights, meaning that it can dim the screen highlighting sections of Lightroom and hiding others Pressing the L key once ... What are the two files in the Lightroom catalog and what they do? A The Lightroom_Catalog.lrcat and the Lightroom_ CatalogPreviews.lrdata The Lightroom_CatalogPreviews lrdata file contains the thumbnail ... physically choose the catalog file (.lrcat) within the Lighroom_Catalog folder To create a new catalog, hold down the Alt key on Windows or the Options key on MAC when starting Lightroom Lightoom’s...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 16:15

50 421 0
Tài liệu The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook- P3 doc

Tài liệu The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook- P3 doc

... on the Spray Can in the Toolbar and add keywords to the field in the Toolbar After the keyword(s) are added, hit return to save them The Stamper can then be used to apply these keywords to other ... images and then type into the Keywording panel the keyword(s) you want to add to the image(s) FIG 7.20 (2) Copy and Paste Keywords: Select one image, keyword it and then copy and paste the keywords ... stack of slides The original location is shaded in light gray and the new location is shaded in light blue Note that the light blue shading is only available with Intel Macs These are the actual images...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 16:15

50 362 0
Tài liệu The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook- P4 pptx

Tài liệu The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook- P4 pptx

... redistribute contrast These are controlled with Highlights, Lights, Darks and Shadows and refer to: Highlights: The brightest points of the image Lights: From the midtones to the highlights Targeted ... copy and paste the keywords from one to another Spray Can Tool: Click on the Spray Can and add keywords to the field in the Toolbar After the keyword(s) are added, hit return to save them (8) Q What ... the image that the mouse is over on the main display With Locked mode the image on the second monitor is fixed With Normal mode the image on the second monitor is the same image as the main but...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 16:15

50 300 0
Tài liệu The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook- P5 pdf

Tài liệu The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook- P5 pdf

... Moving the Amount Slider to the right lightens the corners of the image and moving the slider to the left darkens the corners of the image So negative numbers darken, positive lighten The midpoint ... definition With the Amount set to (0 turns off sharpening) the edges will be less prominent and as the amount is increased the edges will get more exaggerated The light lines will get lighter and the ... to the Before photo This will update the ‘Before’ with the ‘After’ This is very much like creating a snapshot of the settings allowing you to make further adjustments and compare these with the...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 16:15

50 333 0
Tài liệu The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook- P6 docx

Tài liệu The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook- P6 docx

... image to be printed by clicking on the color picker, choosing the appropriate color and adjusting the width of the border with the slider The Layout Panel The Layout tools control margins, page ... rendered from the preview embedded with the image so they could be a larger preview They are still lowresolution files that are really only usable for fast loading in the Grid view Lightroom will ... Lightroom to a job folder for each shoot along with a JPG, and any other type of file needed for that job The DNGs, JPGs and other files for the job are in a job folder accessed with Bridge The...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 16:15

50 333 0
Tài liệu Hardware Neutral Imaging with ImageX: The Ghost Killer pdf

Tài liệu Hardware Neutral Imaging with ImageX: The Ghost Killer pdf

... Format), which are the folderbased images of the future WIM provides the administrator with several key advantages over the traditional sector-based imaging of the past Yes, I did say the past First ... of Business Application), and then save the image to the network • Deploy the image to the user by using tools that Microsoft provides, such as RIS technology with the Windows Distribution Services ... were forced to live with because the ghost-type, sector-based images were the only imaging technology going Ghost images are written sector-by-sector to the disk drive similar to the application...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 06:20

6 421 0
Tài liệu Using the Key Class to Add Interactivity docx

Tài liệu Using the Key Class to Add Interactivity docx

... However, here the if statement reacts to the Up and Down Arrow keys rather than the Right and Left Arrow keys The first part of this statement says that if the Up Arrow key is pressed, the movie ... position plus the value of speed if the Right Arrow key is pressed (moving the instance to the right) However, if the Right Arrow key is not pressed, that part of the script is ignored and the next ... this exercise, you should be able to move the balloon with your arrow keys Every time you press the key, the balloon should move a certain amount When the movie first starts, this script creates...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 13:20

5 347 0
Tài liệu The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook- P7 doc

Tài liệu The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook- P7 doc

... Figure 14.6 The folders are organized by yyyymmdd_jobname These folders contain the raw files and the xmp sidecar files The files themselves inside the folder structure FIG 14.6 The Lightroom_Catalog ... in the studio/home, how I sync the Catalog on my laptop or other computers with the ‘main’ Library and Catalog? There are several ways to this, and we will review them here Most of them are rather ... location with you When you return to the studio/home, you want to update the catalog on your main computer with the material you captured in the field and with the material changed in the field...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 22:20

50 407 0
Tài liệu The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook- P8 doc

Tài liệu The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook- P8 doc

... 400, 800, 1000, etc The higher the number, the more sensitive it is to light With film, the higher the ASA the more grain is present With digital captures, the higher the ISO the more noise is ... on the luminance or intensity of the light More light equals more information The cell converts light to voltage and generates voltage directly proportional to the intensity of the light The ... changes to the file When a JPEG is altered, the image on the screen won’t reflect the compression unless you close the file and then open the saved version Luminance The luminance of a color is the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 22:20

25 456 0
Tài liệu The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook- P9 pptx

Tài liệu The Photoshop Lightroom Workbook- P9 pptx

... format, 30 K Keyboard shortcuts, 76–78, 114 Keyword Filter, 100 Keywording Tips, 101 Keyword list panel, 98–113 Keywords, with synonyms and export options, 100 Keyword Set Panel, 102 Keyword tags, ... toolbar, 118–121 Lifespan, of memory cards, Lighting digital capture, 12 20080707_lightning_0004.CR2, 318 Lightroom, 28, 34–35, 40, see also Preferences, Lightroom card catalog concept, 45 catalog ... drive and, 44 Lightroom_Catalog, 47–49 pros and cons, 44 uses, 43 using more than one Catalog, 50–51 Lightroom 2.0, 150 Lightroom_Catalog.lrcat, 44–45 Lightroom_Catalog.lrcat files, 298 Lightroom_CatalogPreviews.lrdata,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 22:20

5 366 0
Tài liệu White Paper - Fiber Cable Management - The key to unlocking FO Competitive doc

Tài liệu White Paper - Fiber Cable Management - The key to unlocking FO Competitive doc

... on the fiber network at the same time For example, if the splicers are in the office splicing the OSP fibers to the pigtails, they will not want the operations group working on the frame at the ... Housing the splitter in the ODF, on the other hand, would require only one patch cord to be routed from the ODF to the FOT equipment at all times, no matter what the splitter configuration Along with ... rerouting is done at the OSP termination panel within the ODF While these OSP fiber appearances on the OSP termination panel are generally located either adjacent to each other or within a few terminations...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 03:20

22 412 0