japan india china malaysia and korea

organic mechanisms - reactions, stereochemistry and synthesis

organic mechanisms - reactions, stereochemistry and synthesis

... up of atoms and bonds and their interactions It is a system of knowledge that allows us to understand structure and events at a molecular level and increasingly to use that understanding to create ... language and methodology that has unified, integrated and, indeed, molecularized the sciences, shaping our understanding of the molecular world and in so doing the direction, development and destiny ... function, reactivity and change; and how this knowledge can be used to design and synthesize new structures The book provides a cornerstone for understanding basic reactions in chemistry and by extension...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 16:01

883 1,5K 7
Nghiên cứu tính đa dạng của allele hla - DQA1 bằng kỹ thuật polymerase chain reaction sequence specific primers (PCR - SSP) ở dân tộc kinh miền trung - Việt Nam docx

Nghiên cứu tính đa dạng của allele hla - DQA1 bằng kỹ thuật polymerase chain reaction sequence specific primers (PCR - SSP) ở dân tộc kinh miền trung - Việt Nam docx

... Weiwuer nationality in North - Western of China Chin.J.Med Genet 2000, 17 3), 219 220 D Chandanayingyong, Henry A.F.Stephens, R.Claythong et al: HLA - A, -B, DQA1 and - DQB1 Polymorphism in Thais Human ... healthy children and yoth, unrelated individuals in Centre of Vietnam Results: 10 HLA-DQA1 alleles were detected, of which DQA1*0104 were the most common alleles with frequency of 25.8%, and lowest ... polymorphism of Jing nationality in Central Vietnam have national characteristics and that are different from the other Chinese and Thais (Key word: Human leucocyte antigen, HLA-DQA1, PCR-SSP, Jing nationality...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 03:22

5 622 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: Steady-state kinetics of the glutaminase reaction of CTP synthase from Lactococcus lactis The role of the allosteric activator GTP in coupling between glutamine hydrolysis and CTP synthesis potx

Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: Steady-state kinetics of the glutaminase reaction of CTP synthase from Lactococcus lactis The role of the allosteric activator GTP in coupling between glutamine hydrolysis and CTP synthesis potx

... yeast [11] and mammalian [12,13] enzymes that all require the presence of UTP and/ or ATP to form tetramers Therefore, the L lactis CTP synthase is an attractive candidate for mechanistic and structurefunction ... liver, and demonstration of monomer, dimer and tetramer Biochim Biophys Acta 953, 334344 13 van Kuilenburg, A.B., Elzinga, L., van den Berg, A.A., Slingerland, R.J & Van Gennip, A.H (1994) A fast and ... ! glutamate ỵ NH3 ẵ8 and ATP ! ADP ỵ Pi Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) assay of glutaminase activity and CTP synthesis CTP synthase at concentrations between 0.029 and 1.16 lM was loaded...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 15:20

8 698 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Enzymatic oxidation of NADP+ to its 4-oxo derivative is a side-reaction displayed only by the adrenodoxin reductase type of ferredoxin-NADP+ reductases potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Enzymatic oxidation of NADP+ to its 4-oxo derivative is a side-reaction displayed only by the adrenodoxin reductase type of ferredoxin-NADP+ reductases potx

... concentration of NADPO was varied between and 20 lm, whereas that of NADPH was independently varied between 0.1 and 10 lm and between and 27 lm, in the case of FprA and FNRs, respectively Ki values of ... concentration was varied between 0.1 and 10 lM in the case of FprA, and between and 27 lM in the case of T gondii FNR The concentration of NADPO was varied between and 20 lM INT reductase activity ... [MH)4-oxo-nicotinamide-ribose–H2O]+, and 329.86 [MH)4-oxo-nicotinamide-ribose-diphosphate– H2O]+, amu Determination of the absorption and fluorescence properties of NADPO and NMNO All absorption and fluorescence emission...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 11:20

10 406 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Trans-splicing of a mutated glycosylasparaginase mRNA sequence by a group I ribozyme deficient in hydrolysis pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Trans-splicing of a mutated glycosylasparaginase mRNA sequence by a group I ribozyme deficient in hydrolysis pptx

... GA mRNA; RNA 3, major GA band; RNA 4, major DiGIR2 AGU and DiGIR2DP9.2 AGU band Additional bands result from degradation of RNA during incubation at trans-splicing and RPA hybridization conditions ... codons, and a sequence tag used in RT-PCR detection (boxed nucleotides) [4] B single use filter (Millipore, Ireland), ethanol precipitated and subjected to reverse transcription using the First Strand ... (containing NheI and BamHI sites, respectively) The PCR product was digested with NheI and BamHI, gel extracted (Qiagen gel extraction kit), and ligated downstream of the CMV- and T7-promoters...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

7 307 0
Báo cáo y học: "The Diels-Alder-Reaction with inverse-Electron-Demand, a very efficient versatile Click-Reaction Concept for proper Ligation of variable molecular Partners"

Báo cáo y học: "The Diels-Alder-Reaction with inverse-Electron-Demand, a very efficient versatile Click-Reaction Concept for proper Ligation of variable molecular Partners"

... carrier and address-molecules to realize high local concentrations of active substances and is able to circumvent the barriers on the way to a save and efficient transfer of therapeutic and / or ... into target cells and tissues It is important to point out that this DARinv technology is not restricted to application and easier handling of the BioShuttle delivery platform and of the other ... 1) The Diels-Alder-Reaction with inverse electron demand (DARinv) is shown R1 and R2 represent different functional moieties harbouring –I and/ or –M effects on the diene A., which induce a decrease...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:39

10 623 0
Phát hiện loài Fusarium spp. Gây bệnh thối xương rồng (Cactaceae) bằng phương pháp Polymerase Chain Reaction

Phát hiện loài Fusarium spp. Gây bệnh thối xương rồng (Cactaceae) bằng phương pháp Polymerase Chain Reaction

... cho khỏi đổ ngã Ngay giống xƣơng rồng có thân dài leo cao nhƣ Rhodcactus Scuelata Rhodcactus grandifolius có chống đỡ mọc thẳng lên đƣợc Xƣơng rồng chịu đƣợc ánh sáng trực xạ Trồng vào nơi có ... F decemcecllulare: loài đƣợc phân lập nhiều loại trồng nhiều nƣớc khác nhau: Trung Quốc, Ấn Độ, Malaysia, Indonesia… Loài F semitectum: loài phổ biến vùng nhiệt đới nhiệt đới Đƣợc phân lập cà ... lycopersici (FOL) radicis-lycopersici (FORL) Nhật Bản thiết kế primer chuyên biệt (uni, sp13, sp23, and sprl) nucleotide khác loài gây bệnh PCR với primer uni khuếch đại đoạn gen dài 670 - 672 bp...

Ngày tải lên: 17/11/2012, 09:45

83 376 0


... Proskauer WHO : World Health Organization XLD : Xylose Lysine Desoxycholate ISO : International Standards Organization EDTA : Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid DANH MỤC CÁC BẢNG Bảng 1.1 Triệu chứng...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2013, 09:26

84 1,8K 7
Xây dựng Quy trình phát hiện Escherichia Coli trong thực phẩm bằng phương pháp PCR(Polumerase Chain Reaction) và thử nghiệm ứng dụng

Xây dựng Quy trình phát hiện Escherichia Coli trong thực phẩm bằng phương pháp PCR(Polumerase Chain Reaction) và thử nghiệm ứng dụng

... ELISA : Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (Thử nghiệm hấp thu miễn dòch gắn enzyme) FDA FP : Food and Drug Administration (Cục quản lý Thực phẩm Dược phẩm) : False positive (dương tính giả) FN KDa ... sensitivity (độ nhạy tương đối) RS-N : Relative specificity (độ đặc hiệu tương đối) ISO : International Standards Organisation (Tổ chức tiêu chuẩn Nordval : Nordic Committee on Food Analysis (Hội đồng phân ... tính nói chung 1,5% gây độc cho người Thường gặp giống Gymmodinium, Pyrodinium, Dinophysic, Alexandrium, Gonyaulas + Tảo silic: thường sinh domoic, axit amin gây độc cho hệ thần kinh thể + Tảo...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2013, 09:26

67 1,3K 8
Salmonella trong sản phẩm thuỷ sản - Phương pháp định tính bằng kỹ thuật Polymerase Chain Reaction

Salmonella trong sản phẩm thuỷ sản - Phương pháp định tính bằng kỹ thuật Polymerase Chain Reaction

... InvA gen có mặt hệ thống gen inv 3.2 Kỹ thuật PCR kỹ thuật dùng để khuếch đại số lượng trình tự AND đích qua chu kỳ gồm bước: biến tính ADN, bắt cặp bổ sung với mồi tổng hợp mạch nhờ enzym ADN ... Tris: 200 mM Na2EDTA: 20 mM Các thành phần pha nước cất, bảo quản nhiệt độ oC Thuốc nhuộm AND: dung dịch etyl bromua nồng độ 10 mg/ml Phương pháp tiến hành 6.1 Lấy mẫu Cân xác 25 g mẫu (hoặc...

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2013, 08:34

8 727 9


... (phản ứng chuỗi trùng hợp - Polymerase Chain Reaction) phương pháp in vitro để nhân nhanh đoạn AND đó, có độ nhạy cao, mà cần khối lượng mẫu ban đầu hạn chế II Nguyên lý Kỹ thuật tổng hợp ADN ... nhiên kỹ thuật PCR có khác dùng nhiệt độ cao (94 oC) tháo xoắn thay cho helicase kết hợp với enzym AND polymerase chịu nhiệt hệ thống điều nhiệt thích hợp cho giai đoạn phản ứng tổng hợp với đoạn...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2013, 15:41

25 1,1K 5
Extract face sequences from video

Extract face sequences from video

... Dưới tóm tắt loại chức quan trọng OpenCV, phiên 1.0: • General computer-vision and image-processing algorithms (midand low-level APIs) Sử dụng interface này, bạn thử nghiệm nhiều tiêu chuẩn thuật ... Tâm AI and machine-learning methods Ứng dụng tầm nhìn máy tính thường đòi hỏi máy học sử dụng phương thức AI khác Một số số có sẵn gói phần mềm OpenCV's Machine Learning Image sampling and view ... Nhận dạng trực tiếp từ camera void createFaceAndImageFromCamera(const char * fileListFrame); // Tạo liệu ảnh cần gom nhóm từ camera void createFaceAndImageFormVideo(); // Xác định liệu ảnh cần...

Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2013, 14:55

31 681 3
Sự hòa hợp giữa các thì (Sequence of tenses)

Sự hòa hợp giữa các thì (Sequence of tenses)

... ……………………………… from a trip to Japan She (3 be) 2 ……………………………… asked to go there because she can speak Japanese For four years, she (4 never have) ……………………………… the opportunity to use her Japanese until she ... had was standing had left had missed realized doesn’t live got I (1 be) ……………………………… born in France but my family (2 move) ……………………………… to England when I (3.be) ……………………………… twelve and I (4 live) ... ……………………………… to Tokyo last month While she (6 be) ……………………………… there, she (7 speak) ……………………………… Japanese everyday and (8 enjoy) ……………………………… very much of it is presently working was went spoke had just...

Ngày tải lên: 09/06/2013, 01:26

3 6,8K 244
alken reaction

alken reaction

... state I: early transition state II: mid-transition state III: later transition state Reaction Rate and ∆G‡ more stable transition state lower ∆G‡ faster reaction rate Markovnikov’s Rule The electrophile ... reaction, one constitutional isomer is the major or the only product tert-Butyl cation is formed faster and it is more stable Addition of Water to Alkene Hydration of Propene Acid-Catalyzed Addition of ... Alkene Addition of Halogens in the Presence of Water Consider the transition states … Oxymercuration and Mercuration of Alkene Demercuration by Reduction Addition of Borane Hydroboration–Oxidation...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2013, 01:25

44 307 0


... Government of Japan, and by a grant from the Takeda Science Foundation REFERENCE Andreozzi R., Caprio V., Insola A and Marotta R (1999) Advanced oxidation processes (AOP) for water purification and recovery ... system, and then one of the quartet ESR signals was detected with an ESR spectrometer (RE-1X, JEOL, Tokyo, Japan) at 10 mW of microwave (9.44 GHz) and 0.20 mT of field modulation (100 kHz) and acquired ... acquisition system with an ESR spectrometer (RE-1X, JEOL, Tokyo, Japan) and a stopped-flow system (Ohtsuka Electric Co Ltd., Osaka, Japan) was shown in Fig ozone controller N Mixture N2 S DMPO+...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40

8 599 0
Application of Hydrothermal Reaction to Biodegradability Improvement of Refractory Pollutants: Structural Conversion of Di- and Trichloroacetic Acid to Biodegradable Products

Application of Hydrothermal Reaction to Biodegradability Improvement of Refractory Pollutants: Structural Conversion of Di- and Trichloroacetic Acid to Biodegradable Products

... Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Japan) REFERENCES Van Agteren, M H., Keuning, S and Janssen, D B., Handbook on biodegradation and biological treatment of hazardous organic ... change of products from DCAA and TCAA by o hydrothermal reaction at 250 C and MPa Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol.1, No.2, 2003 acid, % of glycolic acid and % of formic acid were ... TCAA, more than 70 % of TOC and CODCr were mineralized within as shown in Figure After the reaction, pH values of DCAA and TCAA slightly decreased from 1.6 and 1.4 to 1.2 and 1.3 under all the reaction...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40

8 644 0
Tolerance Level of Dissolved Oxygen to Feed into Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation (anammox) Reactor

Tolerance Level of Dissolved Oxygen to Feed into Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation (anammox) Reactor

... mg/L KH2PO4; 300 mg/L MgSO4·7H2O; 180 mg/L CaCl2·2H2O; and mL of trace element solutions and Trace element solution contained g/L EDTA and g/L FeSO4·7H2O Trace element solution contained 15 g/L ... g/L Na2MoO4·2H2O; 0.19 g/L NiCl2·6H2O; 0.21 g/L NaSeO4·10H2O; and 0.014 g/L H3BO4 Chemical analysis and calculations Both the influent and the effluent of the anammox reactors were analyzed in order ... chromatography (ICS-1500, Dionex, USA) The nitrogen loading rate and conversion rate was calculated from the influent and effluent ammonium and nitrite concentrations as follow Nitrogen Loading Rate...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:17

10 862 0