introduction to nfp accounting and reporting

Introduction to Managerial Accounting Managerial and Cost Accounting

Introduction to Managerial Accounting Managerial and Cost Accounting

... Click on the ad to read more Introduction to Managerial Accounting: Managerial and Cost Accounting 4 Contents Contents Introduction to Managerial Accounting 6 1 Managerial Accounting 7 1.1 ... and Cost Accounting 6 Introduction to Managerial Accounting Introduction to Managerial Accounting Your goals for this “managerial accounting introduction? ?? chapter are to learn about: • e distinguishing ... Christopher J. Skousen Introduction to Managerial Accounting Managerial and Cost Accounting Download free books at Download free eBooks at 2 Larry M. Walther Introduction to Managerial...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2014, 15:42

34 280 1
Chapter 1 An Introduction to Managerial Accounting and Cost Concepts pot

Chapter 1 An Introduction to Managerial Accounting and Cost Concepts pot

... budgets to guide progress toward the selected alternative. Develop budgets to guide progress toward the selected alternative. Directing and Motivating Directing and Motivating Directing and motivating ... + Additions Additions to inventory to inventory = Ending Ending balance balance + Withdrawals Withdrawals from from inventory inventory Quick Check  If your inventory balance at the beginning ... necessary to get the order and deliver the product All executive, organizational, and clerical costs Learning Objective LO2 To distinguish between product costs and period costs and give...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 13:20

70 944 1
Not for profit accounting, formation & reporting

Not for profit accounting, formation & reporting

... CHAPTER INTRODUCTION CHAPTER NFP ORGANIZATION FORMATION CHAPTER NFP ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 29 CHAPTER INTRODUCTION TO NFP ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING 41 CHAPTER NFP ACCOUNTING SYSTEM AND FINANCIAL ... Association of New York The Simplified Guide to Not-for-Profit Accounting, Formation, and Reporting The Simplified Guide to Not-for-Profit Accounting, Formation, and Reporting Laurence Scot John Wiley & ... officers, and board members can go to get a basic understanding of how a typical NFP operates and the accounting and reporting rules they must follow Whether it’s accounting for government or foundation...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 00:19

291 2K 0
Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applicationsduration and in the end limits Part 2 docx

Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applicationsduration and in the end limits Part 2 docx

... positions for all Bi 4f5/2 and Bi 4f7/2 peaks that are normalized at 100 No corresponds to Bi0, No to Bi3+, and No to Bi5+ Nos and are the intermediate states between numbers and 4, and these states have ... important to note that γs (as well as γ and γ1) does not depend on r0 and is proportional to the square of P0 Two physical effects contribute to γs: isotropic thermal lens (γi) and anisotropic distortions ... standard sample, and a peak exists at 15 ppm The peaks at 70 and –40 ppm (marked by asterisks) were derived from spinning sidebands The peaks of 27Al-NMR from A1 to A3 only exist at 15 ppm and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 10:20

40 296 0
Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applicationsduration and in the end limits Part 4 doc

Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applicationsduration and in the end limits Part 4 doc

... state lasers To achieve this level of performance, it is essential to provide a high pump power density in the laser medium, to reduce thermal loads and gradients in active medium and to obtain ... ends and top plate was conductively cooled from its back and front faces (10 x 21.6 mm) and pumped through the front face by a 250 W CW laser diode bar stack at 940 nm Figure shows side and top ... crystal, and continues to pass towards the concave mirror M2 (HR @ λ = 940 nm) This curved mirror is also tilted at some angle θ2, and thus allows the pump beam to retrace its pass for the third and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 10:20

40 408 0
Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applicationsduration and in the end limits Part 5 docx

Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applicationsduration and in the end limits Part 5 docx

... Development and Applications T Fukuchi, K Nemoto, K Matsumoto, and Y Hosono, “Visualization of High-speed Phenomena using an Acousto-optic Laser Deflector”, IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, ... shutters, and then is delivered to the interferometer part via an optical fiber The delivered light is collimated and divided into two paths; one goes to the reference mirror and the other goes to the ... and it is realized that the optical frequency is slightly shifted by the two acousto-optic modulators, AOM1 and AOM2, in series as shown in figure 3-5 The avalanche photodetector, APD1, monitors...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 10:20

40 267 0
Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applicationsduration and in the end limits Part 6 pot

Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applicationsduration and in the end limits Part 6 pot

... oscillator The major benefit of using AOM with respect to faster electro-optic modulators for pulse picking is the simpler and easier to customise driving electronics Moreover AOMs are cheaper and ... forms an eddy structure and stays around the outer electrode, and grows continuously and stably to a large flame On the other hand, the flame generated by a laser moves randomly in the free space ... non-thermal, relying on multi-photon ionisation and photo-ablation processes that allow cleaner and much higher spatial definition in laser marking, drilling and cutting Femtosecond pulses would perform...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 10:20

40 239 0
Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applicationsduration and in the end limits Part 10 pdf

Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applicationsduration and in the end limits Part 10 pdf

... electron dynamics in atoms and molecules, high-order harmonics and isolate attosecond pulse generation To date, the major way of achieving intense few to monocycle pulses is to compress the spectra ... When the goal is to control the spectral phase and amplitude in the largest possible bandwidth, to obtain the shortest possible pulse, the diffraction efficiency has to be maximized and hence P0 ... Sussman [2008] and Tanabe [2005] To further analyze this pulse shaping technology, the mask has to be defined The different technologies of spatial modulators are acousto-optic modulators (AOM) [Warren...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 10:20

40 191 0
Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applicationsduration and in the end limits Part 11 pptx

Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applicationsduration and in the end limits Part 11 pptx

... because the total gas atoms number is unchanged in the sealed tube However, higher pulse energy is allowed to incident into the tube and a round trip pass of the tube is expected to expand the spectrum ... Poletto, Paolo Villoresi and Fabio Frassetto CNR-National Institute for the Physics of Matter & Dep of Information Engineering LUXOR - Laboratory for UV and X-Ray Optical Research Padova Italy Introduction ... gratings to change the phase properties of the pulse, e.g to compress it to shorter temporal duration close to the Fourier limit, is also discussed Extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) and X-ray photons have...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 10:20

40 320 0
Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applicationsduration and in the end limits Part 12 pptx

Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applicationsduration and in the end limits Part 12 pptx

... expression The operator H0 corresponds to the atomic Hamiltonian and is diagonal in l, while HI corresponds to the interaction Hamiltonian and couples the angular momentum l to the neighboring ... is applied to a He+ ion and a hydrogen atom For the case of Fig 11, the cutoff energy is calculated from Equation to be 70 eV (H45) for a hydrogen atom and 111 eV (H73) for He+ The cutoff positions ... that the steps around 400 and 300 eV in the spectrum correspond to the cutoff of trajectory pairs C and D Why does not a step (cutoff) for pair B appear? This is related to the field strength at...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 10:20

40 224 0
Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applicationsduration and in the end limits Part 13 pptx

Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applicationsduration and in the end limits Part 13 pptx

... fundamental and harmonic fields (Δk = kq – qk0 where kq and k0 are the harmonic and fundamental wave vectors, respectively) and depends on the density and ionization conditions, and (b) smaller ... up to relativistic speeds in a linear accelerator, booster synchrotron and storage ring There are a series of bending magnets within the storage ring that control the electron trajectories and ... of the grand challenges is to control material properties at the level of electronic motion The report recommended the development of attosecond and femtosecond metrology to measure and control...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 10:20

40 253 0
Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applicationsduration and in the end limits Part 14 pdf

Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applicationsduration and in the end limits Part 14 pdf

... mentioned in the introduction it can fill the region shorter than fs and higher than 10 keV of Fig Because both of the photon energy E and the total radiated energy I is proportional to γ , the number ... an atom/ion and the subsequent acceleration of photoelectrons to relativistic energies in the intense laser field A detailed description of radiation from laser-atom interaction is necessary to ... at t=0 and z=0 for three different laser intensities corresponding to field strength of 0.5, 1.53, and To a leading order the paraxial approximation to the laser field may be adopted to solve...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 10:20

40 217 0
Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applications_1 doc

Advances in Solid-State Lasers: Development and Applications_1 doc

... for Toc = and 10% The slope efficiencies respected to the absorbed pump power for Yb:YAG ceramics (CYb = 9.8, 12, and 20 at.%) were measured to be 50, 55, and 45% for Toc = 5% and 52, 44, and ... single-crystal (CYb = 10, 15, and 20 at.%) were 0.3, 0.51 and 0.76 W for Toc = 5% and 0.35, 0.55, and 0.84 W for Toc = 10% The absorbed pump power threshold increases with the Toc and Yb concentrations, ... with Toc = and 10%, the optical-tooptical efficiency decreases with Toc and Yb concentration However, for Yb:YAG singlecrystals, the optical -to- optical efficiency decreases with the Toc and Yb...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 01:21

288 318 0


... federates to publish federate data and subscribe to updated data produced by other federates Object Management These services allow federate to create and delete object instances, and produce and receive ... information to develop the simulator This condition holds when the whole system to be modeled is divided into subsystems owned by different actors that not want to share data related to their subsystems ... needs to pass data to the federate (e.g to inform the federate that the request to advance simulation time has been granted) Six classes of services (Figure 1) have to be provided by the RTI to...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 10:20

208 237 1


... federates to publish federate data and subscribe to updated data produced by other federates Object Management These services allow federate to create and delete object instances, and produce and receive ... information to develop the simulator This condition holds when the whole system to be modeled is divided into subsystems owned by different actors that not want to share data related to their subsystems ... needs to pass data to the federate (e.g to inform the federate that the request to advance simulation time has been granted) Six classes of services (Figure 1) have to be provided by the RTI to...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 20:20

206 351 0
Development and applications of advanced materials based biosensors

Development and applications of advanced materials based biosensors

... my brother Norham who is not only a husband to his wife Norizan but also a father to my adorable nephew, Dani Thank you for stepping up to be a husband and father before me You are definitely ... development of bioanalytical tools that are able to provide detection that is fast, reliable and sensitive Development of effective analysis tools for environmental monitoring and ‘point-ofcare’ systems ... these novel materials due to the numerous ‘bottom-up’ and ‘top-down’ approaches that can be taken during their synthesis and functionalization QDs can be easily capped and surface conjugated with...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:02

145 305 0
Development and applications of a vision based unmanned helicopter

Development and applications of a vision based unmanned helicopter

... tracking and following, autonomous landing and formation, and so on In those applications, visual information is used to produce precise measurement of relative position between the target and the ... research into development of swarms and formations of unmanned aircraft able to navigate in and around building and cityscapes The effort involved high-level autonomy, multi-sensor integration and multi-aircraft ... system and the ground station They are configured to operate in point -to- point mode and working in 2.400 to 2.4835GHz The transceiver used in the onboard system is set as a point -to- point slave, and...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:58

205 370 0
Development and applications of novel solvent minimized techniques in the determination of chemical warfare agents and their degradation products

Development and applications of novel solvent minimized techniques in the determination of chemical warfare agents and their degradation products

... a set to each of the participating laboratories in addition to two sets each to the evaluating laboratory and the OPCW Laboratory Thereafter, the sample preparation laboratory proceeds to perform ... referred to as hollow fiber-protected LPME (HF-LPME) [297-307] In the literature, the term, LPME , has been used to refer to different techniques and configurations and tends to lead to some confusion ... OPCW to assess laboratories in their technical competence and for certifying laboratories that are seeking designation or retention of designation status To obtain designation, a laboratory should...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:08

189 490 1
Development and applications of novel liquid phase microextraction techniques

Development and applications of novel liquid phase microextraction techniques

... consume low quantities of organic solvents, to reduce exposure to toxic compounds, and also produce less waste (2) They should be easily operated and automated, and compatible with various instruments ... the acceptor into which the analytes can be extracted and concentrated, and transferred to an instrument for analysis This designation allows the versatile chemistry of LLE to be used and extended, ... been directed towards the reduction of the solvent to aqueous phase volume ratio FIE was first developed by Karlberg and Thelander [22], and by Bergamin et al [23] in the same year to miniaturize...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 17:11

148 328 0
Development and applications of new sliding mode control approaches

Development and applications of new sliding mode control approaches

... (Slotine and Li, 1991), (Sira-Ramirez, 1993), (Xu and Hashimoto, 1993), (Zinober, 1994), (Young and Ozguner, 1997), (Man and Yu, 1997), (Yu and Man, 1998), (Bartolini et al., 1998), (Wu and Yu, ... 1990), (Yoo and Chung, 1992), (Fu, 1992), (Xu and Hashimoto, 1993), (Chen and Papavassilopoulos, 1994), (Xu et al., 1996), (Xu and Qu, 1998), (Xu et al., 1998a), (Chien and Fu, 1999), (Bartolini et ... in the control directions (Mudgett and Morse, 1985), (Brogliato and Lozano, 1992), (Brogliato and Lozano, 1994), (Kaloust and Qu, 1995) It will be interesting to integrate a Nussbaum-type function...

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2015, 17:18

256 396 0