information focus in english economics news

A study on information focus at sentence level in English Economics News = Nghiên cứu về tiêu điểm thông tin ở cấp độ câu trong các tin kinh tế tiếng Anh. M.A. Thesis Linguistics: 60 22 15

A study on information focus at sentence level in English Economics News = Nghiên cứu về tiêu điểm thông tin ở cấp độ câu trong các tin kinh tế tiếng Anh. M.A. Thesis Linguistics: 60 22 15

... Interview finished: Topic: ? ?Information focus at sentence level in English economics news? ?? How long have you been studying English? How long have you been reading and studying English for economics? ... Economic News Discourse 16 CHAPTER THREE: INFORMATION FOCUS IN ENGLISH ECONOMICS NEWS 3.1 Marked and Unmarked Theme 17 3.2 Syntactic Strategies in Assigning Information Focus ... assigning information focus in English economics news (ii) To propose possible implications for teaching students how to assign information focus 1.4 Method of the Study The study is confined...

Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 21:28

61 35 0


... worthwhile analyzing information structure, information focus to contrast and distinguish information focus by investigating the syntactic devices to assign the information focus in English and Vietnamese ... the role of information and stress in expressing information unit, especially new information Halliday assumed that each information segment contains one information focus and this focus was realized ... marking which type of information is which within the utterance; it may involve intonation, morphological marking, word order or some combination theory of information In “An Introduction to English...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2015, 16:33

104 590 2
An analysis on some discourse features of english economics news = phân tích một số đặc điểm diễn ngôn trong các bản tin kinh tế tiếng anh

An analysis on some discourse features of english economics news = phân tích một số đặc điểm diễn ngôn trong các bản tin kinh tế tiếng anh

... research organization in Washington He says China is increasingly using its formidable financial assets to further its own interests - such as expanding its exports and promoting the internationalization ... modality in creating textual coherence and various meanings in English Economic News • Giving and analyzing some statistics and descriptions of grammatical cohesion as well as epistemic modality in newspaper ... Healthy Corner Store Initiative 10 Japan Reacts to Sovereign Rating Downgrade January 28, 201 Japan's prime minister calls for maintaining fiscal discipline and building market trust in the country's...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2021, 12:02

64 39 0
A study on difficulties in translating complex sentences in english economic news into vietnamese of second year english majored students at thuongmai university

A study on difficulties in translating complex sentences in english economic news into vietnamese of second year english majored students at thuongmai university

... of the English major students still have challenges in learning this kind of subject This study was conducted to find out the students’ difficulties in translating complex sentences in English ... especially in the booming age of information and technology English can be considered as the prevailing language by the way it dominates every domain and maybe the only language that truly links the ... THUONGMAI UNIVERSITY ENGLISH FACULTY - - GRADUATION PAPER TOPIC: A STUDY ON DIFFICULTIES IN TRANSLATING COMPLEX SENTENCES IN ENGLISH ECONOMIC NEWS INTO VIETNAMESE OF SECOND-YEAR ENGLISH MAJORED...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2023, 00:13

57 7 0
An analysis on some discourse features of english economics news = phân tích một số đặc điểm diễn ngôn trong các bản tin kinh tế tiếng anh

An analysis on some discourse features of english economics news = phân tích một số đặc điểm diễn ngôn trong các bản tin kinh tế tiếng anh

... research organization in Washington He says China is increasingly using its formidable financial assets to further its own interests - such as expanding its exports and promoting the internationalization ... Healthy Corner Store Initiative 10 Japan Reacts to Sovereign Rating Downgrade January 28, 201 Japan's prime minister calls for maintaining fiscal discipline and building market trust in the country's ... And the first thing they must is to use a common language in trade exchanging English is the best choice for this In fact, most economics news and reports are written and published in that language...

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2023, 01:56

64 4 0
The use of metaphors in english business news articles by vietnamese and foreign journalists

The use of metaphors in english business news articles by vietnamese and foreign journalists

... Container metaphor Village is as a container in - Container metaphor Province is as a container in - Container metaphor A1 enter A village popular for raising red carp in northern Vietnam has entered ... attractive and persuasive effects in communication, especially in newspaper discourse Recognizing their vital roles, this study aims to examine the use of metaphors in English news articles by Vietnamese ... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY NGO THU THAO THE USE OF METAPHORS IN ENGLISH BUSINESS NEWS ARTICLES BY VIETNAMESE...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2023, 07:29

164 4 0
nghiên cứu tính tương đương ngữ dụng trong bản dịch anh-việt tác phẩm  lời thú tội của một sát thủ kinh tế  của john perkins

nghiên cứu tính tương đương ngữ dụng trong bản dịch anh-việt tác phẩm lời thú tội của một sát thủ kinh tế của john perkins

... your shopping cart” 2.1.6 Concluding Marker: this marker introduces important information to bear in mind or take into consideration It sometimes works as a linguistic tool for rounding off used ... demonstrated in his way of dealing with translating pragmatic markers in the original utterances into Vietnamese ones To some extent, pragmatic markers are not as common in Vietnamese speech acts as in English ... whose main role is inferential facilitate the transmission of the illocutionary point of the narrative since they facilitate the sharing of information In addition, the speaker makes use of inferential...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:22

70 489 1
The application of games in teaching grammar with reference to tieng anh 10 textbook at ha trung high school, thanh hoa province

The application of games in teaching grammar with reference to tieng anh 10 textbook at ha trung high school, thanh hoa province

... teaching grammar There is an interesting movement towards teaching grammar with games It creates students’ motivation in learning English, especially English grammar Just imagine when coming in ... about taking part in those games? 4/ Can you apply new grammar structure during joining in those games? 5/ According to you, what are the difficulties when joining in the games? 21 From the interviews, ... Recommendations In order to achieve effective results in teaching and learning English in general, English grammar in particular and make easy the process of using games in teaching grammar, it...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:44

39 1,6K 8
Báo cáo y học: "The short-term safety and efficacy of fluoxetine in depressed adolescents with alcohol and cannabis use disorders: a pilot randomized placebo-controlled trial" potx

Báo cáo y học: "The short-term safety and efficacy of fluoxetine in depressed adolescents with alcohol and cannabis use disorders: a pilot randomized placebo-controlled trial" potx

... range from (indicating a severely impaired child) to 100 (indicating a child with superior functioning) Safety assessments Substance use monitoring In order to monitor for substance use, urine toxicology ... study In addition, a research nurse obtained random urine screens at weeks or of the study Urine screens tested for the presence of amphetamines, opiates, cannabinoids, cocaine, and phencyclidine ... change in CDRS-R score at any week during the trial As shown in Figure 2, those subjects that received placebo showed a greater decrease in CDRSR scores from baseline beginning at week in comparison...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:21

13 381 0
A study on different types of verbal responses to questions in english conversations with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

A study on different types of verbal responses to questions in english conversations with reference to the vietnamese equivalents

... responses in English and Vietnamese in order to increase knowledge and effective use of verbal responses to compliments in teaching and learning English as a foreign language According to Canh( ... requesting in Vietnamese in comparison with English basing on some available situations Nguyen Thi Hai studied the refusals in conversations with such speech acts as “requesting”, “asking, “begging”, ... addressee to respond in one way or another, by answering a question, by agreeing or disagreeing to a proposal, by acknowledging receipt of information, and so on, in other words by being an active partner...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 21:19

68 432 3
Tài liệu In the know - Using information to make better decisions: a discussion paper docx

Tài liệu In the know - Using information to make better decisions: a discussion paper docx

... However, the information needs for decisions have some things in common Some of the main processes involved in collecting data, creating information and using information for decision making are illustrated ... of information IT and information management is not addressed in this paper 36 In the know | Information, information, information: relevance, quality and presentation 81 Information is inherently ... good use of information across whole areas 26 In the know | Information, information, information: relevance, quality and presentation Information quality depends on data quality 54 Information...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 05:20

52 360 0
The History of Banks: To Which Is Added, a Demonstration of the Advantages and Necessity of Free Competi- tion In the Business of Banking. Richard Hildreth doc

The History of Banks: To Which Is Added, a Demonstration of the Advantages and Necessity of Free Competi- tion In the Business of Banking. Richard Hildreth doc

... according to a practice mentioned in a preceding chapter, had long been in the habit of changing the standard of the coin, to suit its own convenience To guard against this species of swindling, ... upon; since things are often connected in point of time, which have no connection whatever in point of fact We shall presently see to what those disturbances in the currency were owing In the ... the borrowing might go on to an indefinite amount, it was necessary that the business of the borrower should be indefinitely extended, so as to monopolize in fact, the whole trade and business of...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 07:20

78 775 0
The text doesn’t stop at the end of the page (or does it)  an exploration of how the novel form responds to digital interactivity through the cross sited novel ‘once in a lifetime

The text doesn’t stop at the end of the page (or does it) an exploration of how the novel form responds to digital interactivity through the cross sited novel ‘once in a lifetime

... unpacking, rearranging and repacking the fridges and the shelves, straightening the bar towels, polishing the taps, polishing glasses, arranging tables, tidying up, sweeping, dusting, anything, ... read it and judged it worth reading aloud Why wasn’t I doing that? Why wasn’t I doing something? Why wasn’t I acting in his play instead of standing knee-deep in ticket stubs every night? By ... take more of an interest in the customer service side of the business They wanted me to go on a training course, get more involved in computers, familiarise myself with the invoicing and accounts...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2015, 14:00

317 312 0