... “universal first of all” since every language in the world possess intonation Those ideas were the early descriptions of intonation in years of the 90s Marta J Sabbadini informes that intonation is ... tones of English This research will focus on the opinion of Ronald Carter ( ) expressed in their book, they endorsed that there are three main patterns of intonation in English are: falling intonation, ... Student’s opinion about frequency of communication in English In chart 3, we can realize a decrease of English dominant, particularly in pronunciation part Although English is expanding its influence,
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2023, 11:55
... for a bachelor's degree in English language proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English; mastering knowledge of linguistics; understanding English literature, America, ... has certainly effect on English becoming the lingua Franca of business In the international commercial sphere, English has become the lingua Franca of the business world, irrespective of geographical, ... proficient in using computers with the Windows operating system; are proficient in using e-mail, searching for, and processing information on the Internet; proficiently use word processing software
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2024, 16:05
En48 thực tập dịch the importance of english in the aviation industry
... rationale behind conducting an internship report on the importance ofEnglish in the aviation industry stems from recognizing English proficiency as acornerstone of safety, efficiency, and professionalism ... landscape.In summary, the rationale behind the internship report on the importance ofEnglish in the aviation industry is to highlight the critical role that Englishproficiency plays in ensuring safety, ... impacting English usage in employees' daily work - Analysis of current English training programs and recommendations for enhancing aviation personnel's English proficiency - Examination of English's
Ngày tải lên: 17/06/2024, 10:10
Discourse features of english texts introducing world cultural heritage sites in the united kingdom (tt)
... Analysis of Texts Introducing World Cultural Heritage Sites in the United Kingdom and in Vietnam An Investigation into Pragmatic Features of English Texts Introducing World Cultural Heritage Sites in ... Features of English Texts Introducing World Cultural Heritage Sites in the United Kingdom” was carried out with the aim of discovering how English Texts Introducing World Cultural Heritage Sites in ... FEATURES OF ENGLISH TEXTS INTRODUCING WORLD CULTURAL HERITAGE SITES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM” It is hoped that the findings of this research can make a minor contribution to English teaching and learning
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2018, 13:03
Attitudes of vietnamese teachers of english in universities toward world englishes in the classroom
... being aware of Expanding circle varieties of English Chart 10: Likeliness of introducing Expanding Circle varieties of English to students v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS WEs World Englishes ELT English ... wrong English Chart 4: Outer Circle varieties of English should be introduced to students Chart 5: Importance of being aware of Outer Circle varieties of English Chart 6: Likeliness of introducing ... Table 11: Importance of being aware of Expanding circle varieties of English Table 12: Outer vs Expanding Table 13: Likeliness of introducing Expanding Circle varieties of English to students
Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2020, 09:12
Attitudes of vietnamese teachers of english in universities toward world englishes in the classroom
... being aware of Expanding circle varieties of English Chart 10: Likeliness of introducing Expanding Circle varieties of English to students v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS WEs World Englishes ELT English ... wrong English Chart 4: Outer Circle varieties of English should be introduced to students Chart 5: Importance of being aware of Outer Circle varieties of English Chart 6: Likeliness of introducing ... Table 11: Importance of being aware of Expanding circle varieties of English Table 12: Outer vs Expanding Table 13: Likeliness of introducing Expanding Circle varieties of English to students
Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2020, 22:32
Attitudes of Vietnamese teachers of English in universities toward World Englishes in the classroom
... being aware of Expanding circle varieties of English Chart 10: Likeliness of introducing Expanding Circle varieties of English to students v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS WEs World Englishes ELT English ... wrong English Chart 4: Outer Circle varieties of English should be introduced to students Chart 5: Importance of being aware of Outer Circle varieties of English Chart 6: Likeliness of introducing ... Table 11: Importance of being aware of Expanding circle varieties of English Table 12: Outer vs Expanding Table 13: Likeliness of introducing Expanding Circle varieties of English to students
Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 22:08
Chi lang high school 10th graders perceptions of the importance of grammar in english learning and their difficulties in english grammar
... Investigating students’ perceptions of the importance of grammar in English learning, finding out their difficulties in learning English grammar as well as their preferred styles of teaching ... aimed at investigating Chi Lang High School 10th graders’ perceptions of the importance of grammar in English learning, finding out their difficulties in learning English grammar, and giving some ... perceptions of the necessity of learning English …………………21 3.1.2 Students’ purposes for learning English …………………………………….22 3.1.3 Students’ perceptions of the importance of grammar in English learning
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2020, 12:54
Attitudes of vietnamese teachers of english in universities toward world englishes in the classroom
... aware of Expanding circle varieties of English Chart 10: Likeliness of introducing Expanding Circle varieties of English to students v WEs World Engl ELT English Lan ENL English as a ESL English ... wrong English Chart 4: Outer Circle varieties of English should be introduced to students Chart 5: Importance of being aware of Outer Circle varieties of English Chart 6: Likeliness of introducing ... Table 11: Importance of being aware of Expanding circle varieties of English Table 12: Outer vs Expanding Table 13: Likeliness of introducing Expanding Circle varieties of English to students
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2020, 14:39
(Luận văn thạc sĩ) attitudes of vietnamese teachers of english in universities toward world englishes in the classroom
... being aware of Expanding circle varieties of English Chart 10: Likeliness of introducing Expanding Circle varieties of English to students v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS WEs World Englishes ELT English ... wrong English Chart 4: Outer Circle varieties of English should be introduced to students Chart 5: Importance of being aware of Outer Circle varieties of English Chart 6: Likeliness of introducing ... Table 11: Importance of being aware of Expanding circle varieties of English Table 12: Outer vs Expanding Table 13: Likeliness of introducing Expanding Circle varieties of English to students
Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2020, 08:10
Attitudes of vietnamese teachers of english in universities toward world englishes in the classroom
... being aware of Expanding circle varieties of English Chart 10: Likeliness of introducing Expanding Circle varieties of English to students v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS WEs World Englishes ELT English ... wrong English Chart 4: Outer Circle varieties of English should be introduced to students Chart 5: Importance of being aware of Outer Circle varieties of English Chart 6: Likeliness of introducing ... Table 11: Importance of being aware of Expanding circle varieties of English Table 12: Outer vs Expanding Table 13: Likeliness of introducing Expanding Circle varieties of English to students
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2021, 07:58
Khóa luận tốt nghiệp: English-majored students' perceptions towards the importance of English literature in learning foreign language: A study at Hanoi Law University
... skills including speaking, listening, reading, and writing Reasons for the use of literature in language classrooms and major factors for choosing appropriate kinds of literary texts in such ... teaching and learning process of English literature In comparison with these preceding research papers, any sandy has a deep concentration on the importance of English literature in learning English ... different ways of expression All of these are a mixture of many aspects of learning English, by learning, students can enhance their proficiency not only in study but also in their life.English literature
Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2024, 16:33
A Cross-Cultural Analysis of the Metaphorical Conceptualization of Sadness in Modern English and Vietnamese
... with our experience of carrying heavy loads or observing other people or animals carrying a burden, and of sinking ships or objects In addition, the mappings of HEAVY and SINKING have an overall ... experience (emotional in the case of SADNESS; physiological in the cases of HEAVINESS and SINKING); and they deprive the experiencers of certain capacities: to think, as indicated in at your wits’ ... of different kinds of vegetations as well as animal life in Vietnamese, as indicated in (6) participating in the metaphor SAD IS DOWN cannot be transferable to English The effect of SADNESS in...
Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2015, 08:16
Evaluation of institutional method used in teaching of english in secondary schools of Haripur District
... effectiveness of teaching of English at secondary level To determine the extent of availability of instructional aids in teaching of English To identity/explore the problems faced by teacher while teaching ... underlying the language teaching, and language teaching methods play a major role in determining the syllabus to be adopted Theory of learning also plays an important part in determining the kind of ... natural sequence of language learning i.e Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing It ensures the active participation of learner in teaching Learning-process It is a natural way of learning the target...
Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 10:37
Faculty of English and Modern Languages
... wood-making industries They had to join the force of cheap labor and working in such factories England became a typical example of initial accumulation of capitalism Holding power in economics, the English ... Daniel Defoe The charm of this story mainly lies in its intense reality, in the succession of thought, feelings and incidents that every reader find true to life It is an interesting picaresque novel ... end of the novel, Defoe repainted a true merchant Robinson The hero started a new trading voyage He had now a vast capital of “ or 5,000 pieces of eight” He continued telling about his business”...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2013, 23:49
a course of english in agriculture
... Science definitions often include relative clauses containing the characteristics that distinguish an item from others in the class 29 Formulating definitions: Using the information given in each ... roots and stems becoming Supply of calcium in soil is low long and woody (f) young leaves developing chlorosis, veins remain green Amount of zinc in soil insufficient (g) foliage of field crops, particularly ... Well-drained; Deep; Well-developed; Bright; Slow III LANGUAGE IN USE: EXERCISE A: Labeling of diagram Complete the labeling of the following diagram by inserting the correct labels from the list of...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2013, 14:17
A course of english in agriculture
... Science definitions often include relative clauses containing the characteristics that distinguish an item from others in the class 29 Formulating definitions: Using the information given in each ... roots and stems becoming Supply of calcium in soil is low long and woody (f) young leaves developing chlorosis, veins remain green Amount of zinc in soil insufficient (g) foliage of field crops, particularly ... Well-drained; Deep; Well-developed; Bright; Slow III LANGUAGE IN USE: EXERCISE A: Labeling of diagram Complete the labeling of the following diagram by inserting the correct labels from the list of...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2013, 16:24
Strategies to improve public speaking skills in interpreting for forth year students of english in vinh university
... implementation of this study 1.1 Interpreting This part will present the definition, types of interpreting, as well as skills needed in interpreting 1.1.1 Definition of Interpreting Interpreting is a ... faculties of memory and attention which are not typical of other forms of interpreting Dialogue interpreting is a kind of consecutive interpreting Dialogue interpreting is basically the interpreting of ... study would be of great meaning and value to assist students in the following courses in their learning In total, 72 students from classes of 46B English of interpreting training in Foreign Languages...
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 18:33
Tài liệu The Return to Knowledge of English in Non-English Speaking Country docx
... specification in column (4) by adding a dummy variable for knowing English very well There are a number of interesting findings when we add knowledge of English to the equation First, we find a large ... effect of English knowledge on earnings Knowing English well is associated with a 14% (thirteen log points) increase in earnings Although, as noted in the previous paragraph, knowing English ... Our first innovation in the paper is to include English language knowledge in the regression As with Hebrew, we begin by including dummy variables for knowing English well and very well In contrast...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 04:20