Evaluation of institutional method used in teaching of english in secondary schools of Haripur District
EVALUATION OF INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS USED IN TEACHING OF ENGLISH IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF HARIPUR DISTRICT Submitted By: QAZI SAJID RASHID Roll No (249) M.Ed (Morning) INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION AND RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF PESHAWAR (2005) EVALUATION OF INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS USED IN TEACHING OF ENGLISH IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF HARIPUR DISTRICT Submitted By: QAZI SAJID RASHID Roll No (249) M.Ed (Morning) Submitted to: Dr IFFAT ARA HUSSAIN INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION AND RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF PESHAWAR (2005) Dedication Dedicated to my Honorable parents whose sincere prayers, and guidance proved a beacon for me have made me extremely successful in each and every sphere of this mortal life APPROVAL SHEET The thesis entitled “Evaluation of instructional method used in teaching of English In secondary schools of Haripur District Accepted by the faculty of the institute of educational and research university of Peshawar, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for master of education degree Research Conducted By QAZI SAJID RASHID M Ed (Morning) Class No (249) Supervised by: DR IFFAT ARA HUSSAIN Internal Examiner _ External Examiner _ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS With a deep sense of gratitude the researcher is thankful to God, the most beneficent and merciful for enabling him to complete the task The researcher is extremely thankful to Professor Dr Iffat Ara Hussain whose guidance remained a source of immense encouragement throughout this study She was very sincere in her advice and generous in sparing time for it She was an unfailing source of inspiration and encouragement Her insightful suggestions paved the way to this stage She deserves deep gratitude from the researcher Thanks is also due to all the librarians of main library of university of Peshawar, librarians of I.E.R for their cooperation which was found valuable to this study and all the principals, English teachers, colleagues and friends who gave me their precious time and provided data for this study It will be a gross mistake if I did not mention the name of my sincere friends Asad Ali, Mr Sher Mohammad and Mr Rabnawaz who also extended their help in the completion of this research topic The researcher is really grateful to them i ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to evaluate the methodology of teaching English in secondary schools at District Haripur and to provide suggestions for its improvement The study was conducted in 12 Govt: boys High Schools at Haripur District, by serving a Questionnaire comprising 30 questions The questions were about teacher’s academic and professional qualifications, experience, teaching methods, number of students in English class, size of class rooms, standard of English, cooperation by the parents and cooperation by the others teachers The questionnaire was served to 40 teachers of the 12 Government Boys High Schools of Haripur and all the questioners were received back Data was compiled and analyzed All the 12 schools are cognizant of the fact that they prefer to retain English as a medium of instructions All the teachers are trained but still all of them can’t use direct method of Teaching English The reason is that most of them haven’t attended any refresher courses The facility of AV aids and language labs are not available in the schools There is also found some dissatisfaction with the curriculum On the basis of these findings, recommendations were made ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter # Pages No ACKNOWLEDGMENT i ABSTRACT ii INTRODUCTION 1-3 I 1.1 Background of the Study 1.2 Statement of the Problem 1.3 Objectives of the Study 1.4 Significance of the Study 1.5 Hypothesis 1.6 Delimitation of the Study II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 4-24 2.1 Why second Language 2.2 Teaching Methodology 2.3 Grammar Translation Method 2.4 Direct Method 2.5 The Audio Lingual Method 10 2.6 The Oral Approach & Situational Language Teaching 11 2.7 Factor Influencing the Teaching of second Language 12 2.8 The Pupil Factor 2.9 The Teacher Factor 2.10 External Factor 13 14 16 iii 2.11 Factor Influencing the Learning of second Language 16 2.12 The Role of Style & Strategies in Secondary Language Learning 2.13 Classroom Procedure for Reading in Large Classes 2.14 Pre-Writing Activities 2.15 Teacher Development 17 18 19 20 2.16 Teaching of Poetry 2.17 Steps in Teaching Poem 21 2.18 The Place of Syllabus 23 2.19 Choosing & Integrated Syllabi III 20 24 METHOD AND PROCEDURE 27-29 3.1 Nature of the Study 3.2 Population 27 3.3 Sampling 27 3.4 A Rational for the Questionnaire 28 3.5 The Construction of Questionnaire 28 3.6 Administration of the Questionnaire 28 3.7 Personal Visit 28 3.8 Analysis of the Data IV 27 28 TABULATION & INTERPRETATION OF DATA 30-46 iv Q No: 25 Do you carry out activities for improving the vocabulary, speaking and pronunciation of your students? Table No: 25 Shows teachers willingness to carry out activities for improving the vocabulary, speaking and pronunciation of their students Description Yes No NR Total Q No 25 38 - 40 95% 5% - - EXPLANATION This table shows that 95% teachers carry out activities to improve vocabulary, speaking and pronunciation and 5% just leave students to learn on their own Q No: 26 Do you switch over to different topics and methods during the same period? Table No: 26 Represents teachers shift to different topics and methods during the same period Description Q No 26 Yes No NR 26 14 - 65% 35% Total 40 - EXPLANATION 12 : 65% Teachers shift to different topics and use different methods during the same period while 35% teachers teach the same topic and use the same method during the same period Q No: 27 In which area you find difficulty while teaching English? 44 a: Grammar b: Pronunciation c: Vocabulary Table No: 27 Represents the area of difficulty that the different teachers face while teaching English Descriptio Grammar Q No 27 Vocabular n n Pronunciatio Nr Total y 30 - 75% 20% 5% 40 - EXPLANATION 1: 75% teachers feel difficulty in teaching grammar 2: 20% teachers feel difficulty in teaching pronunciation 3: 5% teachers feel difficulty in teaching vocabulary Q No: 28 Do the present text books fulfill all the requirements of language learning process? Table No: 28 Reflects the teachers responses regarding the requirements of language learning process fulfilled by the present textbooks Description Q No 28 Yes No NR 14 26 - 35% 65% Total 40 - EXPLANATION This table shows that 35% teachers are of opinion that present textbooks fulfill all the requirements of language learning process while 65% teachers are of opposite opinion Q No: 29 Do you prepare check-list to evaluate students progress? 45 Table No: 29 Shows the number of teachers who prepare check-list to evaluate students progress Description Yes No NR Total Q No 29 26 14 - 40 65% 35% - EXPLANATION The above table shows that 65% teachers prepare check list to evaluate student’s progress, while remaining 35% take support of other means Q No: 30 Are you satisfied with the existing evaluation system? Table No: 30 Reflects the satisfaction of English teachers with the existing evaluation system Description Yes No NR Total Q No 30 13 27 - 40 32.5% 67.5% - EXPLANATION This table shows that only 32.5% teachers are in favor of existing evaluation system and 67.5% teachers take it as defective FINDINGS 46 92.5% English teacher are highly qualified having MA.MED and MA B.Ed degrees while only 7.5% teachers possess a lower qualification of BA.Bed and BA,CT English teaching experience of 35% teachers ranges form 4-10, of 27.5% from 11-20, of 30% from 21-30 and of 7.5% is more than 30 years A large majority of 82.5% teachers are teaching English as their favourite subject while only 12.5% teachers are imposed to teach English The load of par week period varies from 20-24, for 22%, 25-28 for 32.5%, 29 to 32 for 32.5% and above 32 periods for 12.5% teachers 85% teachers are satisfied with the number of per week periods assigned to the subject of English which 15% think this allocation in sufficient Only 30% teachers are satisfied with physical facilities available in the class and a large majority of 70% teachers show their dissatisfaction 77.5% teachers are facing over-crowded classes while 22.5% teachers are satisfied with the size of their class 65% teachers still use grammar translation method where as only 22.5% use direct method and 12.5% use lecture and lecture-discussion methods 82.5% teachers claim that they make use of Audio-visual aids and 17.5% teachers admit no use 10 90% teachers prepare their English lesson regularly, 7-5% not prepare and 2.5% teachers remained silent 11 67.5% teachers are satisfied with the learning environment of their class room while 32.5% teachers expressed their dis-satisfaction 47 12 Only 45% teachers have been given chance of refresher course in modern methodology and techniques while 55% teachers still cling to old- fashion and out-dated method of teaching 13 72.5% English teachers share their problems with the principle to seek professional guidance while 27.5% teachers not take the trouble to share their problems with the principal 14 100% teachers frequently share their problems with another 15 92.5% teachers assign home-work to students and 7.5% teachers not 16 87.5% teachers check the homework regularly while 12.5% teachers check it casually 17 A large majority 67.5 percent teachers speak native language during the English period where as only 32.5% teachers attempt to speak English 18 15% students try to communicate in English with other while 85.5% students prefer to communicate with others in their native language 19 75.5% teachers encourage the students to speak English in the class while 25% not 20 82.5% teachers are in favour of conversational class by assigning task and topics to students while 17.5% teachers are not 21 45% teachers give individual topics to students for presentation and 55% teachers assign almost the same topic 22 80% teachers involve students in group work while 20% not care for group discussion 23 A large majority of 90% teachers find the use of instructional material effective and 10% disinterested teachers, it is not effective 48 24 77.5% teachers are in favor of activity based learning and the remaining 22.5% like other ways of learning 25 95% teachers carry out activities to improve the various aspects like vocabulary speaking and pronunciation etc and 5% teachers leave the students on chance 26 65% teachers shift to different topics and methods during the same period while 35% teach the same topic and use the same method 27 75% teachers feel difficulty in teaching grammar, 20% in teaching pronunciation and 5% in teaching vocabulary 28 35% teachers hold the opinion that present textbooks turn up to the requirement of language learning process which 65% teachers are of opinion that textbooks are deficient in this respect 29 65% teachers prepare check-list to evaluate students progress where as 35% teachers the job with out check-list 30 32.5% teachers are satisfied with the existing evaluation system while 67.5% teachers take it as defective and wish it to be replaced by some effective means 49 CONCLUSION Having an over-view of this study as a whole, it becomes crystal clear that in spite of our repeated efforts and high claims, English is being still taught like social sciences and not as a language Language learning is a matter of practice or habit formation and its teaching demands methods and strategies quite different from other subjects But this aspect is mostly neglected in our schools The concept of teaching-learning process has changed in the context of modern educational technology and now it is regarded as an inter-active process wherein teacher and students both are active participants But our teachers still cling to old methods and tend to dominate the class As result, children are compelled to be passive listeners and not active participants On one hand, lack of physical facilities and non availability of teaching aids is a hurdle in the way of smooth learning On the other hand, lack of proper coordination between the principals, and teachers leads to laxity on the part of teachers As result, teachers not feel interested in speaking English during the class or assigning home-work and checking it regularly Majority of the teachers have not been provided any in-service training or refresher course, to keep them in tact with the latest developments in the field of pedagogy And the pre-service training is not sufficient to make them effective teachers to be able to cope with the over- crowded class in a better way On one hand, students not try to speak English with each other and miss one important aspect of language learning skills On the other hand, there is something wrong with our evaluation system that does not annoy only to teachers but also to students and parents as well 50 In short, English is not being taught in our secondary schools in a way that ensures proficiency in communication which is the main objective of teaching English at this stage 51 RECOMMENDATION It is an admitted fact that pre-determined objectives of teaching English at secondary level in Pakistan can not be achieved under existing unfavorable environment Attainment of these objectives demands conducive environment along with provision of all the requirements and change in the attitudes of stakeholders In the light of findings of this study, the researcher will recommend the following suggestions to improve the teaching of English in our country No doubt that the majority of English teachers are highly qualified both academically and professionally But this pre-service professional training is not sufficient to keep pace with the ever-changing educational methodology and techniques Hence, in-service training or refresher courses should be arranged for 100% English teachers to get them introduced with the modern methodology Physical facilities and Audio-visual Aids facilitate learning by motivating both the teachers and students Therefore the lack of physical facilities and shortage of A.V aids be immediately met an crash programme basis Even a very good teachers can not teach most effectively when he can not pay individual attention to each and every child in an over-crowded class Hence the problem of over-crowded be solved by appointing more teachers and constructing additional classrooms in the existing schools Teachers should be provided incentives so that they may feel motivates to work with devotion in teaching, assigning work and checking it regularly The heads of schools should co-ordinates with teachers and keep a vigilant eye on their laxity to maintain check and balance 52 The existing evaluation system be revised in accordance with the needs of our society so as to remove the dissatisfaction among teacher and students about it 53 APPENDIX (A) LIST OF SELECTED GOVT HIGH SCHOOL Government high school Laban Bandi Government high school Noordie Government high school Saria salah Government high school Kangra Government high school Kot Nageeb Ullaha Government high school Pind Hashm Khan Government high school Haripur City No Government high school Haripur City No Government high school Saria Nimat Khan 10 Government high school Bagra 11 Government high school Kholian Bala 12 Government high school K.T.S No 54 APPENDIX (B) QUESTIONNAIRE FOR ENGLISH TEACHERS Instructions: - cross out Yes No which one is applicable to you Name of school Name of Teacher Q.1 What is your academic/professional qualification? Q.2 What is your experience of teaching English at secondary level? Q.3 Are you teaching English at your own will? Ye No s Q.4 How many periods you teach per week? Q.5 Are you satisfied with the per week allocation of English periods? Q.6 Are you satisfied with the physical facilities available in the classroom? Q.7 Are you classrooms crowded? Ye No s Ye No s Ye No s Q.8 Which method of teaching you usually use for teaching of English? a lecture b lecture—discussion c Dictating notes d grammar – Translation e Direct f Any other Ye Q.9 Do you make use of Audio-visual Aids? Q.10 Do you prepare your English lesson regularly? Q.11 Do you satisfied with the learning environment in your classroom? No s Ye No s Ye No s 55 Q.12 Have you attended any refresher course in the teaching of English during Ye No Q.13 Do you share your problems with the principal? s Ye No Q.14 Do you have any meeting with others teachers? s Ye No last two years? s Q.15 Do you assign home task to your students? Ye No Q.16 Do you check the homework of students? s Ye No s Ye No Q.17 Do you speak English in the class while teaching English? s Q.18 Do your students try to communicate in English with each others? Ye No Q.19 Do you encourage students to speak English in your class? s Ye No Q.20 Do you take conversational class by giving task and topic to students? s Ye No Q.21 Do you give them individual topics for presentation? s Ye No Q.22 Do you organize group discussion? s Ye No s Ye No Q.23 Do you find the use of in structural material effective? s Q.24 Do you like activity-based learning? Q.25 Do you carry out activities for improving the vocabulary, speaking and Ye pronunciation of your students? s 56 No Q.26 Do you switch over to different topics and methods during the same Ye Period? No s Q.27 In which area you find difficult while teaching English a Grammar b Pronunciation c Vocabulary Q.28 Do the present textbooks fulfill all the requirements of language learning Ye process? s No Q.29 Do you prepare check list to evaluate students progress? Ye No Q.30 Are you satisfied with the existing evaluation system? s Ye No s 57 BIBLIOGRAPHY Ahmad Nazir Sheik (1964) The Teaching of English as Second Language Lahore: The Carwan Book House Billows, F.L (1964) The Techniques of Language Teaching, London:Longmans Green and Co Ltd Finocchiara, M (1958) Teaching of English as a Second Language, New York, Harper and Row Gina, Doggett (1986) Eight Approaches to Language Teaching, English Teaching Forum Khan Dr Wazim (2000) Educational Research, Azim Publishing House, Khyber Bazar Peshawar (Pakistan) LODOI Robett, Language Teaching Theory and Practice, (New York) Oxford Rebecca (1989), The Role of Style and Strategies in Second Language Learning English Teaching Form Qureshe Husain Ishtiaq (1975) Education in Pakistan an Inquiry into Objectives and Achievements, (1st Edition) Pakistan: Ma, Aref Printers, Karachi-4 Sheikh Abdul Haq (1961) The Teaching of English in Pakistan 58 ...INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION AND RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF PESHAWAR (2005) EVALUATION OF INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS USED IN TEACHING OF ENGLISH IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF HARIPUR DISTRICT Submitted... successful in each and every sphere of this mortal life APPROVAL SHEET The thesis entitled ? ?Evaluation of instructional method used in teaching of English In secondary schools of Haripur District. .. effectiveness of teaching of English at secondary level To determine the extent of availability of instructional aids in teaching of English To identity/explore the problems faced by teacher while teaching