Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2014, 02:20
... everything: sequence, stories, what page partic- ipants should turn to, whether I was using a flip chart or an overhead projector, where to cue which video, what to skip, when to eat; you name it—it ... paper, and remember to turn your paper to the landscape orienta- tion. Let your mind have a party as it jumps from idea to idea. Don’t worry about perfection. This is just an opportunity for you to practice! ... compar- isons as you start to idea map. Purpose of Taking Notes The main factor I want to bring to your attention at this early stage is the importance of determining and adhering to the purpose of the...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 12:20
bankruptcy for small business owners, how to file for chapter 7 (2010)
... attempt by Tommy to keep the farm out of his bankruptcy estate. e trustee demands that Tommy’s brother deed Tommy’s share of the property back to the trustee so that it can be included in Tommy’s ... Chuck’s creditors by selling the right to take over the lease to an interested customer. Because times are so bad, however, the lease is now greatly overpriced, so the trustee chooses to reject ... federal court order called the “automatic stay” goes into effect, which requires your creditors to immediately stop all collection efforts. Although the automatic stay is not absolute (as explained...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 14:03
getting permission, how to license and clear copyrighted materials online and off 4th (2010)
... Sam sends to Tom. After receiving the payment, Tom sends the photograph to Sam. Although they never put an agreement into writing, a permission agreement may be inferred from Tom’s conduct. ... rights owner may have misunder- stood each other or remembered the terms of your agreement differently. This can lead to disputes. If you have to go to court to enforce your unwritten agree- ment, ... have a right to use a work if permission can be inferred from the conduct of the parties. Sam is writing a book and asks for permission to reproduce Tom’s photo. Tom quotes Sam...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 14:05
represent yourself in court, how to prepare and try a winning case 7th (2010)
... Services, by attorney Forrest Mosten (ABA). (Consider asking an attorney of good will who is nevertheless hesitant to act as a legal coach to read that book!) Many states allow attorneys to offer ... COURT|3 • how to investigateyourcaseand gather evidence, using both informal methods and formal “discovery” (see Chapter 5) • how to try to settleyourcasewithout going to trial (see ... entrance to a courthouse, you will often find a directory that lists particular courtrooms or offices. To locate the room you need, however, you may have to ask a guard, because courthouse directories...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 14:10
the public domain, how to find and use copyright-free writings music art and more 5th (2010)
... domain photo from a stock photo agency that uses licenses, you’ll have to dig through an archive or local historical society that will let you make copies without signing a license. However, ... that uses licenses to try to restrict use of public domain materials. Jurisline was started by two young attorneys who wanted to create a website providing free access to court decisions—the ... very difficult. is book is designed to walk you through the process. If this task is too daunting, you can hire an attorney or copyright expert to help you. How Do You Find Public Domain Materials? Public...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 14:12
sharepoint 2010 how-to
... buttons to different functionality. However, sometimes your screen is not big enough to display all the buttons that appear on a ribbon. This is why the ribbon is split into sections, as shown ... define how you want dates and numbers to be shown to you, the default sort order that will be used in the site when you view lists, what calendar format you want to see, and how you want to define ... Site This chapter shows you how to get around a SharePoint site, with some common tasks that you might want to do in every SharePoint site you use. It explains how to log on to a SharePoint site...
Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 12:32
Lisa Cameron 2010 – 2011 How To Start A Foreclosure Cleaning Business pot
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 19:20
How to Write a Marketing Plan
... the distributor’s business? o How important is product within the distributor’s strategy? o How is product positioned? e.g., how does distributor view product in relation to competition ... product? how is the product used? o Product positioning Evaluate how customers perceive the product in relation to competitor’s products or to other solutions they use to solve their ... Due to results Due to research Due to competition Other Describe planned changes Objectives e.g., customer analysis, market analysis, competitor analysis, exploratory...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 15:18
How to code .NET
... extended to include other contexts related to choosing a number. For example, any number to the power of 0 is 1, 0 to the power of any number is 0, 1 to the power of any number is 1, and any number to ... solution is to use the Visitor pattern. The purpose of the Visitor pattern is to enable an external object to view a class’s internal state without accessing the internal state. The Visitor pattern ... your hammer, and how you use the hammer is your responsibility. If you use your hammer to dig holes in the ground, then you are not going to be effective. However, if you know how to swing the hammer...
Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 09:54
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