[...]... technique and to provide ways to address those challenges and make your learning easy xviii Preface • To show you how you can use idea mapping in a multitude of applications • Because every person should have the opportunity to learn how to idea map The first five chapters will define idea mapping and walk you through how to create idea maps You’ll learn the laws of idea mapping, how to generate ideas naturally... can learn to use idea mapping to make him or herself incredibly successful! This book will show you how 3 CHAPTER 1 Battle of the Brains 5 W hat if there was a way to do more work with fewer resources and to reduce the number of hours spent working? What if there was a tool that could make you more efficient and more organized? What if there was a technique to enhance your creativity and your ability to. .. mind: • To give you a tool that will help you be exponentially more productive and efficient in work and life 9 Figure 1.1 Covey Day-One Map IDEA MAPPING 10 Battle of the Brains • To spark creative thinking • To enable you to access the infinite expanse of your brain • To offer an alternative to traditional thinking, communicating, creating, and learning • To teach you the skill of idea mapping Today’s... underutilization of the brain and significantly improve thinking and learning by combining seeing and doing In today’s world individuals are constantly asked to do more with less, to squeeze 12 hours of productivity into an 1 IDEA MAPPING 8-hour day, to creatively solve problems, to market new products, to continually be learning and developing professionally, to streamline processes, to plan projects that... notes.” Ask yourself the following questions: 12 Battle of the Brains • How well do you remember the information represented by your notes? • How well were the thoughts organized? • Did you use multiple colors? • Did you include any images? • What was your purpose for taking the notes? Did they meet your objective? • Did you have too little or too much detail for your purpose? • How would you rate your creativity... between those thoughts • Job performance • And more! Your job at this point is to commit to allowing me to take you through the process of learning to create idea maps Be ready to do a bit of work Once you’ve learned this new skill, I’m going to ask you to do one map each day until it feels natural for you It will be a journey with many rewards Ready to begin? 15 ... needs to be done? Are you overwhelmed with everything you need to accomplish? Do you have a difficult time organizing your thoughts? How would you rate your ability to create new ideas, plan, communicate your thoughts, learn, think strategically, develop and deliver presentations quickly and with excellence? If there were an easy tool that could save you time, increase your efficiency, and help you get your. .. natural An idea map is a natural reflection of how your brain was designed to work Learning idea mapping is the first step in improving productivity, increasing creativity, and becoming more focused and organized overall I congratulate you on your willingness to risk being different and to stray from the norm! It will be one of the best investments of time and energy you will ever make A Look At Your Own... instructions, examples, stories, processes, and applications that you can use to learn how to create idea maps xvii PREFACE One of the most common responses I get from people who have learned idea mapping is that they say they now think differently Society and education have crammed our nonlinear brains into a linear box and then we wonder why learning and thinking can seem difficult at times Idea maps capitalize... I can give when you are capturing your thoughts (electronically or on paper) is to define your purpose before you begin your notes It will shape everything you do—what kind of data is captured, the amount of detail you attend to, how much time you devote to the process, the volume of material 13 IDEA MAPPING you listen to or research, how you organize your thoughts, how you determine whether it is a . opportunity to learn how to idea map The first five chapters will define idea mapping and walk you through how to create idea maps. You’ll learn the laws of idea mapping, how to generate ideas naturally. x0 y0 w0 h0" alt="" Idea Mapping Jamie Nast John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Access Your Hidden Brain Power, Learn Faster, Remember More, and Achieve Success in Business How to Copyright © 2006 by. money to come to a workshop To transfer the skill of idea mapping from my brain to yours To share honestly about some of the common struggles many people have when learning this technique and to provide