Báo cáo khoa học: " Causes of Stillbirth and Time of Death in Swedish Holstein Calves Examined Post Mortem" potx
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:20
Tài liệu Law of Attraction - How to Attract Money, Love, and Happiness By David Hooper pptx
... The earlier theories that Newton and Einstein invented really don’t explain the motion of the stars in their galaxies and the bending of light in our uni- verse. In these vast galaxies, the laws ... ‘attractor fields’ which are thought of as ‘fields of consciousness’. These different fields organize the behav- ior of objects in nature and tend to attract things into their field according to ... something that has long since been unrecognized to the faint of heart. What many scientists have often recognized to be the power of attraction in individuals often goes unrecognized as the power of...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 18:20
Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2014, 11:12
Date and Time Manipulation
... only increases when the date interval spans months or years. Date in Days The following script shows one way to make date and time calculations much easier. Because UNIX and Linux calculate time ... readability. Instead of performing a date call to set each time and date variable, you could make one date call that outputs space-delimited values, then place those values into an array. To initialize ... starting point of January 1, 1970, the script measures time in seconds since that date. Although the use of seconds may seem cumbersome, the math is simple, as you’ll see in the bit of code in...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:51
How to Insure Your Network Against Acts of God
... potentially damaging storm activity. How to Insure Your Network Against Acts of God Hundreds of Thousands of $$$ Worth of Network Equipment can be Rendered Junk in a Flash! KRONE (Australia) Holdings Pty ... customer local-loop, normally between street-side telecommunications cabinets and office buildings. From the point of entry, energy from lightning travels in both directions - towards premises and street-side ... telephone lines and equipment is needed, in addition to surge protection for sensitive electronic devices such as PABXs, modems, and faxes. Thunder Day Map showing annual levels of potentially damaging...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 10:15
How to draw Manga Hands and Feet - Kỹ thuật vẽ tay và chân
... remaining length to the top of the palm oval. The thumb has 3 knuckles as well but the anchoring is hidden inside the palm. Hands : Fleshing in Flesh in the fingers as shown here. The fingers ... about a 1/4 of an inch to 4" of rubber between the bottom of the foot and the bottom of the sole. If your stuck Draw the foot first. That will give you a better idea on how to wrap the ... is important to understanding how the hand is constructed and were the pivot points are. Once you are comfortable with the proportions of the hand it will be easier to draw it in different...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 16:15
Introduction to the basic approaches and issues of Intrusion Detection
... and update INFOCON ORANGE and INFOCON RED contingency plans Owners and Operators: * Round-the-clock staffing of Sector Center * Report new Category I and II incidents within 24 hrs to Sector Center * ... security including: - Restricted access to Internet - Increase frequency of intrusion detection reporting * Place “call pre-emption” capability (software and personnel) in standby mode * Review and ... and Operators: * Report Category I incidents weekly to Sector Center Owners and Operators: * Report Category I incidents weekly to Sector Center Owners and Operators: * Round-the-clock staffing...
Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 13:15
Tài liệu Capitalize this- a guide to the proper care and feeding of capital letters doc
... my mom and dad to visit my aunt and uncle. Grandma and Grandpa live with Dad and Mom now. Notice the role of the modifying pronoun here. A CAPITAL IDEA! The Uses and Rules of Capital Letters . ... Letters . . . a guide to the proper care and feeding of capital letters A CAPITAL IDEA! The Uses and Rules of Capital Letters Capitalize names of days of the week, months, and holidays. Don’t ... who was chairman of the board of directors in 1995, has since retired. A CAPITAL IDEA! The Uses and Rules of Capital Letters Capitalize names of specific persons, places, and geographical...
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 18:15
Tài liệu How to Learn English easily and faster docx
... trc) ã Listening, listening, listening . ã Listen only to real English. Rules 7 - Speak without Fear (ng s núi ting Anh) ã Hc ting Anh luụn cn phi luyn tp. ã Don't let a little fear stop you ... từng bước một http://vuontoithanhcong.com/viewtopic .php? f=37&t=8707 Share ã Bỏo cỏo bi vit ny ã Tr li kèm trích dẫn [Sưu tầm] - How to Learn English easily and faster gửi bởi xcongc » ... TRONG BÀI THI TOEIC Rules 5 - Stop studying grammar ã Ngay bõy gi hóy từ bỏ việc học ngữ pháp nếu bạn muốn nói ting anh Automatically Without thinking! ã English Is A Word Language Not A Grammar...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 04:20
Tài liệu Global action plan to control the spread and impact of antimicrobial resistance in Neisseria gonorrho pdf
... the financial and often constraining scientific and regulatory processes in place, it is critical to continue research in AMR to understand, prevent and treat new infections. The lack of publications ... working with WHO collaborating centres and other international and national reference centres to maintain and distribute standardized and up -to- date WHO reference strains of N.gonorrhoeae, to ... N.gonorrhoeae and perform AMR testing through retraining of health-care providers and laboratory technicians ã producing and disseminating standards for performing N.gonorrhoeae culture and AMR testing ã...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 15:20
... Doctors and appeared in the evening soap Knots Landing and in three made-for-television movies. He was also active in the theater, making his Broadway debut in Joe Orton’s Loot and appearing in ... acting at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts and had performed in a handful of small roles on the New York stage before turning to modeling as a means of making a living. It was director HOWARD HAWKS ’s ... continued to act in the Swedish cinema, eventually earning leading roles and making a total of 12 films in Europe during a five-year period. Meanwhile, DAVID O . SELZNICK ’s trusted story editor, Katherine...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu Rubber plantation performance in the Northeast and East of Thailand in relation to environmental conditions docx
... agriculture, including rubber cultivation. In recent times the expansion of rubber growing into primary forest has been most common in Indonesia, as a result of population growth, insecurity of land rights, ... finding literature from Thailand once I had already returned to Finland. Finally I want to thank all those who helped me and were very friendly to me making my short stay in KU and in Thailand an unforgettable ... from May to October (the rainy season), and retreating monsoon period of October and November (Pendleton 1962). Maximum day temperatures in Thailand change relatively little during the year. In upper...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 04:20
Tài liệu Smart Posters - How to use NFC tags and readers to create interactive experiences that benefit both consumers and businesses docx
... “AmazingNFC”–Oulu,Finland The Oulu Region is in northwest Finland and has over 200,000 inhabitants. It is the fastest-growing region in Finland, and it boasts world-class standards in information ... website, instead of having to manually type in a web address. The proper use of touchpoints can also simplify complex instructions – rather than trying to explain where to obtain some information, ... demonstrates how NFC technology can reduce the number of printed brochures used in the tourist industry, while providing users with interactive and real- time information through the simplicity of touch. Contributors:...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 05:20
... rural housing will increase to 90.45 hectares (including new land for housing and resettlement land). By 2020, Thanh Hoa city will expand to the southeast and will take all the administrative ... Non-agricultural land in residential areas will increase to 499.56 hectares, of which: + Land for housing will increase to 192.83 hectares, rural dwelling house land will decrease to 190.31 hectares, and ... noticeable thing is that the future demands for land use of residential areas include land for housing; land for public target; land for transportation; and land for planting trees in the district....
Ngày tải lên: 25/02/2014, 10:20
... manage and the tradeoffs you face in increasing the value of your business. Creating and realizing value is the long-term bottom line of owning a business. 1 By changing the ques- tions you ask and ... before diving into myriad details and variations. 3. To give you insights on how to increase the value of your business. 4. To help you “groom” your business for sale. 5. To help you understand when ... need to know the value of the stock in your company. 2 First and foremost, readers need to understand how to do a “quick -and- dirty” valu- ation, in order to manage your business over time to maximize its...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 09:22
... statementregardingtheirpoliciesormethods to thepublic.Hefailed to idealizethetruththatmenarebound together in asocialstructure and consequently,separatinghimselffrom others,hefailed to winthetrust and goodwill of mankind. Ideas,thoughtscomposed of ideas, and plansmadeup of suchthoughts seldombecomerealities.Butoncethe smallestorthelargestthingisidealized,thesoul,whichconceivesthe ideal,cannotrestuntiltheidealhas becomeanactuality.Ifyouwouldhaveyourdesiresforabundance fulfilled,idealizethem and theprocess of obtainingthem, and abundancecannotbekeptfromyou. BUILDINGUPASUCCESSFULBUSINESS CHAPTER17 In businessyoufail in somethings and succeed in others.Youareoften failing and succeedingatthesame time, -failing to makeonepart of yourbusinesssuccessful and succeeding in makinganotherpartincrease and pay. Thefailuresaredue to theideasheld;thesuccesses, to theideals.If youidealizetheentireprocess of your businessyouwillnotonlyavoidfailures and partialfailures,butwill think of possibilitiesneverthought of before,theveryonesthatwillleadyou to succeed. To illustrate,I shalluseasimplecase,-one of thesimplest thatevercame to me,yetone of themostinteresting, and one,the success of which,gavemeasmuchjoyasthe success of manyso-calledbigaffairs. In thisinstancetherewasawoman in thecase, and it'sherstoryIshalltell. TheWoman:Awidowwithfourchildren;shethenlived in asuburb of Chicago;herhusbandhaddiedthree monthsbefore;shewasleftasproprietor of asmallgrocery and delicatessenstore. TheConditions:Asthehusbandhadbeenillthreemonthsbeforehis death,savingshadbeenused in doctorbills, hospitalbills and funeralexpenses.Thoughthestorewasalittle affair,ithadhadagoodbusiness in thissection of thewealthysuburbsolongasithadbeentheonlystorethere.But, aboutthe time of thehusband'sdeath,one of thoselargecompaniesthatestablishbranchstoresalloveragreat citybuiltawhite-tiled,plate-glass,two- storybuildingonthecorneroppositeherlittleshop.Itcutdownthe business of thelittlestoresomuchthatthe womanwasunableeven to makealivingforherself and herchildren. ... then,isonepart of theideaconsidered, and discarded. "Next,takeuptheidea of place.Youlive in NewYorkCity. How long haveyoulivedhere?""Allmylife." "Haveyoueveridealizedit?""Idon'tknowwhatyoumean.""Wellhave youeverattempted to think of New YorkCity in abigway, -to visionallthepossibilitieswithinitself and itsrelationship to therest of thecountry? Closeyoureyes.PictureNewYorkCitywithitsmillions of people,its hundreds of thousands of offices,itstens of thousands of bigbusinessmen and bankers and shippersdoingbusiness withallparts of theworld.Vision businessmencoming to NewYorkCityfromalloverthecountry,fromall therest of theworld.DoyouseeNew YorkCityasagreatopportunityforabusinessstenographer?Doyousee theplaceasofferingthegreat opportunity?""Yes,"heanswered,"Ido." "Now,idealizeyourownwork.Iheardyousayyouwereamere stenographer.Think of yourworkasitactually isbypicturingitsidealside.Pictureitasaperfectwhole.Visionits importance.Visualizewhatwouldhappenif, in onemoment,allstenographersshouldforgeteverythingtheyknewabout stenography, and allknowledge of stenographyshouldbelost.Imaginetheconditionsthatwouldexistif allbusinessmen and alltheirclerkswere compelled to makeallrecords and handleallcorrespondenceby handwriting.Hasyouridealizationgivenyoua realization of theimportance of stenographicwork?""Yes,"hereplied, monosyllabically. "Therearestill to beconsideredtheotherpeopleconcerned-those needingservicestheexistingconditions, and the time. Whatclass of peopleismost in need of stenography?""Why, businessmen, of course.""Aretheneeds of thesebusinessmenmeteverydaybythework of thestenographers in theiroffices?”"Yes""Arethereany businessmen in NewYorkCitywhodonothaveoffices?""Why,none of importance.""Whenyouidealized NewYorkCityasabusinesscenter,didyounotvisionbigbusinessmen comingherefromalloverthe country?""Certainly.""Doyouknowthereareabout200,000 of thesemen in NewYorkCityeverysingleday of theyear?""Isthatso!""Havethesemenneed of stenographic services?""Yes,buttheygo to public stenographersorhotelstenographers.Idon'tseeanyspecialchance there.""NeitherdoI.Frankly,Idon'tknow whatthesolutionisgoing to be;butIdoknowthatifwecontinue idealizingeverysinglefactor and keepthem all in mind,wewillseeanewrelationship and anewneed.Italways worksoutsomething.” "Letustakethenextpoint ... paperswerefull of thenewsystem and how to getfromonepoint to another.Atleastnineout of everyten of the millions of adults in NewYorkmusthavereadthedirectionsprevious to theopening,althoughprobablynotone in ahundredthousand-whentheyreadthedirectionsover and overagain -idealizedthenewroute,noridealized themselvesgoingaboutthecityor to and fromworkonit.TheResult of NotIdealizingtheProcessontheday of theopening,intelligentmen and womencrowded and jammedeachother, wentwheretheydidnotwish to go, evengotlost,thoughmany of themhadknownNewYorkalltheirlives. Theconfusion and jamming of themob attwotransferstationsweresogreatthatscores of womenfainted, and manywereseriouslyhurt.Morethana millionpeoplelosttheirheads-morethanamillionwereconfusedfor weeks.Itwasnecessary to closethecrosstown subwayforamonth to preventaccidents-actually to preventpeople killingthemselves and eachother, because of theirconfusedmobaction. And all of thisconfusion,trouble, injury and delaycouldhavebeen preventedifeach of thesevenmillionpeoplewhousethesubwayshad spentbutfiveminutesprevious to its opening in IdealizingtheProcess of travelingonit. How IIdealizedtheProcess in thisCase:Itookadescription of the routesfromanewspaper;readitcarefully. ThenIquietlyvisualizedthenewroutes.Next,Iidealizedaction,- Idealizedmyselfusingthenewroutefrommy home to myoffice,picturingmyselfonthecars,changingwherethe descriptionsaidchangesmustbemade; idealizingeverybit of thejourney to myofficedoor.NextIidealized onetripafteranother to otherparts of the city,untilIhadmyselfmentallyusedeverynew and oldroute.After this,itwasimpossible to beconfused; impossible to makeamistake in usingthesubway. Millions of othersthought of thenewroutes,butcertainlyveryfew consciouslyidealizedthemselvestraveling onthem.Yeteveryindividual in NewYorkcouldhavedoneit in five minutesiftheyhadonlybeen in thehabit of IdealizingtheProcess of DoingThings.Othershadideas of thenew route, of wheretheywanted to go, and of how to getthere.Iturnedmyideasintoideals.Idealizingtheprocess of doingthething,includedmorethanthe re-seeing of thementalpicture of thenewroute.Ididmorethan visualizeit.Iputintoitanelement of action.I keptmy“clutch” in sothatthepicturebecamemovement.Thatisalways essential in attainingthatwhichyou desire. THEACT OF MAKINGTHEREALITYYOURS CHAPTER13 ...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 20:20
How to Write Letters (Formerly The Book of Letters) pdf
... business is indicated by the name of the firm. In the case of a printed or engraved letterhead, the written heading should consist only of the date. The printed date- line is not good. To mix printed ... church wedding. It is presumed that an invitation to a home wedding includes the wedding breakfast or reception, but an invitation to a church wedding does not. A card inviting to the wedding breakfast ... used between business men and concerns things not in the regular routine of business affairs. These letters are decidedly informal and may be quite conversational in tone. The use of a name alone...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 18:20