how to be more confident with my girl

how to be successful?GIAO VIEN NGUYEN THI NGOC KINH

how to be successful?GIAO VIEN NGUYEN THI NGOC KINH

... you to focus on strengths. Or to say, to be honest about yourself and your business creates growth as an individual and as a company; it’s also the path to mastery and success. To be honest with ... needs to do is to clarify what he would like to be, never lets other define him and or tell him what he can’t ,just be himself . As Oprah Winfrey said:” Nobody had any clue that my life could be ... where I am today “she said. To make an accurate definition what you want to be and who you are, is the crux of the problem. Your goal must be based on your own adjustment and be pursued with passion....

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2013, 13:10

4 390 0


... If you take a duck and ask it to do an eagle’s job, shame on you.As a leader, your job is to help your ducks to become better ducks and your eagles better eagles to put individuals in the right ... he may be able to become a 5, but he’ll never go from a 3 to a 10. So if you have someone who is a great swimmer and loves to fly in V formation, send him to duck school. No matter how motivated ... HOW TO BE A GOOD LEADER How to be a good leader? I think it is a difficult question. Dr John C. Maxwell has suggested one of the most important methods, 'Don't send your duck to...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 02:15

11 720 1
Tài liệu How to be a Programmer: A Short, Comprehensive, and Personal Summary ppt

Tài liệu How to be a Programmer: A Short, Comprehensive, and Personal Summary ppt

... User 35 2.3. How to Get a Promotion 36 3. Serving YourTeam 36 3.1. Howto Develop Talent 36 3.2. How to Choose What to Work On 37 3.3. How to Get the Most From Your Teammates 37 3.4. Howto Divide ... 38 3.5. How to Handle Boring Tasks 38 3.6. How to Gather Support for a Project 38 3.7. How to Grow a System 39 3.8. Howto Communicate Well 39 3.9. How to Tell People Things They Don't Want to ... company's customers in only the smallest possible way. Re- lating each bug to a happy customer, however, is personally motivating to me. 1.2. How to be Widely Trusted To be trusted you must be trustworthy....

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 20:15

58 487 0
Tài liệu How to be a Programmer: A Short, Comprehensive, and Personal Summary pptx

Tài liệu How to be a Programmer: A Short, Comprehensive, and Personal Summary pptx

... relationship to it. Managers tend to forget what they learned as programmers and believe in certain myths. It would be as rude and un- successful to try to convince them these myths are false as to try to ... information to be captured in order to debug unantici- pated specific problems without having to modify and/or redeploy the code just to deal with those specific problems. The amount to output into the ... As it happens, it took us weeks to finally understand and resolve the problem. 1.11. How to Learn Design Skills To learn how to design software, study the action of a mentor by being physically...

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 06:20

58 461 0
Tài liệu How to Make Money Online with eBay, Yahoo!, and Google doc

Tài liệu How to Make Money Online with eBay, Yahoo!, and Google doc

... fact, there is nothing to match eBay. In order to be an eBay merchant, you must be at least 18. Registering as an eBay Member Let’s look at how to register as an eBay member—whether buying or ... Thanks to competitive pressures—other people want your customers too; remember—most businesses have to do many things in order to survive and thrive. What works today may not work tomorrow. ... Community page. In the Find a Member box near the top, type an eBay member ID and click the Find a Member button. If you don’t know a particular ID, type a word (toy, stamp, car, antique, and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 11:20

429 704 1
Tài liệu How To Be A Transformational Leader ppt

Tài liệu How To Be A Transformational Leader ppt

... những gì bạn mong muốn trong cuộc sống. So my belief leads to my behaviors and my behaviors Vì vậy, niềm tin của tôi đưa đến hành vi, và hành vi ,lead to my results and a transformational leader ... từ, begins with beliefs. thực sự là bắt đầu bằng niềm tin. You behave the way you behave because of what you believe. Bạn hành xử theo cách của bạn vì những gì bạn tin tưởng. So if I want you to ... hơn is to render greater value. khi tôi chứng tỏ được mình có giá trị nhiều hơn. The more valuable I am to my team, Tôi càng chứng tỏ được giá trị của mình trong nhóm, the more valuable I am to my...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 07:20

21 638 2
Tài liệu How to be Happy and Have Fun Changing the World docx

Tài liệu How to be Happy and Have Fun Changing the World docx

... unhappiness. It is a lot easier to become always truthful than to become always positive. However, you will be much happier if you make it a point to do your best to be always truthful and always ... about to lie. Upon reviewing my tape I find that How to be Happy and Have Fun Changing the World by Michael Anthony â 2005 by Michael Anthony 31 you aspire to ... limiting the damage they could do to the positive evolution of my creation. How to be Happy and Have Fun Changing the World by Michael Anthony â 2005 by Michael...

Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 02:20

88 578 0
How to Get More Facebook Likes, Twitter Followers & Social Friends

How to Get More Facebook Likes, Twitter Followers & Social Friends

... the How can I get more Twitter followers? How can I get more retweets? How can I get more Twitter mentions? How can I get more people to connect to me on LinkedIn? How can I get more people to ... familiar? How can I get more Facebook likes? How can I get more Facebook fans? How can I get more people to like my page and my brand? How can I get more comment s on my post s? social buzz metrics. You ... newsletter, webinars, whitepapers, tips and best practices to get a handle on your business and social media. Subscribe to stay updated and be the first to be invited to upcoming events including free...

Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2014, 20:33

6 475 0
How to boost your business with online freelancers

How to boost your business with online freelancers

... able to utilize Freelancers is more dynamic and able to adapt itself more quickly to the needs of its clients. How does Outsourcing t into Modern Business? HOW TO BOOST YOUR BUSINESS WITH ... required to ensure that there are extra employees on hand to cope with any unexpected workload. How do you ensure that you have the resources to cope with a uid work schedule without having to ... world are then able to bid on the How can help you to Reap these Benets? HOW TO BOOST YOUR BUSINESS WITH ONLINE FREELANCERS FREELANCER.COM 1 Outsourcing describes the process...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 23:11

20 677 0
Tài liệu The Art of Creative Thinking: How to Be Innovative and Develop Great Ideas (John Adair Leadership Library) ppt

Tài liệu The Art of Creative Thinking: How to Be Innovative and Develop Great Ideas (John Adair Leadership Library) ppt

... interview, ‘except how to think, how to grapple with a problem and then go on grap- pling with it until you had solved it.’ When you are grappling with a problem remember to widen your span of ... curiosity is to begin to ask more questions, both when you are talking with others and when you are talking in your mind to yourself. Questioning, carefully done, helps you to distinguish between ... attention to what interests them.  Thinking is a way of trying to find out for yourself. If you always blindly accepted what others told you there would be nothing to be curious about.  One way to...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 03:20

144 805 1


... people, how to assess your own performance, how to be authoritative, how to be decisive, how to develop your emotional intelligence, how to handle difficult people, how to be interviewed, how to get ... what is to be done and how it is to be done. 2. Preparation – deciding how to conduct the appraisal discus- sion. How to be an Even Better Manager 20 All effective managers have these needs to a ... Ability to inspire enthusiasm. ■ Toughness. How to be an Even Better Manager 10 How to be a better manager Better managers recognize that the art of management is something they need to learn....

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 09:22

353 887 0


... friend, who became very ill from over-work, with nervous headache and sick stomach, so that all hope of an expected musical evening had to be abandoned, as she took her bed in disgust, with sore ... We are determined to read something to inspire others, as you read to us, said the girls with eagerness. But, which one of you ladies turned the cup? I ought to have directed my occult forces ... neither too fickle, too self-opinionated, nor too submissive. Be something useful. Learn to reason with head, heart and soul." The young man is still plodding on in pessimism. This best friend...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 12:21

72 427 0
How to be a Million dollar producer pptx

How to be a Million dollar producer pptx

... or, in my firm’s system, How to Conduct a Prospect Interview and Close More Sales.” 31 How to Become a Million-Dollar Producer Million-dollar producers also have their business programmed to generate ... journalist has far more credibility than you do because your clients believe that if it’s in the newspaper, it must be true! So here’s how to get on this same prestigious footing. Be a writer. The ... Producer Change in Mindset When I was young, my mother told me to finish everything on my plate because people were starving somewhere (I can’t remember if she told me Europe or China, but I doubt her assertion...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 20:20

40 484 0


... also ‘saw’ what to do to fix it (green zone). By being with the actual thing as it was, I was able to, almost instantly, imagine how they could be re-arranged so as to restore their intended ... Google How to be creative’. I did, and found a free ebook by that name, by Hugh Mac Leod. It is great, though it has a bite to it! It’s at: ... number of words would have been required to do this verbally. - Look for ‘bad’ facts too ‘Rules’ about what ‘shouldn’t be is the other thing that leads to blindness to what is. We have to...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 15:20

35 305 0