... to Add Ten Years to your Life and to by S. S. Curry 7 How to Add Ten Years to your Life and to by S. S. Curry The Project Gutenberg eBook, How to Add Ten Years to your Life and to Double Its Satisfactions, ... in standing and helps in establishing accordant poise. All the muscles in the body which tend to bring the summit of the chest and the balls of the feet into right co-ordination are brought into ... exhilaration and a sense of satisfaction. How to Add Ten Years to your Life and to by S. S. Curry 46 How to Add Ten Years to Your Life. Nature of training with short, practical program. $1.00. To members...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 19:20
Date and Time Manipulation
... only increases when the date interval spans months or years. Date in Days The following script shows one way to make date and time calculations much easier. Because UNIX and Linux calculate time ... readability. Instead of performing a date call to set each time and date variable, you could make one date call that outputs space-delimited values, then place those values into an array. To initialize ... +'%k'` day= `date +'%d'` month= `date +'%m' | sed 's/0*//'` year= `date +'%Y'` 22 CHAPTER 3 ■ DATE AND TIME MANIPULATION Alternatives for Finding the Date in Seconds There...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:51
How to draw Manga Hands and Feet - Kỹ thuật vẽ tay và chân
... remaining length to the top of the palm oval. The thumb has 3 knuckles as well but the anchoring is hidden inside the palm. Hands : Fleshing in Flesh in the fingers as shown here. The fingers ... Everybody's hand is slightly different. This hand is definately mine. (Notice I am Right handed and that's why my hand model is a Left hand) Hands : The opposable Thumb The thumb kinda has ... is important to understanding how the hand is constructed and were the pivot points are. Once you are comfortable with the proportions of the hand it will be easier to draw it in different...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 16:15
Tài liệu How to Learn English easily and faster docx
... trc) ã Listening, listening, listening . ã Listen only to real English. Rules 7 - Speak without Fear (ng s núi ting Anh) ã Hc ting Anh luụn cn phi luyn tp. ã Don't let a little fear stop you ... TRONG BÀI THI TOEIC Rules 5 - Stop studying grammar ã Ngay bõy gi hóy từ bỏ việc học ngữ pháp nếu bạn muốn nói ting anh Automatically Without thinking! ã English Is A Word Language Not A Grammar ... từng bước một http://vuontoithanhcong.com/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=8707 Share ã Bỏo cỏo bi vit ny ã Tr li kèm trích dẫn [Sưu tầm] - How to Learn English easily and faster gửi bởi xcongc »...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 04:20
Tài liệu Law of Attraction - How to Attract Money, Love, and Happiness By David Hooper pptx
... The earlier theories that Newton and Einstein invented really don’t explain the motion of the stars in their galaxies and the bending of light in our uni- verse. In these vast galaxies, the laws ... functioning as well as it does and yet, something is holding it together. With this confusion in sci- ence, how do we explain the underlying order that has been maintained in our universe for billions ... running from the things we fear or fighting against the things we dislike, we might choose instead not to waste our energy. We might take the high road instead and choose not to give in to the secret...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 18:20
Tài liệu Smart Posters - How to use NFC tags and readers to create interactive experiences that benefit both consumers and businesses docx
... “AmazingNFC”–Oulu,Finland The Oulu Region is in northwest Finland and has over 200,000 inhabitants. It is the fastest-growing region in Finland, and it boasts world-class standards in information ... website, instead of having to manually type in a web address. The proper use of touchpoints can also simplify complex instructions – rather than trying to explain where to obtain some information, ... MoreaboutTouchpoints and Design The NFC Forum’s lively N-Mark graphic is expected to be the globally recognized touchpoint indicator. It should be printed over each touchpoint to indicate the...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 05:20
... initiat- ing and maintaining an Employee Stock Option Plan; spinning off a portion of your business; entity restructuring; and other reasons. The term “value” in and of itself can mean many things in different ... depending on how long it takes to liquidate. For example, suppose we estimate that it will take one month to liquidate inventory and three months to liquidate ma- chinery and equipment, and that ... contains the following general topics: ã Chapters 1 through 8: How to value your business as of to- day. ã Chapter 9: How to value your business as of a future date. ã How to manage your business...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 09:22
... statementregardingtheirpoliciesormethods to thepublic.Hefailed to idealizethetruththatmenarebound together in asocialstructure and consequently,separatinghimselffrom others,hefailed to winthetrust and goodwillofmankind. Ideas,thoughtscomposedofideas, and plansmadeupofsuchthoughts seldombecomerealities.Butoncethe smallestorthelargestthingisidealized,thesoul,whichconceivesthe ideal,cannotrestuntiltheidealhas becomeanactuality.Ifyouwouldhaveyourdesiresforabundance fulfilled,idealizethem and theprocessof obtainingthem, and abundancecannotbekeptfromyou. BUILDINGUPASUCCESSFULBUSINESS CHAPTER17 In businessyoufail in somethings and succeed in others.Youareoften failing and succeedingatthesame time, -failing to makeonepartofyourbusinesssuccessful and succeeding in makinganotherpartincrease and pay. Thefailuresaredue to theideasheld;thesuccesses, to theideals.If youidealizetheentireprocessofyour businessyouwillnotonlyavoidfailures and partialfailures,butwill thinkofpossibilitiesneverthoughtof before,theveryonesthatwillleadyou to succeed. To illustrate,I shalluseasimplecase,-oneofthesimplest thatevercame to me,yetoneofthemostinteresting, and one,the successofwhich,gavemeasmuchjoyasthe successofmanyso-calledbigaffairs. In thisinstancetherewasawoman in thecase, and it'sherstoryIshalltell. TheWoman:Awidowwithfourchildren;shethenlived in asuburbof Chicago;herhusbandhaddiedthree monthsbefore;shewasleftasproprietorofasmallgrocery and delicatessenstore. TheConditions:Asthehusbandhadbeenillthreemonthsbeforehis death,savingshadbeenused in doctorbills, hospitalbills and funeralexpenses.Thoughthestorewasalittle affair,ithadhadagoodbusiness in thissection ofthewealthysuburbsolongasithadbeentheonlystorethere.But, aboutthe time ofthehusband'sdeath,one ofthoselargecompaniesthatestablishbranchstoresalloveragreat citybuiltawhite-tiled,plate-glass,two- storybuildingonthecorneroppositeherlittleshop.Itcutdownthe businessofthelittlestoresomuchthatthe womanwasunableeven to makealivingforherself and herchildren. ... Visualizingistheactofholdingamentalpicture;idealizingistheact ofperfectingthementalimageofall factors,-thepicture,theprocessofsecuringit and theactofmaking itreal. Youoftenignitetheheartofyouridealbyvividmentalpictures and strongfeelingsofdesire to possessthe reality;butunlessconnectedupwithyourmotorpowerofaction,it remainsmerelyanurgentunfulfilledpicture ofdesirewithinyou-anidealthatdoesnotbecomeareality.Clutching yourideal to actioncannotbeeffectively accomplishedbyapicture.Letmeillustratethisclearly. Go to anartmuseum;lookatanypaintingrepresentinganumberof people.If,aftergoingaway,youcloseyour eyes and visualizethepainting,youhold in yourmindamentalpicture ofthepainting.Withcare and practice youcanmakethismentalpictureveryvivid and increaseyourability to re-see in themindeverydetailofsucha painting-lines,forms and colorsofthings and people.Yet,itisstill amerepicture;itisflat,lackingaction, and itdoesnotimpel to action.ThatwhichIhavejustdescribedisthe visualizingprocess.Visualizinghasproduced marvelousresultswhenthepersonvisualizinghasturnedsuchmental picture-makingintotheidealizedprocess, eveniftheyhavenotrecognizedthattheyhavedoneso. Idealizing,however,ismoreremarkablebecauseitincludesvisualizing and addsallotherelements to it. Visualizationcomesfromusingthestored-upimagesofbutoneofour senses,thesenseofsight.Idealization comesfromusingthestored-upimagesnotonlyofthesenseofsightbut ofallothersenses. To attainthatwhich wedesireitisnecessary,notonly to seethevisualimage,but to act. Trynowanotherprocess:Idealizethepaintingyousaw in theartmuseum; bringitvisually to yourmind;re-see itjustasyoudidbytheprocesspreviouslydescribed.Thenimage action,-everyperson in it in action;feelthem doingthethingtheyarepicturedasdoing;feelthemovement;feelthe activities.Ifitportraysthemasspeaking, hearthetones,-hearwhattheysay.Imightcontinuewithallother elementsofthepicture,butIthinkthisis sufficient to showyouthedifferencebetweenvisualization and idealization.Visualizationproducesanonmoving, non-activepicture in themind,eventhoughitbevivid and clear.Being non-active,itdoesnotimpel to action and hencemanyofourpicturedidealsdonotbecomerealities.But ifweidealizeaction,ifweusethe mentalclutchofconnectinguptheidealofthethingdesiredwiththe processofobtainingthatwhichwedesire, actionmustresult; and actionisoneoftheessentialfactors in making anyidealcometrue. ... MAKINGASOLIDANKLEJOINTFLEXIBLE AND USABLE CHAPTER24 In thematterofspiritualhealingletmemakemyselfclear to youatthe beginningofthissection.Spiritual healingrecognizesGodasAll and Everything and putsthetruthinto practice,usingeverything,-buteverything onlywhenidealized.Spiritualhealingdoesincludematerialmeans,but materialmeansonlyasspiritual manifestation.Iamwellawarethatspiritualtheoristsdifferwithme in this:theysaythatdependingupon materialmeanslimitsmythoughtofGod.Therearetwomistakes in this statement.First,spiritualhealingdoes notdependuponmaterialmeansbutitdoesusethem and usethemonly whenidealized.Second,Ianswerthat thosewhocriticizelimittheirthought,-fortheyfirstinsistthatthe patientacceptthetruththatGodisAll and Good and secondlyinsistthatheorshemustnotusethetruththatGod isAllbecausesomeofGod's manifestationsarenotgood. HavingreadthethreechaptersofthesectionentitledTheSpiritof Matter,younowknowthatdenyingthatso- calledmatterisamanifestationofGodisthesameasdenyingthat infinityofspace,infiniteattractiveenergy and infiniteactivityareofGod. In thosethreechaptersyoulearnedthat densityofmatterisbutGod'sinfinitespace, thatsolidityofmatterisbutGod'sinfiniteattractiveenergy, and that matterisbutethericaliveness,infinite energyeverpresent. I,then, in SpiritualHealing,adhere in practice to thetruththatGod isAll and usenotonlyGod'sSpiritualIdeal butGod'sSpiritualManifestationaswell-thatis,GodasAll and Everything! Takefirstacaseofhealingthathas to dowiththatwhichismost difficult to handle-thechangingofbone structure.WhenIwasthreeyearsoldmyleftfoot and anklewerecrushed betweentherollersofaone-horse sugarmill.Thefoot and theleg-halfway to theknee-weresobadly injuredthat,whentherollerswerereversed, itwasnecessary to laymesidewiseonaboard to preventthecrushed footfromdroppingoff.Thedoctors moldeditbackintoformasbesttheycould and putitintoacast.But theirregularbonesoftheanklewereso crushed and mashedthattheygrewtogetherasonesinglesolidbone.When thecastwastakenoff,Icouldnot movetheankleatall;Icouldnotflexitanymorethanyoucanbendthe boneofyourarmhalfwaybetween elbow and shoulder. ...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 20:20
how to draw cars fast and easy
... the side window, the headlights – and work it up from there. COPYING AND TRACING How to Draw Cars Fast and Easy 32 â2009. How- To- Draw-Cars.com Copying and Tracing Copying and tracing is a very ... punching out the lines with some heavier lines just to define the shape. ©2009. How- To- Draw-Cars.com Chapter 3 Tools and Equipment INTRODUCTION How to Draw Cars Fast and Easy 2 â2009. How- To- Draw-Cars.com Purpose ... Easy 19 â2009. How- To- Draw-Cars.com Finished Rendering INTRODUCTION How to Draw Cars Fast and Easy 3 â2009. How- To- Draw-Cars.com What Are The Principles of Drawing Cars? e key things to consider...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 09:11
Computing Harmony: How To Seamlessly Blend Windows and OS X
... steps for each respective operating system. In Windows 7, this is done by going to Devices and Printers, right-clicking an they also sometimes try to install additional software which you don’t ... that includes support for installing Windows on a Mac computer by partitioning off part of the hard drive and formatting it in the required NTFS file format. Though I could go into the installation process, ... of Windows, and your Windows computer will appear in the default Finder view on your Mac. If your Windows and Mac computers use password protected accounts, you will need to enter your login information...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 21:47
7 Steps to a Pain-Free Life: How to Rapidly Relieve Back and Neck Pain docx
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 01:20
prenuptial agreements, how to write a fair and lasting contract (2004)
... edition Prenuptial Agreements: How to Write a Fair and Lasting Contract by Attorney Katherine E. Stoner & Shae Irving, J.D. Introduction How to Use This Book A. How This Book Can Help You I/2 B. Using This Book to ... putting it into final form for signing. Although it’s possible to plan and finalize a prenup in less than three months, moving too fast will add un- needed stress and could doom your efforts to ... process by taking a look at your individual credit history and your own approach to spending and saving. a. Credit History The best way to start investigating your credit history is to order a copy...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 14:10
vegetables. how to grow the tomato and 115 ways to prepare it for the table
... onion chopped fine; mix the water, tomatoes, and seasonings; heat to the boiling point; add butter and flour rubbed to a paste and cook for a few minutes; strain and serve with bits of toasted bread. NO. ... vinegar in the preserving kettle, and add part of the tomatoes; add sugar, spice, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, mace, nutmeg, etc., to taste. Add more of the tomatoes, more sugar and spices; continue ... egg, and then crumbs again, and fry in deep fat; drain before serving. NO. 24. TOMATOES AND CORN Wash, peel, and stew the required amount of tomatoes until rather thick; add salt. and pepper to...
Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2014, 13:47
wordpress complete a comprenensive, step-by-step guide on how to set up, customize, and market your blog using wordpress
... blog. You will learn how to upgrade WordPress, how to trouble-shoot some installation and post installation errors, how to install WordPress MU, and how to back up and restore your blog. This ... comments ã Working with Image galleries, calendars, etc. ã Organizing users and Communities ã Creating and Installing themes to control the page layout ã Linking to the outside world Feeds, Syndication, and ... 45 Step 3: Install 46 Installing WordPress from the cPanel 52 Upgrading WordPress from Older Installations 55 Basic Troubleshooting during Installation 57 Logging into the Admin Panel 57 Changing the...
Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 11:32
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Learning How to Extract Rotation-Invariant and Scale-Invariant Features from Texture Images" potx
... errors in an evaluation set, without increasing the training set size. By combining the discriminating power of our image descriptor and classifier, our system uses small size feature vectors to characterize ... path with terminus t and update the position of t in Q, C(t), L(t), and P(t) accordingly. The label L(s)maybedifferent from λ(s), leading to classification errors in Z 1 . The training finds prototypes ... = λ(R(s)), and the predecessor P(s), as follows. Lines 1–3 initialize maps and insert prototypes in Q. The main loop computes an optimum path from Ω to every sample s in a nondecreasing order...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 22:20
Winning Business - How to Use Financial Analysis and Benchma 1999 potx
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 09:20
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 12:20