Howto:CalculateMode,MedianandMean Averages. Robyn Pearce. Hello, my name is Robyn Pearce and I will be showing you how to calculate the mode,medianandmeanaverages of data. I hope this is very helpful, and will remind you how to calculate Mode, MedianandMeanaverages if you ever forget. MODE To calculate the Mode average of data, find the amount that appears the most. This is the Mode average. For example, the mode of these numbers; 5,6,2,2,3 is 2, as it occurs the most. To remember what Mode is, just say “Mo for Mode, Mo for Most.”. EXERCISES FOR MODE Try these when you need a bit of practice! Find the Mode average of: 1. 89,89,45,45,45,32 2. 56,23,32,23,23,23 3. 134,123,123,156,156,123 MEDIAN To calculate the Median average of a set of data, order all of the amounts from smallest to largest. Then, select the amount in the centre. (Here, the middle amount is underlined for you.) For example, the Median amount of; 2,2,3,5,6 is 3. But, if you have another number, to make an even number, you have two numbers in the middle! To find the Median then, the formula is 2Ma÷2=Me. In other words, add the two middle amounts together and divide the result by 2 to get the Median average. EXERCISES FOR MEDIAN Try these for practice! Find the Median average of: 1. 2,4,7,7,6 2. 3,11,43,21,56,4 3. 4,23,43,43,26 MEAN This is the hardest average to find out of the 3 mentioned here. It involves dividing. The formula for the Mean average is: Ta÷Na=Ma. In other words, the total of the amounts divided by the number of amounts you have equals the Mean average. For example, the Mean average of 2,4,3,5,7 would be 4.2, as the total of all of the amounts is 21, and there are 5 different amounts. So you would divide 21 by 5, resulting in 4.2 being the Mean average. I find this easier to calculate with a calculator. This can result in getting a recurring decimal number like 4.6666666 or 3.22222222 etc., so if this happens, write 4.666r or 3.222r etc. EXERCISES FOR MEAN Try these for practice! Find the Mean average of: 1. 4,3,67,23,2 2. 34,25,14,17,46,32 3. 456,231,253,687 Thank you for reading this manual on how to find averages of data. I personally wish you good luck when using these techniques. Remember to check once you’ve used them! Thank you, Robyn Pearce. . How to: Calculate Mode, Median and Mean Averages. Robyn Pearce. Hello, my name is Robyn Pearce and I will be showing you how to calculate the mode, median and mean averages of data averages of data. I hope this is very helpful, and will remind you how to calculate Mode, Median and Mean averages if you ever forget. MODE To calculate the Mode average of data, find the amount. together and divide the result by 2 to get the Median average. EXERCISES FOR MEDIAN Try these for practice! Find the Median average of: 1. 2,4,7,7,6 2. 3,11,43,21,56,4 3. 4,23,43,43,26 MEAN This