... pasteurized. xii The Raw Truth about Milk On the other hand, some nutritionists, medical or- ganizations, government agencies, and doctors warn of the dangers of fat and cholesterol in milk and milk ... Perfect Food And Why Animal Protein And Animal Fat In Your Diet Can Save Your Life” The RAW TRUTH about MILK Formerly The Milk Book –now revised and expanded– 7 In the 18th century, there was a ... quality of raw milk. In addition to the professional evidence offered, the re- lators offered the testimony of a number of mothers and other raisers of children, and they uniformly testi- fied that...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 23:20
WeightWatchers She Loses, He Loses: The Truth about Men, Women, and Weight Loss doc
... that they feel that others judge them more on their appearance (how thin and attractive they are) than on who they are and what they are capable of doing. Where do women get that belief? The media ... the control group received general information about diet and exercise. The men in the weight-loss program lost more weight and improved their blood pressure and cholesterol. In addi- tion, about ... compared with women, the majority of men have less practice analyzing their bodies and, in turn, their weight. Other than shaving, brushing their teeth, and buying new clothes, men typically don’t...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 18:20
the secret life of the grown up brain the surprising talents of the middle aged mind barbara strauch
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The noble truth about platonic relationships between men and women
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lilley - dirty dealing; the untold truth about global money laundering, international crime and terrorism (2006)
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king - the ugly truth about small business; 50 things that can go wrong.. and what you can do about it (2005)
Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2014, 16:45
... Stories About Their Lives and their Health The projects demonstrate the value and strength of participatory action research. The voices of the women in the reports provide real evidence of the challenges ... to provide the epidemiological data policy makers demand. 4. The importance of women’s stories of their lives and their health. Notwithstanding the above, the voices of the women in the reports ... papers supported by the PWHCE and is a synthesis of the policy recommendations arising from the research. These are combined with the results and recommendations from two other, Exploring the Intersections...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 00:20
Tài liệu The Healthcare Quality Book: Vision, Strategy, and Tools pdf
... between techniques and tools for quality improve- ment on the one hand and the leadership and change-management skills needed for implementation on the other hand. It also discusses the impor- tance ... select and pay for quality services. In summary, then, the book has three major parts. Part I covers the patient and the scientific basis necessary for an understanding of the meas- urement and ... altogether and built again from the ground up. It is the hope of most and the thesis of this book that the former is possible, namely, that the system can be retrofitted to meet the twenty-first century...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu The World in 2011 ICT Facts and Figures pdf
... xed-broadbandpenetration. ã The worlds top broadband economies are from Europe and Asia and the Pacic. In the Republic of Korea mobile-broadband penetrationexceeds90%. The World in 2011 — ICT Facts and Figures Fixed(wired)-broadbandsubscriptions,2011* ... Video-on-Demand, recommend a minimum speed of 2 Mbit/s. ã Advertisedandrealspeedscandiffersubstantially.Insomecountries,regulatoryauthoritiesmonitor thespeedandqualityofbroadbandservicesandobligeoperatorstoprovideaccuratequality-of-service information ... Mobile-broadband subscriptions have grown 45% annually over the last fouryears and todaytherearetwice as many mobile-broadband as xed- broadband subscriptions. The World in...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 01:20
Tài liệu Allergic and Non‐Allergic Sinusitis for the Primary Care Physician: Pathophysiology, Evaluation and Treatment pdf
... 36 LABORATORYEXAMINATION Severallaboratorytestsmaybeconsideredin the workupofpatientswithrefractorychronicorrecurrent acutesinusitis.Theseincludecompletebloodcount(CBC)withdifferential, and serumimmunoglobulintests,.Also, sweatchloridetestingmaybeperformedtoruleoutcysticfibrosis,especiallyinchildrenwithnasalpolyps or chronicorrecurrentsinusitis. RADIOLOGY WhenanX‐raymustbedone, the imagingprocedureofchoiceis the computerizedtomography(CT)scan, whichisrecommendedprimarilyinevaluating the extent and severityofdiseaseinchronicsinusitis and in complicatedsinusitis(Fıgs.5–6).SinusCTscans and MRIscanshavealloweddoctorstodirectlyvisualize the pathologywithin the sinuses and depictnormal and abnormalanatomy.Thesetoolsareanimmenseimprovement overplainfilmsinusdepiction and cangivereliablereproducibleinformation.(14‐24) The CTscanisnow the goldstandard and hasreplaced plainX‐raysas the imagingstudyofchoiceinchronic sinusitis.CTscans,especially the coronalimages,areusefulinimaging the underlyingsinusanatomyindetail. The combinationofnasalendoscopy and CTscansin the evaluationofchronicsinusdiseaseallowsforprecisediagnosis and treatment. CTscan isaninvaluabletoolin the evaluationof the sinuses.Oneof the primarystrengthsofsinusCT imagingisimprovedcontrastresolution:thatistosay, the abilitytodepictbone/air and bone/softtissueinterfaces. AnotherprimarystrengthofCTscansisimprovedspatialresolution:thatis, the ability todepictverysmall structures. The surgeon and the radiologist,workingtogether,hopetoobtainnumerousspecificpiecesof informationfromCTscansofpatientswithsinusdisease.Thisinformationincludes the statusof the bonywalls, the natureofmaterialwithin the sinuses, and the statusof the adjacentnormal structuressuchas the eye, brain, and midface. The statusof the bonywallsof the sinusesisimportantbothinbenignsinusdisease and alsoinsinus tumors.Ittakesnewer‐generationscannersonlyminutestoprovidehigh‐resolutionimagesoftissueslabsthatare ... 9 The sinusescommunicatewith the nasalcavityvianarrowopeningscalledostia.(11)Ostiadrainintospaces within the nosecalledmeatiwhichareborderedbyverticallyorientedbonesknownasturbinates. The tearduct (naso‐lacrimalduct)drainsinto the inferiormeatus(whichisborderedby the inferior turbinatebone).Thisisone reasonwhyournosedripswhenwecry. The maxillary,frontal, and ethmoidsinusesdraininto the middlemeatus, whichisborderedby the middleturbinatebone(FIGURE2).Someof the ethmoidsinusesalsodraininto the superiormeatus,whichisaspacedefined bysuperiorturbinatebone.While the maxillary,frontal, and sphenoid sinusesaresolitary,well‐definedcompartments, the ethmoidsinusis–inactuality–acollectionofseveralsmall sinuses,structuredlikeabeehive.Itisforthisreasonthat the ethmoidsinuseshavevarieddrainagepatterns. The sphenoidsinusdrains into the spheno‐ethmoidalrecess,locatedbetween the superiorturbinatebone and the nasal septum.(3,11,12) Air and mucusenter and exit the sinusthrough the sinusostia. The functionsof the nose and sinusesinclude olfaction(senseofsmell),respiration, and defense.(3,11,12) The nose and sinusesproducemucustokeep the nasal and upperrespiratorypassagewaysmoist, and haveaneffectonvocalresonance.Among the important physiologicalrolesof the sinusesare the humidification and warmingofinspiredair, and the removalofparticulate matterfromthisair.Humidification and warmingof inspiredairareaccomplishedby the waterysecretionsof the serousglands,whichcanproduceupto1–2litersofsecretionsperday. ... terlevelrises and areservoirforms.Similarly,if the osteomeatalcomplexisblocked,abackupofmucusoccurs.Thiscanleadtoa conditionthatleadstoinfection.Bacterialivein the nose and sinuses;however, inaninfectiousstatesomesubset(s) ofbacteriahavereproducedoutofproportiontoothers.Thisbacterialovergrowthisoftenpresentinsinusitis– particularlyacutesinusitis.Anyprocessthatcausesmucosalinflammationinto the sensitiveareaof the osteomeatalcomplex(OMC)canocclude the othersinusesthatdrainintothis crossroadzone.(16‐20) Blockageof the smallopeningsfromswelling(causedbyinfection,allergy, and othercauses)canalsoresult insinusitis.Whenobstructionoccurs, the mucusisretainedin the sinuscavity.Thesestagnantsecretionsthicken and provideamediumforbacterialgrowth.Obstructionalsoimpairsaeration and gasexchangewithin the sinus cavity.Absorptionoftrappedoxygenleadstohypoxiaordecreasedoxygenlevelswithin the sinus,which exacerbatessinusitis.Thesechangesleadtodamage and dysfunctionof the cilia and epithelium. The retained secretions and infectionleadtofurthertissueinflammation,whichinturnleads tofurtherblockage.Thesechanges ...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Proton transfer in the oxidative half-reaction of pentaerythritol tetranitrate reductase Structure of the reduced enzyme-progesterone complex and the roles of residues Tyr186, His181 and His184 pdf
... are bound between the progesterone and the protein (Fig. 7A). In comparison to the oxidized structures, the FMN isoalloxazine ring is less planar, with both the N5 atom and the C8-C7 methyl groups ... confirming that the mutation of Tyr186 to Phe186 does not grossly perturb the overall framework of the enzyme or the active site. The active sites of the enzymes are shown in stick format with the sigmaA ... C1 and C2; the double bond between C4 and C5 is not susceptible to reduction, and thus progesterone and related steroids (e.g. 4-androstene- 3,17-dione), which lack a double bond between C1 and...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 02:21
America Goes to War - Managing the Force During Times of Stress and Uncertainty pdf
... funded research and development center sponsored by the OSD, the Joint Staff, the Unified Combatant Commands, the Department of the Navy, the Marine Corps, the defense agencies, and the defense ... events in England of the 17th century were all familiar to the American colonists. Ideas concerning service, the role of the militia, and the hostility toward the concept of a standing army “were ... on some of the most difficult and demanding tasks that society might ask them to do. It’s not the only reason they serve, but it’s an important element of their decision to serve, and it’s certainly...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 20:20
... the same dimension) and where the weights f i , f n sum to unity. Special cases of the General Mean are the arithmetic, the geometric and the harmonic means where the order p would be 1, 0, and ... discovered in the seminal paper by La Grandville (1989b), then further explored by Klump and de La Grandville (2000), Klump and Preissler (2000), La Grandville and Solow (2009), and first empirically ... paved the way for the new and fruitful, theoretical and em- pirical research on the aggregate elasticity of substitution which has been witnessed over the last years. In La Grandville (1989b) and...
Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 00:20
The bioliq® bioslurry gasification process for the production of biosynfuels, organic chemicals, and energy pdf
... contains about 20% to 40% of the initial bioe- nergy; the condensate (biooil), 70% to 50%, and together, about 90%. If only the biooil is used for gasification without the char, about one-third of the ... into the slag. At the high temperatures and pressur es, the gasifica- tion rate is fast and proceeds in the film diffusion regime and is thus almost independent from tempera- ture. The lower the ... 1996 for the further development of their hazar- dous waste conversion process [34]. The photo in Figure 22 shows the top and bottom sections of the pilot gasifier. The KIT has rented the pilot...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 19:20
manual on the application of the haccp system in mycotoxin prevention and control pdf
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 16:20
Protecting Children''''s Health In A Changing Environment - Report Of The Fifth Ministerial Conference On Environment And Health.pdf potx
... an area stretching from the Arctic Ocean in the north and the Mediterranean Sea in the south and from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Pacic Ocean in the east. The European programme of ... areas. The rst was the progress and impact of the environment and health process, particularly in the countries of south- eastern and eastern Europe, the Caucasus and central Asia, and where ... geographical and sectoral representation. The Member States in the Region welcomed the Declaration, including the commitment to act, and the institutional framework for the environment and health...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:22
Distributed Search over the Hidden Web: Hierarchical Database Sampling and Selection pdf
... 10: The average number of interactions per database for FP and RS methods when they retrieve the same number of documents. and RS-SVM, respectively. The ctf ratio and the SRCC values for the ... process and the calculated do cument frequencies only contain information about the relative ordering of the words in the database, not their absolute frequencies. Hence, two databases with the same ... evaluate the quality of the content summaries. When two rankings are identical then SRCC =1; when they are uncorrelated, SRCC =0; and when they are in reverse order, SRCC =-1. The results for the...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 16:21