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The World in 2011 ICT FACTS AND FIGURES One third of the world’s population is online 45% of Internet users below the age of 25 Share of Internet users in the total population Not using Internet: 82% Users, developed China:28% India: 6% Other developing countries: 66% Developed Developing Users China: 37% Other developing countries: 53% India: 10% Not using Internet: 65% Developing Developed Total population: 6.5 billion Total population: 7 billion Note: * Estimate Source: ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators database • The world is home to 7 billion people, one third of which are using the Internet. 45% of the world’s Internet users are below the age of 25. • Overthelastveyears,developingcountrieshaveincreasedtheirshareoftheworld’stotalnumberof Internetusersfrom44%in2006,to62%in2011.Today,InternetusersinChinarepresentalmost25%of the world’s total Internet users and 37% of the developing countries’ Internet users. Internet users by age and by development level, 2011* 77% 71% 30% 23% 36% 34% 23% 29% 70% 77% 64% 66 % 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 Under 25 Over 25 Under 25 Over 25 Under 25 Over 25 Developed Developing World Note: * Estimate Source: ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators database 2006 2011* Not using Internet Using Internet Billions of people Using Internet: 18% Using Internet: 35% • Younger people tend to be more online than older people, in both developed and developing countries. • In developing countries, 30% of those under the age of 25 use the Internet, compared to 23%ofthose25yearsandolder. • Atthesametime, 70% of the under 25-year- olds — a total of 1.9 billion — are not online yet: a huge potential if developing countries can connect schools and increase school enrolment rates. The World in 2011ICT Facts and Figures Almost 6 billion mobile-cellular subscriptions 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* Billions Active mobile -broadband subscriptions Fixed(wired) - broadband subscriptions Fixed -telephone lines Internet users Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions Note: * Estimate Source: ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators database Home ICT access, 2011* Penetration developed countries Penetration developing countries 1.8 billion households 0.7 billion households with a PC 0.6 billion households with Internet Note: * Estimate Source: ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators database • Of1.8billionhouseholdsworldwide,onethirdhaveInternetaccess,comparedtoonlyonefth veyearsago. • In developing countries, 25% of homes have a computer and 20% have Internet access, compared to20%and13%,respectively,3yearsago. 25 74 74 71 20 • With 5.9 billion mobile-cellular subscriptions, global penetration reaches 87%, and 79% in the devel- oping world. • Mobile-broadband subscriptions have grown 45% annually over the last fouryearsandtodaytherearetwice as many mobile-broadband as xed- broadband subscriptions. The World in 2011ICT Facts and Figures Growth in bandwidth facilitates broadband uptake 0 10’000 20’000 30’000 40’000 50’000 60’000 70’000 80’000 90’000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* International Internet bandwidth, GBit/s Developed Developing World Note: * Estimate Source: ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators database • InternationalInternetbandwidth,akeyfactorforprovidinghigh-speedInternetaccesstoagrowingnumber ofInternetusershasgrownexponentiallyoverthelastveyears,from11’000Gbit/sin2006,tocloseto 80’000Gbit/sin2011. • Disparities between regions in terms of available Internet bandwidth per Internet user remain, with on average almost 90’000 bit/s of bandwidth per user in Europe, compared with 2’000 bit/s per user in Africa. 0 5’000 10’000 15’000 20’000 25’000 30’000 35’000 40’000 Africa Arab States Asia & Pacic CIS Americas World Europe International Internet bandwidth (bit/s) per Internet user, 2011* 87’395 Note: * Estimate Source: ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators database World Developed Developing InternationalInternetbandwidth,GBit/s International Internet bandwidth (bit/s) per Internet user, 2011* The World in 2011ICT Facts and Figures Active mobile-broadband subscriptions reach almost 1.2 billion Countries that offer 2G/3G services commercially, mid-2011* Availability of 3G Networks 2G 3G 90% 45% 2G population coverage 3G population coverage Note: * Estimate Source: ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators database • Atotalof159economiesworldwidehavelaunched3Gservicescommerciallyandthenumberofactive mobile-broadband subscriptions has increased to almost 1.2 billion. • While people in developed countries usually use mobile-broadband networks in addition to a xed- broadband connection, mobile-broadband is often the only access method available to people in developing countries. • The percentage of the population covered by a 2G mobile-cellular network is twice as high as the populationcoveredbya3Gnetwork.3Gpopulationcoveragereached45%in2011. 2Gonly 2Gand3G Topbroadbandeconomies,early2011 Economy Fixed-broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants Economy Active mobile- broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants* Netherlands 38.1 Korea (Rep.) 91.0 Switzerland 37.9 Japan 87.8 Denmark 37.7 Sweden 84.0 Korea (Rep.) 35.7 Australia 82.7 Norway 35.3 Finland 78.1 Iceland 34.1 Hong Kong, China 74.5 France 33.9 Portugal 72.5 Luxembourg 33.2 Luxembourg 72.1 Sweden 31.8 Singapore 69.7 Germany 31.7 Austria 67.4 United Kingdom 31.6 New Zealand 66.2 Belgium 31.5 Kuwait 63.5 Hong Kong, China 29.9 Israel 62.2 Canada 29.8 Brunei Darussalam 61.4 Finland 28.6 Cyprus 61.3 United States 27.6 Italy 59.4 Malta 27.5 United Arab Emirates 58.4 Japan 26.9 Greece 58.3 Estonia 25.1 Saudi Arabia 57.8 Singapore 24.9 Macao, China 56.1 New Zealand 24.9 United Kingdom 56.0 Slovenia 24.2 Spain 55.7 Australia 24.2 Denmark 54.7 Macao, China 24.2 United States 54.0 Austria 23.9 Ireland 47.3 Note:Excludeseconomieswithpopulationsbelow100’000 Source: ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators databasee *DataprovidedbyWirelessIntelligence Europe leads the broadband race 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Africa Asia & Pacic Arab States CIS World Americas Europe Per 100 inhabitants Fixed (wired)-broadband subscriptions, 2011* Active mobile-broadband subscriptions, 2011* Note: * Estimate Source: ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators database • Europeleadsinbroadbandconnectivity,with xed- and mobile-broadband penetration reaching26%and54%,respectively. • A number of developing countries have been able to leverage mobile-broadband technologies to overcome infrastructure barriers and provide high-speed Internet servicestopreviouslyunconnectedareas.In Africa, mobile-broadband penetration has reached 4%, compared with less than 1% for xed-broadbandpenetration. • The world’s top broadband economies are from Europe and Asia and the Pacic. In the Republic of Korea mobile-broadband penetrationexceeds90%. The World in 2011ICT Facts and Figures Fixed(wired)-broadbandsubscriptions,2011* Active mobile-broadband subscriptions, 2011* The World in 2011ICT Facts and Figures Broadband – speed matters Fixed-broadband subscriptions, by speed, early 2011 • While almost all xed-broadband connections in the Republic of Korea provide speeds equal to, or above10Mbit/s,broadbandusersinGhana,Mongolia,OmanandVenezuelaarelimitedtobroadband speeds below 2 Mbit/s. • AnInternetconnectionwithaspeedof256kbit/slimitsthe typesofapplicationsand servicesthat Internet users can enjoy.  Service providers for data-intensive services, such as Video-on-Demand, recommend a minimum speed of 2 Mbit/s. • Advertisedandrealspeedscandiffersubstantially.Insomecountries,regulatoryauthoritiesmonitor thespeedandqualityofbroadbandservicesandobligeoperatorstoprovideaccuratequality-of-service information to end users. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Ghana Venezuela Mongolia Jordan Qatar Tunisia Colombia* Oman Serbia† Morocco Azerbaijan Turkey United Arab Emirates Chile Estonia Ireland Slovenia Hungary Slovak Republic Germany Switzerland Georgia Finland Spain Czech Republic United States*†† Singapore Denmark Sweden France United Kingdom Portugal Bulgaria Korea (Rep.) ≥10 Mbit/s ≥2 to <10 Mbit/s ≥256 kbit/s to <2 Mbit/s Note:Referstoadvertisedspeeds.*Datacorrespondtoslightlydifferentspeedintervals. †Breakdownbyspeedavailableonlyforpartofthetotalxed(wired)-broadbandsubscriptions. †† June 2010 data. Source: ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators database ≥10Mbit/s ≥2to<10Mbits/s ≥256kbit/sto<2Mbit/s The World in 2011ICT Facts and Figures Fixed broadband prices in developing countries drop by over 50% in just two years 2.4 1.5 112.2 0 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 Developed countries Developing countries 2008 - 35.4% 52.2% Fixed telephone sub-basket Percentage change (drop) between 2008 and 2010 234.9 - 2010 2.4 14.7 2.0 11.4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Developed countries Developing countries 2008 2010 19.1% 22.0% Percentage change (drop) between 2008 and 2010 Mobile-cellular sub-basket 1.3 8.4 1.1 7.8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Developed countries Developing countries Fixed-telephone sub-basket 2008 Fixed - telephone sub - basket 2010 9.8% 6.7% Percentage change (drop) between 2008 and 2010 Source:ITUMeasuringtheInformationSociety(2011) • The ITU ICT Price Basket 1 shows that between 2008 and 2010 ICT services have become more affordable and relative prices came down by an averageof18%,globally. • The steepest price drop occurred in developing countries, where xed- broadbandpricesdroppedby52.2%. • In developing countries, mobile- cellular prices, which have substantiallydroppedoverthelast decade, fell by a further 22%.The 2010 mobile-cellular sub-basket represented on average 11.4% of monthly GNI per capita, compared to 2% in developed countries. • ICT services continue to be more affordable in high-income economies and less affordable in low-income economies. By 2010, the cost of ICT services averaged 1.5%ofGNIpercapitaindeveloped countries,comparedwith17%ofGNI per capita in developing countries. • In31countries—allofthemhighly industrialized economies — an entry-level broadband connection costsonaveragetheequivalentof 1% or less of average monthly GNI per capita, while in 19 countries — most of them least developed countries — a broadband connection costs on average more than 100% of monthlyGNIpercapita. 1. The ITU ICT Price Basket is a composite measure based onthreetariffsets—xed-telephone,mobile-cellularand xed-broadbandInternetservices—andcomputedasa percentageofaverageGNIpercapita. Fixed-telephonesub-basket 2008 2010 Mobile-cellular sub-basket 2008 2010 Fixed-broadbandsub-basket 2008 2010 The World in 2011ICT Facts and Figures Organized by Hosted by ICT Indicators Meeting Mauritius, 7-9 December 2011 www.itu.int/ICT/WTIM11 9th World Telecommunication For more information: ICT Data and Statistics Division Telecommunication Development Bureau International Telecommunication Union Place des Nations 1211 Geneva 20 - Switzerland indicators@itu.int www.itu.int/ict © 2011, International Telecommunication Union . The World in 2011 ICT FACTS AND FIGURES One third of the world s population is online 45% of Internet users below the age of 25 Share of Internet. Europe and Asia and the Pacic. In the Republic of Korea mobile-broadband penetrationexceeds90%. The World in 2011 — ICT Facts and Figures Fixed(wired)-broadbandsubscriptions, 2011*

Ngày đăng: 18/02/2014, 01:20

