finding the maximum using a numerical approach

báo cáo hóa học:" Repositioning and stabilization of the radial styloid process in comminuted fractures of the distal radius using a single approach: the radio-volar double plating technique" pot

báo cáo hóa học:" Repositioning and stabilization of the radial styloid process in comminuted fractures of the distal radius using a single approach: the radio-volar double plating technique" pot

... was used, and standard disinfection and draping carried out A distal Henry approach was carried out in the interval between the flexor carpi radialis tendon and the radial artery The distal part ... the volar plate, whereas the radial plate acts as a buttress plate holding the radial styloid fragments in place Figure Illustrated case (postoperative radiographs) The fracture is anatomically ... in all patients, so a radial plate, through the same approach, was added An AO 2.7-mm 1/3-tube plate (Synthes®, Oberdorf, Switzerland) or a straight Aptus Radius plate, 2.5 mm (Medartis®, Basel,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20

6 503 0
Examining the performance of the alternative cut flower supply chains for smallholder producers in da lat using a pluralistic approach

Examining the performance of the alternative cut flower supply chains for smallholder producers in da lat using a pluralistic approach

... develops a framework for a pluralistic approach by combining a qualitative approach to gather information on existing problems and a quantitative approach that incorporates an analysis of price margins; ... provides a detailed theoretical framework for using the pluralistic approach, the needs and various analysis tools (map model framework, price margin analysis, gap analysis and relationship marketing ... International Agricultural Research ACLH Australian Centre for Lifestyle Horticulture ADDA Agricultural Development Denmark Asia AIPH The International Association of Horticultural Producers ANZMAC Australian...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2016, 15:05

423 1K 0
Studying Aesthetics in Photographic Images Using a Computational Approach pot

Studying Aesthetics in Photographic Images Using a Computational Approach pot

... classification 100 80 Overall Accuracy Class Low accuracy Class High accuracy 78 76 90 Accuracy (in percentage) Accuracy (in percentage) 95 85 80 75 70 74 Overall Accuracy Class Low accuracy Class ... human perception can be found in [2] Here, we take the first step in using a computational approach to understand what aspects of a photograph appeal to people, from a population and statistical ... posed as a classification problem On the other hand, the ‘ideal’ case is when a machine can replicate the task of robustly giving images aesthetics scores in the range of (1.0-7.0) the humans This...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 17:20

14 440 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Mathematical modelling of the urea cycle A numerical investigation into substrate channelling docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Mathematical modelling of the urea cycle A numerical investigation into substrate channelling docx

... effect is ascribed to the high catalytic capacity (Vmax) of the arginase Relevant Mathematica functions were written to extract the distribution of radioactivity, and the total measurable radioactivity ... k3;Arginase k4;Arginase Arg(t) [Arginase] denominatorArginase where denominatorArginase = k4;Arginase (k2;Arginase + k3;Arginase ) þ k5;Arginase (k2;Arginase + k3;Arginase ) orn(t) þ k1;Arginase ... citRðtÞÞAspðtÞ þ k3;ASS k5;ASS k7;ASS k9;ASS k12;ASS ATP(t) Asp(t) (as(t) þ asR(t)) þ k3;ASS k5;ASS k7;ASS k9;ASS k11;ASS ATP(t) Asp(t) þ k2;ASS k5;ASS k7;ASS k10;ASS k12;ASS Asp(t) AMP(t) (as(t) þ asR(t))...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 08:20

9 438 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Finding Word Substitutions Using a Distributional Similarity Baseline and Immediate Context Overlap" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Finding Word Substitutions Using a Distributional Similarity Baseline and Immediate Context Overlap" potx

... distributional similarity usually fall under two approaches: The pattern-based approach (e.g Ravichadran and Hovy, 2002) The most significant contexts for an input seed are extracted as features and those ... with a supervised SVM classifier (The pattern-based approach uses a set of manuallyconstructed patterns applied to a web search.) In the same vein, Geffet and Dagan (2005) filter the result of a pattern-based ... indicates that the argument of ‘failing’ is ‘bank’ Note that any tree can be transformed into a feature for a particular lexical item by replacing the slot containing the word with a hole: lemma:rescue...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 21:20

9 248 0


... of the nominal variables, although they have a procyclical appearance Overall, the application makes clear that the proposed extended framework allows for a formal analysis of various key aspects ... variables, although they have a procyclical appearance Overall, the application makes clear that the proposed extended framework allows for a formal analysis of various key aspects of potential ... potential output growth at different cutoff frequencies The approach has two important advantages: the signal extraction filters have an automatic adaptation property at the boundaries of the sample...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 20:20

48 606 0
advances in thermal design of heat exchangers a numerical approach direct-sizing, step-wise rating, and transients

advances in thermal design of heat exchangers a numerical approach direct-sizing, step-wise rating, and transients

... Single-spiral axial design The single-spiral exchanger with axial flow has been realized and is a candidate for direct-sizing using the thermal design approach outlined in Chapter (Oswald et a/ ., 1999) ... heat-transfer and flow-friction data against Reynolds number, and for all temperature-dependent physical parameters At least 50 stations along the length of a contraflow exchanger are desirable ... Exchangers Further heat-transfer and flow-friction data Baffle-ring by-pass 411 411 414 Appendix E Proving the Single-Blow Test Method - Theory and Experimentation Analytical approach using Laplace...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:14

530 571 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Sound Synthesis of the Harpsichord Using a Computationally Efficient Physical Model" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Sound Synthesis of the Harpsichord Using a Computationally Efficient Physical Model" potx

... fixed manually Figure shows the loop gain and T60 data for an example case It is seen that the target data (bold dots in Figure 8) contain a fair amount of variation from one partial to the next ... at the middle and high frequencies are imitated using a reverberation algorithm The calibration of the synthesis model is made almost automatic The parameterization and use of simple filters also ... our system the decay times of the partials are extracted, and the loop filter design is based on the loop gain data calculated from the decay times The envelopes of partials in the harpsichord...

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 01:20

15 484 0
Báo cáo y học: "Identification of novel citrullinated autoantigens of synovium in rheumatoid arthritis using a proteomic approach" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "Identification of novel citrullinated autoantigens of synovium in rheumatoid arthritis using a proteomic approach" pdf

... were assigned to the fibrinogen gamma chain, not alpha or beta chains (Table 2) The fibrinogen gamma chain may be a major citrullinated autoantigen as well as alpha or beta chains in RA, although ... Suzuki A, Yamada R, Chang X, Tokuhiro S, Sawada T, Suzuki M, Nagasaki M, Nakayama-Hamada M, Kawaida R, Ono M, et al.: Functional haplotypes of PADI4, encoding citrullinating enzyme peptidylarginine ... Kizawa H, Kou I, Iida A, Sudo A, Miyamoto Y, Fukuda A, Mabuchi A, Kotani A, Kawakami A, Yamamoto S, et al.: An aspartic acid repeat polymorphism in asporin inhibits chondrogenesis and increases...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 08:23

13 409 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Registration accuracy for MR images of the prostate using a subvolume based registration protocol" pps

Báo cáo khoa học: "Registration accuracy for MR images of the prostate using a subvolume based registration protocol" pps

... this is the use of intraprostatic fiducial markers The radio opaque markers are implanted into the prostate gland, and can thereafter be visualized using most imaging modalities By manually defining ... prostate was required to ensure a successful registration An alternative approach is non-rigid image registration for treatment adaptation Chao et al [26] used deformable registration to warp a narrow ... MR-MR registrations Analysis We quantified the registration uncertainty as the standard deviation of the center of mass distance between the prostate gland (RV0) binary masks for each pair of registered...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 09:20

5 306 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Protocol: developing a conceptual framework of patient mediated knowledge translation, systematic review using a realist approach" doc

báo cáo khoa học: " Protocol: developing a conceptual framework of patient mediated knowledge translation, systematic review using a realist approach" doc

... without any attempt to transform them into a common metric or interpreted theme as in a standard qualitative analysis Qualitative details will be independently examined by the principal applicant and ... explicit and implicit theories relevant to interventions These data will be used to expand the conceptual framework and to create a separate taxonomy of patient-mediated KT strategies and associated ... synthesize and interpret The research associate will tabulate extracted/highlighted quantitative and qualitative data, noting any differences between independently extracted information for the...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:23

5 296 0
Báo cáo y học: "Children''''s unique experience of depression: Using a developmental approach to predict variation in symptomatology" potx

Báo cáo y học: "Children''''s unique experience of depression: Using a developmental approach to predict variation in symptomatology" potx

... to the analysis for gender, a factorial ANOVA with minority status (minority versus Caucasian) and the low and high mental age categories were used as independent variables and the internalizing ... gender, a factorial ANOVA with gender and the low and high mental age categories were used as independent variables; the internalizing ratio score was entered as the dependent variable Within the ... categories (African American, Hispanic and Multi-racial) on the internalizing ratio score were evaluated to identify if collapsing the categories into a minority variable would be appropriate There...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:21

8 276 0
Báo cáo y học: "Predicting domain-domain interactions using a parsimony approach" potx

Báo cáo y học: "Predicting domain-domain interactions using a parsimony approach" potx

... Out of these, there are 783 unique domain-domain pairs actually occurring in the data set used The list of gold standard domain-domain pairs is available as Additional data file Materials and methods ... to our approach as the 'Parsimonious Explanation' (PE) method We formulate PE as a linear programming optimization problem, where each potential domain-domain contact is a variable that can receive ... interaction in the dataset Large superfamilies like Ras contain several related but yet different subfamilies, such as Ras, Rab, Rac, Ral, Ran, and so on Since Pfam has classified all Ras-type families...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 17:22

14 309 0


... Southern Indiana, Indiana Grantmaker‘s Alliance, and the Indiana Rural Development Council Indiana-HTC was launched in 2008 and was modeled after a successful program, which was created in Nebraska ... structure and goals Kelly and Zak (1999) also explain that narrative is an effective choice for diverse audiences and is widely adaptable to many communication goals Narrative‘s adaptability is valuable ... narrative rhetorical paradigm The narrative paradigm of communication features the message of a rhetorical artifact Studying narratives through a critical lens helps scholars understand how the...

Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2014, 10:39

91 99 0
lei - determinants of cg and the link between cg and performance - evidence from the uk using a corporate governance scorecard

lei - determinants of cg and the link between cg and performance - evidence from the uk using a corporate governance scorecard

... 70.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a n .a 82.00 81.00 77.00 73.00 73.00 ... hereafter We exclude financial firms as they have different financial reporting formats and many of the key variables needed in our study are not available in COMPUSTAT database For each of the ... more than times in the year? Did the NC meet more than times in the year? Was the attendance at NC meetings more than 60%? Was the attendance at NC meetings more than 80%? Was the attendance at NC...

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:48

100 321 0
Quality assurance for the food industry a practical approach

Quality assurance for the food industry a practical approach

... with the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Water Environment Federation The American Spice Trade Association The American Spice Trade Association (ASTA) is a U.S.-based organization ... the American Association of Cereal Chemists, the American Oil Chemists’ Society, the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association, the American Spice Trade Association, ... U.S They are also recognized and accepted in most cases as referees for quality assessment and qualification of foods in international trade Among these are the American Organization of Analytical...

Ngày tải lên: 27/09/2015, 10:43

448 322 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Refined Lexicon Models for Statistical Machine Translation using a Maximum Entropy Approach" pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Refined Lexicon Models for Statistical Machine Translation using a Maximum Entropy Approach" pptx

... smaller and better References Yaser Al-Onaizan, Jan Curin, Michael Jahr, Kevin Knight, John Lafferty, Dan Melamed, David Purdy, Franz J Och, Noah A Smith, and David Yarowsky 1999 Statistical machine ... extension of the training program available in EGYPT (Al-Onaizan et al., 1999) Berger et al (1996) use the words that suras contextual inround a specific word pair formation The authors propose as context ... used as a cut-off for the number of occurrences that a specific feature must appear So a cut-off of means that all features observed in the training data are used A cut-off of 32 means those features...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 18:20

8 427 0
A Guide to the Analysis of Fish Marketing Systems Using a Combination of Sub-sector Analysis and the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach potx

A Guide to the Analysis of Fish Marketing Systems Using a Combination of Sub-sector Analysis and the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach potx

... influence the way in which people can access and make use of their assets Natural capital Natural capital is the quality and quantity of natural resources that are available to people and above all, the ... Post-Harvest Fisheries Research Programme PLA Participatory Learning and Action PPA Participatory Poverty Assessment PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal RMA Rapid Market Appraisal RRA Rapid Rural Appraisal ... approach to initial project preparation was developed By the end of the decade, there was a range of RRA methods and approaches available which then gave rise to participatory rural appraisal (PRA)...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20

95 646 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of the molten globule state of retinol-binding protein using a molecular dynamics simulation approach ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: Characterization of the molten globule state of retinol-binding protein using a molecular dynamics simulation approach ppt

... of the conformational space close to the native state The approach is designed to provide a qualitative map of the free energy landscape, in a region of the conformation space compatible with the ... simulations The radius of gyration and RMSD values are calculated using all heavy atoms The black diamond corresponds to the native state following the ns equilibration simulation The definitions of the ... have an ˚ ˚ RMSD less than A and an Rg less than 16.5 A Group conformers have an RMSD in the range ˚ ˚ 4–7 A and an Rg in the range 16.5–17.7 A, while ˚ and an group conformers have an RMSD above...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 23:20

13 321 0
báo cáo khoa học: "Use of 3D-computed tomography angiography for planning the surgical removal of pineal region meningiomas using Poppen''''s approach: a report of ten cases and a literature review" pptx

báo cáo khoa học: "Use of 3D-computed tomography angiography for planning the surgical removal of pineal region meningiomas using Poppen''''s approach: a report of ten cases and a literature review" pptx

... transtentorial (Poppen’s) approach and the combination of both approaches are commonly used Krause’s approach is essentially a midline posterior approach to the pineal region Its main advantage ... define a standard surgical approach that will benefit patients [2,11,12] When a pineal region meningioma grows bilaterally to the tentorial plane and extends laterally, the large variation of the ... contributed equally to this work YJL is the operator and guarantor All authors read and approved the final manuscript Page of 18 Yaşargil MG, Türe U, Yaşargil DC: Surgical anatomy of supratentorial midline...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 02:20

8 435 0