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Characterizationofthemoltenglobulestate of
retinol-binding proteinusingamolecular dynamics
simulation approach
Emanuele Paci
, Lesley H. Greene
, Rachel M. Jones
and Lorna J. Smith
1 Institute ofMolecular Biophysics, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds, UK
2 Department of Chemistry and Oxford Centre for Molecular Sciences, Chemistry Research Laboratory, University of Oxford, UK
The detailed characterizationofmoltenglobule states
of proteins continues to be an area of intense research
activity and interest (for reviews see [1,2]). This is in
part because these equilibrium partially folded states
have been found to have many similarities to kinetic
protein folding intermediates. As such, the properties
of these states can therefore give important insights
into the determinants ofprotein structure and folding
[2]. Moltenglobule states of proteins are also postula-
ted to be involved in a range of important physiologi-
cal processes, including the insertion of proteins into
membranes, the release of bound ligands and aggrega-
tion [1]. In this latter area, molten globule-like species
are thought in some systems to be precursors of amy-
loid fibril formation [3,4].
Molten globule ensembles are characterized by hav-
ing a pronounced amount of secondary structure, in a
compact state that lacks most ofthe specific tertiary
interactions coming from tightly packed side chain
groups [1,2]. One ofthemoltenglobule states that has
been studied in the most depth is that of a-lactalbumin
[5]. In this case, it has been possible using nuclear
magnetic resonance (NMR) methods to gain a residue
specific picture ofthe noncooperative unfolding of the
molten globule during denaturation with urea [6–8];
data from these experiments have also been used as
lipocalin; molecular dynamics; molten
globule; protein folding; retinol-binding
L. J. Smith, Department of Chemistry,
University of Oxford, Chemistry Research
Laboratory, Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1
Fax: +44 1865 285002
Tel: +44 1865 275961
E-mail: lorna.smith@chem.ox.ac.uk
E. Paci, Institute ofMolecular Biophysics,
School of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK
Tel: +44 113 3433806
E-mail: e.paci@leeds.ac.uk
(Received 25 May 2005, revised 12 July
2005, accepted 3 August 2005)
Retinol-binding protein transports retinol, and circulates in the plasma as a
macromolecular complex with theprotein transthyretin. Under acidic con-
ditions retinol-bindingprotein undergoes a transition to themolten globule
state, and releases the bound retinol ligand. A biased molecular dynamics
simulation method has been used to generate models for the ensemble of
conformers populated within this moltenglobule state. Simulation con-
formers, with a radius of gyration at least 1.1 A
greater than that of the
native state, contain on average 37% b-sheet secondary structure. In these
conformers the central regions ofthe two orthogonal b-sheets that make
up the b-barrel in the native protein are highly persistent. However, there
are sizable fluctuations for residues in the outer regions ofthe b-sheets,
and large variations in side chain packing even in theprotein core. Signifi-
cant conformational changes are seen in thesimulation conformers for resi-
dues 85–104 (b-strands E and F and the E-F loop). These changes give an
opening oftheretinol-binding site. Comparisons with experimental data
suggest that the unfolding in this region may provide a mechanism by
which the complex ofretinol-bindingprotein and transthyretin dissociates,
and retinol is released at the cell surface.
ANS, 8-anilino-1-napthalenesulphonate; MD, molecular dynamics; RBP, retinol-binding protein; R
, radius of gyration; RMSD, root-mean-
square deviation; TTR, transthyretin.
4826 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4826–4838 ª 2005 FEBS
restraints in a novel approach to determine the free
energy landscape of this moltenglobule [9]. In the
majority ofthe proteins whose moltenglobule states
have been characterized, both by experimental and the-
oretical methods, predominantly a-helical secondary
structure persists in themoltenglobulestate [10–13].
In contrast, in this paper we concentrate on a protein
which is rich in b-sheet secondary structure in the
native state, and which retains the majority of this
b-sheet secondary structure in themoltenglobule state,
human serum retinol-bindingprotein (RBP).
RBP is a member ofthe lipocalin superfamily [14].
The proteins in this superfamily adopt a similar fold;
an eight-stranded up-and-down b-barrel with a C-ter-
minal helix. However, they have a wide range of func-
tions, and high levels of sequence divergence, with
many members sharing under 20% sequence identity
[14,15]. The lipocalins are widely distributed through-
out the eukaryotic and prokaryotic kingdoms [16,17].
Many ofthe lipocalins act as transporters for small
nonpolar ligands, such as retinoids, haem, phero-
mones, lipids, prostaglandins and pigments [18]. RBP
transports all-trans-retinol (vitamin A) from its storage
sites in the liver to target tissues [19]. It is postulated
that the local decrease in pH at the surface membrane
of target cells triggers the release of retinol, by a mech-
anism that is dependent on the conversion of RBP to
a moltenglobulestate [20,21]. It is possible that similar
mechanisms may prompt ligand release for other mem-
bers ofthe lipocalin superfamily. For example, the
release of lipid ligands by human tear lipocalins under
acidic conditions is thought to be associated with a
transition to themoltenglobulestate [22,23].
The moltenglobulestateof RBP, formed under acidic
conditions, has been shown to exhibit the key character-
istics typical of these partially folded states. Stoke’s
radii, from diffusion coefficient measurements, have
demonstrated that themoltenglobule retains a compact
fold [20]. The mean molecular dimensions ofthe parti-
ally folded ensemble are only 13% larger than those
of the native state. Far- and near-UV circular dichroism
(CD) spectra show that theprotein contains a significant
level of secondary structure, but has a considerable level
of disorder in side chain packing, respectively [20,24,25].
Obtaining detailed information at an atomic level about
the moltenglobulestateusing techniques such as NMR
spectroscopy is challenging. Partially folded states such
as molten globules are ensemble of interconverting con-
formers [26]. Slow interconversion between populated
conformers gives rise to broadened NMR resonances,
while averaging of chemical shifts across the populated
ensemble gives a limited chemical shift dispersion [6,27].
Therefore, to develop a detailed model to further our
understanding ofthemoltenglobulestateof RBP,
in vitro and in vivo experimental studies have been com-
plemented with amoleculardynamics (MD) simulation
study. The results of this are reported here.
It is not possible to explore adequately the conform-
ational space accessible to partially folded proteins,
within thesimulation timescale currently accessible to
conventional MD simulations of proteins in explicit
solvent. The exploration of non-native conformations
is therefore usually achieved, either by using very high
temperatures in the simulations, or by introducing a
suitable perturbation in a biased MD simulation, often
using implicit solvent models (for a review of this topic
see, e.g [28,29]). Explicitly modelling the perturbation
induced by a change in the solution pH would not
prompt the transition from the native to the molten
globule state, on a timescale which can be directly
simulated. In this work therefore we have used three
different perturbations in turn. One perturbation forces
an increase in theprotein radius of gyration, the sec-
ond perturbation induces the breaking of native con-
tacts in the structure and the third perturbation is
aimed to speed up the exploration of diverse (in terms
of mutual RMSD) conformations. These various per-
turbations are applied usinga particularly ‘soft’ time-
dependent bias [30,31], designed to generate low energy
pathways in the conformational space. The large num-
ber of diverse and moderately non-native conforma-
tions generated with this biased molecular dynamics
approach are then used as initial conformations for
unperturbed, room temperature simulations. This
method allowed us to explore local free energy minima
in a broad region ofthe conformational space close to
the native state. Theapproach is designed to provide a
qualitative map ofthe free energy landscape, in a
region ofthe conformation space compatible with the
experimental knowledge ofthemoltenglobule state.
By applying this sampling approach to RBP, we are
able to identify a broad basin of low energy partially
folded conformers that are compatible with the avail-
able experimental data [20,24,25,32–34]. These con-
formers provide a model for themoltenglobule state
of RBP that allows us to gain insight into the determi-
nants ofprotein folding and the mechanism of retinol
delivery and release, an important physiological prob-
lem which remains unresolved.
Results and Discussion
Sampling of conformational space
As described in the Experimental procedures section,
a biased MD simulation method has been used to
E. Paci et al. MD simulations ofthe RBP moltenglobule state
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4826–4838 ª 2005 FEBS 4827
generate 160 diverse configurations of RBP. Each of
these was then used as an initial configuration in an
unbiased MD simulationof 1.2-ns length. Figure 1(A)
shows a plot ofthe heavy atom RMSD (root-mean-
square deviation) from the X-ray structure as a func-
tion ofthe radius of gyration (R
), for structures taken
every 10 ps through the 160 unbiased MD simulations.
These data demonstrate the broadness ofthe conform-
ational space explored in the study. Analysis of the
range of RMSD values seen for the MD conformers
shows that there are three distinct peaks in the RMSD
distribution (Fig. 1B). These correspond to different
levels of unfolding. To aid the analysis, the conformers
have been divided into three groups on the basis of
their RMSD values. Conformers in group 1 have an
RMSD less than 4 A
and an R
less than 16.5 A
Group 2 conformers have an RMSD in the range
4–7 A
and an R
in the range 16.5–17.7 A
, while
group 3 conformers have an RMSD above 7 A
and an
greater than 17 A
. The characteristics ofthe group
1 conformers are very native-like, in keeping with their
low RMSD values (< 4 A
). For example, 81 of the
residues that are in regions of secondary structure in
the native protein have secondary structure popula-
tions greater than 0.8 in the group 1 ensemble of con-
formers. We therefore focus our attention on the
conformers in groups 2 and 3 that display a greater
level of unfolding. The native state structure of RBP
has an R
of 15.9 A
. The 13% increase in molecular
dimensions seen experimentally on forming the molten
globule state would correspond to an effective R
18 A
for themoltenglobule ensemble. The group 3
conformers, with an R
in the range 17–20 A
, show an
appropriate level of expansion on average for the mol-
ten globulestate (Fig. 1A). The properties of this
group of conformers have therefore particularly been
compared with experimental data for this state.
Secondary structure persistence
The b-barrel in the native structure of RBP consists of
eight b-strands (A-H) [35]. These are arranged in two
orthogonal b-sheets, with some ofthe b-strands being
involved in both ofthe sheets. The first sheet consists
of strands ABCDEF, and the second sheet contains
strands EFGHA (Fig. 2). The native structure also
contains an a-helix (residues 146–158), which packs
onto the b-sheet formed by the second set of strands.
All ofthe b-strands present in native RBP show a high
level of persistence in the group 2 conformers (Figs 2
and 3). However, in many ofthe structures some of
these strands are reduced in length, or have irregularit-
ies compared to those in the native state. For example,
for strand F (residues 100–109) the mean b-sheet
populations for the first five residues are only 0.05–
0.15. For strand E (residues 85–92) the mean b-sheet
populations for the terminal residues 85 and 91–92 are
0.05–0.13, while those for residues 86–90 are 0.71–0.84.
The disruption of this b-strand results predominantly
normalized probability
15 16
17 18 19 20
Fig. 1. (A) Relationship between theprotein radius of gyration and
the RMSD value from the X-ray structure of native RBP, for the
16 000 conformers taken at 10-ps intervals along the unbiased
simulations. The radius of gyration and RMSD values are calculated
using all heavy atoms. The black diamond corresponds to the native
state following the 2 ns equilibration simulation. The definitions of
the three groups of conformers used in the analysis are shown. (B)
The distribution of radius of gyration (filled bars) and RMSD values
(open bars) across the 16 000 simulation conformers.
MD simulations ofthe RBP moltenglobulestate E. Paci et al.
4828 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4826–4838 ª 2005 FEBS
from the loss of hydrogen bonds between strands E
and F, although in some structures the hydrogen
bonds between strand D and E are also missing. The
a-helix also shows a high level of persistence in the
group 2 conformers, with a-helical populations in
the range 0.59–0.99 for the residues involved.
In the group 3 conformers the changes are more
pronounced (Figs 2 and 3, and Fig. 1 in the supple-
mentary material). All the b-strands now show reduc-
tions in length compared to those in the native
structure. Even strand H (residues 129–138), one of
the particularly persistent strands, is reduced in length
by three residues in more than half ofthe structures,
with residues 129 and 130 having b-sheet populations
of less than 0.1. In addition, in group 3 strand E and
the first half of strand F are almost completely lost.
Residues 85–92 and 100–104 show b-sheet populations
of less than 0.3. A significant disorder is seen across
the ensemble of group 3 conformers in the region con-
taining strand E, the first part of strand F and the con-
necting E–F loop (residues 85–104). The changes in
this region correlate with results from crystallographic
studies of bovine RBP. These report a conformational
change in the E–F loop at low pH [34]. In addition,
changes in this region were reported in asimulation of
the apo form of RBP reported previously [36].
In almost all the group 3 conformers, however, a
central region ofthe b-sheets is preserved. Residues in
the central regions of strands B, C, D, G and H and
part of strand A have b-strand populations greater
than 0.9. A persistent section comprising the central
regions of strands B, C and D together with part of
strand A in b-sheet 1, and the C-terminal region of
strand F with the central parts of strands G and H in
b-sheet 2, have residues with b-strand populations
greater than 0.8 (Figs 2 and 3). Hence in the group 3
conformers the central area of each ofthe two ortho-
gonal b-sheets, that make up the b-barrel in the native
protein, are retained. This is interesting as the two
parts ofthe polypeptide chain that form these persist-
ent central regions ofthe b-sheets have closely similar
amino acid sequences. In particular, the sequence of
RBP contains an internal repeat with residues 36–83
(includes b-strands BCD) and 96–141 (includes
b-strands FGH) having 34% identity [35]. This may
account, at least in part, for the similar behaviour of
these regions in the simulations. The central region
of the a-helix is also very persistent in the group 3
Fig. 2. (A and B) The X-ray structure of human serum retinol-bindingprotein [35]. (A) The b-strands are labelled, those in b-sheet 1 are
shown in red and those in b-sheet 2 are shown in cyan. The a-helix is blue and the retinol is magenta. (B) Only the residues that have a sec-
ondary structure persistence greater than 0.8 in the group 3 conformers (Fig. 3) are coloured. The figure was generated usingthe program
MOLSCRIPT [53]. (C) Backbone trace of representative structures from the three groups ofsimulation conformers (left, group 1; centre, group
2; right, group 3). In each case the average structure over the cluster centres is shown in red.
E. Paci et al. MD simulations ofthe RBP moltenglobule state
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4826–4838 ª 2005 FEBS 4829
conformers, residues 151–156 having a-helical popula-
tions greater than 0.9.
Experimental estimates of secondary structure con-
tent from far-UV CD spectra give 45 and 40% b-sheet
for the native and moltenglobule states of RBP,
respectively [26]. The b-sheet estimate for the native-
state is in close accord with that observed in the X-ray
structure (46%) [35]. In the group 3 simulation con-
formers, 53 residues have a b-sheet population of 0.60
or greater, and 11 residues have a b-sheet population
in the range 0.40–0.60. Taken together this corres-
ponds to 37% of residues in b-strand secondary struc-
ture, a value similar to that seen experimentally for the
molten globule state. The experimental CD data show
that there is an increase in a-helical secondary struc-
ture on forming themoltenglobulestate (8% native;
24% moltenglobule [25]). A large increase in a-helical
secondary structure is not observed, on average, in the
simulation conformers. This difference may reflect
sampling and force field limitations in the simulations,
and the difficulty of interpreting experimental CD data
in a quantitative fashion. The difference may also
reflect the fact that we do not model explicitly the con-
ditions under which themoltenglobule is stable in the
simulations, but rather identify conformers that are
low in energy under native conditions. However,
although there is not a large increase in a-helical sec-
ondary structure, the native state a-helix for residues
146–158 is essentially retained in all the simulation
conformers. In addition, in some ofthe conformers,
particularly those in group 2, turns, some ofa helical
character, do form for residues 93–96. These residues
are in the loop connecting strands E and F in the
native protein, a region where the native structure is
significantly disrupted in the simulations. It is therefore
possible that this is the part ofthe RBP sequence that
forms non-native helical secondary structure when the
molten globulestate is adopted.
Variations in side chain packing
Despite the high persistence ofthe central regions of
b-sheet secondary structure even in the conformers
in group 3, significant changes are observed in the
80 100 120 140
residue number
Fig. 3. Fraction ofthesimulation conformers belonging to groups 2 (upper panel) and 3 (lower panel) in which certain secondary structure
elements are present. Secondary structure was calculated usingthe program DSSPcont [54] which identifies regions of secondary structure
through an analysis of hydrogen bonding patterns. b-sheet secondary structure is shown with open bars, helical (a,3
and p) secondary
structure is shown with filled black bars, and turns and bends are shown with grey bars. The secondary structure present in the native state
of RBP is indicated at the top ofthe figure, with the b-strands labelled A–H (open bars, b-strands; filled bars, a-helices).
MD simulations ofthe RBP moltenglobulestate E. Paci et al.
4830 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4826–4838 ª 2005 FEBS
packing of hydrophobic side chains. The distances
between pairs of aromatic side chains and between
aromatic and other hydrophobic side chains, that are
close in the native state, have been analyzed in the
simulation conformers. Some representative examples
of the distance distributions for conformers in groups
2 and 3 are shown in Fig. 4. A very broad distribution
of distances across thesimulation conformers is seen
when one ofthe side chains involved is from residues
85–104. This is the region that forms strand E and
part of strand F in the native structure, and is disor-
dered in many ofthesimulation conformers. For
example, the distance Tyr90–Met73 ranges from 3.3 to
46.6 A
, while the distance Phe36–Tyr90 varies from
5.9 to 52.0 A
in the group 3 conformers (Fig. 4).
Fluctuations in the distances are seen even for resi-
dues in regions where the native structure is retained
to a significant extent. Here though, the variations are
more limited. Thus for Phe20–Phe137 and for Phe36–
Tyr133 the distance ranges are 3.2–15.3 A
2.9–13.8 A
, respectively, in the group 3 conformers
(Fig. 4). These changes in the packing of aromatic side
chains in the group 3 conformers are in accord with
the experimental loss ofa near-UV CD spectrum on
forming themoltenglobulestateof RBP [20,24,25].
These experimental data reflect the absence of fixed
asymmetric environments for aromatic and cysteine
residues in themolten globule.
It is interesting that relatively short distances are
retained for some ofthe side chains that are in contact
with Trp24 in the native structure. Thus the distances
Trp24–Phe137 and Trp24–Arg139 are 3.0–6.8 A
2.7–8.4 A
, respectively, in the group 3 conformers
(Fig. 4). Mutational studies have shown that Trp24,
and its side chain interactions, play an important role
in stabilizing the RBP structure, and potentially in pre-
venting misfolding [25]. Trp24 and Phe137 are in a
hydrophobic cluster in the native structure, while the
side chains of Trp24 and Arg139 form an amine–
aromatic interaction that closes the base ofthe b-barrel
structure. These residues are part of an evolutionary
conserved set of residues in the lipocalin superfamily,
which it is suggested may fold on a faster timescale
than nonconserved regions [15]. In accord with this,
stopped flow fluorescence studies have shown that
Trp24 is in a near native-like hydrophobic environment
Fig. 4. Normalized distributions ofthe distances between selected residues for thesimulation conformers in groups 2 (top panels) and 3
(bottom panels). The shortest distances between atoms in these side chains in the native state structure of RBP are indicated in paren-
theses. (A) Met73–Tyr90 (native state 3.8 A
); (B) Phe36–Tyr90 (native state 6.9 A
); (C) Phe20–Phe137 (native state 5.0 A
); (D) Phe36–Tyr133
(native state 3.4 A
); (E) Trp24–Phe137 (native 3.2 A
); (F) Trp24–Arg139 (native state 3.7 A
).The scale on the y -axis is arbitrary but the same
for each pair of residues.
E. Paci et al. MD simulations ofthe RBP moltenglobule state
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4826–4838 ª 2005 FEBS 4831
during the early stages of folding [15]. The persist-
ence of native-like contacts for Trp24 in the simula-
tion group 3 conformers suggests that these contacts
may be retained in themoltenglobule state. This would
be consistent with the significance of this side chain,
and its contacts, for the folding and stability of the
Common interactions may be topological
constraints in themolten globule
The simulation conformers in groups 1–3 all share the
same topology, while varying to a large degree in sec-
ondary structure persistence and side chain disorder.
This study provides an ideal model system to investi-
gate whether there is a common set of native-like inter-
actions maintained within low energy partly unfolded
structures, which provide a putative model for the
molten globule. For this purpose, we computed the
pairwise effective energy between pairs of residues,
averaged over all the structures belonging to the differ-
ent groups defined above. A network ofthe interac-
tions was built, by linking together residues whose
pairwise interaction is larger than a threshold (2.5 kcalÆ
), and removing isolated residues. The resulting
network is shown in Fig. 5 for the very native-like
group 1 and for themolten globule-like group 3 struc-
tures. The networks were analyzed usinga network
principle termed ‘betweenness-centrality’ [37,38]. This
measure allows the identification of key nodes govern-
ing the network of interactions in proteins [39,40]. The
light grey residues in Fig. 5 have the highest between-
ness score, and are therefore the most influential to the
network. The interaction network representing group 3
is simpler, and the set of key nodes is smaller than for
group 1.
Interestingly, the structure ofthe networks of the
group 1 and group 3 conformers is similar, and the set
of residues that have a high betweenness in group 3
have also high betweenness in group 1 conformers.
These are Arg10, Lys12, Asn14, Val107, Glu108,
Thr109, Tyr111, Val116, Arg139 and Arg155. All these
10 residues are clustered together on the second face of
b-barrel, in the same overall region ofthe tertiary
structure. However, they reside in six different struc-
tural elements, being located in the N-terminal region,
b-strands F, G, H, in the F–G loop and in the
C-terminal helix in the native RBP structure. There are
wide variations in the characteristics ofthe contacts
between these residues. For example, in some cases
there are interactions between charged or polar side
chain groups (e.g. Glu108 has contacts to Lys12 and
Fig. 5. Network of effective interactions averaged over the structures of group 1 (A) and group 3 (B). The average effective energy between
pairs of residues including solvation free energy was computed as described in Paci et al. [55]. The network was built connecting pairs of
residues, whose absolute value ofthe interaction is larger than 2.5 kcalÆmol
, and that are more than four residues apart in the sequence.
The threshold of 2.5 kcalÆmol
is somewhat arbitrary and is chosen so that the representation ofthe network of interactions is shown most
clearly. Residues represented as light grey ovals are those with a betweenness larger than 5% (graphical representation and betweenness
obtained with the program
VISONE [56]).
MD simulations ofthe RBP moltenglobulestate E. Paci et al.
4832 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4826–4838 ª 2005 FEBS
Arg155) while in other cases there are interactions
between pairs of hydrophobic groups (e.g. Val107 has
contacts to Val116). In addition, six of these 10 resi-
dues are also among the most highly conserved resi-
dues and interactions in the lipocalin superfamily
(N14, V107, E108, T109, Y111, R139) [15]. The simi-
larity ofthe results for the group 1 and group 3 con-
formers suggests that many, but not all, of the
interactions that are crucial for determining the native
state fold oftheprotein are retained in the RBP mol-
ten globule. Furthermore, the conservation ofthe resi-
dues with the high betweenness in RBP across the
lipocalin superfamily indicates the important role that
folding to a specific native state plays in determining
evolutionary selection. The results for RBP are partic-
ularly interesting in the light ofa recently reported and
complementary analysis of networks of conserved
interactions in the intracellular lipid-binding protein
family [41]. Proteins in this family are similar to the
lipocalins having a b-barrel structure. However, the
proteins are in general smaller than the lipocalins and
their fold is different, consisting ofa 10-stranded
b-barrel with a helix-turn-helix motif near the N-termi-
nus. From this work on the intracellular lipid-binding
protein family it was suggested that a network of con-
served hydrophobic side chain interactions in the
b-sheet region oftheprotein could provide a potential
folding nucleation site. This has interesting parallels
with an earlier reported study ofthe lipocalins [15].
Retinol binding site
Retinol binds to RBP in the core ofthe b-barrel.
When bound, retinol is almost totally encapsulated by
the protein, the b-ionone ring lying in the centre of the
protein with the isoprene chromophore stretching
along the barrel axis [35]. RBP releases retinol under
low pH conditions, undergoing the transition to the
molten globule state. The changes to the structure seen
in the group 3 conformers, especially the disruption in
the strand E to F region, lead to a significant opening
of the retinol binding site to solvent, and so would
prompt loss of bound retinol in themolten globule
state. Thesimulation analysis therefore proposes that
changes to the E to F region play an important role in
allowing retinol release from RBP. This proposal is
supported by data from studies of ligand binding to a
number of b-lactoglobulins, other members of the
lipocalin superfamily [42,43]. Here, an opening and
closing ofthe E-F loop region has been shown to pro-
vide a mechanism for the binding and release of lig-
ands. In the b-lactoglobulins the changes are localized
in the E–F loop, and are prompted by the protonation
of a glutamate side chain within the loop. In RBP, the
simulation results suggest that the disorder in the E to
F region is part of much more wide spread conforma-
tional changes, as theprotein undergoes the transition
into themoltenglobule state.
Prior to the simulations reported here, retinol was
removed from the X-ray structure coordinates. This
gave an increase of 251 A
in the solvent accessible
surface area ofthe protein. Comparisons ofthe side
chain solvent accessibility ofthe X-ray structure of
RBP (without retinol bound) with that ofthe group 3
conformers show that, on average, there is a further
increase in mean accessibility of 6.8 A
per residue for
the group 3 conformers. Many ofthe side chains that
make contacts with retinol when it is bound to the
native state have, however, much larger increases in
mean side chain accessibility in the group 3 conform-
ers. For example, for Leu63, Met73 and Phe77 the
mean side chain accessibility increases by 59.3, 85.6
and 77.9 A
, respectively (Fig. 6). Experimentally the
molten globulestateof RBP has been shown to bind
strongly the hydrophobic dye 8-anilino-1-napthalene-
sulphonate (ANS), giving an intense fluorescence spec-
trum [24]. This property, characteristic of molten
globules, is generally recognized to reflect the presence
of exposed hydrophobic surfaces. The simulation
group 3 conformers show that in the case of RBP the
exposed hydrophobic side chain groups from the reti-
nol binding site are likely to be responsible, at least in
part, for the observed ANS binding.
Transthyretin binding site
RBP circulates in the blood stream in a one-to-one
complex with a second serum protein, transthyretin
(TTR) [32]. This large complex prevents the smaller
RBP from being filtered through the renal glomeruli
[19]. Upon reaching target tissues, RBP and trans-
thyretin dissociate, and retinol is released for delivery
to the cells, in a yet undetermined mechanism. Four
regions ofthe sequence of RBP at the opening of the
barrel make contacts with TTR [32]. The residues in
RBP in three ofthe regions involved in these contacts
are identified in Fig. 6. Theprotein C-terminus is the
fourth region of RBP which makes contacts with
TTR. These residues were missing from the X-ray
structure of RBP [35], and so were excluded from the
simulations reported here. The binding of TTR to
RBP has been shown to stabilize the binding of retinol
to RBP. Studies ofthe interactions of chimaera
of RBP and epididymal retinoic acid binding pro-
tein (ERABP) with TTR have identified the region
of the RBP sequence that is key to providing this
E. Paci et al. MD simulations ofthe RBP moltenglobule state
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4826–4838 ª 2005 FEBS 4833
stabilization [33]. The residues concerned are those in
the E-F loop, where the most major changes in struc-
ture are observed in the group 3 simulation conform-
ers. This suggests that the dissociation ofthe RBP–
TTR complex may be linked to release of retinol
bound to RBP, via conformational changes in the E–F
region ofthe protein. In this respect it is particularly
interesting that, in some ofthesimulation conformers
analyzed, residues in the E-F region adopted helical
turns. It is therefore possible that a conversion in sec-
ondary structure could be involved in the RBP–TTR
dissociation mechanism. Further work is needed, how-
ever, to investigate this mechanism in more detail,
including a study ofthe role ofthe C-terminal region
of the RBP sequence which was excluded from the
simulations reported here.
Comparison with other moltenglobule states
Overall, analysis ofthe partially folded conformers
generated for RBP, and comparison with experimental
data, indicates that the structures in group 3 can pro-
vide a model for the ensemble of conformers popu-
lated in themoltenglobulestateofthe protein. These
conformers retain considerable secondary structure,
but show disorder in side chain packing, and have
exposed hydrophobic groups. In the group 3 conform-
ational ensemble the central strands ofthe two ortho-
gonal b-sheets show a high persistence. The structure
in the outer strands is more fluctuating in nature. It is
interesting to compare these secondary structure char-
acteristics with those seen for themoltenglobule states
of other proteins that have been studied in detail
experimentally. Many ofthe proteins whose molten
globules have been characterized have predominantly
a-helical secondary structure in their native state, and
this is largely retained in themoltenglobule state.
Moreover for proteins that contain both a-helices and
b-strands in the native state, it is the a-helical part of
the structure that particularly persists in the molten
globule. The b-sheet regions are more unstructured, in
contrast to the results for RBP. This is seen, for exam-
ple, in human a-lactalbumin [12] and Escherichia coli
ribonuclease HI [13]. Comparison with data for the
molten globulestateof two proteins which have a
native state fold that is rich in b-sheet secondary struc-
ture, carbonic anhydrase and b-lactoglobulin, is there-
fore particularly relevant.
Human carbonic anhydrase II contains 10 b-strands
in the native state, but differs topologically from RBP,
having an ab roll fold [44]. In the partially folded state
the central strands 3–7 have native-like structure, but
less ordered structure is found in the peripheral strands
[45,46]. Hence, as in the case of RBP, the core part of
TTR binding residues
0 10203040
50 60
70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
150 160
residue number
Fig. 6. Difference between the average side chain accessibility of each residue in the group 2 (upper panel) or group 3 (lower panel) simula-
tion conformers and the side chain accessibility in the X-ray structure of native RBP (with retinol removed). Black bars indicate the residues
that make contacts to bound retinol in the native state, and triangles show the residues that are involved in binding to TTR. The solvent
accessible surface area ofthe side chains has been calculated usingthe program
NACCESS [57]. The average increase in surface accessible
area per residues is 6 and 7 A
in the structures belonging to group 2 and group 3, respectively, compared to a change of )0.5 A
in the
equilibration (control) simulation.
MD simulations ofthe RBP moltenglobulestate E. Paci et al.
4834 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4826–4838 ª 2005 FEBS
the b-sheet secondary structure is retained in the mol-
ten globule state, while external regions ofthe struc-
ture are more disordered. b-lactoglobulin is a member
of the lipocalin superfamily, and like RBP its native
structure contains an up-and-down b-barrel and one
C-terminal a-helix [42]. Hydrogen exchange studies of
the moltenglobulestateof equine b-lactoglobulin
show that the high protection factors are seen for resi-
dues in strands G and H (values > 100 for five resi-
dues). These strands are linked by a disulphide bridge
between Cys106 and Cys119. Moderate protection fac-
tors (10–20) are seen for some residues in the regions
corresponding to strands A, D and F in the native
state, and also the a-helix. Residues out of these
regions have protection factors less than 10 (with the
exception of Asn53 in the B–C loop which has a pro-
tection factor of 11) [47]. These data are consistent
with a high persistence for native-like secondary struc-
ture in the central parts ofthe second b-sheet (residues
in strands F, G and H together with part of strand A),
while some secondary structure ofa less persistent nat-
ure in the centre ofthe first b-sheet (particularly for
strand D) and in the a-helix [47]. Results for bovine
b-lactoglobulin are very similar, with a high level of
hydrogen exchange protection being seen in the central
parts ofthe second b-sheet (residues in strands F, G,
H and A) in the partially folded state formed at pH 2
[48]. In addition, for bovine b-lactoglobulin significant
hydrogen exchange protection persists for residues in
b-strands G and H in the cold denatured state [49].
These data for b-lactoglobulin are similar to the results
reported here, although in the RBP simulation con-
formers there is an equivalent level of persistence in
the central regions of both ofthe two b-sheets, while
in b-lactoglobulin the second sheet predominates. The
proposed similarity between themoltenglobule states
of RBP and b-lactoglobulin suggests that the partially
folded protein characteristics identified here may be
typical of those adopted by other proteins in the lipo-
calin superfamily.
In the model for themoltenglobulestateof RBP
reported here theprotein retains a persistent b-sheet
core, although even in these regions there is consider-
able variation in the side chain packing. Out of the
b-sheet core there is much more disorder across the
conformational ensemble. The network analysis of
the simulation conformers shows that there is a small
subset of persistent key interactions. The most signifi-
cant changes in the structure are seen in the region
extending from the start of b-strand E to the middle of
b-strand F (residues 85–104). It is possible that the
conformational changes in this region oftheprotein in
the simulation conformers, including the presence of
some a-helical character, could play an important role
in the mechanism for the dissociation ofthe TTR–
RBP complex and retinol release at the cell surface.
Moreover, similarities between thesimulation con-
formers of RBP and experimental data for b-lactoglob-
ulin, suggest that the model for themoltenglobule of
RBP reported here may have relevance to our under-
standing ofthe properties and ligand binding of other
members ofthe lipocalin superfamily. This is of partic-
ular interest in the light ofthe development of
engineered lipocalins for carrying novel ligands in
therapeutic approaches [23,50,51].
Experimental procedures
The initial structure used in the simulations was the crystal
structure of human serum retinol-bindingprotein at 2 A
resolution (PDB entry 1RBP [35], Fig. 2), with the bound
retinol ligand removed. The C-terminal region ofthe RBP
sequence is missing from the X-ray structure, as these resi-
dues could not be located in the electron density map (resi-
dues 175–182). We therefore also chose to exclude these
eight C-terminal residues from the simulations reported
here, although it is possible that this truncation of the
sequence could affect the stability of non-native states of
the protein. An equilibration (control) simulation was run
for 2 ns at 300 K. The exploration ofthe conformational
space outside the native state at room temperature was car-
ried out by a biased moleculardynamics (BMD) scheme,
similar to that used by Paci et al. [30]. All simulations were
performed in implicit solvent (EEF1 [52]). The system was
initially energy minimized to remove bad contacts, heated
up to 300 K in 0.6 ns and then equilibrated for 2 ns. Dur-
ing the last 1 ns of this equilibration simulationthe average
RMSD from the native state crystal structure was
2.4 (3.2) A
for Ca (all atoms): i.e. the native state is relat-
ively stable with the implicit solvation method employed.
Following this, a 6 ns simulation was performed using
biased molecular dynamics, with a perturbation increasing
the protein radius of gyration. During this simulation, the
radius of gyration and solvent accessible surface area of the
protein increased up to 30% relative to that ofthe native
structure, while the heavy atom RMSD from the native
structure reached 13 A
Five conformations were picked out from along the tra-
jectory, at approximately equal intervals in radius of gyra-
tion value, ranging from one with an almost native-like
radius of gyration to a maximally denatured conformer.
Five 1.6-ns simulations, one for each initial configuration,
were started with a perturbation favouring the loss of native
contacts between side-chain heavy atoms. A configuration
E. Paci et al. MD simulations ofthe RBP moltenglobule state
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 4826–4838 ª 2005 FEBS 4835
[...]... to the adiabatic bias used to induce the loss of native features, the energy ofthe conformers is no more than 20 kcalÆmol)1 larger than the average energy in the native state) These conformations span a range between 2.1 and ˚ 11.9 A in heavy atom RMSD from the native X-ray struc˚ ture and between 15.7 and 19.1 A in protein radius of gyration From each of these 160 conformations a 1.2 ns simulation. .. alpha-lactalbumin by moleculardynamicssimulation J Mol Biol 306, 329–347 Marchi M & Ballone P (1999) Adiabatic bias molecular dynamics: a method to navigate the conformational space of complex molecular systems J Chem Phys 110, 3697–3702 Naylor HM & Newcomer ME (1999) The structure of human retinol-bindingprotein (RBP) with its carrier protein transthyretin reveals an interaction with the carboxy... (Nall BT & Dill KA, eds), pp 175–181 AAAS Publications, Washington DC Day R & Daggett V (2003) All-atom simulations ofprotein folding and unfolding Adv Protein Chem 66, 373–403 Smith LJ (2004) Computational methods for generating models of denatured and partially folded proteins Methods 34, 144–150 Paci E, Smith LJ, Dobson CM & Karplus M (2001) Exploration of partially unfolded states of human alpha-lactalbumin... for access to its facilities Some ofthe simulations reported in this paper were performed while EP was at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Zurich References 1 Ptitsyn OB (1995) Moltenglobule and protein folding Adv Protein Chem 47, 83–229 2 Arai M & Kuwajima K (2000) Role ofthemoltenglobulestate in protein folding Adv Protein Chem 53, 209–282 3 Khurana R, Gillespie JR, Talapatra A, ... Redfield C (2004) Using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to study moltenglobule states of proteins Methods 34, 121–132 Vendruscolo M, Paci E, Karplus M & Dobson CM (2003) Structures and relative free energies of partially folded states of proteins Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100, 14817–14821 Ohgushi M & Wada A (1983) Molten- globulestate – a compact form of globular-proteins with mobile sidechains FEBS... simulation was started without any bias (the first 0.2 ns were disregarded in the following analysis) We thus produced 160 ns of unperturbed equilibrium trajectories spanning the conformational space starting from 160 diverse initial configurations The total length ofthesimulation was more than 300 ns The present approach, while not suitable to determine the free energy surface ofthe protein, which... LJ, Ionescu-Zanetti C, Millett I & Fink AL (2001) Partially folded intermediates as critical precursors of light chain amyloid fibrils and amorphous aggregates Biochemistry 40, 3525–3535 4 Dobson CM (2001) The structural basis ofprotein folding and its links with human disease Philos Trans Roy Soc London B 356, 133–145 5 Kuwajima K (1996) Themoltenglobulestateof alphalactalbumin FASEB J 10, 102–109...MD simulations ofthe RBP moltenglobulestate every 0.4 ns was saved, and used as an initial conformation to perform eight sequential 0.4 ns simulations with a perturbation increasing the RMSD from the initial structure This procedure generated, in a relatively short simulation time (6+72 ns), 160 distinct conformations (coordinates and velocities) that are independent and close to equilibrium... hydrogen exchange J Mol Biol 299, 757–770 Ragona L, Pusterla F, Zetta L, Monaco HL & Molinari H (1997) Identification ofa conserved hydrophobic cluster in partially folded bovine b-lactoglobulin at pH 2 Folding Design 2, 281–290 4837 MD simulations ofthe RBP moltenglobulestate 49 Katou H, Hoshino M, Kamikubo H, Batt CA & Goto Y (2001) Native-like beta-hairpin retained in the colddenatured stateof bovine... beta-lactoglobulin J Mol Biol 310, 471–484 50 Beste G, Schmidt FS, Stibora T & Skerra A (1999) Small antibody-like proteins with prescribed ligand specificities derived from the lipocalin fold Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 96, 1898–1903 51 Schlehuber S & Skerra A (2002) Tuning ligand affinity, specificity, and folding stability of an engineered lipocalin variant – a so-called ‘anticalin’ – usingamolecular random . Characterization of the molten globule state of
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Emanuele Paci
, Lesley. conformers taken at 10-ps intervals along the unbiased
simulations. The radius of gyration and RMSD values are calculated
using all heavy atoms. The black diamond