factors influencing drug absorption and drug availability

Factors influencing job satisfaction and work motivation of the facuties at the universities and colleges in thai nguyen city

Factors influencing job satisfaction and work motivation of the facuties at the universities and colleges in thai nguyen city

... 2016. Scope of content: Research on the factors affecting job satisfaction and motivation towork The influencing factors include: Salary and benefits, training and development,relationships with superiors, ... research on the factors affecting the satisfaction and motivation of faculties atuniversities and colleges in Thai Nguyen City has been conducted to assess the current stateand determine the factors ... with superiors and colleaguesThe superiors and facultyrelationshipis important to companyproductivity Arelationshipthatisbuilt on trust and understanding can make the faculty and manager moreefficient

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2019, 16:41

135 75 0
Internal factors influencing sales growth and solutions – the case of CAO fine jewellery co , ltd

Internal factors influencing sales growth and solutions – the case of CAO fine jewellery co , ltd

... brand knowledge and sales skills Question: Do you think we are having the problems in website and our processes? Answers: The website is not the problem but we should invest to improve it And ... low skills and knowledge sales staffs could affect to store performance and sales? Answers: Actually, Sales team has used PNJ training documents for our staffs about sales skills and brand However, ... them are at standard level And three fourth store managers are failed the test just only one are at standard level Question: How is the employees’ turnover rate of CAO between 2018 and 2019? Answers:

Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2020, 23:31

61 19 0
Psychology Factors Influencing Investment Decision and Investment Performance: A Study on Individual Investors in Vietnam

Psychology Factors Influencing Investment Decision and Investment Performance: A Study on Individual Investors in Vietnam

... of human being is complicated and cannot be predicted From that, researchers and investors show that to understand people‟ activities and behavior or psychology factors is necessary 1.2 Problem ... suggested various behavioral factors which may affect the investors‟ decision-making process and the investment performance such as Bondt (1985), Odean (1999), Bikhchandani and Sharma (2001)… Specifically, ... factor and the investment decisions… 46 Table 4.7: Summary of the relationship between psychological factors and investment decisions 47 Table 4.8: Regression testing of investment decisions and

Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2020, 13:29

89 13 0
Factors influencing job satisfaction and work motivation of the facuties at the universities and colleges in thai nguyen city

Factors influencing job satisfaction and work motivation of the facuties at the universities and colleges in thai nguyen city

... FACTORS INFLUENCING JOB SATISFACTION AND WORK MOTIVATION OF THE FACULTIES AT THE UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES IN THAI NGUYEN CITY A DISSERTATION PAPER ... enthusiasm support and flexibility during the study program Furthermore, The researcher appreciate my parents, my beloved husband and friends, who have been continuously supported and encouraged ... supervision, suggestions and precious time in enthusiastically reading and checking the manuscript, providing the author useful materials; To the chancellors of University of Economics and Business Administration

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2021, 11:08

125 3 0
Factors influencing customer satisfaction and continued intention to use mobile food ordering apps in vietnam

Factors influencing customer satisfaction and continued intention to use mobile food ordering apps in vietnam

... academic understanding of consumers' behavioral and emotional reactions to MFOAs design would provide critical design information to designers and providers Such insights would assist and guide MFOAs ... enhance and encourage specific customer feelings and behaviors, particularly those that benefit their business The findings of the study give restaurants and communications providers with relevant and ... gratitude to my supervisors, Prof Dr Tanabu Motonari and Dr Yoshifumi Hino I really appreciate your dedicated time and supports, your willingness and enthusiasm to guide me during the whole process

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2021, 21:02

94 31 0


... reasons (or factors) are influencing employee but there is no study that researches what the factors more affect to employee, which factors are influencing organizational commitment and intention ... study will investigates what factors influencing the intention to stay of core employees and measure how deep the influencing factors effect organizational commitment and intention to stay of core ... concepts and definition 2.2.1.Small and medium companies That is synonymous definition between small and medium companies and small and medium sized enterprises The abbreviation "SME" for small and...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2015, 20:09

79 622 7
absorption and drug development

absorption and drug development

... Alex Absorption and drug development : solubility, permeability, and charge state / Alex Avdeef p cm Includes index ISBN 0-471-42365-3 (Cloth) DrugsDesign DrugsMetabolism Drug development Absorption ... chemistry space, and especially that clinically useful drugs appear to exist as small tight clusters in chemistry space: Absorption and Drug Development: Solubility, Permeability, and Charge State ... log PI , and log D7:4 Gold Standard for Drug Molecules / 59 PARTITIONING INTO LIPOSOMES 5.1 5.2 5.3 22 Tetrad of Equilibria and Surface Ion Pairing (SIP) / 67 Databases / 69 Location of Drugs Partitioned...

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2014, 10:58

307 221 0
Báo cáo y học: "Impact of drug classes and treatment availability on the rate of antiretroviral treatment change in the TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database (TAHOD" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "Impact of drug classes and treatment availability on the rate of antiretroviral treatment change in the TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database (TAHOD" pdf

... antiretroviral drugs and who had baseline and at Page of 10 (page number not for citation purposes) AIDS Research and Therapy 2007, 4:18 least follow-up visit were included in this study Retrospective and ... Thailand; T Sirianthana* and W Kotarat, Research Institute for Health Sciences, Chiangmai, Thailand; J Chuah*, Gold Coast Sexual Health Clinic, Miami, Queensland, Australia; K Frost*, J Smith* and ... efficient, and standardized first line regimen First line regimens usually include nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) and one non- nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI), and...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:20

10 537 0
Báo cáo y học: " Study protocol for a group randomized controlled trial of a classroom-based intervention aimed at preventing early risk factors for drug abuse: integrating effectiveness and implementation research" ppt

Báo cáo y học: " Study protocol for a group randomized controlled trial of a classroom-based intervention aimed at preventing early risk factors for drug abuse: integrating effectiveness and implementation research" ppt

... school system To understand the level and nature of the mandate, authority, accountability, and resources necessary to sustain and scale-up WD practices, we needed to understand the multilevel organizational ... blocking factors, and comparison of intervention effects could be obtained for each school This two-level randomized block design allowed us to hold school, family, and community catchment area factors ... Science and Methodology Group: Methods for testing theory and evaluating impact in randomized field trials: intent-to-treat analyses for integrating the perspectives of person, place, and time Drug...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:21

11 908 0
báo cáo khoa học: " A qualitative exploration of prescription opioid injection among street-based drug users in Toronto: behaviours, preferences and drug availability" pdf

báo cáo khoa học: " A qualitative exploration of prescription opioid injection among street-based drug users in Toronto: behaviours, preferences and drug availability" pdf

... 1) Transition and co-use of opioids and crack, 2) Social networks and experiences around first injection 3) Drug preferences and availability, 4) Housing and income generation and 5) Context ... by Fagan and Ko-lin who found that initiation of crack use was associated with users' extensive involvement in drug selling and non -drug crimes, changes in drug markets and availability and the ... understanding of this phenomenon, the associated drug use behaviours and preferences as well as the environmental and social context in which these drugs are obtained and administered among street drug...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20

10 194 0
Investigation on factors affecting drug delivery using polymers and phospholipids 1

Investigation on factors affecting drug delivery using polymers and phospholipids 1

... seconds Polyesters, PLA and PLGA, releases drug via hydrolysis of the polymer and could provide sustained and controlled release rate of the drug Blends of these hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymers ... physicochemical factors of the drug molecule and the carrier, including their solubility, hydrophilicity, contact angle and surface area on the human skin permeation or accumulation of drug molecules ... correlation between drug encapsulation and skin lipid fluidization with skin permeation of hydrophilic drug It can be concluded that modification of the characteristics of the drug and the carrier...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:03

15 294 0
Investigation on factors affecting drug delivery using polymers and phospholipids 2

Investigation on factors affecting drug delivery using polymers and phospholipids 2

... keratinocytes and (3) transappendageal permeation through the sweat glands and across the hair follicles (Godin and Touitou 2007; El Maghraby et al., 2008) 1.2 Topical and Transdermal Drug Delivery ... penetration of drugs and to optimize drug release characteristics, various strategies have been explored Tables 1, and depict some of the recent developments in the field of topical and transdermal drug ... polymers and phospholipids for improving the topical and transdermal delivery of therapeutic agents and cosmetic ingredients is worth exploring Factors that influence transdermal and topical drug...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:03

46 288 0