factors affecting the blood ca 2

Báo cáo y học: " Factors affecting the long-term response to tacrolimus in renal transplant patients: Pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenetic approac"

Báo cáo y học: " Factors affecting the long-term response to tacrolimus in renal transplant patients: Pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenetic approac"

... erythematosus) Nephrolithiasis Nephrosclerosis Nephronophthisis 14 1 1 15 (11-31) 13 (11-17) 16 ( 12- 23) 13 (17 -21 ) 18 (15 -23 ) 17 (14 -21 ) 18 (16 -22 ) 27 (17-59) 24 (16-34) 20 (14 -29 ) 16 (13 -22 ) ... 12 months 24 months 36 months 1.7 (1.3 -2. 7) 1.8 (1.3 -2. 3) 1.6 (1 .2- 2.1) 1.6 (1.3 -2. 1) 1.4 (1 .2- 2) 1.4 (1.1-1.7) 1.3 (1.1-1.6) 11 (8.1- 12. 3) 10.7 (9 .2- 13) 10.4 (9 .2- 12. 1) 10 (8.5-11 .2) 9.1 (7.5-10.9) ... Sci 20 10, factors, the role of biological factors affecting the drug absorption, distribution, metabolism or deletion has been investigated [1-9] Till now, the most significant biological factors...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:32

7 787 0


... % N0 % N0 % N0 % N0 % N0 % 13.6 27 40.9 9.1 17 25 .8 7.6 0 10.6 12. 1 32 48.5 17 25 .8 3 13.6 36 54.5 16 24 .2 1.5 7.6 39 59.1 3.0 14 21 .2 7.6 1.5 0 1.5 9.1 28 42. 4 29 43.9 Table 4: Students’ learning ... O2 Class B: O3 X O4 O1: the degree of the participation before the experiment of Class A O2: the degree of the participation at the end of the experiment of Class A O3: the degree of the ... activities The factors came from the teacher, the students and the classroom Based on the findings, the researcher analyzed the techniques and activities often used by the teachers to increase the students’...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 14:35

88 816 0


... audition Others No disabilities 36 .2 28.8 34.6 28 .6 24 .1 26 .6 28 .8 27 .5 32. 2 30.6 IADL 31 31.8 31 30.3 30 .2 30.1 30.4 30 .2 31.6 30.6 PADL1 24 .2 28.6 25 .2 29.4 32 30.4 29 29 .8 26 .5 27 .8 PADL2 8.6 ... 0.59 32 2.8 3.19 2. 18 2. 5 5. 02 Mean 0,017 2. 5 (4.4) -1,78 0.048 0.00 72 0.0 022 0.0003 0.0 323 0. 127 5 0.4175 -4.63 -4.08 -2. 08 1.14 -0,011 2. 5 (4.4) 0.048 0.00 72 0.0 022 0.006 -0.0006 -0.35 12 -0.76 72 ... in care years by 20 30 20 0 1999 20 10 20 20 20 30 Shift in care years by 20 30, good care million Euros milllion Euros 3500 1000 3000 25 00 20 00 1500 1000 500 1999 20 10 20 20 20 30 30 Simulations The...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 17:20

56 625 0
The aim of the research is to study the factors affecting the lifetime of pulsed plasma thruster

The aim of the research is to study the factors affecting the lifetime of pulsed plasma thruster

... cancer: 1930 : in 5,000 20 04 : in 65 20 50 : in 10… Skin cancer: • Is ~50% of all cancer cases • Has > million cases diagnosed each year • Causes person to die every hour Causes of the increase: • Decrease ... http://jchemed.chem.wisc.edu/JCEWWW/Features/MonthlyMolecules /20 04/Oct/JCE2004p1491fig4.gif 27 28 How are inorganic sunscreen ingredients different from organic ones? How might this affect the way they absorb UV light? 29 Inorganic Ingredients: The ... http://www.shop.beautysurg.com/ProductImages/skincare/14 521 .jpg and http://www.shop.beautysurg.com/ProductImages/skincare/14 520 .jpg 20 A Brief History of Sunscreens: The UVA Problem • UVA rays have no immediate visible effects but cause...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:15

44 1,4K 0
Risk Factors Affecting the Development of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease in Household Contacts of Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis pptx

Risk Factors Affecting the Development of Tuberculosis Infection and Disease in Household Contacts of Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis pptx

... Tuberculosis cases among contacts n (%) 625 35 (5.6) 28 1 344 14 (5.0) 21 (6.1) 26 5 360 17 (6.4) 18 (5.0) 513 1 12 27 (5.3) (7.1) 459 166 25 (5.4) 10 (6.0) 23 2 393 (2. 6) 29 (7.4)* All cases Gender ... (%) 63 (41 .2) 93 60 11.5 ± 7.5 12. 2 ± 8 .2 38 (40.9) 25 (41.7) 63 59 31 11.8 ± 8.3 11 .2 ± 7.8 12. 6 ± 7.0 26 (41.3) 23 (39) 14 (45 .2) 148 11.8 ± 7.8 6 .2 ± 8.7 60 (41 .2) (40.0) 133 19 12. 5 ± 7.5* ... Closeness degree to index case Spouse Child Mother-father-sibling Parent Non parent 26 .7 ± 18.0 1.51 ± 0.77 344 (55%) 28 1 (45%) 67 (10.7%) 136 (21 .8%) 23 8 (38.1%) 1 82 (29 .1%) (0.3%) Table Tuberculosis...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 03:20

4 549 0
Research on factors affecting the student’s  satisfaction: a case study at the Da Nang University  of economics, in Vietnam.

Research on factors affecting the student’s satisfaction: a case study at the Da Nang University of economics, in Vietnam.

... education q Practical significance Basing on the result of study “Research on factors affecting the student’s satisfaction: a case study at the Da Nang University of economics”, verification is definitely ... Nowadays, tertiary educators are being called for the quality of education that they provide to account Ø In higher education, the definition of customer is quite different from the manufacturing ... solutions should be built on practical research The study “Research on factors affecting the student’s satisfaction: a case study at the Da Nang University of economics” is carried out and formed basing...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 16:25

24 791 2
the factors affecting the adoption of cost accounting system of selected travel agencies in hanoi, vietnam

the factors affecting the adoption of cost accounting system of selected travel agencies in hanoi, vietnam

... indicates help finding the key factors to apply the cost accounting system, they can use the results of this research to find the factors affecting to the adoption of cost accounting system in their ... productivity; they believe that the application of the cost accounting system is suitable in travel agencies; they believe that the application of the cost accounting system reduces the operating cost; they ... cost; they believe that the application of the cost accounting system ensures that the data are secured 4.3 Factors Significantly Affecting the Attitude of the Accountants and the Managers of Travel...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 20:07

44 594 0
Scientific report: "The factors affecting the productivity of fabric and fabric channel selection consumption of fresh produce cloth in Thanh Ha district, Hai Duong Province, Vietnam" pptx

Scientific report: "The factors affecting the productivity of fabric and fabric channel selection consumption of fresh produce cloth in Thanh Ha district, Hai Duong Province, Vietnam" pptx

... in the model Exp (B) of gender dummy variable was 2. 7 92 (e1. 027 = 2. 7181. 027 ) implied that the number of male producers was greater than that of female producers by 2. 7 92 times (Table 2) In the ... a )2] .α3 = [0.9 92/ (1 + 0.9 92) 2](-0.008) = -0.0 02 = -0 .2% implied that if the volume of lychee increases by unit, then the probability of producers selling to local collectors decreases by 0 .2% , ... 476.76*** -0. 623 NS 1.078** NS 16.1 62* ** 20 .453*** 28 .27 7** 2. 588 0.015*** 0.015*** 0. 024 *** 0.018*** -3.665*** -0.873 NS -0.019 NS -1.961** -0. 324 * -0.049 NS -0.004 NS -0.107 NS Capital (VND...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 18:22

7 444 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Factors affecting the interfacial properties of surfactant absorbed layers on an oil droplet surface" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Factors affecting the interfacial properties of surfactant absorbed layers on an oil droplet surface" pptx

... Ca Cl2 40 + mM Ca Cl2 30 +10 mM Ca Cl2 20 +20 mM Ca Cl2 10 0 1000 20 00 3000 4000 Time (s ) Figure Effect of concentration of calcium chloride on the interfacial tension of 0.01 mg/ml sodium caseinate ... 0.84 12. 16 ± 0.83 2. 34 ± 0.58a 13.51± 0.44a 13 .26 ± 0.37a 2. 61± 0.46a 10 10.39 ± 2. 21ab 10.11± 2. 14ab 2. 35 ± 0.64a 20 9. 62 ± 1.49b 9.36 ± 1.53b 2. 08 ± 0.66a (Different superscript letters indicate ... (mN/m) 0.01 12. 16 ± 0.83a 11.91± 0.84a 2. 34 ± 0.58a 0.1 10.45 ± 1.12a 9.91± 0.97a 3 .26 ± 0.92a b 2. 29 ± 0.42a b 6.69 ± 0.58 6 .27 ± 0.55 (Different superscript letters indicate a significant difference...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 19:20

9 397 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Factors affecting the direction of growth of tree roots" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Factors affecting the direction of growth of tree roots" pptx

... poorly developed caps and the cap cells appear to be digested by the fungal partner (Clowes, 1954) Whether there are important anatomical differences between the root caps of the larger, first ... is sensed by the cap, the programme must lie elsewhere, because the cap dies when the root becomes dormant (Wilcox, 1954; John- growth son-Flanagan and Owens, 1985), yet the growth can remain unaltered ... than in T cacao, at the primordial stage (Champagnat et al., 1974) Riedacker et al (19 82) largely confirmed this work They found that if the tip of the taproot was blocked rather than cut, the growth...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 02:21

11 460 0
Báo cáo y học: "Factors affecting the outcome of surgically treated non-iatrogenic traumatic cervical esophageal perforation: 28 years experience at a single center" docx

Báo cáo y học: "Factors affecting the outcome of surgically treated non-iatrogenic traumatic cervical esophageal perforation: 28 years experience at a single center" docx

... 14(46.7) (21 .4) Gunshot 16(53.3) (25 ) Stab 4(13.3) (0) (0) Fall 1(3.3) (0) (0) 12 Foreign body 9(30) (11.1) (11.1) 16 Present 13(43.3) (23 .3) Absent 17(56.7) (11.8) P 20 Factors Sex (20 ) 21 22 Presentation ... 0.001 Extraluminal 21 (70) (19) Endoluminal (30) (11.1) ≤18 (26 .6) ( 12. 5) >18 22 (73.4) (18 .2) (41) Primary repair 19(63.3) (10.5) ( 42. 1) NS 16 NS Drainage alone (26 .6) (37.5) (50) NS 21 .5 NS Exclusion ... of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma J Trauma 20 01, 50 (2) :28 9 -29 6 12 Gupta NM, Kaman L: Personal management of 57 consecutive patients with esophageal perforation Am J Surg 20 04,...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:22

5 389 0
báo cáo khoa học:" Factors affecting the relationship between psychological status and quality of life in COPD patients" potx

báo cáo khoa học:" Factors affecting the relationship between psychological status and quality of life in COPD patients" potx

... ≥8 n (%) 91 (27 .0) ( 42. 1) 46 (28 .6) 29 (22 .3) (29 .6) 0 .26 7 HADS depression score ≥8 n (%) 46 (13.6) (21 .1) 20 ( 12. 4) 16 ( 12. 3) (22 .2) 0.349 Dependent (Barthel Index

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 01:21

9 409 0
factors affecting the use of mobile banking services in hanoi, vietnam

factors affecting the use of mobile banking services in hanoi, vietnam

... 16 .2 3.9 3.8 35.6 76 .2 92. 3 96 .2 100.0 22 63 35 526 69 3.1 8.8 4.9 73.4 9.6 3.1 8.8 4.9 73.6 9.7 3.1 11.9 16.8 90.3 100.0 24 4 27 6 30 124 16 27 34.0 38.5 4 .2 17.3 2. 2 3.8 34.0 38.5 4 .2 17.3 2. 2 ... 15 to 20 Million Over 20 Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent 20 8 509 29 .0 71.0 29 .0 71.0 29 .0 100.0 373 344 52. 0 48.0 52. 0 48.0 52. 0 100.0 25 5 29 1 116 28 27 35.6 40.6 16 .2 3.9 ... 2. 2 3.8 34.0 72. 5 76.7 94.0 96 .2 100.0 1 92 246 96 36 37 26 .8 34.3 13.4 5.0 5 .2 31.6 40.5 15.8 5.9 6.1 31.6 72. 2 88.0 93.9 100.0 12   4.1 .2 The use of banking services Most of the customers surveyed...

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2014, 22:08

23 928 4
factors affecting the adoption of e-commerce model developed for small and medium enterprises in viet nam

factors affecting the adoption of e-commerce model developed for small and medium enterprises in viet nam

... Subcribers Capacity (Bit/s) Domestics Bandwidth (Bit/s) 20 00 20 03 804. 528 3,80 1.036 20 06 4.059.3 92 17,67 7.000 12/ 2009 22 .779.887 24 ,47 53.659 12/ 2010 26 .784.035 03 /20 12 32. 100.000 68.760 - 4 .20 0.000 ... 108 54,0 2, 6 2, 3 2, 5 Higher national diploma 25 21 ,9 15 17,4 40 20 ,0 Bachelor 78 68,4 54 62, 8 1 32 66,0 7,0 14 16,3 22 11,0 PhD ,0 1 ,2 ,5 20 -30 47 41 ,2 43 50,0 90 45,0 31-40 20 17,5 19 22 ,1 39 19,5 ... Commerce The classification of the factors is illustrated in the figure above and further elaborated in the following sections Some of these factors may be more important at the time the organization...

Ngày tải lên: 23/08/2014, 02:03

80 555 0
factors affecting the competitiveness of small and medium sized aquiculture enterprises in the north of vietnam

factors affecting the competitiveness of small and medium sized aquiculture enterprises in the north of vietnam

... (q1.1+q1 .2+ q1.3)/3 q2 (q2.1+q2 .2+ q2.3)/3 q3 (q3.1+q3 .2) /2 q4 (q4.1+q4 .2+ q4.3+q4.4)/4 q5 (q5.1+q5 .2+ q5.3+q5.4+q5.5)/5 q6 (q6.1+q6 .2) /2 q7 (q7.1+q7 .2+ q7.3+q7.4+q7.5)/5 q8 (q8.1+q8 .2+ q8.3)/3 Analysis the factors ... HaiPhong % 0% 24 .2% 26 .7% 23 .3% Number 14 NamDinh % 0% 12. 1% 13.3% 11.7% ThaiBinh Number 10 12 % 11.1% 15 .2% 2. 2% 10.0% Number 11 16 % 55.6% 16.7% 0% 13.3% Number 20 24 % 33.3% 30.3% 2. 2% 20 .0% Number ... high 21 Number HaiPhong High 25 .0% 38 .2% 24 43.6% 9.1% 1.8% 0% 20 0% 33.3% 60 55 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 39 Total 7.3% 100.0% 26 21 .7% 28 0% 23 .3% 14 0% 11.7% 12 0% 10.0% 16 0% 13.3% 24 0% 20 .0% 120 ...

Ngày tải lên: 23/08/2014, 02:03

117 759 1
A study of the factors affecting the capital structure of the companies listed on vietnam stock market

A study of the factors affecting the capital structure of the companies listed on vietnam stock market

... implement factors affecting the capital structure of listed companies from both the financial policy theoretical and practical perspectives, specifically: 3 .2 Scope of the research From the theoretical ... testing of the impact of managerial factors on capital structure 1 .2. 1 Modigliani and Miller’s Capital Theory (M&M) 1 .2. 2 Trade-off Theory 1 .2. 3 Agency Costs Theory 1 .2. 4 Signalling Theory 1 .2. 5 Pecking ... Analyse the impact of managerial factors of the The thesis focuses on investigating factors affecting the Vietnamese companies on the capital structure; (vii) Propose the capital structure of the...

Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2014, 18:36

12 1,1K 3
Factors affecting the motivation of Vietnamese technical english majors in their English studies

Factors affecting the motivation of Vietnamese technical english majors in their English studies

... to the text itself This approach emphasizes the reconstruction of meaning rather than the decoding of form, the interaction between the reader and the text rather than the graphic forms of the ... Language Reading, pp 22 – 34 Cambridge : Cambridge University Press Scarcella, R C and R L Oxford (19 92) The tapestry of language learning: The individual in the communicative classroom Boston, ... strategies and their classroom practice 1.6 Organization of the thesis: The thesis is divided into five chapters Chapter is the Introduction which presents the rationale for conducting the study, the scope...

Ngày tải lên: 03/03/2015, 09:58

62 388 0
A study on major factors affecting the freshmen's performances on TOEIC listening test at Vietnam Maritime University = Nghiên cứu các nhân tố ảnh hưởng dến kết

A study on major factors affecting the freshmen's performances on TOEIC listening test at Vietnam Maritime University = Nghiên cứu các nhân tố ảnh hưởng dến kết

... 63 325 27 5 42 175 130 21 30 10 83 440 390 62 320 27 0 41 170 125 20 25 82 435 385 61 310 26 0 40 160 120 19 20 81 430 375 60 300 25 5 39 150 115 18 15 80 425 370 59 29 5 25 0 38 140 105 17 10 79 420 ... 350 29 5 47 21 5 160 26 55 35 89 475 425 67 345 29 5 46 20 5 155 25 50 30 88 465 420 66 340 29 0 45 20 0 145 24 45 25 87 460 415 65 335 28 5 44 190 140 23 40 20 86 455 405 64 330 28 0 43 180 135 22 35 ... 375 325 52 245 20 5 31 90 65 94 495 460 72 370 320 51 23 5 195 30 85 60 93 495 455 71 365 315 50 23 0 185 29 80 55 92 490 450 70 360 310 49 22 5 175 28 70 45 91 485 440 69 355 300 48 22 0 170 27 60...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:05

75 1,2K 4
Factors affecting the students’ English oral presentation skills at Hanoi Tourism College = Những yếu tố ảnh đến kỹ năng thuyết trình tiếng Anh của sinh viên tr

Factors affecting the students’ English oral presentation skills at Hanoi Tourism College = Những yếu tố ảnh đến kỹ năng thuyết trình tiếng Anh của sinh viên tr

... Department 11 2. 1.3 Tour guide students 12 2 .2 The study 13 2. 2.1 Research questions 13 2. 2 .2 Participants 14 2. 2.3 The instrument ... growing tourism industry 2. 1 .2 Tourism Foreign Language Department 2. 1.3 Tour guide students 2. 2 The study 2. 2.1 Research questions With the aim to find out the factors affecting the oral presentation ... are their difficulties when giving oral presentations? What they perceive as factors affecting their oral presentations? What are their suggestions to improve their oral presentations? 2. 2 .2 Participants...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:39

23 1,3K 5

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