
Tài liệu Understanding Marine Biodiversity (Free Executive Summary) pdf

Tài liệu Understanding Marine Biodiversity (Free Executive Summary) pdf

... Biodiversity (Free Executive Summary) http://www.nap.edu/catalog/4923.html Free Executive Summary ISBN: , 128 pages, 6 x 9, hardback (1995) This executive summary plus thousands more available at www.nap.edu. Understanding ... and search the full, authoritative version for free; you may also purchase a print or electronic version of the book. If you have questions or just want more information about the books published ... rates and EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 About this PDF file: This new digital representation of the original work has been recomposed from XML files created from the original paper book, not from the original typesetting...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 01:20

6 304 0
Tài liệu People Make the City,’’ Executive Summary - Joint Urban Operations Observations and Insights from Afghanistan and Iraq pdf

Tài liệu People Make the City,’’ Executive Summary - Joint Urban Operations Observations and Insights from Afghanistan and Iraq pdf

... form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from RAND. Published 2007 by the RAND Corporation 1776 ... www.rand.org Explore RAND National Defense Research Institute View document details For More Information This PDF document was made available from www.rand.org as a public service of the RAND Corporation. 6 Jump ... TECHNOLOGY SUBSTANCE ABUSE TERRORISM AND HOMELAND SECURITY TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE WORKFORCE AND WORKPLACE The RAND Corporation is a nonprofit research organization providing objective...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 23:20

86 409 0
Tài liệu Education for a New Era, Executive Summary docx

Tài liệu Education for a New Era, Executive Summary docx

... from special laboratory equipment to transportation. Recruitment of organizations to support the schools. e Edu- cation Institute, with RAND’s support, searched worldwide for organi- zations ... form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from RAND. Published 2007 by the RAND Corporation 1776 ... +974-492- 7400; or by mail at P.O. Box 23644, Doha, Qatar. e work reported here was carried out by RAND Education, a unit within the RAND Corporation, and was funded by the State of Qatar. For more information...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 01:20

56 354 0
Nelson Mandela HSRC Study of HIV/AIDS - Executive Summary pot

Nelson Mandela HSRC Study of HIV/AIDS - Executive Summary pot

... may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without ... organisations were an important source of HIV/AIDS information and rated higher than AIDS organisations, youth groups and sports clubs. Telephone helplines are an important source of information ... now have the data to tackle the epidemic more vigorously. Nelson R. Mandela December 2002 Foreword Nelson Mandela/HSRC Study on HIV/AIDS: Executive Summary 14 Condom use at last sexual...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 04:20

35 421 0
STS Adult CV Surgery National Database - Fall 2003 Executive Summary Contents pot

STS Adult CV Surgery National Database - Fall 2003 Executive Summary Contents pot

... Figure 7. Cumulative Number of Aortic Valve Procedures Performed Figure 8. Unadjusted Aortic Valve Operative Mortality Figure 9. Risk-Adjusted Aortic Valve Operative Mortality Figure 10. Mean Post-Procedure ... Procedures Performed Figure 4. Unadjusted Isolated CAB Operative Mortality Figure 5. Risk-Adjusted Isolated CAB Operative Mortality Figure 6. Post-Procedure Length of Stay for Isolated CAB ... Post-Procedure Length of Stay for Aortic Valve Procedures Figure 11. Cumulative Number of Mitral Valve Procedures Performed Figure 12. Unadjusted Mitral Valve Operative Mortality Figure 13. Risk-Adjusted...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 14:20

12 251 0
Executive Summary: 2013 Edelman Trust Barometer doc

Executive Summary: 2013 Edelman Trust Barometer doc

... year. So while there is a correlation between economic performance and trust, performance is not determina- tive. Other factors come into play (see page 6 for more). “Informed publics” vs. General ... and “Very Credible”; Informed Publics ages 25-64 General Population 3 Trust Is on the Rise, But Storm Clouds Loom Building trust has never been more important – nor more challenging Trust in ... professor or person like yourself is now trusted nearly twice as much as a chief executive or government official. The hierarchies of old are being replaced by more trusted peer-to-peer, horizontal...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 15:20

12 332 0
Internal Control over Financial Reporting – Guidance for Smaller Public Companies Volume I : Executive Summary ppt

Internal Control over Financial Reporting – Guidance for Smaller Public Companies Volume I : Executive Summary ppt

... the Framework. 3 Internal Control over Financial Reporting – Guidance for Smaller Public Companies • Volume I : Executive Summary mechanisms for processing transactions across an organization ... Companies Volume I : Executive Summary 4 Internal Control over Financial Reporting – Guidance for Smaller Public Companies • Volume I : Executive Summary Effective Boards of Directors Smaller companies ... Control over Financial Reporting – Guidance for Smaller Public Companies • Volume I : Executive Summary or customer credit policies with memoranda and supplement the memoranda with guidance provided...

Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 02:20

16 538 0
When the Discussion Gets Stalled or Heated

When the Discussion Gets Stalled or Heated

... Procedure  Pause when formulating  judgment   Understand what was meant by  actions or words  Reflect on information and ask  for additional information  Reinterpret by applying an  alternate explanation  Redirect conversation toward  goals ... Impasse  Take a break to develop strategies  Define cost consequences if agreement is not reached  Reconsider outcomes to be accomplished  Lower your dependence on them and increase their  dependence on you  Break problem into smaller parts  If impasse is on substance, focus on process – how to proceed  from here  If impasse is on process, try the shared text approach  Keep power in your pocket (e.g. attorney, credible reference)  Keep the door open Ulterior Motive Deception  Lying  Creating impression others will think poorly of them in order to  gain compliance  Threatening someone with power you don’t possess  Switching sides on an issue to create confusion  Suggesting you will provide something of value you don’t  intend to deliver  Offering false flattery  Intimidating other side with false claims  Making intentional misrepresentations  Pretending to be angry, insulted or annoyed to induce  cooperation When ... Differences • Dismissive – interrupting, talking over, ignoring  {men engage more frequently than women} • Exclusionary – leaving someone out of the  meeting, discussion or social gathering • Undermining – going behind the back of others or using insults to discredit arguments • Retaliatory – used when other party feels  threatened • Patronizing – use a condescending tone {happens  more to women} ...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 22:07

15 622 0
Quagmire or Gold Mine?

Quagmire or Gold Mine?

... directories, and much more. To support the structured Web hypothesis, this article will survey pre- liminary Web mining successes and suggest directions for future work. Web mining may be organized ... databases, yet much of the information on the Web lies buried in documents designed for human consumption such as home pages or product catalogs. Further- more, much of the information on the Web is ... the store’s responses. In the software shop- ping domain, Shopbot was given the home pages for 12 online software vendors. Shopbot learned to extract product information from each of the stores, including...

Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2012, 16:47

4 526 1
Ship or Sheep Third Edition

Ship or Sheep Third Edition

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2012, 15:20

237 1.3K 33
changes or not

changes or not

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 10:24

1 501 0
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