exam tips for college students in hindi

Tips for Teaching Conversation in the Multilingual ESL Classroom

Tips for Teaching Conversation in the Multilingual ESL Classroom

... non-native speakers, remind them that in today's global society, the chances are that they will find themselves conversing, doing business, or otherwise interacting in English with other non-native ... can use a multilingual conversational exercise to point out the difference between what a student thinks he is saying and what his classmates actually hear. ã As students tend to forget, communication ... listening, not just to the video or to native speakers, but to each other as well. For those students who think it is pointless or even detrimental to listen to other non-native speakers, remind...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 11:10

2 488 0
Báo cáo " Using Bloom’s revised taxonomy to design in-class reading questions for intermediate students in the context of Vietnam " ppt

Báo cáo " Using Bloom’s revised taxonomy to design in-class reading questions for intermediate students in the context of Vietnam " ppt

... hereafter: Remembering: Recalling information Understanding: Explaining ideas or concepts Applying: Using information in another familiar situation Analyzing: Breaking information into parts to ... the main ideas and organization of the information - Infer and/or predict - Paraphrasing/Translating - Exemplifying, comparing and contrasting, and classifying - Intermediate Skimming, ... (information elements) - Recall sequence of facts and ideas (information order) - Recall reference and simple inference (information linkage) - Scanning, Basic Skimming - Basic Surveying...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 11:20

9 744 3
10 Quick Tips for Small Businesses in the 21st Century pdf

10 Quick Tips for Small Businesses in the 21st Century pdf

... after day, searching out leads, refining our marketing constantly trying to improve our offering. It’s about speaking to people, finding out what product or service they want, trying to provide ... any business working in 2013 can get away with ignoring the Internet. I mean, when was the last time you looked up the Yellow Pages to find a business service rather than searching online? I’m ... something for your business can harm your brand and end up costing you more than you would have paid in the first place. Think about you financial books for a second. How long do you spend doing...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 16:20

14 593 0


... want to find some way to express what they’re feeling by creating artwork, writing, playing music, acting in a theater, singing in a choir or just talking to a friend or trusted adult.  Students ... those things.  When students feel anxious, it may help to find a calming activity. Doing math, working out, listening to music, making lists, doing crossword puzzles, or memorizing something sometimes ... fold laundry. It can make a real difference for students to help their parents and others. 4 Tips for Students Here are some things to think about for students who are at a new school because their...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 16:20

9 284 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Are Nepali students at risk of HIV? A crosssectional study of condom use at first sexual intercourse among college students in Kathmandu" pot

báo cáo hóa học:" Are Nepali students at risk of HIV? A crosssectional study of condom use at first sexual intercourse among college students in Kathmandu" pot

... H: College binge drinking in the 1990s: a continuing problem. Journal of American College Health 2000, 48:199-210. 32. Westoff CF, Bankole A: Mass media and reproductive behavior in Pakistan, India, ... been conducted to determine the prevalence and investigate the influencing factors of cond om use at first sexual intercourse among college students. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire ... Consequences of Binge Drinking in College. A National Survey of Students at 140 Campuses. Journal of the American Medical Association 1994, 272:1672-1677. 18. Agha S: Sexual activity and condom use in Lusaka,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20

7 321 0
management of national defence – security education for university students in the new context management

management of national defence – security education for university students in the new context management

... Security; Ministry of Education and Training; Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs; Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Planning and Investment; Vietnam Television; ... their actions. For students in universities, colleges Article 2, Law on amending and supplementing some articles of Law on Education (having come into effect since 01/7/2010) defines: Objective ... facilities, teaching instruments and application of information technology for teaching application of national defence – security education for students , because this is weak in many centers for national...

Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2014, 14:39

29 338 0
life skills education for minority students in northern mountainous region in vietnam (through natural and social subject, science subject)

life skills education for minority students in northern mountainous region in vietnam (through natural and social subject, science subject)

... are living. Step 2: Assigning tasks (can include training notes) and students will implement. For example: To assign tasks for students after the lesson: Practice saying "no" to addictive ... training products; students tell the job they have done before class, teachers can discuss and talk to students during a break of the relevant issues. For example: After 1 week of training ... education inherent in specific contexts of ethnic minority elementary pupils in Northern mountainous regions in Vietnam, and applying efficient teaching methods in the education. - Designing two...

Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2014, 14:39

27 394 0
Building the exercises system of developing speaking skill for pedagogical students in practicing vietnamese modules

Building the exercises system of developing speaking skill for pedagogical students in practicing vietnamese modules

... Vietnamese in particular is formation and develop using Vietnamese skills comprehensively: listening, speaking, reading and writing for learners. For pedagogical students, forming and developing ... contribute to training scientific thinking for students. To accomplish these specific objects, content of curriculum was built included in the following problems: train creating and receiving documents, ... Develop speaking skills for pedagogical students in teaching Vietnamese in trend of renewing the teaching methods Core spirit of innovation teaching methods is positive learners’ learning, promote...

Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2014, 16:31

14 436 0
Developing critical reading skills for first year students in English department, college of foreign languages, Vietnam national university, Hanoi

Developing critical reading skills for first year students in English department, college of foreign languages, Vietnam national university, Hanoi

... a text Interpreting text by going outside it Recognizing indicators in discourse Transcoding information into other types of display Table 5 - Types of reading tasks in general reading skills ... exploring the problems that students encounter in studying and applying critical reading; (3) offering suitable teaching strategies in developing critical reading skills for first year students. 3. ... following reading skills for the students including getting the gist of a topic, drawing key concepts out of a reading, practicing reading strategies, learning how to use some clues for understanding....

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:50

59 1,4K 4
7 tips for writing in English

7 tips for writing in English

... 7 tips for writing in English! 7 mẹo nhỏ cho việc học Viết tiếng Anh Viết là một trong những kỹ năng ngôn ... advice to you is always to remember to take an umbrella; you never know when it might rain. ã Ngn: Don't forget to take an umbrella. 4. Dùng câu rõ ràng Nếu bạn có nhiều ý muốn diễn đạt thì ... "Yes" thì nghĩa là bài vit ca bn ó t yờu cu ri y! ã Bi vit ó rừ rng cha? ã Tt c cỏc ý cn din t ó din t c cha? ã Bn cú cm thấy hài lòng với những gì mình đang đọc không? (hóy nh l bn ó vit nú...

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2012, 11:46

2 3,6K 60
Tips for teaching speaking English in Middle school

Tips for teaching speaking English in Middle school

... kiện và hoàn cảnh giảng dạy thực tế. Đối với học sinh THCS hiện nay, tiếng anh đã trở lên phổ biến và thầy cô giáo cũng đã cung cấp cho học sinh một vốn kiến thức mới, biết được các phương pháp ... xác và trôi chảy những điều cần thông tin. Tuỳ theo mục đích yêu cầu của bài học mà người dạy có thể lựa chọn một số kĩ thuật thích hợp để xây dựng các sinh hoạt học tập trong lớp và các bài ... Structured Interview là một ví dụ của sự điều chỉnh vừa nêu. Trong bài học này người học phỏng vấn lẫn nhau, sử dụng cấu trúc ngữ pháp đã học, nhưng họ trả lời với những thông tin có thật mà...

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2012, 14:10

4 1K 16