evolutionary universals and cross cultural differences

Some australian vietnamese cross cultural differences in student to  teacher addressing

Some australian vietnamese cross cultural differences in student to teacher addressing

... qualification and the speakers preferences of addressing M.A thesis Addressing is a vast area in cross- cultural communication Due to special and temporal constraints, cross- cultural differences ... Social Social Social Social Teacher Teacher Teacher First title title and title and title and Teacher Career and First and Last and Full tôI Em name Mr.,Mrs., First Last Full Thầy/Cô title name name ... categorical dimensions in cross- cultural communication, which affect the use of addressing terms - To suggest cross- cultural translation of addressing terms between English and Vietnamese in order...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:31

79 516 2
Strategic Adaptation: Cross-Cultural Differences in Company Responses to an Economic Crisis pot

Strategic Adaptation: Cross-Cultural Differences in Company Responses to an Economic Crisis pot

... avoidance Gender egalitarianism Cultural dimensions without significant differences between Austria and Slovenia Summary of cultural differences between Austria and Slovenia Cultural influences on the ... (Chatman and Jehn 1994), professional cultures (e g cultural differences between technicians and marketing people), hierarchical cultures (e g cultural differences between managers and blue-collar ... Threat and opportunity perception of the financial and economic crisis in Austrian and Slovene companies 7.4 Feasibility and urgency perception of the financial and economic crisis in Austrian and...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 14:20

272 232 0
Globalization and Cross-Cultural Issues in Project Management pdf

Globalization and Cross-Cultural Issues in Project Management pdf

... tacit, and systemic and involves dissimilar cultural contexts (p 204) Table 1: Cross- cultural Implications – Asian (China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan) and the West Cross- culture ... figure it out Table 2: Cross- cultural Implications – India and the West Western Non-Western Christianity concerned with absolute moral values, differences between good and evil, and redemption of ... learned about cross- cultural issues was trial and error, and error, and error The writer hopes that sharing some of my experiences will help you avoid some of the same problems and make you more...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 23:20

5 648 1
báo cáo hóa học:" A promising method for identifying cross-cultural differences in patient perspective: the use of Internet-based focus groups for content validation of new Patient Reported Outcome assessments" potx

báo cáo hóa học:" A promising method for identifying cross-cultural differences in patient perspective: the use of Internet-based focus groups for content validation of new Patient Reported Outcome assessments" potx

... IFG-based inquiry to detect and explore thematic differences across linguistically and culturally different peoples This POC study was conducted in Germany and the United States, and involved persons ... 1990's and have since been used by educators, clinicians, researchers and marketing specialists to research stakeholder values [2], explore cross- cultural differences [3], and provide supportive and ... for distinctions and typically agreed to collapse categories where differences were not thought to be culturally determined Cross- cultural differences A final explanation for the differences in...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

14 441 0
báo cáo khoa học:" Performance and cross-cultural comparison of the short-form version of the CPQ11-14 in New Zealand, Brunei and Brazil" pps

báo cáo khoa học:" Performance and cross-cultural comparison of the short-form version of the CPQ11-14 in New Zealand, Brunei and Brazil" pps

... article as: Foster Page et al.: Performance and cross- cultural comparison of the short-form version of the CPQ11-14 in New Zealand, Brunei and Brazil Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2011 9:40 ... communities and cultures with diverse caries experience, and to compare the subjective oral health of these different communities Method Data from studies of children in New Zealand (Northland and Otago), ... artefact, and if another Brazilian community was sampled, a different mean CPQ score could occur, as is the case in New Zealand This variation within and between countries makes cross- cultural...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 01:22

6 264 0
Organizational  structure and cross cultural management the case of credit suisse  in singapore

Organizational structure and cross cultural management the case of credit suisse in singapore

... facilitate effective cross- cultural management Secondly, the structure that enables cross- cultural management is fluid, amorphous, and continuously evolving Structure Can Facilitate Cross- Cultural Management ... that Enables Cross- cultural Management is Fluid, Flexible, and Continuously Evolving The organizational structure appropriate for cross- cultural management goes beyond being fluid and flexible ... improvisation This enables strategic renewal 1991 McHugh and Wheeler Pepper Weick Quinn, Anderson and Finkelstein Volberda Galunic and Eisenhardt Gold and Hirshfeld 1995 1995 1995 1996 1999 2001 2005...

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2016, 09:11

11 546 0
Negotiations chap011 international and cross cultural negotiation

Negotiations chap011 international and cross cultural negotiation

... negotiation is deciding which strategy to apply when, and choosing which models and perspectives to apply to increase cross- cultural understanding 11-3 What Makes International Negotiations Different? ... to: – Understand the multiple influences of several factors on the negotiation process – Update this understanding regularly as circumstances change 11-8 Conceptualizing Culture and Negotiation ... values – Understanding central values and norms • Individualism/collectivism • Power distance • Career success/quality of life • Uncertainty avoidance 11-9 Hofstede’s Model of Cultural Dimensions...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2016, 14:31

21 775 0
a cross-cultural study on differences in expressing annoyance between english and vietnamese = nghiên cứu giao thoa văn hóa về sự khác biệt trong cách thức biểu hiện sự bực bội giữa người anh và người việt

a cross-cultural study on differences in expressing annoyance between english and vietnamese = nghiên cứu giao thoa văn hóa về sự khác biệt trong cách thức biểu hiện sự bực bội giữa người anh và người việt

... cross- cultural similarities and differences between the English and the Vietnamese informants II.3.1 Similarities and differences as seen from informants’ parameters II.3.2 Similarities and differences ... cross- cultural similarities and differences between the English and the Vietnamese II.3.1 Similarities and differences as seen from informants’ parameters In the section, major similarities and ... acts and politeness  Find out major similarities and differences in expressing annoyance in English and Vietnamese  Compare and contrast the communicative strategies used by Vietnamese and English...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:20

50 2K 12
This thesis focuses on cross-cultural similarities and differences in giving comments on contestants’ performance by judges in Vietnam Idol  nghiên cứu giao văn hóa việt - mỹ trong cách thức ban giám khảo đưa ra lời bình luận

This thesis focuses on cross-cultural similarities and differences in giving comments on contestants’ performance by judges in Vietnam Idol nghiên cứu giao văn hóa việt - mỹ trong cách thức ban giám khảo đưa ra lời bình luận

... culture and the cultural differences is also the source of culture shock in every aspect of cross- cultural communication It is the reason why those days, the study of communication and cross- cultural ... translation but due to cultural barriers Understanding the differences of cultures, communication and cross- cultural communication enables participants to discover their own culture and to avoid misinterpretations ... language teaching and intensive cross- cultural studies have been conducted so far would avoid the language learners and cross cultural communicators from the culture shock and communication breakdown...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:25

55 587 2
A cross-cultural study on differences in expressing annoyance between English and Vietnamese

A cross-cultural study on differences in expressing annoyance between English and Vietnamese

... acts and politeness  Find out major similarities and differences in expressing annoyance in English and Vietnamese  Compare and contrast the communicative strategies used by Vietnamese and English ... (2002) Pragmatics and Discourse London and New York: Routledge Crystal, D.1992 An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Language and Languages England: Blackwell Downnes, W 1984 Language and Society UK: Cambridge ... English-Vietnamese Cross- Cultural Differences in Requesting MA Thesis VNU-CFL Fraser, B 1990 Perspectives on politeness Journal of Pragmatics 14: 219-236 North-Holland Geis, M.L (1995) Speech acts and conversational...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:46

4 756 6
A cross cultural analysis of english textbook for grade 10 and suggestion of supplementary activities for students’ cross cultural awareness

A cross cultural analysis of english textbook for grade 10 and suggestion of supplementary activities for students’ cross cultural awareness

... those countries and enhance their awareness of other culture 13 - Textbooks promoting cultural awareness and competence that explicitly raise cultural awareness and cultivate cross- cultural competence ... peoples and cultures; developing students positive feelings and attitudes towards those countries, peoples and cultures and, by doing so, fostering students love and respect of their own language and ... to: - Conduct a cross- cultural analysis of the textbook - Suggest supplementary activities for Grade 10 students cross- cultural awareness RESEARCH QUESTIONS The concept of cross- cultural analysis...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 12:58

51 1,4K 16
A cross cultural study of addressing form in greetings in vietnamese and english

A cross cultural study of addressing form in greetings in vietnamese and english

... awareness of one’s own cultural worldview; attitude towards cultural differences; knowledge of different cultural practices and worldviews and crosscultural skills” Developing cultural competence ... greetings in Vietnamese and English and the similarities and differences in using them in cross- cultural communication Method of the Study The first step was to search the library and the Internet ... work effectively in cross- cultural situations” On the other hand, cultural competence is the ability to understand behavior from the standpoint of the members of a culture and to behave in a...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:40

87 1,5K 17
A cross cultural study of giving compliments and responses in english and vietnamese

A cross cultural study of giving compliments and responses in english and vietnamese

... study - This research focuses on the cross - cultural study to find out the similarities and differences between the English and Vietnamese in the ways they give and respond to compliments Determined ... II: A cross- cultural study of giving and responding to compliments in English and Vietnamese equivalents Chapter III: Some suggestion for gving and responding to compliments in English and Vietnamese ... similarities and differences between the English and Vietnamese when they choose the ways of giving and responding to compliments - With the difference, this study gives the explanation based on the of cross...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:41

15 5K 72
A cross cultural study of using hedges in refusing a request in english and vietnamese

A cross cultural study of using hedges in refusing a request in english and vietnamese

... metaphor and simile are used in English and Vietnamese idioms and to make some comparisons between English idioms and Vietnamese ones In order to obtain these aims, data and sources are collected and ... the learners and readers to improve their knowledge of English and Vietnamese idioms, especially comparative idioms and help them understand the cultural characteristic of English and Vietnamese ... English and Vietnamese idioms with an attempt to provide a clearer understanding of the aspect The results show that there are both similarities and differences between English idioms and Vietnamese...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:41

49 742 0


... beauty standards and fashionable criteria can change over time and culture, “beauty” has undoubtedly a positive bias compared to “ugliness” everywhere and at any time “To say that beauty and ugliness ... students and judge them as smarter Attractive adults get paid more for their work and have better success in dating and mating And juries are less likely to find attractive people guilty and recommend ... mass-media and the star/fame modern cultural system (and its association with sexy) This view and preoccupations with the explanatory level is endorsed by those Female participants and students...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:20

24 554 0
Internal Service Systems and Cultural Differences: An Exploratory Study of Switzerland, Australia, and Singapore pot

Internal Service Systems and Cultural Differences: An Exploratory Study of Switzerland, Australia, and Singapore pot

... Andreas Wittmer Internal Service Systems and Cultural Differences: An Exploratory Study of Switzerland, Australia, and Singapore Internal Service Systems and Cultural Differences: ... Cultural profiles of Switzerland, Australia and Singapore .92 2.2.3 Cultural dimensions and internal service systems 104 2.3 CROSS- CULTURAL MANAGEMENT 105 2.3.1 Culture and management ... Service Systems and Cultural Differences: An Exploratory Study of Switzerland, Australia, and Singapore literature and some issues concerning cultures in Switzerland, Australia and Singapore on...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21

354 330 0


... communication and be responsible for miscommunication or misinterpretation The examples of differences are also only among the common ones Cross- cultural skills are needed to help to understand cultural differences ... Vietnamese and American Specially, the assignment will compare and contrast the two conception in order to find the misunderstanding and cultural conflicts Thus, people from the two cultural can ... attitudes and values Cultural refers to the informal and often hidden patterns of human interactions, expressions and viewpoints that people in one culture share The hidden nature of cultural...

Ngày tải lên: 28/05/2014, 17:31

12 4,3K 78
báo cáo hóa học: " Child-OIDP index in Brazil: Cross-cultural adaptation and validation" pot

báo cáo hóa học: " Child-OIDP index in Brazil: Cross-cultural adaptation and validation" pot

... to carry out a cross- cultural adaptation of the ChildOIDP index and to assess its reliability and validity for application among Brazilian children between the ages of eleven and fourteen Methods ... design and ethical considerations The methodology emphasises the cross- cultural adaptation of the Child-OIDP and its psychometric testing for test-retest reliability, internal consistency and construct ... validation studies [12] and assured the equivalence of the original and adapted versions Although word modifications were made to take into account social and cultural differences, during this...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20

8 467 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Cross-cultural validation and analysis of responsiveness of the QUALIOST®: QUAlity of Life questionnaire In OSTeoporosis" pptx

báo cáo hóa học:" Cross-cultural validation and analysis of responsiveness of the QUALIOST®: QUAlity of Life questionnaire In OSTeoporosis" pptx

... consent and the protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee Baseline and annual X-rays were provided and assessed by a centralised procedure (Pr C Roux, Cochin Hospital, France) The prevalent and ... its first version had 168 questions and the Osteoporosis Functional Disability questionnaire (OFDQ) [4] focused mainly on pain and handicap rather than QoL and was not generated using patient ... (M0) and then every six months using the SF-36 and QUALIOST® The 12 countries of the SOTI trial were Australia, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Spain, Switzerland...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

10 416 0
báo cáo hóa học:" The Chinese version of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory™ (PedsQL™) Family Impact Module: cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation" pdf

báo cáo hóa học:" The Chinese version of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory™ (PedsQL™) Family Impact Module: cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation" pdf

... conceptualized and designed the study, acquired, analyzed and interpreted the data, and revised the manuscript YZ and ZH conceptualized and designed the study, acquired the data, and revised the ... chronic health conditions on parent HRQOL and family functioning across countries In the process of cross- cultural adaptation, the recruitment of translators and specialists in the multidisciplinary ... conceptualized and designed the study, acquired, analyzed and interpreted the data, and drafted the manuscript YH conceptualized and designed the study, supervised the data analysis and revised...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

10 419 0