estrogen receptor signaling in lung cancer

Báo cáo y học: "Gene Therapy: The Potential Applicability of Gene Transfer Technology to the Human Germline"

Báo cáo y học: "Gene Therapy: The Potential Applicability of Gene Transfer Technology to the Human Germline"

... another in would contain transgene sequences in 100% of their cells, and the remaining from individuals would be mosaics, consisting of 1/3rd or 2/3rd transgene-containing cells Accordingly, pre-screening ... epigenetic problems Incrementa l improvements in efficiency Ideal improvements Gene targeting via recombinase use Gene targeting by engineerin g RVV genome Gene targeting by engineerin g RVV genome ... transgene into testicular (sperm) stem cells in vivo This would in principle remove the need to collect, manipulate or transfer eggs, thus providing a major streamlining of germline GM Preliminary...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 10:01

16 506 1
Tài liệu The Influence of Human Activity on the Environment ppt

Tài liệu The Influence of Human Activity on the Environment ppt

... diminishing fossil fuel reserves by using solar power or wind power Benefits of conserving endangered species • Ecotourism • Agricultural benefits • Species indicators • Maintaining diversity in ... causing extinction of species Intensive Farming • Farming has become more intensive to provide a higher % yield from land • Many people regard intensive farming of animals to be cruel • In order ... Improvements in agriculture health and medicine have produced a dramatic rise in the human population This increase in population size leads to an increase in pollution and higher...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 10:20

23 691 0
Tài liệu Deteriorating Access to Women’s Health Services in Texas: Potential Effects of the Women’s Health Program Affiliate Rule doc

Tài liệu Deteriorating Access to Women’s Health Services in Texas: Potential Effects of the Women’s Health Program Affiliate Rule doc

... excluded from WHP, the remaining non-PPFA clinics would have to absorb a massive increase in WHP patients in order to maintain the overall 2011 caseload level Non-PPFA clinics in Bexar and Dallas Counties ... Effects of Reductions in Family Planning Funds As noted earlier, the planned changes in the WHP follow on major reductions in funding for family planning services in Texas beginning in 2011.46 It was ... women) in need of publicly-funded family planning services were served at publicly funded clinics and Title X clinics in Texas in 2008, which averted 98,700 unintended pregnancies, resulting in a...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 06:20

27 713 0
Tài liệu Male Reproductive Health Disorders and the Potential Role of Exposure to Environmental Chemicals pdf

Tài liệu Male Reproductive Health Disorders and the Potential Role of Exposure to Environmental Chemicals pdf

... Cuninkova M, Møller H 2006b Trends in testicular cancer incidence and mortality in 22 European countries: continuing increases in incidence and declines in mortality Int J Cancer 118: 3099-3111 Brouwers ... whereas in Afro-American men it is increasing (McGlynn et al 2005; Shah et al 2007) A similar trend is perhaps also emerging in Europe, as TGCT 13 incidence is increasing in Finland (where the incidence ... diagnosis From: Cancer Research UK, Graph to show increase in incidence of testicular cancer from 1975-2005 in Britain Rate per...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 10:20

56 500 0
Tài liệu Evaluation of physical activity programmes for elderly people - a descriptive study using the EFQM’ criteria ppt

Tài liệu Evaluation of physical activity programmes for elderly people - a descriptive study using the EFQM’ criteria ppt

... a single leader collaborated in quality training since only his programme was involved in a quality scheme (3,85%) (Table 2) Concerning Policy and Strategy, the issues related to quality initiatives, ... personally involved in ensuring the PA programme management system is developed, implemented and continuously improved Coordinators become involved in running the PA programme as a set of interrelated ... guidelines references [31] Another interesting result of our data concerns the fact that most of the leaders are not involved in quality training in terms of teaching people at lower hierarchical...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 06:20

16 959 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Emerging pathways in genetic Parkinson’s disease: Potential role of ceramide metabolism in Lewy body disease pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Emerging pathways in genetic Parkinson’s disease: Potential role of ceramide metabolism in Lewy body disease pptx

... phospholipase A2 participates in ER stress-induced INS-1 insulinoma cell apoptosis by promoting ceramide generation via hydrolysis of sphingomyelins by neutral sphingomyelinase Biochemistry 46, 10170– ... post-lysosomal destinations Cells from NPC subjects show a decrease in acid sphingomyelinase activity, leading to the accumulation of sphingomyelin [27] Because one of the pathways for ceramide recycling is ... are caused by mutations in the NPC1 gene, referred to as type C1 This gene encodes a putative integral membrane protein containing motifs consistent with a role in the intracellular transport...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 14:20

7 652 0
Tài liệu An Empirical Analysis of Political Activity in Hollywood pptx

Tài liệu An Empirical Analysis of Political Activity in Hollywood pptx

... Keegan Catherine Keener Harvey Keitel Will Kemp Jamie Kennedy Nicole Kidman Val Kilmer Jamie King Regina King Ben Kingsley Greg Kinnear Nastassja Kinski Mia Kirshner Chris Klein Kevin Kline Beyonce ... still (jointly) significant in determining contributions, but has the opposite shape as it did for actors: contributions are decreasing in age for the relatively young, then begin to increase in a ... urban CPI to deflate nominal box office dollars, instead of a film or entertainment-specific price index Since the individuals in the sample are concentrated in certain areas of the country (southern...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 10:20

32 615 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Models and mechanisms of O-O bond activation by cytochrome P450 A critical assessment of the potential role of multiple active intermediates in oxidative catalysis doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Models and mechanisms of O-O bond activation by cytochrome P450 A critical assessment of the potential role of multiple active intermediates in oxidative catalysis doc

... constitutive or inducible hemoprotein isoforms [281], exhibiting insignicant sequence identity with P450s in the heme-binding region [282], but bearing a C-terminal avoprotein fragment in the single polypeptide ... Mayer, B (1994) The pteridine binding site of brain nitric oxide synthase Tetrahydrobiopterin binding kinetics, specicity, and allosteric interaction with the substrate domain J Biol Chem 269, 1386113866 ... aromatic amine involving H2O2, formed through dismutation of autoxidatively generated superoxide, to produce the active intermediate, Hb(III)-OOH [149] In line with this, alkaline hemin (ferriprotoporphyrin...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 16:20

26 747 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Mechanism of protection of peroxidase activity by oscillatory dynamics docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Mechanism of protection of peroxidase activity by oscillatory dynamics docx

... reaction is either in a stationary state or in an oscillatory state The experiment is started by infusion of NADH into a solution equilibrated with O2 in the gas phase and containing the enzyme and ... lower in an oscillatory state than in the corresponding nonoscillatory state Previously we have shown that in experiments similar to those in Fig in which the peroxidaseoxidase reaction starts in ... during an oscillatory state induced by melatonin The reaction was performed in 0.1 M acetate buer, pH 5.1 The reaction was started by infusion of NADH (ow rate 34 lLặh)1) to a solution containing...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 11:20

9 435 0


... fluorescence parameters and percentage inhibitions in top ranking clones Sl.No Accession % inhibition in Fv/Fm % inhibition in Q.Y % inhibition in Fv’/Fm’ Top ranking germplasm accessions MT 5100 6.0 ... 0.01 Screening at hot-spot (RRS, Dapchari) Maharashtra state in W.India Weather conditions at RRS, Dapchari - a drought- prone region experiencing high temperature (exceeding 40o C in April) - ... high light intensity - very low soil moisture during summer months - rainfall pattern limited only to four months in a year - average annual rain fall of 7.5mm per day - average of 90 rainy days/...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 04:20

23 573 0
The Health Benefits of Physical Activity for Girls and Women ppt

The Health Benefits of Physical Activity for Girls and Women ppt

... in the attainment of peak bone mineral density during the growing years, in the maintenance of bone during the premenopausal years, and for slowing bone loss during the postmenopausal years In ... facilitating the process of transforming research information into knowledge and policy in order to increase the participation of women and girls in physical activity i developing links between ... should incorporate some minimal form of weight-bearing in their daily routine And finally, older women need to add exercise aimed at increasing muscular strength and balance to assist in the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 13:20

214 560 1
Mortgage Loan Fraud: An Update of Trends based Upon an Analysis of Suspicious Activity Reports doc

Mortgage Loan Fraud: An Update of Trends based Upon an Analysis of Suspicious Activity Reports doc

... Narratives,” financial institutions are increasingly detecting fraud prior to loan funding.17 The most effective financial institutions observed in the sample achieved this during the underwriting process ... enterprises’ reporting of possible mortgage fraud to OFHEO and corresponding reporting to FinCEN As this process continues to develop, FinCEN will continue to monitor these filings for developing trends ... Financial institutions filed 37,313 SARs citing suspected mortgage fraud in 2006, a 44% increase from 2005 • A comparison of 1st quarters 2006 and 2007 shows a 37% increase in SARs identifying...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

54 318 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Simultaneous improvement of catalytic activity and thermal stability of tyrosine phenol-lyase by directed evolution ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: Simultaneous improvement of catalytic activity and thermal stability of tyrosine phenol-lyase by directed evolution ppt

... shuffling [39–49] [310–322] Fig Structural symmetry and putative electrostatic interactions within intertwined N-terminal arm Broken lines represent electrostatic interactions in the vicinity ... the interacting subunits In a previous study, the current authors have shown that the mutation of Thr15 to Ala in the vicinity of the hydrophobic core induces a tighter binding of the cofactor in ... structural understanding of how proteins respond to mutations and recombination can help in the development of more ambitious enzyme engineering strategies, such as increasing the probability...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 00:20

8 429 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Kinetic properties of catecholoxidase activity of tarantula hemocyanin pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Kinetic properties of catecholoxidase activity of tarantula hemocyanin pot

... 6) were analyzed using linear tting, as described in the text, to obtain the catalytic efciency (kcat KM) Substrate kcat KM (mM)1ặs)1) Dopamine NADA Norepinephrine Epinephrine L-DOPA Catechol ... Fitting attempts revealed that inhibition by phenylthiourea and azide was not in accordance with a competitive binding model Thus, the binding afnity of the inhibitors could not be determined ... activity of tarantula hemocyanin E Jaenicke and H Decker 300 Dopamine L-dopa 250 Epinephrine 200 Norepinephrine Catechol 150 1000 800 600 400 200 100 v (àMãmin1) v (àMãmin1) NADA 50 0 Substrate concentration...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 05:20

11 442 0
Báo cáo khóa học: SUT2 is a novel multicopy suppressor of low activity of the cAMP/protein kinase A pathway in yeast docx

Báo cáo khóa học: SUT2 is a novel multicopy suppressor of low activity of the cAMP/protein kinase A pathway in yeast docx

... protein Cells were fixed in 70% ethanol for DAPI staining and imaged as described in Experimental procedures Fig In uence of Sut2p on invasive growth, FLO11 expression and Ras protein level in R1278b ... 437–445 Rolland, F., De Winde, J.H., Lemaire, K., Boles, E., Thevelein, J.M & Winderickx, J (2000) Glucose-induced cAMP signalling in yeast requires both a G-protein coupled receptor system for extracellular ... (Diagnostic Instruments Inc., USA) and evaluated by using the SPOT 3.02 software (Diagnostic Instruments Inc., USA) Results SUT2 is a high copy suppressor of synthetic slow growth in Dgpa2 Dras2 strains...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20

8 485 0
The Carbon and Global Warming Potential Impacts of Organic Farming: Does It Have a Significant Role in an Energy Constrained World? pptx

The Carbon and Global Warming Potential Impacts of Organic Farming: Does It Have a Significant Role in an Energy Constrained World? pptx

... by increasing soil C Meisterling et al [35] also in the US, used a hybrid LCA approach to compare the global warming potential (GWP) and primary energy use involved in the production process (including ... total energy input in the IF systems Halberg et al [40] examined five European studies comparing energy use under conventional and organic farming, including some cash crop (grains and pulses) ... meat supply chain in Western Australia, (2) a beef supply chain in Victoria, Australia producing organic beef, and (3) a premium export beef supply chain in New South Wales which includes 110–120...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 23:20

41 524 1
Báo cáo Y học: Role of critical charged residues in reduction potential modulation of ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase Differential stabilization of FAD redox forms doc

Báo cáo Y học: Role of critical charged residues in reduction potential modulation of ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase Differential stabilization of FAD redox forms doc

... stabilizing the transient semiquinone, destabilizing the flavin hydroquinone complex and therefore in uencing the FAD reduction potential, support the original hypothesis of its role in proton ... neighbouring E301 results in destabilization of the hydroquinone FAD:apoFNR complex relative to those complexes involving the quinone and semiquinone Such effect would not be produced in the case ... respectively, suggesting that the K75 side-chain is somehow in uencing the FAD reduction potential within the protein environment FNR structure shows that K75 side-chain is not making any contact...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 23:20

6 437 0


... Listing of a product in an approved compendium confers a financial advantage to industry The basic motivation to attain listing in the compendia introduces potential for conflict of interest in ... delineating points at which conflict of interest may arise; (2) an ethical framework for evaluating the potential presence and influence of conflict of interest in compendia; (3) results of an investigation ... treatment agents Insurance companies have a direct financial interest in limiting the number of accepted indications listed in approved compendia, while generally agreeing to pay in situations where...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 00:20

111 403 0