esp teaching amp learning situation at tuyen quang medical vocational school

Designing an ESP syllabus for the second-year Nursing students at Tuyen Quang medical vocational school = Thiết kế chương trình tiếng Anh chuyên ngành cho học s

Designing an ESP syllabus for the second-year Nursing students at Tuyen Quang medical vocational school = Thiết kế chương trình tiếng Anh chuyên ngành cho học s

... ANALYSIS AT TUYEN QUANG MEDICAL VOCATIONAL SCHOOL In this chapter, the current ESP teaching and learning situation at TQMVS will be discussed in terms of such factors as teachers, students and materials ... about students‟ needs 2.1 THE ESP TEACHING & LEARNING SITUATION AT TUYEN QUANG MEDICAL VOCATIONAL SCHOOL TQMVS has the aim of training future nurses, midwives and medical staffs for the needs ... ….…….……………………………….……… 19 2.1 The ESP teaching and learning situation at Tuyen Quang Medical Vocational School ……… ….……………… …………………………………… 19 2.1.1 The teaching staff…………………… ……………… …………………… 20 2.1.2...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:15

69 1,1K 3
The impact of a genre-based approach on 11th students’ writing performance An action research at Tuyen Quang Gifted High School, Tuyen Quang

The impact of a genre-based approach on 11th students’ writing performance An action research at Tuyen Quang Gifted High School, Tuyen Quang

... the students‘ difficulties in learning the writing skill and the impact of genre-based approach to their writing performance at Tuyen Quang Gifted High School, Tuyen Quang, Vietnam The research ... means of descriptive statistics This research method was aimed at providing information on students‘ attitudes towards, and opinions about, the genre-based approach that their teacher (also the ... following research questions were raised: What are the students’attitudes towards learning to write in English with the genre-based approach? To what extent does the use of the genre-based approach...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:41

5 550 6
Some suggested solutions for ineffective teaching and learning enlish at ha van mao high school

Some suggested solutions for ineffective teaching and learning enlish at ha van mao high school

... meeting, linking school- based with family- and society-based education and creating an effective English education environment at Ha Va Mao high school should be done Creating vocational activities ... those that characterize the particular language learning situation For students in particular it is important that the totality of their educational experience is appropriate for ... development and status There is some evidence that students in situations where their own culture has a lower status than that of the culture in which they are learning the language make...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2017, 10:39

23 201 0
Designing a task-based ESP syllabus for the second-year students of accounting at Tuyen Quang economic and technical secondary school Thiết kế chương trình tiến

Designing a task-based ESP syllabus for the second-year students of accounting at Tuyen Quang economic and technical secondary school Thiết kế chương trình tiến

... that they did not use English at work When being asked to give examples for situations of using English at work, they gave a number of situations as shown in table below 35 Examples for situations ... concern is that students understand the task and what they are doing, and not act in a mechanical way” Task-based teaching differs from situation- based teaching in that while situational teaching ... and learning needs will be analyzed carefully 28 CHAPTER 2: NEEDS ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS OF ACCOUNTING AT TUYEN QUANG ECONOMIC AND TECHNICAL SECONDARY SCHOOL 2.1 The teaching and learning ESP at...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:25

71 988 0
Warm – up activities in teaching and learning English at grade 10A5 in Cai Be high schoo

Warm – up activities in teaching and learning English at grade 10A5 in Cai Be high schoo

... CONTENT Chapter One BACKGROUND INFORMATION I Cai Be high school Cai Be high school was built in 1960s At present, school has 21 learning rooms, a library, three laboratory rooms for three subjects ... high schools apply these activities? There are many ways to make good warm – up activities at high schools This is a reason why I choose “warm – up activities in teaching and learning English at ... and learning English Cai Be high school is school at the three zones, Cai Be town, Cai Be district, Tien Giang province It is one of four high schools in Cai Be district I Teachers staff: At the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2013, 09:43

35 1,7K 10
Slide an investigation into some approaches to vocabulary teaching and learning and the application of games in teaching and learning vocabulary at pre – intermediate level at foreign language center – haiphong university

Slide an investigation into some approaches to vocabulary teaching and learning and the application of games in teaching and learning vocabulary at pre – intermediate level at foreign language center – haiphong university

... Intermediate level at FLC-HPU?  What is the main reasons of the difficulties in vocabulary teaching and learning at Pre – Intermediate level at FLC-HPU?  Do games help learners at Pre – Intermediate ... vocabulary items they not know (Nation and Newton, 1977, p.244)  Part two: Development Chapter two: Present situation of teaching and learning English at Pre-Intermediate level at FLC - HPU 2.1 Learners ... 1972, p.111) Rationale Aims of the study Scope of the study Methods of the study Design of the study Research questions: What is the present situation of teaching and learning vocabulary at Pre –...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 14:36

29 1,4K 2
reading in esp teaching and learning

reading in esp teaching and learning

... 3: INVESTIGATION OF CURRENT SITUATION OF TEACHING AND LEARNING READING ESP IN DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS AND VIETNAMESE STUDIES AT USSH - VNU 3.1 The teaching and learning reading ESP in Department ... barriers, that alone may dramatically improve their reading ability 1.6 Reading in ESP teaching and learning 1.6.1 What is ESP? Obviously, different human activities require different communication ... performance, etc.), situationally (by 47 using real situations or created situations), and verbally (by using definition, language context, semantic systems, synonyms, antonyms, translation, etc.)

Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2014, 01:11

72 458 0
Designing as supplementary reading syllabus for grade 10 English gifted students at Tuyen Quang Specialized Upper Secondary school = Thiết kế chương trình đọc h

Designing as supplementary reading syllabus for grade 10 English gifted students at Tuyen Quang Specialized Upper Secondary school = Thiết kế chương trình đọc h

... gifted students at Tuyen Quang Specialized Upper Secondary School In this chapter, the situation of teaching English at Tuyen Quang Specialized Upper Secondary School and that of teaching reading ... reduce the anxiety about preparing materials and providing somewhat relevant syllabus for teaching at school situation 2.1.3 The students at TQSS The students of the school range from fifteen to eighteen ... teachers at specialized school in general and at Tuyen Quang Specialized Upper Secondary School (TQSS) in particular more chances to select relevant materials to their class situation Because, however,...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:17

81 892 0
The reality of teaching and learning pronunciaton at Quynh Coi high school in Thai Binh  problems and solutions = Thực trạng dạy và học ngữ âm tại trường PTTH Q

The reality of teaching and learning pronunciaton at Quynh Coi high school in Thai Binh problems and solutions = Thực trạng dạy và học ngữ âm tại trường PTTH Q

... 1: What is the present situation of teaching and learning pronunciation at QC high school? The results of the data analysis reveal that a great number of teachers and students believe that teaching ... questions: (1) What is the present situation of teaching and learning pronunciation at QCHS? (2) Which problems the teachers and students at QCHS face in pronunciation lessons? (3) What teaching techniques ... key aspects, especially stress and intonation, to be successful in teaching and learning pronunciation 2.3 Teaching pronunciation 2.3.1 The importance of teaching/ learning pronunciation and a...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:28

54 775 1


... Description of the English teaching and learning situation at TQC The study was conducted at Tuyen Quang College, which is located in the center of Yen Son district, Tuyen Quang province English ... of learning a foreign language 1.2.2 Materials adaptation It is said that materials adaptation has a close relationship with materials evaluation and it has the importance in the process of materials ... can be said that materials adaptation is an important task in the teaching process with the hope of maximizing the appropriateness of the materials 1.3 Supplementary materials for teaching speaking...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 09:25

74 658 5


... at investigating teachers’ beliefs and practices about ESP teaching at Hanoi University of Industry The objectives were to investigate teachers’ beliefs about teaching strategies applied to ESP ... to ESP classes? (ii) What are the most common ESP teaching strategies used by teachers? (iii) Is there a relationship between the teachers’ beliefs and practices in terms of ESP teaching strategies? ... English Pre- Vocational For medical For English purposes Vocational Business English purposes Figure 2: ESP classification by professional area (Hutchison and Waters, 1987:6) Hutchison and Waters (1987:16)...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 09:25

69 906 0
An investigation into classroom vocabulary learning activities at Dong Son I secondary school in Thanh Hoa = Nghiên cứu về các hoạt động học từ vựng trên lớp tạ

An investigation into classroom vocabulary learning activities at Dong Son I secondary school in Thanh Hoa = Nghiên cứu về các hoạt động học từ vựng trên lớp tạ

... passive learning habit Data collection instruments This study attempts to investigate the current situation of vocabulary learning and teaching as well as the effectiveness of the vocabulary learning ... language learning strategies and language use strategies, the former being strategies for learning tasks such as remembering, and the latter being strategies for language use, such as communicating ... context, and strategy are interrelated and word together to make a configuration of the particular learning situation that will help to bring about the effectiveness of vocabulary learning To be...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:20

53 843 5
The use of genre-based approach to 10th form students in Tuyen Quang gifted high school to write better personal recount = Sử dụng đường hướng dựa vào thể loại

The use of genre-based approach to 10th form students in Tuyen Quang gifted high school to write better personal recount = Sử dụng đường hướng dựa vào thể loại

... INTRODUCTION Rationale for the study Tuyen Quang Gifted High School is located in Tuyen Quang City – Tuyen Quang province There are 21 classes with about 820 students selected from all secondary schools ... research is aimed at investigating whether teaching with genre-based approach positively impacts the personal recount writing of students in Tuyen Quang Gifted High School, Tuyen Quang, Vietnam ... writing? c What are benefits and limitations of a genre-based approach to teaching writing? Scope of the study The sample of this study was the 10th form students of Tuyen Quang Gifted High school, ...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:29

47 554 1
Students’ low motivation in learning English at Ngo Tri Hoa High school Reasons and solutions = Động lực thấp trong việc học tiếng Anh của học sinh trường THPT

Students’ low motivation in learning English at Ngo Tri Hoa High school Reasons and solutions = Động lực thấp trong việc học tiếng Anh của học sinh trường THPT

... what motivation is since the look at motivation from different angle Most definitions of motivation reflect the consensus that motivation is an internal state or condition that serves to activate ... questions”: 1) what are the upper secondary school students‟ goal for learning English?, 2) What kinds of motivation the students have in learning EFL in Quang Nam?, 3) What are the factors that influencing ... book “Motivation factors in language learning (2009) Makiko Ebate says that motivation is the vital role in language learning; provide the primary impetus to imitate learning L2 and later driving...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:32

55 1,3K 0
Managing activities of teaching and learning the specialized subjects in the vacatinal schools in viet nam under the ministry of trade and industry

Managing activities of teaching and learning the specialized subjects in the vacatinal schools in viet nam under the ministry of trade and industry

... following: Vocational Schools’Administrators.It may contribute in giving some is hoped that the study new measures for vocational schools’ administrators in managing the teaching- learning activities ... demand for the vocational schools, the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) has had education strategy plan for the vocational schools One of the key requirements is to innovate the management ... activities of the school and in which all the school' s activities are focused Teaching operations management system is intended to achieve teaching objectives In the schools, teaching operations management...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2017, 21:16

119 589 0
Experience teaching conditional sentences effectively at trieu son 4 high school

Experience teaching conditional sentences effectively at trieu son 4 high school

... situation through pictures Student: Look at the picture, example then give structure 11 People discarded garbage into water, so water was polluted => If people hadn’t discarded into water, water ... simple in this situation Then call the other student for comments and additions if necessary Interrogation is conducted to check all the tenses, depending on the situation, to put the situation into ... students to memorize at least three sentences for each and explain what is based on what to divide in that Checking is conducted regularly throughout the school year at any time For example, I ask student...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2017, 15:43

26 135 0
an exploratory into teaching and learning of speaking English skill to 12th grade students at Quang Xuong I Upper – Secondary school in Thanh Hoa = Nghiên cứu v

an exploratory into teaching and learning of speaking English skill to 12th grade students at Quang Xuong I Upper – Secondary school in Thanh Hoa = Nghiên cứu v

... Communicative Language Teaching 3.GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education 4.WWF World Wild Fund WHO Worl Health Organization IRE Initiative Response Evaluation UNICEF United Nation International ... Quang Xuong school were not satisfactory Two recommendations on how to improve this situation were made to both teachers and students at the school iii ABBREVIATIONS WTO World Trade Organization CLT ... patterns the task types and the effectiveness of the teaching speaking at Quảng Xương Upper- Secondary School The results of the study revealed that the teaching and learning of speaking at Quang...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:13

67 508 0
Current situation in teaching and learning English listening at Tay Ho High School in Hanoi and solutions = Thực trạng dạy và học kỹ năng nghe ở trường THPT Tây

Current situation in teaching and learning English listening at Tay Ho High School in Hanoi and solutions = Thực trạng dạy và học kỹ năng nghe ở trường THPT Tây

... grade 10 in teaching and learning listening, it is necessary to answer the following questions: What is the reality of teaching and learning teaching in grade 10 at Tay Ho high school? What are the ... listening 3.3 The current situation of teaching the textbook at Tay Ho high school 3.3.1 Introduction of Tay Ho high school and its students Tay Ho high school is located at Phu Thuong precinct, ... students not pay much attention to teaching and learning it Because teaching and learning English at high school only to serve a short-term purpose is that passing the national exam after 12th...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:42

67 1,3K 2
Teaching and learning reading comprehension skills for grade 11 at Hong Quang High School  Difficulties and solutions = Dạy và học kỹ năng đọc hiểu ở lớp 11 trư

Teaching and learning reading comprehension skills for grade 11 at Hong Quang High School Difficulties and solutions = Dạy và học kỹ năng đọc hiểu ở lớp 11 trư

... learners know of a similar situation to that presented in the text? - Does the text present a situation that calls for recommendations? - Does the text present a situation that invites completions? ... current situation of teaching and learning reading comprehension skills in the 11th – form students of Hong Quang High School to suggest some reading activities that can be applied in teaching and learning ... Teaching and learning reading comprehension skills for grade 11 – Hong Quang High School: Difficulties and solutions” Aims the study This study aims at improving the quality of teaching and learning...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:31

60 1,3K 6