equal protection under the law balancing individual state and federal rights

Equal Credit Opportunity: Understanding Your Rights Under the Law potx

Equal Credit Opportunity: Understanding Your Rights Under the Law potx

... divorced, and widowed women Typically, there are two reasons women don’t have credit histories in their own n Get credit without a cosigner, if you meet the names: either they lost their credit ... creditor’s standards they married and changed their names, or creditors n Have a cosigner other than your spouse, if one is reported accounts shared by married couples in the necessary husband’s name ... complaints into the Consumer Sentinel Network, a secure online database and investigative tool used by hundreds of civil and criminal law enforcement agencies in the U.S and abroad Federal Trade...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 04:21

6 259 1
Individual Rights and Liberties Under the U.S. Constitution The Case Law of the U.S. Supreme Court pot

Individual Rights and Liberties Under the U.S. Constitution The Case Law of the U.S. Supreme Court pot

... their home states and only to the extent that state- chartered banks in that state could so under state law The Court again held that the plaintiff had standing under the APA By limiting the ability ... on federal law, or to be interwoven with the federal law, and when the adequacy and independence of any possible state law ground is not clear from the face of the opinion, we will accept as the ... that civil litigants have standing to raise the equal protection rights of jurors excluded on the basis of their race 59 60 14 • Individual Rights and Liberties Under the U.S Constitution litigant...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20

1,1K 507 0
mandatory obligations under the international counter-terrorism and organised crime conventions to facilitate state cooperation in law enforcement

mandatory obligations under the international counter-terrorism and organised crime conventions to facilitate state cooperation in law enforcement

... aut judicare and confiscation of the proceeds of crime.7 The laws and treaties regulating these measures require harmony in the legal systems of the requesting and requested states.8 The international ... Metropolis and Others Ex Parte Pinochet & Regina v Evans and Another and the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis and Others Ex Parte Pinochet (On Appeal from a Divisional Court of the Queen's ... treaties’ and the crimes established by them ‘transnational crimes’.2 Although the nature and motivation of these crimes differ, the means adopted by the offenders to carry them out are more or less the...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2014, 16:42

346 419 0
Protection of the Antarctic environment against marine pollution under the 1991 Protocol

Protection of the Antarctic environment against marine pollution under the 1991 Protocol

... occurs and evidence is gathered of the violation; (3) the evidence is evaluated and sanctions are determined for the violation; and (4) the process of giving effect to the sanction is determined The ... explicitly bound to the rights and obligations of that latter instrument, notwithstanding any provisions in Annex IV.31 For the Antarctic, then, the Protocol strengthens the obligation and duty of its ... On the one hand, the specific anti-marine pollution regime for the Southern Ocean region is bolstered by international norms prohibiting pollution of the marine environment On the other hand, the...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 09:20

20 445 0


... Act and the regulations made thereunder, there shall be established under the Ministry for the time being responsible for the Environment, a department to be known as the “Department of the Environment” ... made thereunder; (k) 11 provide information and education to the public regarding the importance of protection and improvement of the environment; THE SUBSTANTIVE LAWS OF BELIZE [ Printed by the ... coasts, seas, air and land and the interrelationship which exists among and between water, air, and land, and human beings, other living creatures, plants, micro-organisms and property; “environmental...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 10:20

51 360 0


... that the tests under the identification theory are more effective at fulfilling these purposes and therefore, should be preferred over the tests under the competition theory.22 16 See Andrea Falk, ... with the competition theory III THE A "COMPETITION" THEORY OF FUNcTIONALriY AND ITs TESTS The "Competition" Theory The "competition" theory of functionality142 is currently the prevailing theory ... beyond the identification of their source On the other hand, the competition theory maintains the opposite view-these features are not functional because they not significantly endanger the competitiveness...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 12:20

53 569 0
The effect of health education intervention on the home management of malaria among the caregivers of children aged under 5 years in Ogun State, Nigeria pptx

The effect of health education intervention on the home management of malaria among the caregivers of children aged under 5 years in Ogun State, Nigeria pptx

... three were in the southern axis of the local government Each of the political wards served as a cluster The first step was to choose whether the northern part or the southern part became the experimental ... (IjebuOru) and the other one randomly selected from the northern axis (Ijebu-Igbo), formed the experimental and control groups, respectively It was decided to choose the experimental and control ... (north and south axes) of the local government to prevent cross-interference during and after the intervention periods The distance between the experimental and the control group is about 10 km The...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 21:20

10 911 0


... minimum standards for the qualification and status of third-country nationals or stateless persons as refugees or as persons who otherwise need international protection and the content of the protection ... the sources of universal rights 16 1.1.1 Customary law 24 1.1.2 General principles of law 26 1.1.3 Jus cogens standards 28 1.2 The present scope of universal human rights law 31 1.2.1 Human rights ... the Program in Refugee and Asylum Law in order to give me the time to complete my writing And from beginning to end of this endeavor, the outstanding resources of the University of Michigan Law...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:21

1,2K 814 0
EQUALITY and LIBERTY in the Golden Age of State Constitutional Law ppt

EQUALITY and LIBERTY in the Golden Age of State Constitutional Law ppt

... from the federal model of equal protection nevertheless borrow a good deal of federal doctrine concerning equal protection of the laws In construing their state equality provisions, these state ... highest court of the state unequivocally professed that state and federal constitutional principles of equality corresponded to one and other and that the scope of the state and federal equality provisions ... constitutional law was the model to follow and state constitutional law offered no protection for equality beyond the federal model Indeed, many states equated their equality provisions—whether they were...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 01:20

292 463 0
The Protection of the Right to Education by International Law doc

The Protection of the Right to Education by International Law doc

... on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights document of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights document of the Human Rights Committee document of the Committee on the Rights ... Reporting to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: Analyses of the rst 49 state party reports on the education articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and a proposition for an experimental ... convention right to education and the Human Rights Act 1998 In: European Human Rights Law Review, No 4, 1999, pp 395410 Bueren, G van, The International Law on the Rights of the Child Dordrecht/Boston/London:...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 10:20

787 331 0
Abtract of doctoral dissertation of jurisprudence the law on the enterprises righr to equal treatment in vietnam

Abtract of doctoral dissertation of jurisprudence the law on the enterprises righr to equal treatment in vietnam

... mention the role of the law on ensuring enterprises’ right to equal treatment However, the role of the law has been analyzed in theoretical terms in the Textbook of State and Law (2003) by the Law ... treated equally by the law in the transaction with partners and the State (i.e enjoying equal terms and equal standards in borrowing loans, treatment, tax liabilities…) Therefore, equality among enterprises ... capacity be truly assessed by the society 2.4 The role of the law on equality among enterprises 2.4.1 Concept of the law on equality among enterprises The law on equality among enterprises in...

Ngày tải lên: 17/07/2014, 10:21

14 296 0
settlement of a strikes by collective bargaining and mediation under vietnamese law- in comparision with the swedish system

settlement of a strikes by collective bargaining and mediation under vietnamese law- in comparision with the swedish system

... Vietnam and there is no governance of political or sympathy strike as is to be found in the law of Sweden The analysis of lawful and unlawful strikes as found in the law of Sweden and the way that the ... the right to strike must within the framework of the law A strike can be lawful or unlawful The distinction between lawful and unlawful strikes is closely connected to the definition of the rights ... safety and hygiene These agreements directly affect the rights and interests of the parties which can otherwise be the causes of dispute between the parties and may lead to strikes The law of...

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2014, 12:36

72 310 0


... of individual, hand-to-hand combat Grand strategy, on the other hand, remained the preserve of Tiw.11 In India, too, much the same phenomenon was apparent in the role of Indra, the chief of the ... reason Stated in mythological terms, this was the point at which war ceased to be the domain of the impetuous and rambunctious god Ares and became instead the preserve of the cool and rational Athena ... emendation later than the third century BC 26 WAR AND THE LAW OF NATIONS holding that, between the Greeks and the barbarians, there was more or less natural and permanent war.47 The Arabs had a specific...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:02

456 938 7
Under the Hood

Under the Hood

... eventually have read them all and sent back 1000 bytes, and the client’s RecvQ and the server’s SendQ will both be full After the client sends another 1000 bytes and the server reads them, the server’s ... sent to the server is used The implementation copies the local and remote addresses and ports into the underlying socket structure, and initiates the TCP connection establishment handshake The TCP ... a server The client closes the Socket, and the underlying structure goes into the Time-Wait state The client program terminates and is immediately restarted If the new incarnation of the client...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2013, 00:20

29 328 0
The critical challenge facing banks and regulators under Basel II

The critical challenge facing banks and regulators under Basel II

... knowledge and experience of the board and senior management – Awareness of the board and senior management in relation to risk management and control issues – Participation and involvement of the board ... Capital adequacy and capability to withstand risks – Adequacy and effectiveness of CAAP – Capital adequacy to meet current and future business needs and to withstand business cycles and adverse economic ... number of options • Rather, banks need to raise their awareness of risk and determine a long-term strategy for improving the identification, assessment and management of their risk • While improved...

Ngày tải lên: 15/10/2013, 23:13

16 231 1
The 7 Biggest Mistakes People Make with the Law of Attraction and Money

The 7 Biggest Mistakes People Make with the Law of Attraction and Money

... happen Money, success and abundance in all forms will find their way to me effortlessly and quickly!‖ Then be on the lookout for great opportunities – and grab them when they arrive Do you see ... improve your financial situation, and so on It’s important to understand that these are simply perceptions of the reality you are living In other words, they are the ―truths‖ that you have created ... begin to add up and create some big changes Law of Attraction Money Mistake #5 Seeing, Believing and Expecting the Worst By now you are probably forming a solid understanding of the ways you’ve...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 19:15

19 553 1
Globalism and regionalism in the protection of the marine environment

Globalism and regionalism in the protection of the marine environment

... America and the Law of the Sea’, in L M Alexander (ed.), The Law of the Sea: A New Geneva Conference Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference of the Law of the Sea Institute, Kingston, Rhode Island, ... Regionalism in the pre-UNCLOS III law of the sea The law of the sea is inherently global The International Law Commission assumed as much in its codification of the subject in the 1950s; and the words ... globalism and regionalism in the law of the sea is at its most evident and most complex in Part XII of the LOS Convention There is no doubt that the fundamental elements of the law of the marine...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 09:20

15 578 0
Sub-regional cooperation and protection of the Arctic marine environment - the Barents Sea

Sub-regional cooperation and protection of the Arctic marine environment - the Barents Sea

... extra-regional states attend meetings as observers: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, the United Kingdom and the United States Openness also applies to cooperation under the ... Russia But there is also an Atlantic, or western, linkage defining the focus and the resources of the Barents Region With the demise of the Cold War and the strategic rivalry with the former Soviet ... one step further by the fact that no differentiation is made between the Saami representative and the county-level leadership assembled in the Regional Council; on the other hand, the Saami not...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 09:20

25 575 0
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the polar marine environment

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the polar marine environment

... differences, both the Arctic and the Antarctic could be considered as ‘regions’ in the context of the contemporary law of the sea and the actual cooperation of states as to the demanding tasks of ... before the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea and, therefore, this question should not delay agreement on a new Convention on the Law of the Sea.9 However, this statement by the first ... ‘Implications of the New Law of the Sea for the Mediterranean’, Marine Policy, Vol 5, 1981, p 307 See C C Joyner, The Antarctic Treaty System and the Law of the Sea – Competing Regimes in the Southern...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 09:20

23 659 0