... has been built D has built 10 Nga is English for her work A to study B studied C studying D study 11 He arrived in England Monday evening A in B at C of D on 12 An wishes that he his ... because it is very INFORMATIVE (inform) 10 - He didn't feel happy because he worked _UNSUCCESSFULLY _ (success) 11 - Our school has a lot of _QUALIFIED _ teacher (qualify) 12 - She received ... 10 - In _addition , there are other religions (add) 11 - They like Pho Bo _Additionally _, they enjoy Bun Bo (add) 12 - The national _ anthem of Viet Nam is sung (nation) 13 -
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2017, 14:13
... heat 10 We are looking for the …….of recreation in the park a place b area c region d point 11 Lan is only 12 years old She has to …….her parents a depend to b depend on c live to d live on 12 ... 10 - What is the main language of at that school ? (instruct) 11 - English is the language in Singapore (office) 12 - Like Vietnam, Malaysia has climate (tropic) 13 - ... _ children from to 16 A to B at C between D for 11 - _ English is their official language, most of them can speak Chinese A Although B So C Despite D If 12 - They cannot decide
Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2017, 06:57
English grammar activities for 1 bachillerato
... arrived in Ireland and christianised it - 11 71: - 15 56: - 19 19: - 19 21: - 19 22-23: - 19 32-59: - 19 37: - 19 49: - 19 73: 3.- Choose the right meaning for these words: - High king: a) the king of all the ... division and in 19 22-23 a Civil War started In 19 23 the truce arrived W.T.Cosgrave was chief of government from 19 22 to 19 32 In 19 32 Eamon de Valera became Prime Minister until 19 59 From then ... men there in 11 70 and helped MacMurrough to be king When MacMurrough died in 11 71 Henry II became king of Ireland The Norman barons began to conquer lands in Ireland and by the year 12 00 most of
Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 11:48
... observation 18 3.3. Data analysis and discussions 18 3.3 .1. Questionnaire 18 3.3 .1. 1. Pre-treatment questionnaire 18 3.3 .1. 1 .1. Students’ awareness of the importance of learning English grammar. 18 ... 18 3.3 .1. 1.2. Students’ attitudes towards learning English grammar. 19 3.3 .1. 1.3. The students’ evaluation of English grammar teaching they have learnt in the class 20 vi 3.3 .1. 1.4. The ... arrangement 13 2.6.5. The grammar activities for group work. 14 2.6.5 .1. Doing grammar exercises 14 Reading dialogues 14 Practicing using language according to situations 14
Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:42
English grammar practice for upper intermediate students
... GetPedia : Get How Stuff Works! Search GetPedia Works! Welcome To GetPedia.com : The Online Information Resource Search GetPedia Search GetPedia Business Advertising Branding Business Management ... Blogging, RSS & Feeds Domain Name E-Book E-commerce Email Marketing Ezine Marketing Ezine Publishing Forums & Boards Internet Marketing Online Auction Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Spam Blocking
Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2016, 13:03
English grammar exercises
... 6a, 7d, 8a, 9b, lOb, lie, 12 a, 13 b, 14 d, 15 a, 16 c, 17 c, 18 c, 19 d,20a Test la, 2d, 3b, 4b, 5d, 6c, 7c, 8d, 9d, 10 с, lla, 12 c, 13 a, 14 b, 15 a, 16 d, 17 a, 18 a, 19 b, 20d, 21a, 22c, 23d, 24a, 25a Test3 ... lib, 12 b, 13 a, 14 c, 15 c, 16 d ,17 a ,18 b ,19 d,20d Tests Ic, 2a, 3b, 4b, 5d, 6c, 7d, 8a, 9b, 10 с, lid, 12 b, 13 c, 14 a, 15 c, 16 c ,17 d ,18 b ,19 d,20a Final Test Id, 2a, 3c, 4c, 5c, 6d, 7b, 8a, 9b, lOd, lib, 12 c, ... 3c, 4a, 5a, 6d, 7c, 8d, 9a, 10 с, lla, 12 a, 13 d, 14 c, 15 d, 16 b, 17 c, 18 d, 19 d, 20c Test Ic, 2d, 3c, 4a, 5c, 6b, 7d, 8c, 9a, lOd, lib, 12 d, 13 d, 14 c, 15 c, 16 a, 17 a, 18 d, 19 c, 20a Tests Ic, 2c, 3d,
Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 11:48
English 6: Exercises for Unit 4 and Unit 5
... Cung điện ô nhiễm Hẹp Đắt thẳng P bên phải Q Đình, miếu thờ R bên trái 6) 7) 8) 9) 10 ) 11 ) 12 ) 13 ) 14 ) 15 ) 16 ) 17 ) 18 ) UNIT 5: NATURAL WONDERS OF THE WORLD A SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES : A superlative ... 10 My Latin class is(boring) .than my English class 11 In the UK, the streets are generally(narrow) .than in the USA 12 London is(busy) .than Glasgow 13 Julie is(quiet) .than her sister 14 ... nhà thờ lớn ENGLISH 6) noisy (adj) f) 7) polluted (adj) 8) left (adj) 9) right (adj) g) /skweə(r)/ h) /streɪt/ i) /ˈbɔːrɪŋ/ G H I 10 ) Straight (adj) j) /ˈnɔɪzi/ J 11 ) 12 ) 13 ) 14 ) 15 ) k) l) m)
Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2017, 03:18
A STUDY ON STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN LEARNING ENGLISH GRAMMAR COMMUNICATIVELY IN CLASS 10A9 AT CAM KHE HIGH SCHOOL AND SOME SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS Nghiên cứu về những khó khăn của việc học ngữ pháp qua đường hướng giao tiếp của học sinh lớp 10A4 Trường THPT
... in teaching grammar .12 1. 2 .1 Deductive Approach 13 1. 2.2 Inductive Approach 15 1. 3 CLT on teaching grammar 18 1. 3 .1 Communicative competence 18 1. 3.2 Definition ... DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW .8 1. 1 Overview of grammar 1. 1 .1 Definition of grammar .8 1. 1.2 The importance of grammar 10 1. 2 An overview on language ... communicatively 27 1. 4 .1 Difficulties in learning grammar .27 1. 4 .1. 1 Internal Problems 27 1. 4 .1. 2 External Problems 27 Nguyễn Thị Bích Hồng – K12 English pedagogy 1. 4.2 Difficulties
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2018, 22:15
English worksheet activities for grade 1
... Answer Key RAINBOW OF EDUCATION 13 ruler pen desk pencil book chair notebook paperclips 10 scissors 11 eraser 15 1= F 2=C 3=A 4=G 5=H 6=D 7=E 8=B 9=J 10 =I 11 =K 16 pencil notebook book scissors ... paperclip 10 pen 11 eraser 17 There are rulers There are crayons There is eraser There are scissors There are pens There is schoolbag There are 16 books There are chairs 10 There are notebooks 11 There ... 1 Grade 1, Cover RAINBOW OF EDUCATION Grade Basic English Language Course Rainbow of Education made it Grade 1, Basic English Language Course RAINBOW OF EDUCATION
Ngày tải lên: 11/02/2019, 11:14
English worksheet activities for grade 1 Part 2
... 1 1 -10 Pictionary, Number Adjectives zero one two RAINBOW OF EDUCATION ten ten four five six three 1- 10 Pictionary Number Adjectives 10 seven nine eight RAINBOW OF EDUCATION Writing 1- 10, ... EDUCATION 10 B=dog=puppy C=duck=duckling D=sheep=lamb E=goat=kid F=pig=piglet G=cow=calf H=cat=kitten I=horse=foal 12 goat pig horse cat duck sheep cow dog chicken 14 1= 2 2=2 3 =1 4=3 5=3 6=2 7 =1 8=2 15 ... Phonics Unit 1, The Alphabet RAINBOW OF umbrella uniform Umbrella Uniform EDUCATION 46 Phonics Unit 1, The Alphabet violin RAINBOW OF vase Violin Vase EDUCATION 47 Phonics Unit 1, The Alphabet
Ngày tải lên: 11/02/2019, 11:19
The effectiveness of implementing the 4cs principles in english grammar lessons for ket learners at an english language center
... match forms to function and meaning 78 79 80 Key: Part 1: 1E 2A 3H 4C 5G Part 2: 6A 7C 8B 9B 10 C Part 3: 11 A 12 A 13 C 14 B 15 B 16 C 17 F Part 4: 21A 22B 23A 24C 25C 26B 27A Part 5: 28A 29C 30B 31B 32A ... 4Cs of the 21st Century Skills 10 2.4 .1 The definition of 4Cs 10 2.4 .1. 1 Critical Thinking Skill 11 2.4 .1. 2 Creativity Skill 11 2.4 .1. 3 Collaboration ... 1G 2D 3A 4E 5C Part 2: 6B 7B 8C 9B 10 A Part 3: 11 B 12 A 13 A 14 C 15 B 16 G 17 F Part 4: 21A 22A 23C 24B 25A 26C 27B Part 5: 28C 29A 30C 31B 32B 33A 34A Part 6: For questions 36-40, spelling must
Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2021, 20:31
The effectiveness of implementing the 4cs principles in english grammar lessons for ket learners at an english language center
... match forms to function and meaning 78 79 80 Key: Part 1: 1E 2A 3H 4C 5G Part 2: 6A 7C 8B 9B 10 C Part 3: 11 A 12 A 13 C 14 B 15 B 16 C 17 F Part 4: 21A 22B 23A 24C 25C 26B 27A Part 5: 28A 29C 30B 31B 32A ... 4Cs of the 21st Century Skills 10 2.4 .1 The definition of 4Cs 10 2.4 .1. 1 Critical Thinking Skill 11 2.4 .1. 2 Creativity Skill 11 2.4 .1. 3 Collaboration ... 1G 2D 3A 4E 5C Part 2: 6B 7B 8C 9B 10 A Part 3: 11 B 12 A 13 A 14 C 15 B 16 G 17 F Part 4: 21A 22A 23C 24B 25A 26C 27B Part 5: 28C 29A 30C 31B 32B 33A 34A Part 6: For questions 36-40, spelling must
Ngày tải lên: 01/03/2021, 13:17
200 ENGLISH grammar exercises
... shopping? 11 . cook his meals? 12 . polish her furniture? 13 . check his brakes? 14 . pump up his tyres? 15 . do his washing up? 16 . clean his flat for him? 17 . cut her hair? 18 . get his tickets for him? 19 . ... answer.) 12 . talks English. 13 . corrects the Spanish essays. 14 . explains in English. 15 . lectures in Spanish. 16 . broadcasts in Spanish. 17 . addresses students in English. 18 . cooks a Spanish meal for ... perfect PEG 14 2, 14 3 Ann, a student at a summer school, has the following programme: 7.00 - 7.30 7.30 - 8.00 8.00 - 8.30 8.30 - 9.30 9.30 - 10 .00 10 .00 - 10 .30 10 .30 - 12 .00 12 .00 - 1. 00 1. 00 - 2.00 get...
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 14:14