electric circuits 9th edition

Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P82 potx

Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P82 potx

... RLC circuits, 280-285,473^75 resistor-capacitor (RC) circuits, 229-236,246 resistor-inductor (RL) circuits, 224-228,231-236,246 resistor-inductor-capacitor (RLC) circuits, 280-285 series RLC circuits, ... (RL) circuits, 212,214-220,224-228, 236-238,246 resistor-inductor-capacitor (RLC) circuits, 264-305, 473^175 second-order circuits, 264-305 sequential switching, 236-240,246 series RLC circuits, ... 217,475-476,506,662 unbounded, 240-241,246 RL circuits, see Resistor-inductor (RL) circuits RLC circuits, see Resistor-inductor-capacitor (RLC) circuits Root-mean-square (rms) value, 309-311,368-369,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 16:20

10 610 1
Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P1 ppt

Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P1 ppt

... F(s) ds" F(«) rf/< , ; ,rff 0") - j"' -3 y \ ; rf,,_1/(0") 71-1 ^-V^ ELECTRIC CIRCUITS NINTH EDITION ELECTRIC CIRCUITS NINTH EDITION James W Nilsson Professor Emeritus Iowa State University Susan ... Analysis 466 Introduction to Frequency Selective Circuits 522 Active Filter Circuits 558 Fourier Series 604 The Fourier Transform 644 Two-Port Circuits 678 The Solution of Linear Simultaneous ... 212 Natural and Step Responses of RLC Circuits 264 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis 306 Sinusoidal Steady-State Power Calculations 360 Balanced Three-Phase Circuits 398 Introduction to the Laplace...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 16:20

10 576 0
Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P2 ppt

Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P2 ppt

... practicing engineer WHY THIS EDITION? The ninth edition revision of Electric Circuits began with a thorough review of the text by instructors who currently use Electric Circuits and those who use ... Analyzing Cascaded Two-Port Circuits 696 Preface The ninth edition of Electric Circuits represents a planned revision designed to incrementally improve this introductory circuits text used by more ... Calculations in Balanced Three-Phase Circuits 410 Measuring Average Power in Three-Phase Circuits 415 Practical Perspective: Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power 418 Summary 419 Problems...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 16:20

10 411 1
Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P3 pptx

Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P3 pptx

... that highlight key concepts of electric circuits An access code to the Companion Website is included with the purchase of every new copy of Nilsson/Riedel, Electric Circuits 9e and can be redeemed ... turn the pages of this text James W Nilsson Susan A Riedel ELECTRIC CIRCUITS NINTH EDITION •U \ Circuit Variables CHAPTER CONTENTS 1.1 Electrical Engineering: An Overview p 1.2 The International ... Circuit Variables 1.1 Electrical Engineering: An Overview Electrical engineering is the profession concerned with systems that produce, transmit, and measure electric signals Electrical engineering...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 16:20

10 631 1
Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P4 pdf

Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P4 pdf

... V-s giga G 109 Wb/A tera T 1012 Force Energy or work Power Electric charge Electric potential Electric resistance Electric conductance Electric capacitance Magnetic flux Inductance 10 Circuit Variables ... concept of electric charge is the basis for describing all electrical phenomena Let's review some important characteristics of electric charge • The charge is bipolar, meaning that electrical ... for electrical systems is a circuit model The elements that comprise the circuit model are called ideal circuit components An ideal circuit component is a mathematical model of an actual electrical...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 16:20

10 1,1K 0
Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P5 pot

Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P5 pot

... the electrical engineering techniques that will allow us to understand all electrical phenomena, including those relating to electrical safety At the end of this chapter, we will use a simple electric ... understanding of electrical engineering Before we can examine this aspect of electrical safety, we have to learn how voltages and currents are produced and the relationship between them The electrical ... harm The electrical energy that can actually cause injury is due to electrical current and how it flows through the body Why, then, does the sign warn of high voltage? Because of the way electrical...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 16:20

10 2,7K 1
Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P6 doc

Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P6 doc

... important than its electrical properties for the flashlight design Electrically, we can model the connector with an ideal resistor, labeled R{ The case also serves both a mechanical and an electrical ... make up electric current interacting with and being resisted by the atomic structure of the material through which they are moving In the course of these interactions, some amount of electric ... circuit Although this text emphasizes the skills required to solve circuits, you also will need other skills in the practice of electrical engineering, and one of the most important is modeling...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 16:20

10 526 0
Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P7 ppsx

Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P7 ppsx

... need to use two more important algebraic relationships, known as Kirchhoff's laws, to solve most circuits We begin by redrawing the circuit as shown in Fig 2.15, with the switch in the ON state...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 16:20

10 531 0
Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P8 potx

Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P8 potx

... Cooper, Electrical Safety Engineering, 2d ed (London: Butterworth, 1986); and C D Winburn, Practical Electrical Safety (Monticello, N.Y.: Marcel Dekker, 1988) Now we develop a simplified electrical ... from an analysis of accidents because, obviously, i t is not ethical to perform electrical experiments on people Good electrical design will limit current to a few milliamperes or less under all ... the voltage level is not the sole determinant of potential injury due to electrical shock, consider the case of a static electricity shock mentioned in the Practical Perspective at the start of...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 16:20

10 3,5K 3
Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P9 pot

Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P9 pot

... Also try Chapter Problems 3.1-3.4 The Voltage-Divider and Current-Divider Circuits At times—especially in electronic circuits developing more than one voltage level from a single voltage supply ... circuit shown in Fig, 3.16 63 64 Simple Resistive Circuits ^ASSESSMENT PROBLEMS Objective 2—Know how to design simple voltage-divider and current-divider circuits 3.2 a) Find the no-load value of v0 ... Fig 3.5 with a single equivalent resistor < Combining resistors in parallel 60 Simple Resistive Circuits using conductance when dealing with resistors connected in parallel is more convenient...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 16:20

10 561 0
Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P10 ppt

Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P10 ppt

... 3.51 Answer: (a) 1500 ft; (b) yes 3.7 Delta-to-Wye (Pi-to-Tee) Equivalent Circuits 3.7 Delta-to-Wye (Pi-to-Tee) Equivalent Circuits The bridge configuration in Fig 3.26 introduces an interconnection ... interconnection because the A can be shaped into a TT without disturbing the electrical equivalence of the two configurations The electrical equivalence between the A and TT interconnections is apparent ... the Y structure can be shaped into a T structure without disturbing the electrical equivalence of the two structures The electrical equivalence of the Y and the T configurations is apparent from...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 16:20

10 635 0
Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P11 ppt

Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P11 ppt

... of the circuits of Problem 3.1 3.1 For each of the circuits shown, a) identify the resistors connected in series, 3.4 Find the equivalent resistance seen by the source in each of the circuits ... equivalent resistors 3.5 Find the equivalent resistance Ra^ for each of the circuits in Fig P3.5 PSPICE 3.2 For each of the circuits shown in Fig P3.2, a) identify the resistors connected in parallel, ... 24 ->vw12()0 25 70 -VW (a) 50 |60O |20O 24 40 O b• 50 'vw (b) (c) 78 Simple Resistive Circuits 3.7 a) In the circuits in Fig P3.7(a)-(c), find the equivalent resistance /?.,h u MULTISIM 3.12 a)...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 16:20

10 2,9K 1
Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P13 potx

Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P13 potx

... the independent voltage source is 1.5 A In general, when you use the node-voltage method to solve circuits that have voltage sources connected directly between essential nodes, the number of unknown ... each loop to distinguish it Recall also that the mesh-current method is applicable only to planar circuits The F1gure 4

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 16:20

10 665 0
Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P14 pps

Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P14 pps

... same for both circuits in the figure for all values of RL If the current through RL is the same in both circuits, then the voltage drop across R{ is the same in both circuits, and the circuits are ... said for the circuits in Fig 4.39(b) Example 4.9 illustrates an application of the equivalent circuits depicted in Fig 4.39 R -wv—»a »« \R, -•b (a) (b) Figure 4.39 • Equivalent circuits containing ... and mesh-current methods are powerful techniques for solving circuits, we are still interested in methods that can be used to simplify circuits Series-parallel reductions and A-to-Y transformations...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 16:20

10 727 0
Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P15 docx

Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P15 docx

... Because we are dealing with circuits made up of interconnected linear-circuit elements, we can apply the principle of superposition directly to the analysis of such circuits when they are driven ... Chapter Problems 4.91 and 4.96 vl = 10 V Practical Perspective Circuits with Realistic Resistors It is not possible to fabricate identical electrical components For example, resistors produced from ... because they are concerned with the generation, transmission, and distribution of large quantities of electric power If a power utility system is inefficient, a large percentage of the power generated...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 16:20

10 783 0
Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P16 potx

Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P16 potx

... were introduced in this chapter: • The node-voltage method works with both planar and nonplanar circuits A reference node is chosen from among the essential nodes Voltage variables are assigned ... is the number of essential nodes (See page 93.) • The mesh-current method works only with planar circuits Mesh currents are assigned to each mesh, and Kirchhoff's voltage law is used to write one...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 16:20

10 2K 4
Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P20 docx

Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P20 docx

... associated with electric fields The source of the electric field is separation of charge, or voltage If the voltage is varying with time, the electric field is varying with time A time-varying electric ... capacitor is an electrical component that consists of two conductors separated by an insulator or dielectric material The capacitor is the only device other than a battery that can store electrical ... concepts underlying these basic elements is in order An inductor is an electrical component that opposes any change in electrical current It is composed of a coil of wire wound around a supporting...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 16:20

10 1,4K 2
Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P21 pdf

Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P21 pdf

... a reminder that capacitance occurs whenever electrical conductors are separated by a dielectric, or insulating, material This condition implies that electric charge is not transported through ... voltage to the terminals of the capacitor cannot move a charge through the dielectric, it can displace a charge within the dielectric As the voltage varies with time, the displacement of charge also ... capacitor current is zero The reason is that a conduction current cannot be established in the dielectric material of the capacitor Only a time-varying voltage can produce a displacement current.Thus...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 16:20

10 491 0
Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P22 potx

Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P22 potx

... inductance.This notation is needed particularly in circuits containing more than one pair of magnetically coupled coils The easiest way to analyze circuits containing mutual inductance is to use ... inductance is more precisely referred to as self-inductance We now consider the situation in which two circuits are linked by a magnetic field In this case, the voltage induced in the second circuit ... capacitors is left as an exercise (See Problem 6.33.) We say more about series-parallel equivalent circuits of inductors and capacitors in Chapter 7, where we interpret results based on their use...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 16:20

10 407 0
Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P23 doc

Electric Circuits, 9th Edition P23 doc

... forms a voltage divider just as the series resistor circuit did in Chapter In both voltage-divider circuits, the output voltage does not depend on the component values but only on their ratio Here, ... Inductors Capacitance is a linear circuit parameter that relates the current induced by a time-varying electric field to the voltage producing the field (See page 182.) Inductors and capacitors are passive ... 6.3 for a discussion on how to handle the initial conditions for series and parallel equivalent circuits involving inductors and capacitors (V) Mutual inductance, M, is the circuit parameter relating...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 16:20

10 1K 0

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