... bull and cow principally by the Hungarians, the Swiss, and EGYPTIAN MYTH AND LEGEND CHAPTER V. Racial Myths in Egypt and Europe 48 accompanies the self−created bride. As in Egypt, the father and ... certain localities in ancient Egypt, and that the statement made by Herodotus was well founded, despite attempts to EGYPTIAN MYTH AND LEGEND EGYPTIAN MYTH AND LEGEND 2 ... of her shining hair, and put on the garments of mourning. Thereafter the widowed queen wandered up and down the land, seeking for the body of Osiris. EGYPTIAN MYTH AND LEGEND CHAPTER II. The...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 06:20
Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2013, 12:02
A study of politeness strategies in requests in the course book ''streamline english departures and connections'' by b hartley & p viney
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:41
Tài liệu 100 Linux Tips and Tricks by Patrick Lambert ppt
... the permissions are 755 (read, write and execute for the owner, and read and execute for others). This default is setup with the umask command. To use the command, you need to find the right octal ... <MENU> { [ braceright ] }; By browsing the file you can find all the other symbols and what they do. You can also add multiple functions to a key, by using ALT and SHIFT. The changes will take ... RWIN and MENU. All you need to do is add them to the list, with the functions for them. I decided to map the left WIN key to "@" and the right WIN key and MENU keys to "{" and...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 04:18
... with your ultimate The Secrets of Success and Happiness By Jack Brannigan Published by IndependentBook.com, October 2000. 2000 by Jack Brannigan All rights reserved. No part ... Convenience Success Growth Fun Joy Understanding 17 The important thing is to understand the difference between filling time and time management and to know that being busy is not the ... lose respect and credibility. Focus In order to carry out your tasks efficiently you must be able to focus and concentrate on your task. Distraction will reduce your efficiency and will result...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 19:15
Tài liệu PHP and MySQL by Example- P1 docx
... of PHP and MySQL, to make static HTML pages dynamic. The labs and exercises have been tested by myself, Marko, and our students. I think you will find this by Example” book a helpful and complete ... We will learn how to create and execute simple PHP scripts both from the browser and at the command line. We will talk about built-in functions and how to use them by viewing the PHP documentation ... Sanjay Shahri, Ryan Belcher, Debra Anderson, and Catherine Nguyen. The fantastic illustrations in the book were created by Elizabeth Staechelin and Daniel Staechelin. And many thanks to the artists...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 03:17
Tài liệu PHP and MySQL by Example- P2 pdf
... $husband = "Honey"; // Assign the value "Honey" to $husband 2 $son = & $husband; // Assign a reference to $son. // Now $son is a reference or alias // for $husband. ... him $husband, and his Mom calls him $son. <br />"; 4 $son = "Lazy"; // Assign a new value to $son; // $husband gets the same value 5 print "Now his wife and mother ... '$name lives in $state and earns $salary.'; $name lives in $state and earns $salary. print '$name lives in $state and earns $salary.'; $name lives in $state and earns $salary. ! The...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 03:17
Tài liệu PHP and MySQL by Example- P3 ppt
... $x and $y and $z; echo "$x and $y and $z <em>yields</em> " . (int)$result .".\n<br />"; 4 $result = ($x and $y and $z); echo "($x and $y and ... [2] The single & is a bitwise AND and evaluates both of its operands even if the first one is false. The | is the bitwise OR and evaluates both operands as well. See “Bitwise Operators” ... logical operators are the logical AND, logical OR, and logical NOT. The symbol for AND is &&, the symbol for OR is ||. The English version for && is and and for || is or. The only difference...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 03:17
Tài liệu PHP and MySQL by Example- P4 pptx
... uppercase “A” is represented as decimal 65 and an uppercase “B” as decimal 66, and so on. On the other hand, a lowercase “a” is 97 and a lowercase “b” is 98, and so on. If you compare “A” to “a,” ... sprintf($filehandle, "%04d-%02d-%02d", $year, $month, $day); For more information on streams and files, see Chapter 11, “Files and Directories.” 6.2.2. Formatting Numbers and Money ... of money causes a number to become a string and can be handled with printf(). PHP also provides two special functions, the number_format() function and the money_format() function. The number_format()...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 03:17
Woman portrait in pamela and clarissa by richardson, moll flanders by daniel defoe in augustan age
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 09:36
Tài liệu PHP and MySQL by Example- P5 pdf
... special significance and those characters are represented by HTML entities, special symbols starting with an ampersand and terminated with a semicolon; for example, the < and > symbols are ... nested loops is to display data in rows and columns where one loop handles the rows and the other handles the columns. The outside loop is initialized and tested; the inside loop then iterates ... example was a numeric array. To reiterate, a numeric array is indexed by numbers, by default, starting at 0 and incrementing by 1 as each element is added to the array, although you can start the...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu PHP and MySQL by Example- P6 ppt
... $colors=array("red","green","blue","yellow"); $random= array_rand($colors); // Returns a random color $random= array_rand($colors, 2); // Returns two random colors print $colors[$random_keys[0]]; print $colors[$random_keys[1]]; ... Sorting by keys. Output from Example 8.34. 8.1.12. Randomizing an Array Randomizing an array means that you can select the keys or the values in random order. Randomizing the Keys The array_rand() ... to seed (give it a starting random point) the random number as it is now done automatically. Format random_key= array_rand ( array_name ); array_of_keys = array_rand( array_name, integer);...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu PHP and MySQL by Example- P7 doc
... Arrays !and! Strings explode() Splits!up!a!string !by! a!specified!delimiter !and! creates !and! array!of!strings!(see!page!276). implode() Glues!the!elements!of!an!array!together !by! some!delimiter !and! creates!a!string!(see!page!276). ... the random number generator (give it a different starting point) with srand(), but now that is done automatically. To randomize a selected number of elements of an array, see the array_rand() ... Adding, and Changing Elements) PHP makes it easy to modify both numeric and associative arrays by providing a number of built-in functions to add new elements, remove existing elements and/ or...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu PHP and MySQL by Example- P8 doc
... require() and include(), the require_once() and include_once() statements, respectively, include and evaluate the specified file during the execution of the script, but require_once() and include_once() ... the URL and fails. & & 10.3.7. Form Parameters and the Long (Old) Style As of PHP 5.0.0, these long predefined variables can be disabled with the register_long_arrays directive and are ... with each element of the array assigned the value selected by the user. Creating the Form with Select and Check Boxes With the select and checkbox input devices, the name of the device is appended...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu PHP and MySQL by Example- P9 pptx
... Explanation 1 Grant%read,%write, %and% execute%to%the%owner,%read %and% execute%to%the%group %and% the%others%(world). 2 Set%all%to%read,%write, %and% execute%on%all%files %and% in%the%current%working% directory. ... Chapter 11, “Files and Directories,” we talk about files and how to open and close them, read from them and write to them, copy them, lock them, upload them, compress them, and more, all from ... the filehandle, PHP provides the fopen() function. This function opens a file and returns a filehandle, and if it fails, returns false. It normally takes two arguments: a filename and a mode,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu PHP and MySQL by Example- P10 pptx
... upbeat. $new_string=preg_replace("/(Peace) and (War)/i", "$2 and $1", "Peace and War"); $new_string: "War and Peace" $new_string=preg_replace("/5/e", ... $filehandle=fopen($filename, "ab"); 2 if (flock($filehandle, LOCK_EX)){ // Acquire an exclusive lock 3 fwrite($filehandle, $outputstring, strlen($outputstring)); 4 flock($filehandle, ... to manipulate and extract text. It supports regular expressions and regular expression metacharacters to make pattern matching relatively easy and quick. PHP has mimicked Perl by providing special...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu PHP and MySQL by Example- P11 docx
... class. The symbols \d and \D represent a single digit and a single nondigit, respectively (the same as [0-9] and [^0-9]); \w and \W represent a single word character and a single nonword character, ... group consisting of a word character, followed by zero or more word characters and a dash, and then a dot. Because the parentheses are followed by a +, the group can be repeated one or more times. ... occurrences; two numbers separated by a comma (e.g., {3,10}), represents an inclusive range; and a number followed by a comma (e.g., {4,}), represents a number of characters and any amount after that....
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 09:20