economic lot size economic order quantity elasticity of demand

Environmental, economic and social benefits of 3R approach in VN

Environmental, economic and social benefits of 3R approach in VN

... of solid waste will be collected; Reduce the generated rate of solid waste; The amount of solid waste that requires land filling and incineration will be cut down to 40% of the total volume of ... 241,000 Pig Source: GSO, 2009 Number of breeding farms in 2008 was 16,700 of which ~ 10% designed and equipped to treat their animal wastes - Biogas production of animal dung: 2.0 billion m3 Materials ... of the society; To establish the infrastructure, finance and human resource for 3R implement The specific target until 2015: 80 % of solid waste will be collected; Reduce the generated rate of...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2013, 12:31

10 462 1
Tài liệu The Economic and Social Effects of Financial Liberalization: A Primer for Developing Countries pptx

Tài liệu The Economic and Social Effects of Financial Liberalization: A Primer for Developing Countries pptx

... dòng vốn p g ị g y g Các trung gian tài giảm chi phí giao dịch nào? Tạo kinh tế quy mơ (economies of scale) 2 Phát triển nghiệp vụ chun mơn làm giảm chi phí giao dịch (Puzzle 3) Copyright © 2000...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 19:20

31 464 0
Economic Sustainability The business of staying in business pdf

Economic Sustainability The business of staying in business pdf

... donations Suppliers ∑ Levels of profit ∑ Dividends paid ∑ Geographical location and distribution of profit ∑ Performance of suppliers relative to economic components of programmes and procedures ... how a pound of profit is made is a building block in the creation of a just capitalism; progressive profitability must replace simple financial profitability as the sole yardstick of business ... ECONOMY/SOCIETY Profit Levels of profit Dividends paid Geographical location and distribution of profit Human capital and knowledge (Intangible Assets) Investment in training Breakdown of intangible...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

52 466 0


... broadcasting of content on the Internet 5,278 6,068 7,069 8,728 10,437 Online advertising space 1,607 1,976 2,874 3,676 4,604 Of which Of which Of which 517 5171 Of which 5172 Of which 5173 5174 5175 Of ... information.‖ The goal of the present report is to develop a common definition and understanding of what Internet intermediaries are, of their economic function and economic models, of recent market ... engagement, and overall value To provide an order of magnitude of the size of various Internet intermediaries sectors, in the United States in 2008, official data shows that in total, Internet...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

49 1,2K 0
The Economic Impacts for Ireland of High Oil and Gas Prices doc

The Economic Impacts for Ireland of High Oil and Gas Prices doc

... effect of the oil price shock on the levels of GDP for the US, UK and Euro Area are shown in Figure The THE ECONOMIC IMPACTS FOR IRELAND OF HIGH OIL AND GAS PRICES 09 Economic and Social Impacts of ... his study models the economic effect of a series of high oil and gas price scenarios on the Irish economy However, oil and gas prices are just one component of the macroeconomic modelling exercise ... drivers of demand and price change in the global oil market These players and a set of possible ‘events’ are highly influential in the evolution of oil price Some illustrative examples4 of such...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20

32 495 0


... tenth of the GDP of the United States or less than per cent of the combined GDP of the member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Whatever the actual size ... a large number of other problems For instance, increased supply can lead to falls in the price level, which may offset most of the quantity increases of a specific drug Office of National Drug ... If profits due to dilutions are included, an average of three quarters of the total value added is generated in the country of final destination Figure VIII Generation of "value added" of heroin...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20

64 768 0


... endogeneity of household responses to pollution Fifth, to assess if the effect of pollution varies across different segments of the population, I allow the effect of pollution to differ with socioeconomic ... closed.7 Economic Theory One approach to understanding the impact of pollution on health would be to assume that everyone is unaware of the amount of pollution in the air Therefore, ambient levels of ... also explain some of the difference in asthma rates by SES Magnitude of Findings To get a sense of the magnitude of the main findings, I perform a basic cost-benefit analysis of California’s Low-Emission...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 09:20

41 563 0
Phase II: Estimating Health and Economic Damages (ILLNESS COSTS OF AIR POLLUTION) pdf

Phase II: Estimating Health and Economic Damages (ILLNESS COSTS OF AIR POLLUTION) pdf

... billion in annual economic damages Loss of life and pain and suffering account for about $4.1 and $4.8 billion of this total Annual health care costs of air pollution are in the order of $600 million; ... Illnesses with the Maintenance of Current Levels of Anthropogenic Ozone and Particulate Matter p K-8 Forecasts of Total Economic Damages with Maintenance of Current Levels of Ozone and Particulate ... of cases of a particular illness expected to be avoided) These physical benefits are converted to economic benefits7 using four basic economic measures, namely: i) the value of reduced risk of...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20

221 2,5K 0
Shanghaied - The Economic and Political Implications of the Flow of Information Technology and Investment Across the Taiwan Strait ppt

Shanghaied - The Economic and Political Implications of the Flow of Information Technology and Investment Across the Taiwan Strait ppt

... of the scope and scale of the movement of technology and capital, summaries of the integrated circuit (IC) industries in Taiwan and China, and case studies of key companies Finally, Chapter offers ... (IT) sectors of Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China This report examines the economic and political implications of cross-Strait IT and investment flows, principally in the areas of IT hardware ... 2001 82 3.15 Market Share of Major Foundry Companies, as of First Half of 2003 95 3.16 Location of Last Degree Received by SMIC Employees (by Percentage of Employees) 123 3.17 Grace...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 22:20

218 562 0


... used definition of corruption is the abuse of public office for private gain Public office can be abused in many ways, for example, when officials accept or extort bribe; or public office can be ... examines the effects of corruption on economic and political development According some scholars some levels of corruption may encourage the economic growth But in case of high level of corruption most ... condition on one side of the market, the monopolist will try to get the maximum profit from the other side So the income of public official, who as an economic agent regards his office as a business,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 06:20

61 870 1
An economic tsunami the cost of diabetes in Canada pptx

An economic tsunami the cost of diabetes in Canada pptx

... of reports examining the economic burden of illness in Canada Its methodology considers both direct and indirect costs of illness: Figure Figure FIG Factors Driving the Increase in the Cost of ... Figure The distribution of direct and indirect costs of the economic burden of diabetes is shown in Figure The cost associated with premature death accounts for about two-thirds of total costs expected ... the value, in terms of lost production, of premature death as a result of both type and type diabetes; and • Long-term disability costs: the value, in terms of lost production, of reduced productivity...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 08:20

13 442 0
Does High Public Debt Consistently Stife Economic Growth? A Critique of Reinhart and Rogoff pptx

Does High Public Debt Consistently Stife Economic Growth? A Critique of Reinhart and Rogo ff pptx

... at University of Massachusetts Amherst: Herndon, Department of Economics; Ash, Department of Economics and Center for Public Policy and Administration; and Pollin, Department of Economics and ... exclusion of available data, and unconventional weighting of summary statistics Selective exclusion of available data and data gaps RR designates 1946–2009 as the period of analysis of the post-war ... with effects appearing at levels of public debt around 90 percent of GDP We present RR’s key results on mean real GDP growth from Figure of RR 2010a and Appendix Table of RR 2010b in Table Table 1:...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 20:20

26 341 0
the economic and social impacts of e-commerce

the economic and social impacts of e-commerce

... the profession itself, a new branch of IT has evolved, namely, that of e-commerce “E-Commerce” may be defined broadly as that aspect of IT that is concerned with the efficient management of a ... presentation of forecasts and budgets of a forward-looking nature, facilitating planning The supplying of such current information will ensure efficient control of activities during the fulfillment of ... Being in the nature of an introduction to the field of e-commerce, this brief exposition has sought only to illuminate some of the main aspects of the subject and to emphasize the duties falling...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 12:39

281 1,2K 0
Báo cáo y học: "The impact of socio-economic disadvantage on rates of hospital separations for diabetes-related foot disease in Victoria, Australia" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "The impact of socio-economic disadvantage on rates of hospital separations for diabetes-related foot disease in Victoria, Australia" pdf

... Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2011, 4:17 JOURNAL OF FOOT AND ANKLE RESEARCH RESEARCH Open Access The impact of socio -economic disadvantage on rates of ... indicates those areas in the top 10% of the state which are areas of least disadvantage Page of In order to allocate a rank under IRSD, the Australian Bureau of Statistics analyses 17 different ... an overall population of 1,584,898 in Group A; a difference of 786,891 people Within Group A, 49% of the population were male and 39% of the population were over the age of 45 years Total population...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 21:24

7 351 0
Báo cáo y học: " Economic burden and comorbidities of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder among pediatric patients hospitalized in the United States" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: " Economic burden and comorbidities of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder among pediatric patients hospitalized in the United States" ppsx

... children vs 0.10% of control children; 3.71% of ADHD adolescents vs 0.64% of control adolescents), and depressive disorder (2.73% of ADHD children vs 0.08% of control children; 5.19% of ADHD adolescents ... 0.25% of control adolescents), conduct disturbances (5.40% of ADHD children vs 0.11% of control children; 4.85% of ADHD adolescents vs 0.46% of control adolescents), adjustment reaction (3.78% of ... percentage of ADHD adolescents were hospitalized with a diagnosis of general symptoms compared with controls (4.85% of ADHD children vs 1.10% of control children; 2.28% of ADHD children vs 1.11% of control...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:21

9 363 0
mercille - the political economy and media coverage of the european economic crisis; the case of ireland (2015)

mercille - the political economy and media coverage of the european economic crisis; the case of ireland (2015)

... Lapavitsas, Professor of Economics, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London This page intentionally left blank The Political Economy and Media Coverage of the European Economic ... neo-liberal interpretation from the media’ Malcolm Sawyer, Emeritus Professor of Economics, University of Leeds ‘The basic story of the economic crisis is simple The world economy was being driven by ... New Keynesian Economics/Post Keynesian Alternatives Edited by Roy J Rotheim 10 The Representative Agent in Macroeconomics James E Hartley 11 Borderlands of Economics Essays in honour of Daniel R...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2014, 05:38

235 480 0
economic and health consequences of pesticide use in paddy production in the mekong delta, vietnam

economic and health consequences of pesticide use in paddy production in the mekong delta, vietnam

... Log of insecticide dose 0.067*** Log of herbicide dose 0.073*** Log of fungicide dose 0.0067 Dummy for IPM 0.056 Log of total dose 0.24** No of application 0.38** No of CA1 exposure 0.21 No of ... season with the help of local agricultural officers Final checking of data was done at the study sites by a research team from the Environmental Economics Unit (EEU), Department of Economics, Vietnam ... percent of the farmers perceived that long-term application of pesticides affects health Table Farmers’ perception of effects on health of prolonged pesticide use Degree of Effect (% of respondent)...

Ngày tải lên: 03/02/2015, 15:33

39 399 0