direct and reported speech pdf

Direct and reported speech

Direct and reported speech

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2015, 08:00

5 727 5
Direct and Indirect speech acts in English

Direct and Indirect speech acts in English

... exchanges: direct speech acts motivated by direct speech acts, indirect speech acts motivated by direct speech acts, direct speech acts motivated by indirect speech acts and finally indirect speech ... view of indirectness. The play contains four types of exchanges: direct speech acts motivated by direct speech acts, indirect speech acts motivated by direct speech acts, direct speech acts ... rather on indirectness since there are 62 exchanges out of which at least one is indirect, the total number of exchanges being 89. Direct- direct, indirect-indirect and direct- indirect contributions...

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 10:37

45 2,2K 4
Verb forrms and reported speech

Verb forrms and reported speech

... said to me, "Where have you been all this time?" 6 Mary said to her husband, "Did you see my handbag anywhere?" 7 The inspector said to the woman, "What were you doing ... you go back on your words." 4 She said to her husband: "You'd better not drink top much. You may lose control of the car and have a bad accident." 5 The boy said to his mother: ... raining too hard to go out. We'd better stay home tonight and watch TV instead." John said. 10 "Could you ring up the station and find out when the train comes in?" said Tom to...

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2013, 09:10

6 790 4


... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Topic 3: STUDY HABITS Period 12 COMMANDS, REQUESTS AND ADVICE IN REPORTED SPEECH Imperatives Direct speech Indirect speech Affirmative Imperative V 1 + …… Mike said to Henry, ... S+ shough/ ought + to V 1 He told his son he should do his homework that night. Direct speech Reported speech - Ngôi thứ nhất chuyển về cùng ngôi người nói. (I → he, she; me → him/ her; ... Practice: I. Change into reported speech: (Imperatives: Caâu meänh leänh) 1. I said to my son, “Take this book to the shelf!” ( chuyển “said to” → “told/ asked” ) 2. My husband said to me, ‘Go...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2013, 01:27

3 9,8K 182
Reported Speech with Infinitive and Geủnd

Reported Speech with Infinitive and Geủnd

... her. ………………………………………………………………………………………… Prepared by Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Trân REPORTED SPEECH Change the following sentences into reported speech: 1. “Come and see me if you have time.” He said to us. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. ... urge + O + to V : kêu gọi ai làm gì 7. warn + O + (not) to V : cảnh báo ai không được làm gì REPORTED SPEECH WITH GERUND: 1. dream of + V-ing : mơ về………… 2. deny + V-ing : phủ nhận làm việc gì 3. ... Prepared by Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Trân REPORTED SPEECH WITH INFINITIVE: 1. ask + O + to V // order + O + to V : bảo ai làm việc gì 2. advise...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 04:10

5 32,8K 878
reported speech English 9 ( structures and ẻcises )

reported speech English 9 ( structures and ẻcises )

... on her arm and said to the man. "We can breathe the air it's a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen”. They looked at everything carefully. All the plants and animals looked new and strange. ... Man dities the air………… (3) gasses and smoke, poison the……………… (4) with chemicals and other substances, and damages the………………. (5) with too many fertilizers and pesticides………… (6) also pollules ... spaceship flew around the planet many times before landing. 2. The planet looked blue and green from the spaceship. 3. Finally, the spaceship landed in the middle of a green field. 4. The two...

Ngày tải lên: 10/10/2013, 18:11

60 764 2
reported speech with infinitive and gerund

reported speech with infinitive and gerund

... reported speech with infinitive and gerund Exercise 1. Rewrite each of the following sentences in reported speech. Using advise, beg, introduce, invite, ... accused Exercise 3. Rewrite the following sentences with Infinitive or Gerund 1. “ I will bring the sandwiches to the party” said Helen.  Helen offered 2. “ Let’s all go to Lisbon!” they said.  ... the movies with me tonight.” said Aunt Fancy.  Aunt Fancy persuaded me 15. “ Why don’t we work and keep ourselves from starving?” said Mike.  Mike suggested 16. “ Go on holiday when the weather...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 01:11

5 12,2K 624
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "What lies beneath: Semantic and syntactic analysis of manually reconstructed spontaneous speech" pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "What lies beneath: Semantic and syntactic analysis of manually reconstructed spontaneous speech" pdf

... errors: a leading coordinator (#1 and 2) and rules proceeded by unnecessary filler words (#3 and 5). Complementary rules #7 and 9 (e.g. VP → [rule]/[rule SBAR] and VP → [rule SBAR]/[rule]) show ... like video games” and SRL mapped onto its verbatim source string “they like video games and stuff some kids do” To analyze the semantic and syntactic patterns found in speech data and its corresponding ... (denoted + in the example) between the abandoned thought and its replacement, 2. Determination that the abandoned portion contains unique and preservable content and should be made a new sentence rather...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 07:20

9 511 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Association of measured physical performance and demographic and health characteristics with self-reported physical function: implications for the interpretation of self-reported limitations" pdf

báo cáo hóa học:" Association of measured physical performance and demographic and health characteristics with self-reported physical function: implications for the interpretation of self-reported limitations" pdf

... lock and key test, shoulder range of motion, active hip and knee flexion, and timed tandem stand test [16,22-25]. The repeated chair rise test, an assessment of lower extremity motor function and ... personality measures, and cognitive and affective functioning and self -reported limitations in 753 olde r adults [17]. They found that associations between physical performance tests and correspo nding self -reported ... self -reported disability and prediction of mortality and nursing home admission. J Gerontol Med Sci 1994, 49: M85-M94. 6. Mutran E, Ferraro KF: Medical need and use of services among older men and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 16:20

13 374 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Cobalt and Nickel Nanopillars on Aluminium Substrates by Direct Current Electrodeposition Process" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: "Cobalt and Nickel Nanopillars on Aluminium Substrates by Direct Current Electrodeposition Process" pdf

... quantitative results were 19.5% Al and 80.5% Co for cobalt nanopillars and 27.3% Al and 72.7% Ni for nickel nanopillars. At last, the crystal phase of cobalt and nickel nanopillars was revealed ... morphologies. The nanopillar diameter and weight and the interpillar distance can be established beforehand by modifying the anodization parameters (anodization voltage, acid and concentration mainly). By ... are three and appear at 41.5, 51.8 and 76.4°, which correspond to h111i, h200i and h220i planes for a face-centred cubic crystal lattice, respectively (Fig. 6(b)). In summary, we have reported...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 20:20

8 249 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article On the Impact of Children’s Emotional Speech on Acoustic and Language Models" pdf

báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article On the Impact of Children’s Emotional Speech on Acoustic and Language Models" pdf

... children’s speech and affective speech will typically occur in combination when building systems for children-computer interaction by speech: children tend towards natural and spontaneous— and therefore ... Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech ’97), pp. 2371–2374, Rhodes, Greece, September 1997. [7] M. Blomberg and D. Elenius, “Collection and recognition of children’s speech in ... on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech ’05), pp. 2209–2212, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2005. [19] S. Arunachalam, D. Gould, E. Andersen, D. Byrd, and S. Narayanan, “Politeness and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 20:20

14 508 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Automatic Speech Recognition Systems for the Evaluation of Voice and Speech Disorders in Head and Neck Cancer" pdf

báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article Automatic Speech Recognition Systems for the Evaluation of Voice and Speech Disorders in Head and Neck Cancer" pdf

... Maier, and ˚ A. Lyberg, “Automatic speech recognition (ASR) and its use as a tool for assessment or EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing 7 therapy of voice, speech, and language ... morphologic impairment by endoscopic and imaging methods and the standardized perceptual evaluation of the individual handicap. ASR will enable precise evaluations of speech and voice as a precondition ... former clinical standard procedure. According to common recommendations for diagnostics of voice and speech disorders [5], the voice and speech function can now be objectified and quantified. The new...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 20:20

7 567 0

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