detection using histology and immunohistochemistry

Đề tài " Video Fire Smoke Detection Using Motion and Color Features " pdf

Đề tài " Video Fire Smoke Detection Using Motion and Color Features " pdf

... Video-based smoke detection: possibilities, techniques, and challenges In: IFPA, fire suppression and detection research and applications—a technical working conference (SUPDET), Orlando, FL 10 Yuan ... significant for improving the accuracy of smoke detection Conclusion and Outlook In this paper, a smoke video detection method using optical flow computation and color-decision rule is proposed This ... to classify and recognize the smoke features and give out fire alarm signal accordingly Results and Discussion The algorithm presented in this paper is implemented using Visual C+ and + Open CV...

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 12:20

13 384 0
báo cáo khoa học: "A signal amplification assay for HSV type 1 viral DNA detection using nanoparticles and direct acoustic profiling" ppsx

báo cáo khoa học: "A signal amplification assay for HSV type 1 viral DNA detection using nanoparticles and direct acoustic profiling" ppsx

... the NA layer then semi-homogeneous and homogeneous assays were performed for VP16 target detection Semi-homogeneous assay The VP16 target sequence and VP16 detection probe were hybridised in ... semi-homogenous format Using the 60 nm particles, semi-homogeneous and homogeneous formats were assay experimentally using 1.4 × 10-9 M (6.32 × 1010 molecules in 75 μl) VP16 target and 3.0 × 1010 particles/ml ... particle and the sensor surface and iii) the available capture area on the particle and binding dynamics to this capture area These latter two effects appear to have more impact on the detection...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 00:22

12 394 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Finding Hedges by Chasing Weasels: Hedge Detection Using Wikipedia Tags and Shallow Linguistic Features" doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Finding Hedges by Chasing Weasels: Hedge Detection Using Wikipedia Tags and Shallow Linguistic Features" doc

... 22(2):249–254 Hyland, Ken (1998) Hedging in scientific research articles Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins Lakoff, George (1973) Hedges: A study in meaning criteria and the logic of fuzzy ... Opinion mining and sentiment analysis Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval, 2(1-2):1–135 Riloff, Ellen, Janyce Wiebe & Theresa Wilson (2003) Learning subjective nouns using extraction ... test set We chose one random, non-tagged sentence per tagged sentence, resulting (after removing corrupt data) in a set of 500 sentences We removed formatting, comments and links to references...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 09:20

4 451 0
Detection of actual and assessment of potential plantations in Lao PDR using GIS and remote sensing technologies doc

Detection of actual and assessment of potential plantations in Lao PDR using GIS and remote sensing technologies doc

... above.6 • Main rivers and lakes: Within the landscape rivers and lakes have two different functions On one hand they are natural barriers separating landscapes, and on the other hand they can serve ... Land cover The land cover data was provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) and represents the land cover in 2002 The dataset is part of a forest cover and land use changes ... SPOT satellite images at 1:50’000 and 1:100’000 scales and by conducting forest and land use mapping and field verification It distinguishes 24 different types of land cover, of which ten represent...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 11:20

121 602 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Bearing Fault Detection Using Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm" pdf

Báo cáo hóa học: "Bearing Fault Detection Using Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm" pdf

... derivatives and the integrals In this work, the first time derivative (dq) and the integral (iq) have been defined, using sampling time as a factor, as follows: Bearing Fault Detection Using ANN and GA ... and R B Randall, “Differential diagnosis of gear and bearing faults,” Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, vol 124, no 2, pp 165–171, 2002 [7] A C McCormick and A K Nandi, ... genetic operators like mutation and crossover for reproduction function, creation of initial population, Bearing Fault Detection Using ANN and GA 371 termination criteria, and the evaluation (fitness)...

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 01:20

12 535 0
Báo cáo y học: "Novel gene and gene model detection using a whole genome open reading frame analysis in proteomics" ppt

Báo cáo y học: "Novel gene and gene model detection using a whole genome open reading frame analysis in proteomics" ppt

... MS/MS and database search Anal Chem 2002, 74:5383-5392 Sadygov RG, Yates JR 3rd: A hypergeometric probability model for protein identification and validation using tandem mass spectral data and ... turned off for the searches All X!Tandem runs were performed on a cluster composed of 106 nodes X!Tandem analysis XML output was parsed using Perl scripts and stored in an MS SQL server relational ... ∑ And the expected number of matches, E, is: The coding regions, flanked by 1,000 base-pairs, for NE and OE diagnostic peptides were aligned to ESTs Alignments were performed using BLASTN and...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 16:21

13 395 0
Label free electrochemical DNA and protein detection using ruthenium complexes and functional polyethylenedioxythiophenes

Label free electrochemical DNA and protein detection using ruthenium complexes and functional polyethylenedioxythiophenes

... (ds-DNA) and generation of catalytic electrochemical signals This feature allows simple and sensitive detection Moreover, the oxidation potential of guanine base and its corresponding nucleoside and ... monitoring, drug screening, and homeland security etc 1.2 Motivation and Objectives The urgent need for the development of point-of-care devices for the detection of infectious agents and cancer-related ... development of new detection schemes are the main focus Polymer chemistry and physics, sample preparation, microfluidics and miniaturization, multiplexing, and the incorporation of the detection platform...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:07

157 591 0
Báo cáo y học: "Comparison of osteogenic potentials of human rat BMP4 and BMP6 gene therapy using [E1-] and [E1-,E2b-] adenoviral vectors"

Báo cáo y học: "Comparison of osteogenic potentials of human rat BMP4 and BMP6 gene therapy using [E1-] and [E1-,E2b-] adenoviral vectors"

... (Lanes 1, and 3), BstXI (Lanes 4, 5, and 6), and BglII plus EcoRV (Lanes 7, 8, and 9) M, 1-kb DNA ladder Lanes 1, 4, and 7, 293A cells; Lanes 2, 5, and 8, ADrBMP6 DNA; Lanes 3, 6, and 9, ADhBMP6 ... thigh and 1.4 × 1011 particles in the other thigh) On Day 35, the rats were euthanized and scanned using CT Axial CT images (1-mm collimation and 1mm table increment) were obtained using the standard ... digoxigenin by using the DIG-Chem-Link Labeling and Detection Set (Roche Diagnostics Corp., Indianapolis, IN) Detection of DIG-labeled nucleic acids was performed using the DIG Luminescent Detection...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 17:08

9 501 0
Báo cáo y học: "Comparison of Classical and Clozapine Treatment on Schizophrenia Using Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale of Schizophrenia (PANSS) and SPECT Imaging"

Báo cáo y học: "Comparison of Classical and Clozapine Treatment on Schizophrenia Using Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale of Schizophrenia (PANSS) and SPECT Imaging"

... passivity and apathy, difficulty in abstract thinking, lack of spontaneity and flow of conversation, and stereotyped thinking (N1 to N7); and health concerns, anxiety, guilt, tension, mannerisms and ... medications and reduce delusion and hallucination By contrast, drugs such as amphetamine reinforce signal transmissions by dopamine and induce schizophrenic symptoms such as delusion and hallucination ... a single image that combines anatomy and physiology Three dimensional surface and volume- rendered images add perspective and facilitate the localization and sizing of lesions Systems should...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 11:12

8 430 0
Automatic text extraction using DWT and Neural Network

Automatic text extraction using DWT and Neural Network

... sequences using DWT and neural network DWT decomposes one original image into four sub-bands The transformed image includes one average component sub-band and three detail component sub-bands Each ... operation and the final resulted 2-D Haar DWT is shown in Figure 3(c) 2-D Haar DWT decomposes a gray-level image into one average component sub-band and three detail component sub-bands From ... 8(a) are decomposed into one average component sub-band and three detail component sub-bands as shown in Figure 8(b) Those detail component sub-bands contain the key features of text regions According...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2012, 14:51

5 508 1
Semi-blind signal detection for mimo and mimo-ofdm systems

Semi-blind signal detection for mimo and mimo-ofdm systems

... Inouye and Mendel, 1989; Shen and Ding, 2000; Zhu, Ding and Cao, 1999; Tugnait and Huang, 2000; Tugnait, 1998; Abed-Meraim and Hua, 1997; AbedMeraim, Loubaton and Moulines, 1997; Xavier, Barroso and ... Ottosson and Wang, 2000; Tjhung, Xue, Dai, Wong and He, 2002; Singh, Kumari, Mallik and Jamuar, 2002; Mallik, Singh and Kumari, 2003; Liu and Li, 1999] It is not used in TDMA and FDMA as signal detection ... years [Li, Winters and Sollenberger, 2002; Zeng and Ng, 2004; Shin, Lee and Lee, 2004; Barhumi, Leus and Moonen, 2003; Li and Cao, 2005; Leus and Moonen, 2003; Luise, Reggiannini and Vitetta, 1998;...

Ngày tải lên: 20/11/2012, 11:36

103 395 2
Detection of bacteria and enteric viruses from river and estuarine sediment

Detection of bacteria and enteric viruses from river and estuarine sediment

... 31 % by Wait and Sobsey (1983), and 18 ± 20 (% ± SD) by Lewis et al (1985), although there are differences in viruses, sediment, extraction and detection methods The relatively high and stable ... contamination sources settle on river and estuarine sediment, and that the sediments may protect the bacteria from rapid decay as suggested by Gerba and McLeod (1976) and Anderson et al (2005) On the ... estuarine sediments (St D and E; GM = 4.7 x 103 and 4.9 x 103 CFU/100 g dry weight, respectively) and then marine sediments (St A, B and C; GM = 7.3 x 102, 4.6 x 102 and 4.5 x 102 CFU/100 g dry...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

10 488 0
Using Flash and ActionScript 3.0

Using Flash and ActionScript 3.0

... complex conditions with and or comparison operators && and || These represent the and NOTE Before ActionScript 3.0, you could use the keywords and and or as alternatives to && and || These are no ... screen at random locations with random colors, you want to first create the ten circles at random locations Test it, and get that portion working just like you want Then, add the random color ... use >, =, and

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 19:20

34 602 1
The 8051 microcontroller and embedded systems using assembly and c 2nd ed

The 8051 microcontroller and embedded systems using assembly and c 2nd ed

... Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C Mazidi, Mazidi and McKinlay Chung-Ping Young 楊中平 Home Automation, Networking, and Entertainment Lab Dept of Computer Science and Information ... Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C Mazidi, Mazidi and McKinlay Chung-Ping Young 楊中平 Home Automation, Networking, and Entertainment Lab Dept of Computer Science and Information ... Numbering and coding systems Digital primer Inside the computer Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Cheng Kung University, TAIWAN NUMBERING AND CODING SYSTEMS Decimal and...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2013, 19:10

617 974 0
Using Servlets and JavaServer Pages with Portlets

Using Servlets and JavaServer Pages with Portlets

... COMMAND String command = request.getParameter("COMMAND"); String itemParam = request.getParameter("ITEM_ID"); 140 Download at Boykma.Com 2840ch05.qxd 7/13/04 12:44 PM Page 141 Using Servlets and ... list portlet, these commands are NEW, DELETE, EDIT, MARK_ FINISHED, and MARK_UNFINISHED All of these commands would be passed in an action request in a parameter named COMMAND The portlet retrieves ... to be prefixed with a namespace include JavaScript and VBScript functions, JavaScript and VBScript variables, and anything referenced by name using dynamic HTML To-Do List Portlet Example We are...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 04:20

40 401 0
DSP applications using C and the TMS320C6X DSK (P3)

DSP applications using C and the TMS320C6X DSK (P3)

... (industry standard) external peripherals McBSPs have features such as full-duplex communication, independent clocking and framing for receiving and transmitting, and direct interface to AC97 and IIS ... Separate buses for program, data, and direct memory access (DMA) allow the C6x to perform concurrent program fetches, data read and write, and DMA operations With data and instructions residing in ... A and B, as shown in Figure 3.1 Each path has a unit for multiply operations (.M), for logical and arithmetic operations (.L), for branch, bit manipulation, and arithmetic operations (.S), and...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 19:15

41 573 1
Lab 9.2.6 Troubleshooting Using Ping and Telnet

Lab 9.2.6 Troubleshooting Using Ping and Telnet

... connections on the standard lab setup b Check all physical devices, cables, and connections Step Troubleshoot a Troubleshoot induced network problems b Use the commands ping and telnet to discover ... the lab again with Team members and switching roles Upon completion of the previous steps, log off by typing exit and turn the router off 2-4 CCNA 2: Routers and Routing Basics v 3.0 - Lab 9.2.6 ... the routers, enter the global configuration mode and configure the hostname as shown in the chart Then configure the console, virtual terminal, and enable passwords If there are problems doing...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 02:15

4 467 0
DSP applications using C and the TMS320C6X DSK (P4)

DSP applications using C and the TMS320C6X DSK (P4)

... lter and the edges of both passbands and stopbands are xed, and the coefcients are varied to provide this equiripple approximation This minimizes the ripple in both the passbands and the stopbands ... one buffer and restore it before using it again with a pair of MVC instructions: MVC AMR,Bx and MVC Bx,AMR using a B register Build and run this project as FIRcirc Verify an FIR bandpass lter ... accuracy, and less sensitivity to temperature and aging Stringent magnitude and phase characteristics can be realized with a digital lter Filter characteristics such as center frequency, bandwidth, and...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 09:15

57 478 1
Using Prefixes and Suffixes

Using Prefixes and Suffixes

... and suffixes often appear in books like this with sophisticated vocabulary words, you are already using the same prefixes and suffixes with simple words that you already know well In the prefix and ... choices to b (to cultivate) and d (relating to land or land ownership) Once you realize that the suffix -ian calls for an adjective, not a verb, then you can eliminate b and choose the correct answer, ... similar to humans Choices a, b, and e are definitions for other parts of speech—a verb, a noun, and another noun, respectively Only choices c and d define adjectives, and only choice d is correct...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 17:20

22 1K 1
DSP applications using C and the TMS320C6X DSK (P5)

DSP applications using C and the TMS320C6X DSK (P5)

... the passbands and stopbands, respectively For a given specification, these filters are of lower order than Butterworth-type filters, which have monotonic responses in both passbands and stopbands An ... selected, using H ( s) s = s w A (5.29) Obtain H(z) using the BLT equation (5.24), or H (z) = H ( s w A ) s =( z -1) ( z +1) (5.30) In the case of bandpass and bandstop filters with lower and upper ... a1u( n) + and so on, for time n + 2, n + 3, , when for each specific time, a new input sample is acquired and the delay variables and then the output are calculated using (5.10), and (5.11),...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 16:15

23 480 0

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