... 266 What you’ve learned 276 Chapter 5: Audio in Flash CS5 279 Flash and the audio formats 280 Bit depth and sample rates 281 Flash and MP3 283 Adding audio to Flash 284 Importing an audio ... that the Flash interface is modular. By that we mean that it’s an interface composed of a series of panels that contain the tools and features you will use on a regular basis, rather than an ... ActionScript Basics 213 Chapter 5: Audio in Flash CS5 279 Chapter 6: Text 315 Chapter 7: Animation, Part 1 361 Chapter 8: Animation, Part 2 427 Chapter 9: Flash Has a Third Dimension 495 Chapter...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 22:15
... some text as it makes it appear smoother and more integrated. Flash includes FlashType, a new text rendering feature that improves anti-aliasing and readability for fonts. FlashType is enabled ... enabled whenever Flash Player 7 or later is the selected player, and anti-aliasing is set to anti-aliasing for readability or custom. The drawback with anti-aliasing is that at smaller font sizes ... the text can appear blurry. To avoid this problem, use sans serif text, such as Helvetica or Arial, and don’t use bold and italic. You can use anti-aliasing with static, dynamic, and input...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 00:15
Thiết kế flash với flash cs5 part 67
... these functions on a selected element. ◆ Expand Branch. Select to expand the navigation tree at the selected element. ◆ Collapse Branch. Select to collapse the navigation tree at the selected ... compiler warning that appear in the Compiler Errors panel by setting options in the Publish Settings dialog box. Two options are available: Strict Mode and Warnings Mode. Strict Mode reports warnings ... for ActionScript 3.0 uses the Debug workspace that displays the Debug Console, Variables, and Output panels along with the Actions panel or Script window. The Debug Console displays the call...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 00:15
Foundation Flash CS5 For Designers- P2
... be saved in a format that can be read by Flash CS4. Just be aware that any features available only in Flash CS5 won’t be available. Flash CS5 Uncompressed Document (*xfl): Select this, and ... on the Flash stage, you are using the drawing tools to create a vector image. Bitmap images are created in such applications as Photoshop CS5 and Fireworks CS5. At its heart, Flash is a vector ... This wasn’t too much of a shock because Adobe was starting to concentrate on the fact that data and presentation were two separate entities and data was pretty sexy. www.zshareall.com Please...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 14:15
Foundation Flash CS5 For Designers- P3
... 2-61. Another way of using a bitmap as a fill Now that you have finally had a chance to use a bitmap, let’s take a closer look at how such images are used in Flash. Using bitmap images in Flash ... Let’s face it—you are going to be using bitmaps in your workflow. You can’t avoid them, and they are just as important as vectors. In fact, Adobe has really improved how Flash manages images and ... double-headed arrow), and drag it in an arc. As you drag, two things happen: the pattern rotates, and each movie clip rotates. Drag the handle back to the start position. 7. In the Properties panel,...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 14:15
Thiết kế flash với flash cs5 part 30
... Image Layers As. ◆ Bitmap Images With Editable Layer Styles. Create a movie clip with a bitmap clipped inside. ◆ Flatten Bitmap Images. Convert an image into a bitmap; not editable. ◆ Create ... can import an Illustrator EPS or PDF using Illustrator CS4 or later. Open the file in Adobe Illustrator CS4 or later, save it as a CS4-compatible AI file, and then import into Flash as an ... the same positions from Illustrator or Photoshop to Flash. ◆ Set Stage Size To Same Size As. Select to set the Flash Stage to the same size as the Illustrator artboard or Photoshop canvas. ◆ Import...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 19:15
Thiết kế flash với flash cs5 part 31
... the hard drive, Flash automatically updates the bitmap back when you return to Flash ( New! ). If an image is moved to another loca- tion, you can manually update it. In addition, you can import ... or rasterized, and converted to a bitmap. When you import a PNG file as an editable image, the file retains any vector data, bitmaps, text (with default anti- alias settings), filters (called ... way to make global changes to bitmap art included in your project. Editing Bitmaps in an Outside Editor Update an Image Edited Outside of Flash Import a bitmap into Flash. Open the Library...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 19:15
Thiết kế flash với flash cs5 part 70
... Inspector ( New! ). Each component has parameters that you can set to change the instance’s appearance and behavior. A parameter is a property or method that appears in the Property Inspector. ... data files, change or modify the text on a but- ton, or create drop-down menus and lists. Setting Parameters Options After adding an instance of a component to a Flash document, you can name ... Edit button, and then enter an array in the Values dialog box. Click the plus (+) sign to add values, and the minus sign (-) to remove a value. Data values are used as the selectable items...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 19:15
Thiết kế flash với flash cs5 part 71
... information. For example, you can use a TextArea component to create a comment or a suggestion field on an interactive form. Adding a Text Area Add a TextArea Component Open the Components panel. Click ... the maximum number of characters that can be typed into the TextArea component. ◆ restrict. Click the Value field, and then enter any characters that cannot be entered into the TextArea field. ... component, you're right. In fact, the major difference between a TextInput and a TextArea field is the ability of the TextArea field to gen- erate multiple lines. TextArea fields can be used...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 19:15
Foundation Flash CS5 For Designers- P4
... the Web really was a viable advertising medium and that Flash was a great interactive tool for ads. The problem was, standards for banner advertising appeared on the scene, and the agencies ... of all, you have learned how graphic content is created, added to Flash, and optimized in Flash. The next step is making that content reusable in Flash movies or available to different Flash ... legs, and hands, for instance—that are used to put the character in motion. As the animations are built in a given movie, the animator will use symbols that were created in a separate character...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 21:15
Foundation Flash CS5 For Designers- P5
... CHAPTER 4 216 Ecma International (formerly the European Computer Manufacturers Association) is an industry standards association that governs a number of specifications for data storage, ... revert to their normal states. Here you will learn to create simple mask, create a masked animation, and use text as a mask. Finally, you’ll tackle creating a soft mask, an exercise designed ... create and use symbols in Flash animations and movies How to create and share libraries among Flash movies The power of filters and blends A variety of methods for managing on-stage...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 21:15
Thiết kế flash với flash cs5 part 32
... strike a balance between file size and quality. Using Trace Bitmap to Create Vector Shapes Trace a Bitmap Drag a copy of a bitmap to the Stage from the Library panel; make sure the bitmap is ... (not as much) without removing informa- tion. You can choose to set a global compression for all bitmap files used in a Flash movie or you can set a separate compression for each image. As with ... tool can be set in the Magic Wand options popup menu. Editing a Bitmap with the Magic Wand Use the Magic Wand Select a bitmap on the Stage. Click the Modify menu, and then click Break Apart. TIMESAVER...
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 01:15
Thiết kế flash với flash cs5 part 72
... visitor information important to the understanding of a form. Labels can change what they display, as the Flash movie plays. Adding a Label Add a Label Component Open the Components panel. Click ... Edit button, and then enter an array in the Values dialog box. Click the plus (+) sign to add a value, and the minus sign (-) to remove a value. Data values are used as the selectable items ... enter an array in the Values dialog box. Click the plus (+) sign to add a value, and the minus sign (-) to remove a value. Data values are used to populate the list labels. ◆ enabled (3.0)....
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 01:15
Thiết kế flash với flash cs5 part 73
... and performance optimizations. The data for a grid can come from a recordset that is fed from a database query in Adobe ColdFusion, Java, or .Net using Flash Remoting, a data set or an array. ... DataGrid component to create a recordset (retrieved from a database query in ColdFusion, Java, or .Net) using Adobe Flash Remoting and display it in columns. You can also use data from a data ... the informa- tion into a DataGrid, you set the DataGrid.dataProvider property to the recordset, data set, or array. Adding a Data Grid Add a DataGrid Component Open the Components panel. Click...
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 01:15
Foundation Flash CS5 For Designers- P6
... MovieClip, and the class that defines the stage display state is StageDisplayState. Still camel case, but with an initial cap. Constants are the exception to this rule, because they always appear in ... visualizations of scientific data using Flash. She has also contributed to Flash books and has presented at both industry and academic conferences including Flashforward and the Gordon Research ... president and lead developer at GalaxyGoo (www.galaxygoo.org), a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing science literacy. She specializes in developing educational applications and interactive...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 18:15