control and optimization of separation processes

Data based methods for modeling, control and monitoring of chemical processes

Data based methods for modeling, control and monitoring of chemical processes

... MODELING, CONTROL AND MONITORING OF CHEMICAL PROCESSES CHENG CHENG (B Eng., ECUST, China) (M Eng., ECUST, China) A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL AND ... Comparison of JITL and standard-learning 2.2 Controller Design for Nonlinear Processes In chemical and biochemical industries, most processes are inherently nonlinear, however most controller ... has a long and rich history The development of adaptive control started in the 1950’s with the aim of developing adaptive flight control systems With the progressing of control theories and computer...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 05:58

223 251 0
optimization of chemical processes edgar himmelblau and lasdon 2nd

optimization of chemical processes edgar himmelblau and lasdon 2nd

... Nature and Organization of Optimization Problems 1.1 l.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 What Optimization Is All About Why Optimize? Scope and Hierarchy of Optimization ~ x a r n ~ l ofsApplications of Optimization ... Processes Gates, Katzer, and Schuit: Chemistry of Catalytic Processes King: Separation Processes Luyben: Essentials of Process Control Luyben: Process Modeling, Simulation, and Control for Chemical ... improvements in optimization algorithms and software, the modeling step usually offers more challenges and choices than the selection of the optimization technique Appropriate meshing of the optimization...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 11:35

666 1,4K 1
Development, evaluation and optimization of image based methods for monitoring crystallization processes

Development, evaluation and optimization of image based methods for monitoring crystallization processes

... Monitoring and Control of Crystallization Processes Monitoring and control of particle shape and size distribution in real-time is a challenge faced by the traditional pharmaceuticals and fine ... Monitoring and Control of Crystallization Processes laser diodes Because of this probe design, issues such as on-line sampling and transparency of crystallizer wall are not significant Barrett and Glennon ... Procedure of variable-size sequential simplex optimization 129 Figure 7.3 Parameters and responses of 105 experimental runs of UD - 136 Figure 7.4 Comparison of model prediction and experimental...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:51

214 280 0
Optimization of recovery processes for multiple economic and environmental criteria

Optimization of recovery processes for multiple economic and environmental criteria

... minus the land cost (L) and the salvage value (S) Salvage value is a small proportion of the initial FCI and often it is assumed to be zero Land cost is also a small fraction of the total and thus ... Setup for MOO of Processes 91 Figure 5.3: Selected Results for Operation Optimization of VOC Recovery for PBT and PEI 95 Figure 5.4: Selected Results for Operation Optimization of VOC Recovery ... reduction and assessment of chemical and other environmental impacts, TRACI (Bare et al., 2003 and 2006); and IMPACT 2002+ (Joillet et al., 2003) Only a brief overview of indicators for toxicology and...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 15:38

185 663 0
Numerical simulation and optimization of CO2 sequestration in saline aquifers for enhanced storage capacity and secured sequestration

Numerical simulation and optimization of CO2 sequestration in saline aquifers for enhanced storage capacity and secured sequestration

... computer graphics and related fields It is defined by a set of control points, and uses them as coefficients of a certain polynomial to describe continuous curves [13] The control points of a Bézier ... variables reduces to two The injection rates of CO2 and the injection rates of water are chosen as the final optimization design variables Optimization of WAG operation for a generic cylindrical ... the mobility, viscosity, and relative permeability of the non-wetting phase (CO2) respectively and mw, µw, and krw are the mobility, viscosity, and relative permeability of the wetting phase (brine)...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:10

12 577 0
Điện tử công suât mạch MMC  Control and experiment of pulse width modulated modular multilevel converters

Điện tử công suât mạch MMC Control and experiment of pulse width modulated modular multilevel converters

... divided into 1) averaging control, and 2) balancing control Voltage command of each arm: (a) Positive arm, and (b) Negative B Balancing Control The use of the balancing control described in [21] ... (6.4%) and 50-Hz base (b) C G U  E Proportional gain of averaging control Integral gain of averaging control Proportional gain of current control Integral gain of current control ... of averaging control Integral gain of averaging control Proportional gain of current control Integral gain of current control Proportional gain of balancing control [A] 40 0.5 A/V 150 A/(V·s)...

Ngày tải lên: 15/10/2013, 16:24

10 512 0
Development of a Regional Risk Management Framework for APEC Economies for use in the Control and Prevention of Introduced Marine Pests

Development of a Regional Risk Management Framework for APEC Economies for use in the Control and Prevention of Introduced Marine Pests

... limited and unbalanced Management Framework - Introd uced Marine Pests Priorities and hazards for Economies  Variable levels of activity and management capability  Ships’ ballast water and hull ... shipping, aquaculture and biodiversity are most threatened values  Amount of commercial shipping and number of trading partners affecting pathway strength  A limited number of IMP have been identified ... management framework  Risk management - “ culture, processes and structures that are directed towards the effective management of potential opportunities and adverse effects”  Risk management can be...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 11:15

10 584 0
Chapter 24 Congestion Control and Quality of Service pdf

Chapter 24 Congestion Control and Quality of Service pdf

... 24-1 DATA TRAFFIC The main focus of congestion control and quality of service is data traffic In congestion control we try to avoid traffic congestion In quality of service, we try to create an ... understand the concept of congestion control, let us give two examples: one in TCP and the other in Frame Relay Topics discussed in this section: Congestion Control in TCP Congestion Control ... Queues in a router 24.6 Figure Packet delay and throughput as functions of load 24.7 24-3 CONGESTION CONTROL Congestion control refers to techniques and mechanisms that can either prevent congestion,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 12:20

48 590 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Improvement of ecdysone receptor gene switch for applications in plants: Locusta migratoria retinoid X receptor (LmRXR) mutagenesis and optimization of translation start site pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Improvement of ecdysone receptor gene switch for applications in plants: Locusta migratoria retinoid X receptor (LmRXR) mutagenesis and optimization of translation start site pptx

... after addition of the ligand, and reached maximum levels 24 h after the addition of the ligand (Fig 4B) The luciferase activity began to decrease 24 h after withdrawal of the ligand, and showed a ... 1, and days after the addition of ligand, and the luciferase activity was measured and expressed in terms of relative light units (RLU) per microgram of protein Data shown are the average of ... collected at 0, 6, 12, 24 and 96 h after the addition of ligand, and the luciferase activity was measured and expressed in terms of RLU per microgram of protein In ligand withdrawal experiments,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:20

11 461 0
control and monitoring of chemical batch reactors advances in industrial control

control and monitoring of chemical batch reactors advances in industrial control

... exposition of such new work in all aspects of industrial control for wider and rapid dissemination The broader objectives of process control engineering include: (i) controlling processes and technology ... identification, control, and diagnosis The development of reliable mathematical models of industrial processes and plants is often a complex and time-consuming task, which may conflict with the objective of ... Robert S.H Istepanian and James F Whidborne (Eds.) Modelling and Control of Mini-Flying Machines Pedro Castillo, Rogelio Lozano and Alejandro Dzul Optimisation of Industrial Processes at Supervisory...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 10:59

205 635 0
integrated design and simulation of chemical processes

integrated design and simulation of chemical processes

... debottlenecking and retrofit projects The methods and tools of IPD can be applied to any type of process industries We stress again the importance of developing alternatives and of setting targets ... design and control c Cogeneration and site utility systems Cogeneration consists of simultaneous production of heat and electricity This method is particularly attractive in the case of processes ... characterisation of processes A systematic approach based on flowsheeting, steady state and dynamic, can be applied in view of eco-balances of impurities and hazards substances, both at the level of plants and...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:49

715 1K 0
modelling and management of engineering processes

modelling and management of engineering processes

... Modelling and Management of Engineering Processes Peter Heisig · P John Clarkson · Sandor Vajna Editors Modelling and Management of Engineering Processes 123 Dr Peter Heisig University of Cambridge ... modifying and improving sociotechnical systems, soft systems methodology (Checkland, 1981), starts from the premise that the consequence of the subjectivity of individual understanding of social processes ... reflects on the categories of models and some of the conceptual challenges of modelling design processes Wynn and Clarkson (2005) review generic process models; and Browning and Ramasesh (2007) review...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:50

220 548 0
Synthesis and optimization of DSP algorithms - 2004

Synthesis and optimization of DSP algorithms - 2004

... output of adder a1 is a subset of (−2, 2) and thus is assigned p = 1, the output of adder a2 is a subset of (−3, 3) and is thus assigned p = 2, the output of adder a3 is a subset of (−4, 4) and ... remainder of this section and turn to page 20 Given a computation graph G(V, S), let VI ⊂ V be the set of nodes of type inport, VO ⊂ V be the set of nodes of type outport, and VD ⊂ V be the set of nodes ... direction of data flow Fork nodes are implicit in the branching of arrows inport and outport nodes are also implicitly represented, and usually labelled with the input and output names, x[t] and y[t]...

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2014, 16:39

177 530 0
Modeling, simulation and optimization of bipedal walking

Modeling, simulation and optimization of bipedal walking

... Bielefeld, Germany Prof Giulio Sandini University of Genova, Italy Prof Bruno Siciliano University of Naples, Italy Prof Mark Steedman University of Edinburgh, Scotland Prof Atsuo Takanishi Waseda ... However, the curse of dimensionality, the exponential dependence of memory and computation resources needed on the dimensionality of the state and control, limits the application of dynamic programming ... We can enforce continuity of local models by 1) using the policy of one state of a pair to reoptimize the trajectory of the other state of the pair and vice versa, and 2) adding more local models...

Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 15:17

288 881 0
Control and implementation of a new modular matrix converter

Control and implementation of a new modular matrix converter

... diagram of the control system is shown in Fig 12 The input and output voltages and currents are sensed by Hall effect devices, and are digitized using analog-to-digital converters (ADC) The microcontroller ... lies between space vectors V in and V4 in and the output reference space vector lies between space vectors V1 out and V6 out , as shown in Fig The pattern of input and output space vectors in one ... single-capacitor control scheme of Figs and in that the subintervals, space vectors, and instantaneous line-to-line voltage waveforms, are identical The voltages across the nonconducting branches of Fig...

Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 00:55

7 334 1
optimization of chemical processes

optimization of chemical processes

... Conceptual Design of Chemical Processes Edgar, Himmelblau, and Lasdon: Optimization of Chemical Processes Gates, Katzer, and Schuit: Chemistry of Catalytic Processes King: Separation Processes Luyben: ... Nature and Organization of Optimization Problems 1.1 l.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 What Optimization Is All About Why Optimize? Scope and Hierarchy of Optimization ~ x a r n ~ l ofsApplications of Optimization ... improvements in optimization algorithms and software, the modeling step usually offers more challenges and choices than the selection of the optimization technique Appropriate meshing of the optimization...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 15:18

887 400 0
analysis and stochastics of growth processes and interface models oct 2008

analysis and stochastics of growth processes and interface models oct 2008

... Analysis and Stochastics of Growth Processes and Interface Models This page intentionally left blank Analysis and Stochastics of Growth Processes and Interface Models Edited ... birth -and- death Markov chain model for the size of a metastable droplet, and uses the large deviations theory of Freidlin and Wentzell to give a variational analysis of the path properties of the ... (Spitzer 1970) is one of the seminal papers of this subject Here is a selection of books and lecture notes on the topic: De Masi and Presutti (1991), Durrett (1988), Kipnis and Landim (1999), Liggett...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 07:05

347 264 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Involvement of PKR and RNase L in translational control and induction of apoptosis after Hepatitis C polyprotein expression from a Vaccinia virus recombinant" doc

Báo cáo sinh học: " Involvement of PKR and RNase L in translational control and induction of apoptosis after Hepatitis C polyprotein expression from a Vaccinia virus recombinant" doc

... phosphorylation of eIF-2α and inhibition of translation caused by the expression of HCV polyprotein PKR mediates phosphorylation of eIF-2α and inhibition of translation caused by the expression of HCV ... analysis of the extent of inhibition of protein synthesis and of eIF2α-S51 phosphorylation indicates that such effects are clearly observed by h.p.i in VT7-HCV7.9 infected cultures in the presence of ... (C, E1, E2 and p7) and nonstructural (NS3, NS4A, NS4B, NS5A and the amino terminal region of NS5B) proteins of HCV from genotype 1b was cloned into a unique EcoRI restriction site of pVOTE.1...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

19 373 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 1 pptx

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 1 pptx

... class of these technologies are plasma processes, which are briefly reviewed at the final part of the book Prof Andrzej G Chmielewski Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology Warsaw, Poland ... Mizeraczyk, Andrzej Pawelec and Eugen Stamate 135 Preface The municipal and industrial activities of the man affects human health, leads to degradation of the environment and even degradation of the ... alveoli of the lung (Peavey et al, 1985) These air pollutants reduce air Monitoring, Control and Effects of Air Pollution quality and this ultimately affects people, flora and fauna in and around...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 436 0