[...]... understanding of the reaction mechanism, and is concluded with the assessment of the operating protocols of the industrial plant, a task which requires a sound engineering skill for obtaining a satisfactory performance of the plant, in terms of safety of operations, quality of products, and productivity Control and monitoring of the chemical reactor play a central role in this procedure, especially when batch. .. development of control and diagnosis systems is provided, ranging from the early phases of the process setting to the design of an effective control and diagnosis system In conclusion, the aim of the book is twofold: • to bring to the attention of process engineers industrially feasible model-based solutions to control and diagnosis problems for chemical batch reactors, where such solutions in industrial. .. However, depending on the main interests and background of the reader, two main reading paths can be identified The first, suggested to readers mainly interested in modeling and performance evaluation issues, is composed by Chaps 2, 3, and 4 Readers mainly interested in control and diagnosis methods are invited to read Chaps 2, 3, 5, and 6 Chapter 2 The Chemical Batch Reactor List of Principal Symbols... provides methods for obtaining the best estimates of those parameters and for choosing (i.e., identifying) the best mathematical model among different alternatives F Caccavale et al., Control and Monitoring of Chemical Batch Reactors, Advances in Industrial Control, DOI 10.1007/978-0-85729-195-0_1, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011 1 2 1 Introduction • Control Usually, the temperature inside the reactor... the Advances in Industrial Control series Readers from the fields of process, chemical and control engineering may find these monographs from the Advances in Industrial Control series of complementary interest: Fault-tolerant Control Systems by Hassan Noura, Didier Theilliol, JeanChristophe Ponsart and Abbas Chamseddine (ISBN 978-1-84882-652-6, 2009); Predictive Functional Control by Jacques Richalet and. .. control system ideas and the potential of nonlinear control more comprehensively will find much to study The research community of control academics and postgraduate students will appreciate the interaction between the science of control engineering and the demanding control problems of batch reactors They should find the application of the techniques to the case study a source of inspiration for future... nonlinear dynamics, whose effects are further emphasized by intrinsically unsteady operating conditions Hence, methodological and technological problems related to batch chemical reactors are often very challenging and require contributions from different disciplines (chemistry, chemical engineering, control engineering, measurement, and sensing) A number of issues need to be resolved when dealing... considered because of the intrinsic unsteady behavior and the nonlinear dynamics of the batch reactor In order to meet such requirements, the following fundamental problems must be solved: • Modeling Mathematical modeling of an industrial plant provides the required quantitative description of the process Mathematical models of batch reactors may include mass and energy conservation, chemical kinetics, heat... with batch reactors in industrial applications, ranging from design and planning of the plant to scheduling, optimization, and performance achievement of batch operations Performance is usually specified in terms of productivity of the plant, safety of operations, and quality of final products In order to meet such requirements, several problems need to be addressed: • • • • modeling the reactor and the... chapter presents an introduction to modeling techniques of batch chemical reactors, with a particular emphasis on chemical kinetics The third chapter provides a general introduction to the problem of identification of mathematical models; the general methodologies are reviewed and developed in a form suitable for identifying kinetic models of chemical reactions taking place in batch reactors In the fourth . science lies in the univer- sality of its techniques across application and industrial domains. This Advances in Industrial Control monograph, Control and Monitoring of Chemical Batch Reactors, . paper Springer is part of Springer Science+Business Media (www.springer.com) Advances in Industrial Control Series Editors Professor Michael J. Grimble, Professor of Industrial Systems and Director Professor. research community of control academics and postgraduate students will appre- ciate the interaction between the science of control engineering and the demanding control problems of batch reactors. They