... both native and nonnative This thesis examines two issues in XML integration, namely, global schema generation and query rewriting The first issue is global schema generation Recent integration ... algorithms for global schema generation and query rewriting in XML integration The first issue is global schema generation The task of global schema generation in XML integration is non-trivial ... APPROACH FOR INTEGRATION OF XML SCHEMAS 21 3.1 PRELIMINARIES AND ASSUMPTIONS .22 3.2 MOTIVATING EXAMPLE 24 3.3 INTEGRATION ALGORITHM 35 3.3.1 Definitions and Theorems...
Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2015, 10:02
NetBeans IDE 6.1 Java Editor
... your fingertips IDE 6.1 Java Editor 10 Handy Editor Shortcuts in NetBeans IDE 6.0 10 Handy Editor Shortcuts, continued Mac OS Keyboard Shortcuts By geertjan 10 Handy Editor Shortcuts in NetBeans ... Ctrl and it copied Press Down instead and the current selection is copied to the ofMove/copy up/down Press Ctrl-Shift-Upof Up and the lines of code lines right 10 Handy Editor instead of Ctrl and ... found, and the cursor lands on the line where the last edit took place Alternatively, you can click the Java Code Sets options specifically for the Java http://netbeans.dzone.com/news/10-handyFYI editor, ...
Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 10:28
... evolution with a 250 population size, and 100 generations, and it can be seen in Figure 14 that this obtains the best results In fact, the 50 generations and 500 population size configuration can ... of production rule for the start symbol /codeS, and can only have a value of or 1, as there are only two production rules for /codeS Algorithm The pseudocode for the local search algorithm evals=0 ... solution after every generation , which means the evaluation of all of the individuals in the population In every generation, 225 new individuals are produced (0.9 generation gap), and so there are...
Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2012, 15:11
... applications: explore closedgridclosedloop control with estimated and monitored fast and accurated enough grid voltage and frequency, and synchronized the current with the grid voltage Khoa Điện-Điện ... – 2007 Stand-alone PV system CHƯƠNG TRÌNH Đ ÀO TẠO KỸ SƯ CHẤT LƯỢNG CAO VIỆT-PHÁP PFIEV • Operate independent of the electric utility grid • designed and sized to supply certain DC and/ or AC ... v3.1 CHƯƠNG TRÌNH Đ ÀO TẠO KỸ SƯ CHẤT LƯỢNG CAO VIỆT-PHÁP Project files PFIEV Editor window Program code is C language and/ or Assembly Message window Khoa Điện-Điện Tử 2002 – 2007 Program flowchart...
Ngày tải lên: 26/04/2013, 08:26
Tài liệu Mastering JavaBeans and the Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition ppt
... OrderLineItem .java OrderLineItemBean .java OrderLineItemHome .java OrderLineItemPK .java The Deployment Descriptor The Order Entity Bean Order .java OrderBean .java OrderHome .java OrderPK .java OrderException .java ... Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) Remote Method Invocation (RMI) and RMI-IIOP Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Java Transaction API (JTA) and Java Transaction ... Pricer .java PricerBean .java PricerHome .java PricerException .java The Deployment Descriptor The Bank Teller Stateless Session Bean Teller .java TellerHome .java TellerBean .java TellerException.java...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 07:15
Tài liệu Signals and Systems Collection Editor: Richard Baraniuk Signals and Systems Collection Editor: docx
... Deterministic Signal (b) Random Signal Right-Handed vs Left-Handed A right-handed signal and left-handed signal are those signals whose value is zero between a given variable and positive or negative ... for and then extends to positive or negative innity with mainly nonzero values "Introduction to Random Signals and Processes" "Random Processes: Mean and ... Furthermore, the transmission and reception of discrete-time signals, like e-mail, is accomplished with analog signals and systems Understanding how discrete-time and analog signals and systems intertwine...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 12:16
control in robotics and automation sensor based integration
... is the integration of the planner and controller to achieve stable and robust system performance 2.2 New Motion Reference and Integration of Planning and Control The event-based planning and control ... robotics and automation : sensor-based integration I B.K Ghosh, editor, Ning Xi, editor, T.J Tarn, editor p cm (Academic Press series in engineering) Includes bibliographical references and index ... The real challenge is to develop a planning and control scheme that is able to detect and recognize both discrete and continuous events and adjust and modify the original plan at a high rate...
Ngày tải lên: 01/01/2014, 20:12
Tài liệu Java and XML Java and XML docx
... "DTD\JavaXML.dtd"> Java and XML > Java and XML Introduction ... "DTD\JavaXML.dtd"> Java and XML > Java and XML Introduction ... Next? Parsing XML Getting Prepared
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 16:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "DiMLex: A lexicon of discourse markers for text generation and understanding" docx
... goals of the generation process The generation task imposes a particular view of the information coded in DiMLex: the entry point to the lexicon is the discourse relation to be realized, and the lookup ... two strands of re- search that so far are rather disconnected: "Top-down": Text linguistics considers markers as a means to signal coherence, and provides us with insights on the semantic and pragmatic ... phrase To arrive at a more comprehensive set, we began by consulting standard grammars s u c h ' as Quirk et al [1972] and Helbig and Buscha [1991], which provide descriptions of function words grouped...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 18:20
Tài liệu Beginning JSP, JSF and Tomcat Java Web Development docx
... JSP AND TOMCAT Installing Java Nothing runs without Java, and you need two different Java packages: one is the runtime environment (JRE), which lets you execute Java, and the other is the Java ... named MyClasses, and place in it the file MyLog .java shown in Listing 2-6 • Open a command-line window and compile MyLog .java with javac, as explained in Chapter for Exec_http .java • Restart Tomcat ... MyLog .java /* MyLog .java - Implements a log class */ package MyClasses; import java. util.Date; import java. text.SimpleDateFormat; import java. io.FileWriter; import java. io.PrintWriter; import java. io.IOException;...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 04:20
Service Oriented Java Business Integration: Enterprise Service Bus integration solutions for Java developers ppt
... architecture and compare and contrast that with other integration architectures Chapter introduces Java Business Integration (JBI) and inspects the need for another standard for Business Integration, and ... is aimed at Java developers and integration architects who want to become proficient with Java Business Integration (JBI) standard They are expected to have some experience with Java and to have ... architecture, and compare and contrast it with other integration architectures Then we can better understand how Java Business Integration (JBI) helps us to define ESB-based solutions for integration...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 06:20
Báo cáo khoa học: " Paraphrase Generation and Information Retrieval from Stored Text" pdf
... "NP," "VP," and "V." G1 = "subject of," G2 = "object of," G3 = "predicate of." G1(A,B) if and only if A is an "NP," B is an "S," and B>A G2(A,B) if and only if A is an "NP," B is a "VP," and B>A ... destruction by the landlord), and sentence B contains the noun phrase "(the fact) that NP1 was Vj-ed (by NP2)." If sentences A and B meet one of Condition (x), and one of Conditions II and III, then ... G3(A,B) if and only if A is a "VP," B is an "S," and B>A A secondary grammatical relationship is "object of S." If we call this relationship G4, then G4(A,B) occurs if and only if G2(A,B) and G3(B,C),...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 19:20
VMware vFabric Application Director and vFabric Data Director Integration Solution Guide pdf
... reusable and available cloud infrastructure to simplify and automate application provisioning and release for cloud ready applications By standardizing infrastructure and application components, and ... deployment and provisioning times, difficult and expensive database management, lack of centralized control over critical resources, and expensive licensing schemes Organizations have a strong demand ... deployment automation and self-service provisioning by standardizing, streamlining and automating release into hybrid cloud environments VMware vFabric Data Director improves agility and drastically...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 18:20
... representations (S), and a relation between the two R(T,S), defined in terms of relations between elements of T and elements of S We illustrate this in Figure set of all texts (T) and all candidate representations ... analysis and generation Some appropriate modifications will enable the interpreter to handle synthesis (SYN2 above) At the moment, implementation specifications are about to be completed, and the ... interl?.retable for MT They are declarative m nature and also bidirectional Only one set of data is required to describe both analysis and generation They are also general in nature, meaning that...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 02:20
blues music and its influence on integration
... Blues was a mixture of coarse guttural tones and slurs to falsetto and melisma, and this was all used to color the melodic line and give it identity and expressiveness; which all of these trademarks ... style, and obtain and imitate the culture possessed by the black race Although this information of the black music and its culture was second hand, it insinuated the presence of the black man, and ... however, both the blacks and whites were finally agreeing on something-music This is where country and blues came together, and both grew to be a highly vital and influential landmark in music history...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 21:57
Eclipse Rich Client Platform: Designing, Coding, and Packaging Java™ Applications docx
... Chapter 16 Perspectives, Views, and Editors Section 16.1 Perspectives Section 16.2 Views and Editors Section 16.3 Multiple Workbench Windows Section 16.4 Drag and Drop with Editors Section 16.5 Summary ... You'll build, refine, and refactor a complete prototype; customize the user interface; add Help and Update features; and build, brand, and ship the finished software For every Java developer, regardless ... Chapter 16 Perspectives, Views, and Editors Section 16.1 Perspectives Section 16.2 Views and Editors Section 16.3 Multiple Workbench Windows Section 16.4 Drag and Drop with Editors Section 16.5 Summary...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 10:20
... Ochieng, Bobby Phills and Violeta Tsolova Chapter 12 From the Olive Flower to the Drupe: Flower Types, Pollination, Self and Inter-Compatibility and Fruit Set 289 Catherine Breton and André Bervillé ... and cultural importance and relatively small genome size, the genome sequence of the grapevine (highly selfed Pinot Noir and Pinot Noir) is available [19, 20] and the microsatellite content and ... Grapevine and Olives http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/ 53411 stutter and VVMD25, ZAG79, VVMD28 have no stutter bands Tri-, tetra- and penta-nucleo‐ tide SSR markers are less prone to stuttering and the...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 23:20
steam its generation and use
... fuels and combustion technology, heat transfer and fluid mechanics, materials and manufacturing technologies, structural analysis and design, fuels and water chemistry, and measurement and monitoring ... drives pumps and valves, helps produce paper and wood products, prepares foods, and heats and cools large buildings and institutions Steam also propels much of the world’s naval fleets and a high ... and completing this expanded 41st edition Editor- in-Chief/Project Manager S.C Stultz Technical Editor/ Technical Advisor J.B Kitto Art Director/Assistant Editor G.L Tomei Assistant Technical Editors...
Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 11:42
practical code generation in .net
... INTRODUCING CODE GENERATION In this chapter: • • • • • • • Repetitive Code: Your History Benefits of Code Generation When to Use Code Generation Best Practices in Code- Generation Solutions Code- Generation ... abandon it and go back to writing the dedicated code Benefits of Code Generation Code generation eliminates the problems associated with both the copyand-paste solution and the general-purpose code ... code generation Provided that creating the inputs for a code- generation www.it-ebooks.info Chapter Introducing Code Generation ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ solution takes less time than writing the code, code generation...
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 15:45
aristotles on generation and corruption i dec 2004
... On Generation and Corruption I 1: A False Start? Ja c q u e s B r u n s c h w i g 25 On Generation and Corruption I Da v i d Se d l e y 65 On Generation and Corruption I 3: Substantial Change and ... n C o d e 171 On Generation and Corruption I C a r l o Na t a l i 195 On Generation and Corruption I 7: Aristotle on poiein and paschein Christian Wildberg 219 On Generation and Corruption I ... that ùỉớị is used for contrasting generation and corruption in general with elemental generation and corruption; when the contrast is between generation simpliciter and the various kinds of êíớồúòũ...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 00:50