o'reilly - java reference library 1.2
... Members class methods : Class Methods class variables : Class Variables initializers and : Static Initializers classes Object- Oriented Introduction to Classes and Objects abstract : Abstract Classes ... Information subclass constructors : Subclass Constructors subclasses Subclasses and Inheritance Visibility Modifiers superclasses : Superclasses, Object, and the Class Hierarchy UnsatisfiedLinkError ... Choose from the Menu? Chapter 11: Scrolling Chapter 12: Image Processing Chapter 13: AWT Exceptions and Errors Chapter 14: And Then There Were Applets Chapter 15: Toolkit and Peers Chapter 16:...
Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:45
... 0.407 0. 452 0.480 0.4 95 0.498 0 .54 7 0 .58 9 0.61 0.627 0. 651 0.674 0.13–0.19 0. 25 0 .52 0.348 0.4 25 0.447 0.447 0.7 85 1 .58 1 .54 1.47 1.18 1.04 1.00 0.80 0.72 0.68 0. 65 0. 65 0 .59 0 .55 0 .53 0 .52 0 .50 0.48 ... (68.4) (68.4) (181) 51 ( 257 ) 85 (431) 129 ( 657 ) 50 ( 253 ) 55 (282) 59 (301) 13 (68) 16 (83.4) 95 (128) 11 (59 .0) 45 (5. 7) 61 22 (8 .5) 1.88 (3 .10) Field ditch/d = 4 .5 m GSEE, 1989 95 (128) 29 (147) ... (18.9) 65 (87) (27.0) 48 (64) (17.2) 65 (87) (20.0) 65 (87) ( 15. 0) 39 (52 ) (18.1) 65 (87) (19.2) 56 ( 75) ( 15. 4) 26 ( 35) ( 25. 8) 97 (130) (16.0) 39 (52 ) (19.6) 112 ( 150 ) ( 15. 6) 39 (52 ) (20.8) 37 (52 )...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21
... Intake Manifold And Gaskets • When reinstalling the intake manifold, the locating tabs on the intake manifold gasket should face up and toward the center of the engine Locating Tabs 154 80 ... Always replace the O-ring and the steel gasket at the tip of the injector when reinstalling an injector New injectors come with these items already installed • Always lightly lubricate the new O-ring ... that the gear is installed correctly with the tapers on both the gear and the high pressure fuel injection pump shaft aligned Incorrect 146 Cutting T-Joints: Rear Cover • The T joint is where the...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2012, 08:08
Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook - Chapter 5
... rotates, the table will move out to a distance of four times the crank length 150 Sclater Chapter 5/ 3/01 11:46 AM Page 151 One of the cranks is the input, and the other follows to keep the feeding ... sequence The flange is connected to the press frame at the upper pivot, and the cutting ram is connected to the flange at the lower pivot In the first part of the cycle, the 158 ram turns around the ... between the input crank and the coupler, and a cylindrical pair between the coupler and the output crank The Mavericks The Kutzbach criterion is inadequate for the job because it cannot predict the...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 14:26
Bài giảng marketing quốc tế CHAPTER 5
... Thương hiệu bao gồm: * Tên hiệu (brand name): phần phát âm brand * Dấu hiệu (brand mark): Không phát âm nhận dạng * Nhãn hiệu đăng ký (trade mark): phần brand đăng ký bảo hộ luật pháp 11 * Bản ... marketing để khác biệt hóa sản phẩm • Là yếu tố tạo cảm nhận chất lượng 10 CÁC QUYẾT ĐỊNH VỀ THƯƠNG HIỆU • Thương hiệu: (Brand) tên gọi, thuật ngữ, dấu hiệu, thiết kế, tổ hợp yếu tố nhằm xác đònh ... cho chiêu thò Chọn kênh phân phối khôngthích hợp Kiểm tra thò trường sai 23 10. Thiếu nguồn ngân sách đủ lớn cho sản phẩm 10 DỊ BIỆT HÓA SẢN PHẨM • Là làm cho sản phẩm ta khác biệt sản phẩm đối thủ...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 08:58
Máy xúc lất HuynDai HL760 - Chapter 5
... S814-114000 5) CN TYPE CONNECTOR No of pin Receptacle connector (female) Plug connector (male) 1 S 810- 001202 S 810- 101202 2 1 S 810- 002202 S 810- 102202 3 S 810- 003202 S 810- 103202 3 4 S 810- 004202 7-68 S 810- 104202 ... S816 -103 002 CN-141 Econoseal J I/conn (Ride control harness-Front harness) S816-002002 S816 -102 002 CN- 154 AMP Fan speed solenoid 852 02 -5 - CN- 155 AMP Fan reverse solenoid 852 02-1 - CN- 157 AMP ... connector (male) 4 S 810- 006202 S 810- 106202 5 8 S 810- 008202 7-69 S 810- 108202 6) ITT SWF CONNECTOR No of pin Receptacle connector (female) Plug connector (male) 10 12 11 SWF589790 7) HW090 SEALED...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 08:17
Chapter 5 - LINQ to XML
... to XML introduces the XName and XNamespace classes, implicitly convertible to and from string © Copyright SELA Software & Education Labs Ltd 14-18 Baruch Hirsch St Bnei Brak 51 202 Israel Namespaces ... http://tinyurl.com/65e5u6 © Copyright SELA Software & Education Labs Ltd 14-18 Baruch Hirsch St Bnei Brak 51 202 Israel Chapter Summary • XElement simplifies working with XML • Generating XML fragments with the ... Education Labs Ltd 14-18 Baruch Hirsch St Bnei Brak 51 202 Israel Querying XML • The LINQ to XML query model relies on LINQ to Objects – XElement and friends implement IEnumerable var averages =...
Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2013, 16:18
V.G.5.11.06. 2006.11_Wetlands Classification System_VN_FINAL
... 10, B III Đầm phá ven biển J, A I 10, B III 105 o 05 19o37’ o 1 05 32’ 18o13’ 105 o 55 16o32’-16o39’ 107 o20’ -107 o37’ 16o28’ 107 o 45 15o18’-15o30’ 108 o23’ -108 o 35 15o41’ 108 o32’ 14o11’27” o 108 52 ’08” ... 1200 52 6 100 0 21o32’ 21o 05 105 o27’ 21o07’-21o 25 o 100 0 1 05 22’-1 05 25 21o04’ 105 o50’ 20o53’-20o56 106 o44’ -106 o46’ 14 2000 15 Vùng cửa sông Tiên Yên 50 00 Quảng Ninh o 20 40’-20 41’ 106 o41’ -106 o42’ ... Vĩnh Phúc 2600 300 400 250 20o00’-21o30’ 106 o00 -106 o00’ 22o24’ 105 o37’ 21o41’-22o 05 104 o 45 -105 o03’ 21o33’-21o37’ o 1 05 46’ 22o24’ o 1 05 37’ 21o31’ 105 o 05 21o18’ 105 o36’ VN Hồ chứa nước B IV...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2013, 17:09
giao an 10 unit 5-11 cb
... questions and Name - Lets Ss go around the class and ask other Ss what they used to when they were small If the answer - Whole class the game is Yes, write his/her name in the table (the winner is the ... across the river - Asks Ss to work in pairs and the exercise - Tells them to exchange the exercise and cross check - The whole class repeat the words - Listen to the tape - Listen to the teacher and ... to compare their answers with a friend and - Compare the answers further discuss the uses of these items Before you listen - Asks Ss to read the words and the tasks and then point out the new words...
Ngày tải lên: 20/07/2013, 01:28
Process technology equipment and systems chapter 5 & 6
... example, when the piston moves to the right, the chamber to the left of the piston fills with gas, while the chamber to the right of the piston discharges The exact opposite 131 Chapter ● Compressors ... original lines of force As the twin fields increase in intensity, they strengthen each other and push against the conductor The current and these strong magnetic fields determine the direction of rotation ... 3.2 150 .52 8 psia Stage Three 150 .52 8 psia 3.2 481.689 psia Stage Four 481.689 psia 3.2 154 1.407 psia The basic components of a centrifugal compressor are shown in Figure 5. 2 The part of the impeller...
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 10:47
... | Khoa VTKT - Bộ môn QTKD | TS.Nguyen Thi Van Ha | ‹ 15 Chương 5: Đào tạo phát triển Đào tạo nguồn nhân lực Phương thức đào tạo: Đào tạo theo chương trình (Programmed Learning) Trình bày thảo ... Thi Van Ha | ‹21› Chương 5: Đào tạo phát triển Phát triển nguồn nhân lực Kèm cặp Phân công vào phòng ban Luân phiên công việc Vị trí phụ tá 42% Luân phiên công việc 55 % Thực tiễn tốt 66% Kế hoạch ... phát triển cho nhân viên 02.09.2013 | UTC | Khoa VTKT - Bộ môn QTKD | TS.Nguyen Thi Van Ha | 5 Chương 5: Đào tạo phát triển Mục đích đào tạo phát triển Chiến lược tổ chức • • • • • Tăng doanh thu...
Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2013, 12:38
... instance, select the Default check box, and click Next To install a named instance, clear the Default check box, and type a new named instance in the Instance Name edit box Click Next 10 In the Setup ... dialog box, click Server and Client Tools, and then click Next HUT – Genetic Computer School Page5 Knowledge Base System Basic Knowledge In the Instance Name dialog box, if the Default check box ... In the Computer Name dialog box, Local Computer is the default option and the local computer name appears in the edit box Click Next For a remote installation, click Remote Computer You can then...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 13:20
Real-Time Digital Signal Processing - Chapter 5: Design and Implementation of FIR Filters
... from the passband to the stopband, the window should have a small mainlobe width On the other hand, to reduce the passband and stopband ripples, the area under 209 DESIGN OF FIR FILTERS the sidelobes ... in the transition band The stopband is chosen by the design specifications Generally, the smaller dp and ds are, and the narrower the transition band, the more complicated (higher order) the ... In the passband, the magnitude response has a peak deviation dp and in the stopband, it has a maximum deviation ds The frequencies !p and !s are the passband edge (cut-off) frequency and the...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 22:15
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 5: The LWP Library- P1
... ever-expanding list of classes To expand each hyperlink, we first define each hyperlink in terms of the URL class: $url = new URI::URL $link; Then we use a method in the URL class to expand the hyperlink's ... where the first parameter is the identifier that defines the value of the User-Agent header in the request, the second parameter is the email address of the person using the robot, and the optional ... the most basic HTTP commands, such as get The third line uses the get( ) routine from LWP::Simple on the first argument from the command line, and applies the result to the print( ) routine Can...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:15
Web Client Programming with Perl-Chapter 5: The LWP Library- P2
... parse tree, traverse the tree, and convert HTML to other formats There are eleven classes in the HTML module, as shown in Figure 5- 4 Figure 5- 4 Structure of the HTML module Within the scope of this ... the URL defined in the object The default port is based on the scheme used Even if the port for the URL is explicitly changed by the user with the port( ) method, the default port is always the ... are only two classes within the URI module, as shown in Figure 5- 5 Figure 5- 5 Structure of the URI module We'll talk about escaping and unescaping URIs, as well as specifying URLs in the URI::URL...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:15