chapter 2 the nature of managerial work ppt

Chapter 2 - The History of the IMS Standardization pps

Chapter 2 - The History of the IMS Standardization pps

... STANDARDIZATION 2. 2 .2 Working Group Operations The technical work in the IETF is done within the working groups. Working groups do not have any kind of membership; they are formed by a number of volunteers ... Traditionally most of the working groups of interest for the IMS have been part of the Transport Area, but some groups were included in the Application Area or some other area. In March 20 06 the IETF created ... exist. Figure 2. 1 shows a few, but not 2. 2. INTERNET ENGINEERING TASK FORCE 11 all, of the working groups in the IETF; there are more than 100 active working groups in the IETF. The complete up-to-date

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 17:21

15 298 0
Lecture concepts in enterprise resource planning (2nd edition)   chapter 2  the development of enterprise resource planning systems

Lecture concepts in enterprise resource planning (2nd edition) chapter 2 the development of enterprise resource planning systems

... System Costs • The cost of an ERP system: • Depends on the size and complexity of the software package, which is a function of the size of the firm • Includes new hardware required to run the system ... Enterprise Resource Planning 2nd Edition Chapter The Development of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Chapter Objectives • Identify the factors that led to the development of Enterprise Resource ... managed the storage and sharing of common data • Client-server systems provided scalability The capacity of the network could be increased inexpensively by adding a new server computer to the existing

Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2016, 12:25

49 570 0
4 2  the nature of quantitative research bryman1e ch03

4 2 the nature of quantitative research bryman1e ch03

... reduce the amount of data collected, to test for relationships between variables, to develop ways of presenting the results of the analysis to others, and so on On the basis of the analysis of the ... and validity of one’s findings Once the findings have been published they become part of the stock of knowledge (or ‘theory’ in the loose sense of the word) in their domain Thus, there is a feedback ... to Step The presence of both an element of deductivism Chapter- 03 7/4/03 4 :27 PM Page 71 THE NATURE OF QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH (Step 2) and inductivism (the feedback loop) is indicative of the positivist

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2018, 10:01

25 110 0
Lecture Dynamic business law - Chapter 48: The nature of property, Personal property, and bailments

Lecture Dynamic business law - Chapter 48: The nature of property, Personal property, and bailments

... Chapter? ?48 The? ?Nature? ?of? ? Property, Personal  Property, and  Bailments Copyright ©? ?20 15 McGraw­Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without? ?the? ?prior written consent? ?of? ?McGraw­Hill Education ... Use bailed property only as stipulated in? ?the? ?bailment  agreement  Not alter? ?the? ?bailed property in any unauthorized manner; and  Return bailed property in good condition at end? ?of? ?bailment 48­7 Duties? ?of? ?Bailor  Bailor must provide bailee with any agreed­ ... costs incurred by bailee during bailment 48­8 Documents? ?of? ?Title  Bill? ?of? ?Lading:  Document issued by party engaged in  business? ?of? ?transporting goods that verifies receipt? ?of? ? goods for shipment  Warehouse Receipt:  Receipt issued by party who is 

Ngày tải lên: 04/02/2020, 01:46

10 50 0
Lecture Managerial economics - Chapter 1: The Fundamentals of managerial economics

Lecture Managerial economics - Chapter 1: The Fundamentals of managerial economics

... solving problems…but these are not the focus of this course.) Economics  The science of making decisions in the presence of scarce resources Managerial Economics  The study of how a manager may ... increased up to the point where MB = MC  MB > MC means the next unit of the control variable increases benefits more than it increases costs  MB < MC means the next unit of the control variable ... often face constraints  Constraints are a result of scarcity 1-4 Opportunity Cost  Accounting Costs  The explicit costs of the resources needed to produce goods or services  Reported on the

Ngày tải lên: 04/02/2020, 14:45

14 47 0
Lecture Management (2nd edition) – Chapter 2: The evolution of management

Lecture Management (2nd edition) – Chapter 2: The evolution of management

... Trang 2 Learning Objectives ‘ Describe the historical foundation of management Explain the beginnings of modern management theory and education Trang 3 The Historical Foundations of Management ... Theory (cont.) Administrative management — Henri Fayol (p 35) * Administrative theory " Identifies the functions of management Trang 6 The Quantitative Approach (p 37) Soldiering * Workers ... organizations and workers operate as efficiently as possible * Used quantitative approach to analyze and synthesize the flow of work to maximize productivity * Task-management system — combination of setting

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2020, 23:40

14 10 0
Unit 2   the nature of service   ban chat cua dich vu

Unit 2 the nature of service ban chat cua dich vu

... Discuss the managerial implications of the distinctive characteristics of a service operation  Discuss the insights obtained from a strategic classification of services  Discuss the managerial ... competition 5/18 /20 20 nguyen manh tuan – internal use Distinctive Characteristics of Services Operations Heterogeneity (H) ? ?The combination of the intangible nature of services and the customer as ... enlarging the system view to include the customer as a participant in the service process 5/18 /20 20 nguyen manh tuan – internal use 41 An Open-Systems View of Service 5/18 /20 20 Open Systems View of

Ngày tải lên: 15/08/2022, 22:43

51 1 0
Chapter 21 The Theory of Consumer Choice ppt

Chapter 21 The Theory of Consumer Choice ppt

... TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 3 SECTION: 3 Chapter 21 / The Theory of Consumer Choice 3 147 1 02 Assume that the consumer depicted in the figure has an income of $20 . The price of Skittles is  $2? ?and the price of M&M’s is $4. This ... Chapter 21 /The Theory of Consumer Choice ✦ 129 Chapter 21 The Theory of Consumer Choice MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Consider two goods, pizza and Pepsi. The slope of the consumer’s budget ... ANSWER: c an increase in the consumption of Snickers and a decrease in the consumption of coffee... 3 Chapter 21 / The Theory of Consumer Choice 72 The goal of the consumer is to a maximize utility

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 10:21

36 3,3K 42
Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science - NAP (2004) Episode 2 pptx

Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science - NAP (2004) Episode 2 pptx

... been the abandonment of one notion about stability after another: that the earth was the center of the universe, that the world’s living things are unchangeable, that the continents of the earth ... another occupied the mid-regions of branches and ate from different parts of the foliage; and the third fed on insects occupying the finest needles near the periphery of the tree Although the ... over the course of six days However, other explanations existed even then Among Christian theologians, for example, Saint Thomas Aquinas ( 122 5 to 127 4) stated that the earth had received the power

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21

15 426 0
Lecture AP Biology  Chapter 2 The chemical context of life

Lecture AP Biology Chapter 2 The chemical context of life

... is the difference between an atom, element and compound? What are the main components of an atom? What are their charges? What type of bond is found in:      H2O? KCl? C6H12O6? N2? Ba(OH )2 ... Products • • Eg 6CO2 + 6H2O  C6H12O6 + O2 Some reactions are reversible: • • Eg 3H2 + N2 2NH3 Chemical equilibrium: point at which forward and reverse reactions offset one another exactly • Reactions ... ? Chapter The Chemical Context of Life Ants & the Duroia Trees Ants use formic acid to prevent other plants from growing so that the Duroia trees can serve as their home You Must Know • • The

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2017, 09:03

18 289 0
Chapter 2  the structure and synthesis of process flow diagrams

Chapter 2 the structure and synthesis of process flow diagrams

... and may produce different byproducts The cost of the raw materials, the value of the by-products, the complexity of the synthesis, and the environmental impact of any waste materials and pollutants ... role of pilot plants in the development of processes It has been long understood that what works well in the laboratory often does not work as well on the large scale Of course, much of the important ... Both Figures 2. 1 and 2. 2 have the same overall input/output structure The input streams labeled toluene and hydrogen shown on the left in Figure 2. 1 appear in the streams on the left of the PFD in

Ngày tải lên: 13/06/2017, 13:57

36 372 0
Lecture Managerial finance - Chapter 2: Time value of money

Lecture Managerial finance - Chapter 2: Time value of money

... Rate? ?of? ?? ?of? ? 12% EARAnnual = 12% EARQ = (1 + 0. 12/ 4)4 - = 12. 55% EARM = (1 + 0. 12/ 12) 12 - = 12. 68% EARD(365) = (1 + 0. 12/ 365)365 - = 12. 75%   38 Can? ?the? ?effective rate ever be  equal to? ?the? ?nominal rate? ... 10 .25 % 50 Use EAR = 10 .25 % as? ?the? ? annual rate in calculator INPUTS 10 .25 -100 N I/YR PV PMT OUTPUT FV 331.80   51 What’s? ?the? ?PV? ?of? ?this stream? 100 100 100 5% 90.70 82. 27 74. 62 247.59   52 ... I% CF0 Tick marks at ends of periods, so Time is today; Time is the end of Period 1; or the beginning of Period   Time line for a $100 lump  sum due at? ?the? ?end? ?of? ?Year? ?2 I% Year 100   Time line for an ordinary 

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2020, 19:28

52 89 0
Lecture Managerial finance - Chapter 11: The basics of capital budgeting: Evaluating cash flows

Lecture Managerial finance - Chapter 11: The basics of capital budgeting: Evaluating cash flows

... independent, if? ?the? ?cash flows? ?of? ?one are  unaffected by? ?the? ?acceptance? ?of? ?the? ?other mutually exclusive, if? ?the? ?cash flows? ?of? ?one  can be adversely impacted by? ?the? ? acceptance? ?of? ?the? ?other   Cash Flows for Franchise L  ... Cash Flows for Franchise L  and Franchise S -100.00 10 60 80 70 50 20 L’s CFs: S’s CFs: 10% 10% -100.00   NPV: Sum? ?of? ?the? ?PVs? ?of? ?all  cash flows n NPV = ∑ t=0 CFt (1 + r)t Cost often is CF0 and is negative n NPV = ∑ t=1 ... Chapter? ?11 The? ?Basics? ?of? ?Capital  Budgeting:  Evaluating Cash Flows   Topics   Overview and “vocabulary”

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2020, 19:33

46 135 0
Lecture Managerial finance - Chapter 10: The cost of capital

Lecture Managerial finance - Chapter 10: The cost of capital

... If you don’t know? ?the? ?target weights, then use  the? ?current market value? ?of? ?equity, and never  the? ?book value? ?of? ?equity.  If you don’t know? ?the? ?market value? ?of? ?debt,  then? ?the? ?book value? ?of? ?debt often is a  ...  Total value = $150 +  $25  + $75 =  $25 0  million   25 Estimating Weights  (Continued)  wce = $150/ $25 0 = 0.6  wps =  $25 / $25 0 = 0.1  wd = $75/ $25 0 = 0.3   26 What’s? ?the? ?WACC? WACC = wdrd(1 ­ T) + wpsrps + wcers ... risks. ? ?The? ?division’s WACC should be  adjusted to reflect? ?the? ?division’s risk and  capital structure   29 The? ?Risk­Adjusted Divisional  Cost? ?of? ?Capital   Estimate? ?the? ?cost? ?of? ?capital that? ?the? ?

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2020, 19:49

39 108 0
Lecture An introduction to collective bargaining and industrial relations (4e) – Chapter 2: The historical evolution of the U.S. industrial relations system

Lecture An introduction to collective bargaining and industrial relations (4e) – Chapter 2: The historical evolution of the U.S. industrial relations system

... Strike against? ?the? ?steel industry in 1919 failed due  to a lack? ?of? ?coordination by? ?the? ?24  different unions • Still,? ?the? ?AFL opposed industry organizing 1 ­ 34 2? ?­34 The? ?CIO Challenge to? ?the? ?AFL • The? ?debate over craft or industry organizing came to a  ... 1 ­ 44 2? ?­44 The? ?1980s: Experimentation and Change • The? ?election? ?of? ?Ronald Reagan reflected a strong  conservative shift in? ?the? ?country ­ The? ?firing? ?of? ?PATCO strikers solidified? ?the? ?resolve  of? ?employers to seize? ?the? ?initiative ... cooperation  2? ?­39 1 ­ 40 2? ?­40 The? ?Postwar Strike Wave • After? ?the? ?WLB disbanded, a surge? ?of? ?strikes overtook  the? ?nation  • In 1946, more production time was lost than ever  before ­ 2, 970,000 workers involved in strikes in? ?the? ?first six 

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2020, 02:55

47 52 0
Lecture Mosby''s paramedic textbook (4th ed) - Chapter 2: Well‐being of the paramedic

Lecture Mosby''s paramedic textbook (4th ed) - Chapter 2: Well‐being of the paramedic

... 9/10 /20 12 Chapter? ?2 Well‐Being? ?of? ?the? ? Paramedic Lesson? ?2. 1 Physical Well‐Being  and Physical Fitness  Copyright © 20 13 by Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC, an Ascend Learning Company 9/10 /20 12 Learning Objectives ... Use resources to help avoid effects? ?of? ? cumulative stress 164 What personal experiences  have you had with death?  How did you or others who were close  to? ?the? ?deceased react to? ?the? ?initial news  of? ?the? ?death? 165 Copyright © 20 13 ... Discretionary calories from candy, alcohol,  other foods  25 26 Diet: Weight Control • Overweight people have higher risk? ?of? ? developing certain illnesses – High blood pressure – Type? ?2? ?Diabetes – Heart disease – Some cancers 27 Copyright

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2020, 01:04

61 39 0
Test bank   solution manual of  ch02 the nature of culture (2)

Test bank solution manual of ch02 the nature of culture (2)

... group of people who share common interests and or experiences, from which they take their identity (page 40) 12 Ethnocentrism? ?The practice of judging other cultures from the perspective of one’s ... particularly when they learn that the descriptions are of our culture These exercises will lead you into a discussion of culture and anthropology and the nature of multiple voices  2? ??4 This amazing ... relativism? ?The thesis that one must suspend judgment on other peoples’ practices to understand them in their own cultural terms (page 44) 14 Human rights—A set of guidelines for the equal treatment of

Ngày tải lên: 31/01/2020, 14:47

11 82 0
Lecture Public economics (5th edition) - Chapter 2: Benchmark model of the economy: positive and normative approaches

Lecture Public economics (5th edition) - Chapter 2: Benchmark model of the economy: positive and normative approaches

... – • Fully informed about the economy Unaffected by the actions of other consumers or producers Completely mobile Always striving to maximise his/her own utility of profit Disturbances will cause ... growth) Discuss the broad categories of market failure Explain the allocative, distributive, and stabilisation functions of government Distinguish between direct and indirect forms of government ... • • • • • • • Identify the critical assumptions of the two-sector model Define what is meant by a Pareto-optimal allocation of resources Articulate the three conditions for a general

Ngày tải lên: 03/02/2020, 20:02

17 96 0
Lecture Macroeconomics - Chapter 1: The nature and method of economics

Lecture Macroeconomics - Chapter 1: The nature and method of economics

... 20 02 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd Chapter 36 A Look Ahead Chapter 2: a model of the production choices facing an economy Chapter 3: laws of demand & supply Chapter 4: how the market system works Chapter ... method: observe the world © 20 02 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd Chapter 10 MACROECONOMICS © 20 02 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd Chapter 25 MICROECONOMICS © 20 02 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd Chapter 26 Positive & ... Trade The Effectiveness of Markets The Role of Governments © 20 02 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd Chapter Ten Key Concepts The Economy as a Whole & the Standard of Living 10 Production & the Standard of

Ngày tải lên: 04/02/2020, 07:57

39 68 0
Lecture Principles of economics - Chapter 2: The market forces of supply and demand

Lecture Principles of economics - Chapter 2: The market forces of supply and demand

... â 20 04 South-Western Summary Thedemandcurveshowshowthequantityofa good depends upon? ?the? ?price • According to? ?the? ?law? ?of? ?demand, as? ?the? ?price? ?of? ?a  good falls,? ?the? ?quantity demanded rises.  Therefore,  ... in Supply Affects the Equilibrium Price of Ice-Cream Cone S2 An increase in the price of sugar reduces the supply of ice cream S1 New equilibrium $2. 50 Initial equilibrium 2. 00 resulting ... Decide whether? ?the? ?event shifts? ?the? ?supply or  demand curve (or both) • Decide whether? ?the? ?curve(s) shift(s) to? ?the? ?left  or to? ?the? ?right • Use? ?the? ?supply­and­demand diagram to see  how? ?the? ?shift affects equilibrium price and 

Ngày tải lên: 04/02/2020, 08:33

55 90 0

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