... great example of a comic done with just pencils is Fred Gallagher’s uber-popular webcomic, MegaTokyo (www.mega tokyo.com) If you look through some of the pages of my own webcomic (cheap plug warning), ... area until the program finds a border without gaps If you aren’t careful, you can find yourself with a completely black page! You could comb over the area with your pen or marker and draw in any ... your image as necessary until the image looks how you want it within the page and print guide (if applicable) When you’re happy with the settings, click OK Why not use an 8-bit ink layer? Sometimes...
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 14:31
... Rename Internet Shortcuts An Internet shortcut is a link to a web site Using your Web browser (for example, Internet Explorer), launch a Web site (for example, www.mysap.com) Drag the icon in your ... favorites and channels represents the current content of the InfoCatalog Start Excel with the Business Explorer add-in without executing a workbook An empty workbook is opened and you can then open ... information on how to copy a workbook from one channel to another, see page 10–9 10–8 Reporting Made Easy Chapter 10: Working With the BEx Browser Previewing the Structure of a Workbook Query Previewing...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15
Chapter 6 Working with Data in a Connected Environment
... Chapter 36 18 Lesson 2: Working with Parameters in SQL Commands Lab: Lab: Working with Parameters page 275 VB.Net 2005 - Chapter 37 Lesson 2: Summary Update Database with connect mode Client Type ... Disconnectd Environment in ADO.NET ways using with ADO.NET Data Source Web Form Connection Data Adapter DataSet Windows Form Disconnectd Connected Data Source Web Form Connection Command DataReader ... Executing Command Objects 3.Creating SQL Commands (SQL Statements) with the Query Designer Creating SQL Commands (SQL Statements) with the Query Designer We can use the Query Designer to assist...
Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 12:19
CHAPTER 5 ■ WORKING WITH ENTITIES In this example, you use the CreateProductModel method to docx
... MessageBox.Show(ex Message); } Now that you know how to work with entities and query them, the next chapter builds on that knowledge by showing you how to work with stored procedures Several new features have ... automatically as you work with the EDM, although you can still access the associations if you really need to The great news is that as a developer, you don’t need to work with them directly in most ... changes and discusses what that means to you as a developer I spent a few pages in Chapter discussing relationships within the EDM, and this chapter begins by revisiting that information and...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20
Chapter 3 working with financial statements
... years • Extraordinary events 3-29 Work the Web Example • The Internet makes ratio analysis much easier than it has been in the past • Click on the web surfer to go to www.reuters.com – Click ... major categories of ratios and how you compute specific ratios within each category? • What are some of the problems associated with financial statement analysis? 3-31 Ethics Issues • Should ... the company grows • They are also useful for comparing companies of different sizes, particularly within the same industry 3-9 Ratio Analysis • Ratios allow for better comparison through time or...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2015, 15:32
Financial Modeling with Crystal Ball and Excel Chapter 13 ppt
... distribution with L = 0, and β = is the same as the Exponential distribution with rate s The gamma distribution with L = 0, and β = k, where k is a positive integer is called the k-Erlang distribution with ... specified values of the decision variables An analyst comfortable with the ROV tool can use it with existing spreadsheet models without necessarily having to understand all of the minute details ... the custom PDF with unweighted values This is specified by a list of discrete values, each of which will occur with the same probability FIGURE A.5 Custom distribution specified with Unweighted...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 18:20
slike bài giảng web thế hệ mới - trương thị diệu linh 3 chapter 13 advanced topic 3 web 3.0
... Contents • • • • • Web 3.0 Metadata RDF SPARQL OWL Web 3.0 • Web 1.0 – Website publish information, user read it – Ex: • Web 2.0 – User create content: post information, ... Ex:iGoogle • Web 3.0 is defined as the creation of high-quality content and services produced by gifted individuals using Web 2.0 technology as an enabling platform Web 3.0 Web 3.0 • Technique for Web ... services – Ex: website using Google Maps and Wikipedia API Semantic Web • Semantic Web is an evolving development of the Web in which the semantics of information and services is defined – web is able...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 14:55
How to do everything with web 2.0
... ""; = $EntriesPerPage; = ""; = ""; = $PageNumber; = ""; = ""; = ''; 18 276Simpo PDFDo Everything SplitWeb 2.0 ... If you set up the variables shown in the previous section, you can construct the relevant XML document with ... knowledge you are dealing with Implement the Starting Page For the last step, you need to implement a starting page, which is almost identical to the preceding starting page The key element is...
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 13:55
A simple introduction to working with LVM
... use with LVM and then include it in a volume group Why would you this? Well it would let you create new partitions on the fly, and make better use of your space In my case I have a laptop with ... we'll create a small volume with the name 'test': root@lappy:~# lvcreate -n test size 1g skx-vol Logical volume "test" created This command creates a volume of size 1Gb with the name test hosted ... type lvm2 Now that we have a volume group (called skx-vol) we can actually start using it Working with logical volumes What we really want to is create logical volumes which we can mount and actually...
Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2012, 10:12
Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook - Chapter 13
... rc Sclater Chapter 13 5/3/01 1:32 PM Page 445 DESIGNING CRANK-AND-ROCKER LINKS WITH OPTIMUM FORCE TRANSMISSION Four-bar linkages can be designed with a minimum of trial and error by a combination ... 5/3/01 1:32 PM Page 448 DESIGN CURVES AND EQUATIONS FOR GEAR-SLIDER MECHANISMS What is a gear-slider mechanism? It is little more than a crank-and-slider with two gears meshed in line with the crank ... the resisting force of the spring increases with elongation but decreases with an increase in length, the ratio J/S should be as large as possible within the capacity of the spring for the best...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 14:26
... more easily? 15 Set up v chy the Haar classifier to detect your face in a web camera a How much scale thay i cú th it work with? b How much blur? c Th rough what angles of head tilt s it work? d ... //Maximum levels in a tree int min_sample_count; //Dont split a node if less int cv_folds; //Prune tree with K fold kim tra chộo bool use_surrogates; //Alternate splits for missing data bool use_1se_rule; ... th hai l cho cỏc ensembles (c dựng boosting) hay forests (c dựng cõy ngu nhiờn) // Work trc tip with cõy quyt nh: bool CvDTree::train( const CvMat* _train_data, int _tflag, const CvMat* _responses,...
Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2013, 10:51
Working with Files
... for files and directories 73 82935c04.qxd:Toolbox 10/29/07 12:59 PM Page 74 Chapter 4: Working with Files To follow along with examples in this section, create a directory called /tmp/test and ... program (2), or become a sticky program (1) With set-UID and set-GID, the command runs with the assigned user or group permissions (instead of running with permission of the user or group that ... As with chmod, using chown recursively changes permissions for the directory named, along with its contents You might use chown recursively when a person leaves a company or stops using your web...
Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 22:20
Reporting with Web Services and Mobile Devices.
... using System; System .Web; System .Web. Services; System .Web. Services.Protocols; 8547ch06final.qxd 8/30/07 3:50 PM Page 231 CHAPTER s REPORTING WITH WEB SERVICES AND MOBILE DEVICES [WebService(Namespace ... web page Now, if we pull this web page with a mobile device as it is, it might look something like the page shown in Figure 6-18 If we want to provide a better reporting experience than the web ... devices with the help of the web browser 8547ch06final.qxd 8/30/07 3:50 PM Page 251 CHAPTER s REPORTING WITH WEB SERVICES AND MOBILE DEVICES Figure 6-18 The itinerary report viewed from the web with...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48
Reporting with Web Parts
... System .Web. UI.WebControls; System .Web. UI.WebControls.WebParts; System .Web. UI.HtmlControls; Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms; public partial class _Default : System .Web. UI .Page { protected void Page_ Load(object ... s REPORTING WITH WEB PARTS Figure 9-5 Page layout with the web part in place If you look at the source for this page, you’ll notice all the tags that we dropped onto the page
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48
Working with Spatial Data
... purposes with sufficient accuracy For storing spatial data contained within a single country or smaller area, the geometry datatype will generally provide sufficient accuracy, and comes with the ... shown in Table 10-1 299 CHAPTER 10 WORKING WITH SPATIAL DATA Figure 10-7 Previewing data downloaded from the Geonames web site 300 CHAPTER 10 WORKING WITH SPATIAL DATA Table 10-1 Column Properties ... candidate nearest neighbors, all of the features lying within that range are selected as candidates, by using a SELECT statement with the WITH TIES argument Finally, the candidates are sorted...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48
Working with Temporal Data
... possible to store a date value without an associated time component As a result, developers came up with a number of methods to “truncate” datetime values so that, without changing the underlying ... use midnight on 1900-01-01, but you can use any date/time within the range of the data type you’re working with CHAPTER 11 WORKING WITH TEMPORAL DATA Using the DATEDIFF function, find the difference ... data layer So how should we deal with handling multiple time zones within the database? In the following sections I’ll discuss two possible models for dealing with this problem Storing UTC Time...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48
Working with XML - The Java API for Xml Parsing (JAXP) Tutorial
... would have to come up with another identifier You could not simply call it "name" without conflicting with the element defined for use in a Another problem with the nonhierarchical ... defining data about data Used in conjunction with the XHTML specification, for example, or with HTML pages, RDF could be used to describe the content of the pages For example, if your browser stored ... years, and visualize how the information on the web will begin to turn into one huge knowledge base (the "semantic web" ) For the latest on the semantic web, visit http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/ In the...
Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 12:15
Javascript bible_ Chapter 13
... the downloaded page contain no visible elements, only scripts that assemble the page that the visitor sees Source code for such a page is simply the HTML for the page But that page will not be ... to truly hide scripts from visitors to a page Client-side JavaScript must be downloaded with the page and is, therefore, visible in the source view of pages There are, of course, some tricks you ... lot of pages for a complex Web application, you will certainly develop some functions and techniques that could be used for several pages Rather than duplicate the code in all of those pages (and...
Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 12:15