by industry mid range est

Tài liệu Getting Started with PIC® MCU Mid-Range docx

Tài liệu Getting Started with PIC® MCU Mid-Range docx

... btfss 11002 GS2 f,b f,b f,b f,b Bit Set ff Bit Set Bit Test f, Skip if Clear Bit Test f, Skip if Clear f,b Bit Test f, Skip if Set f,b Bit Test f, Skip if Set Literal and Control Operations Literal ... File Map 368 Bytes of General Purpose RAM Plus Special Function Registers 000h 080h SFR 180h 100h SFR SFR 10Fh 110h 01Fh 020h SFR 18Fh 190h 09Fh 0A0h 128 Bytes GPR 96 Bytes GPR 80 Bytes 0EFh 07Fh ... iorwf movf movf movwf movwf nop nop rlf rlf rrf rrf subwf subwf swapf swapf xorwf xorwf Byte Oriented Operations Byte Oriented Operations f,d Add W and ff f,d Add W and bcf bcf bsf bsf Bit Oriented...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 14:20

97 323 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Method for Source-Microphone Range Estimation in Reverberant Environments Using Arrays of Unknown Geometry" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Method for Source-Microphone Range Estimation in Reverberant Environments Using Arrays of Unknown Geometry" ppt

... algorithm ı MLS 2 Range (m) Range (m) 1.5 0.5 Voice 2.5 1.5 0.5 Setup Range- Finder True range Na¨ve estimator ı Setup Range- Finder True range Na¨ve estimator ı (a) (b) Figure 9: Mean range estimates ... (dB) Na¨ve estimator ı Range- Finder Na¨ve estimator ı Range- Finder (a) (b) Figure 8: A comparison of mean range estimates (± one standard deviation) for the na¨ve range estimator and the Range- Finder ... corresponding range estimate To investigate this second effect of array geometry, we examine how a fixed bias, ξ, translates into an error in the range estimate Consider an estimate, r0 , of the true range, ...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

10 332 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Cumulant-Based Coherent Signal Subspace Method for Bearing and Range Estimation Zineb Saidi1 and Salah Bourennane2" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Cumulant-Based Coherent Signal Subspace Method for Bearing and Range Estimation Zineb Saidi1 and Salah Bourennane2" pptx

... 0.22 θ1 est (◦ ) θ2 est (◦ ) −18 −40 −22 30 MUSIC −30 −38 −48 −32 θ1,2 est (◦ ) ρ1,2 est (m) 15 0.28 MUSIC NB −12 0.23 −28 −10 0.24 θ1 est (◦ ) ρ1 est (m) θ2 est (◦ ) ρ2 est (m) −26 0.22 43 0.34 ... θ1 est (◦ ) θ2 est (◦ ) −58 MUSIC 25 −40 −40 −45 −45 −45 θ1,2 est (◦ ) ρ1,2 est (m) −35 −70 −50 0.65 ◦  66  72 0.48 E2(O3 ,O4 ) ◦  33  39  45  51  57  63 0.4 Table 2: The expected (exp) and estimated ... could improve the scattering model by including the water/sediment interface effects and considering −12 0.52 MUSIC NB −45 0.63 θ1 est (◦ ) ρ1 est (m) θ2 est (◦ ) ρ2 est (m) 0.65 −22 0.44 MUSIC WB...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20

9 303 0
AN0742   modular PICmicro® mid range MCU code hopping decoder

AN0742 modular PICmicro® mid range MCU code hopping decoder

... AN742 goto AsyncRFE ; ; ; TRFFULL RFRestore4 ; RFRestore3 ; RFRestore2 ; RFRestore1 ; bsf goto RF_Full RFRestore ; buffer full and ready nop debugging point nop debugging ... OPERATION: ; Byte Write: ; load EEADDR and EEDATA ; then CALL WRITE_BYTE ; ; Page Write: ; Load EEADDR ; Load FSR with address of 1st byte to transfer ; Load W with number of bytes to transfer (8 bytes ... size up to 64 Kbytes © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc Preliminary DS00742B-page AN742 MEMORY USAGE Program Memory Words Used: 852 words File Registers Used: 66 bytes KEYWORDS Mid- Range, KEELOQ,...

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2016, 11:35

42 379 0
AN0744   modular mid range PICmicro® KEELOQ® decoder in c

AN0744 modular mid range PICmicro® KEELOQ® decoder in c

... #bit RB7 = 0x06.7 // PORT B #byte TRISC = 0x87 #byte PORTC = 0x07 // PORT C // internal EEPROM access #byte EEADR = 0x10d #byte EEDATA = 0x10c #byte EECON1 = 0x18c #byte EECON2 = 0x18d #bit WR ... learn timeout //byte Flags; // various flags byte CLearn, CTLearn; // learn timers and counter byte CFlash, CTFlash; // led flashing timer and counter byte COut; // output timer byte FCode; // ... OVERSAMPLING #define PERIOD TE/OVERSAMPLING*4/CLOCK #define NBIT 65 byte B[9]; static static static static word byte sbyte byte byte XTMR; // number of bit to receive -1 // receive buffer RFstate;...

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2016, 11:35

28 1K 0
AN1188   interfacing mid range PIC® MCUs with UNIO® bus compatible serial EEPROMs

AN1188 interfacing mid range PIC® MCUs with UNIO® bus compatible serial EEPROMs

... and the operation must be restarted, beginning with a standby pulse Data Byte SCIO © 2008 Microchip Technology Inc Data Byte NoMAK SAK WRITE COMMAND FINAL TWO DATA BYTES MAK SAK FIGURE 8: Figure ... Data Bytes Once the word address has been transmitted and the last SAK has been received, the data bytes can be sent Up to 16 bytes of data can be sent within a single operation After each byte ... SUCCESSIVE SUBROUTINE CALLS OutputByte WRITE_CMD $+1 OutputByte ; ; ; ; Output byte Load command into WREG (1 inst) Delay to ensure insts between calls (2 insts) Output byte SUBROUTINE OVERHEAD TIMING...

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2016, 16:48

16 348 0
AN1488   bit banging i2c™ on mid range MCUs with the XC8 c compiler

AN1488 bit banging i2c™ on mid range MCUs with the XC8 c compiler

... AN1488 FIGURE 17: BYTE READ (CONTROL BYTE AND ADDRESS)  2013 Microchip Technology Inc DS00001488B-page 17 AN1488 Reading A Data Byte Figure 18 shows the control byte and data byte during the actual ... the number of bytes that will be read from the slave (unsigned int) None Sequential read – read multiple bytes from the EEPROM TABLE 2: Description Write a byte to the EEPROM Read a byte from the ... AN1488 BYTE WRITE The low-density devices (

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2016, 16:57

24 546 0
AN1251 using HI TECH c® and a timer to interface mid range PIC MCUs with UNIO® serial EEPROMs

AN1251 using HI TECH c® and a timer to interface mid range PIC MCUs with UNIO® serial EEPROMs

... must be restarted, beginning with a standby pulse Data Byte n-1 SCIO DS01251A-page NoMAK SAK WRITE COMMAND FINAL TWO DATA BYTES MAK SAK FIGURE 7: Figure shows the final two data bytes sent by the ... Data Bytes Once the word address has been transmitted and the last SAK has been received, the data bytes can be sent Up to 16 bytes of data can be sent within a single operation After each byte ... data byte has been sent, the serial EEPROM automatically increments the internal word address to output the next data byte Data Byte n-1 SCIO DS01251A-page 12 NoMAK SAK READ – FINAL TWO DATA BYTES...

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2016, 17:03

16 246 0


... describing how beautiful the destination is Therefore, the aid created by website establishment by tourism companies contribute little help to the development of the tourism industry in Vietnam 1.1.4 ... frustration from investors in the country during last year, investors in Hanoi are expected to grow due to the efforts to reform the bureaucratic body by the government 33 Tourism industry is improving ... term investors Long term investors are different from tourists They have the same characteristic that they come from outside However, their interests are different from each other Their interests...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2013, 23:51

58 472 0


... activity This bioassay detects real estrogens (such as 17β-estradiol, estrone, and estriol) as well as all known xenoestrogens (such as alkylphenol-ethoxylates and ethinylestradiol) Upon binding an active ... were given to relative estrogenic activity, when the maximum estrogenic activity is 100% for E2 of 10-3 M as the positive control The concentration of 17β-Estradiol (E2), Estrone (E1), Alkylphenol-ethoxylates ... basin in May, 2002 It is judged that estrogenic activity decreases by going to the lower stream of Nakdong river by dilution action or selfpurification The estrogenic activity in downstream of...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40

6 484 0
Japanese SMEs – Driving the Competitiveness of Japan’s Automobile Industry *Translated by: Honey_weasel*

Japanese SMEs – Driving the Competitiveness of Japan’s Automobile Industry *Translated by: Honey_weasel*

... nước hãng lắp ráp ô tô hoàn tất 8/15/2006 9:35:51 PM End of 4th title Translated and compiled by chon_mat Copyrights 2006-2007 All rights reserved ...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 19:15

6 429 0
Fuzzy AHP based decision support system for selecting ERP systems in textile industry by using balanced scorecard

Fuzzy AHP based decision support system for selecting ERP systems in textile industry by using balanced scorecard

... world textile and clothing industry The Turkish clothing industry is the fourth largest supplier in the world, and the second largest supplier in the EU The Turkish textile industry is in the world’s ... (2003) investigated the key considerations and successful strategies in ERP implementation projects Byun (2001) explored the use of AHP for deciding on car purchase Cebeci and Ruan (2007) investigated ... Poland [, 2005] Textile industry means from cotton to textile, sewing The textile industry has a great importance for Turkish export goods The industry is facing a serious competition...

Ngày tải lên: 07/12/2013, 11:41

10 512 1
Tài liệu Bài 9: ICA by Maximum Likelihood Estimation ppt

Tài liệu Bài 9: ICA by Maximum Likelihood Estimation ppt

... nonlinearity, given by (9.19) This time, the natural gradient algorithm gave the right result The estimated vectors are aligned with the edges of the square 216 ICA BY MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATION Fig ... the number of parameters to be estimated is infinite, or in practice, very large Thus the estimation of the ICA model has also a nonparametric part, which is why the estimation is sometimes called ... basically a corollary of the stability theorem in Section 8.3.4 206 ICA BY MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATION Theorem 9.1 Denote by pi the assumed densities of the independent components, ~ and gi (si...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 07:19

17 364 0
Tài liệu Guidance for Clinical Investigators, Industry, and FDA Staff Financial Disclosure by Clinical Investigators ppt

Tài liệu Guidance for Clinical Investigators, Industry, and FDA Staff Financial Disclosure by Clinical Investigators ppt

... investigator has disclosable financial interests or arrangements? A: If FDA determines that the financial interests and arrangements disclosed by a clinical investigator raise a serious question ... disclosed interests or arrangements (21 CFR § 54.4(a)(3)) When there are disclosable financial interests or arrangements, the reviewer will address the question of whether these interests and arrangements ... interest be outweighed by the public interest and thus warrant disclosure of the financial interest or arrangement During the intervening years, interest has grown in the public disclosure of industry...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 21:20

29 561 0
Tài liệu Consequences of Voluntary and Mandatory Fair Value Accounting: Evidence Surrounding IFRS Adoption in the EU Real Estate Industry docx

Tài liệu Consequences of Voluntary and Mandatory Fair Value Accounting: Evidence Surrounding IFRS Adoption in the EU Real Estate Industry docx

... the lead industry group established to provide a forum for, among other things, best practices for financial reporting in the real estate industry Accounting for Investment Property Domestic GAAP ... 2008) Within the real estate industry, investment properties are the primary asset, suggesting adoption of IAS 40 should play a critical role in “leveling the playing field” by requiring provision ... continental-European investment property firms due the UK investment property being substantially larger and more developed (e.g., the UK property market value was estimated by Investment Property Databank...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 01:20

43 519 0
Tài liệu IAB Internet Advertising Revenue Report: An Industry Survey Conducted by PwC and Sponsored by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) doc

Tài liệu IAB Internet Advertising Revenue Report: An Industry Survey Conducted by PwC and Sponsored by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) doc

... advertising estimates Mobile advertising estimated between $550-$650 million in 2010 • Mobile advertising for 2010 is estimated to be between $550–$650 million This year marks the initial estimate ... definitionally by survey respondents PwC 15 Ad revenues by industry category Retail drives advertising, as dollars shift to digital • • • • • • • • • Retail advertisers continue to represent the largest ... • PwC estimated this value based upon a separate methodology from the results of the rest of this report Mobile advertising information is gathered from publicly available information, industry...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 01:20

28 414 0
Tài liệu THE GLOBAL AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY VALUE CHAIN: What Prospects for Upgrading by Developing Countries ppt

Tài liệu THE GLOBAL AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY VALUE CHAIN: What Prospects for Upgrading by Developing Countries ppt

... Quantitative restrictions Yes No No Tariffs: 115% (100% + 15% surcharge) 40% by 2002 30% by 2007 CKD Not known 30% by 2002 5% by 2007 Components for assembled vehicles 50% (1 Sept 1994) 30% by 2002 ... region by company, 1997 Company Region General Motors Ford Volkswagen Group Fiat PSA Renault Toyota Nissan Honda North Americaa North Americaa Western Europe Western Europe Western Europe Western ... new company was taken over by TRW in 1999; T&N was taken over by Allied Signal; Bertrand Faure was acquired by ECIA; UTA was bought by Lear and ITT; and Automotive divested large parts of its automotive...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 04:20

62 469 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Inhibition of pneumococcal choline-binding proteins and cell growth by esters of bicyclic amines pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Inhibition of pneumococcal choline-binding proteins and cell growth by esters of bicyclic amines pptx

... Pce [18], together with the modeling of LytC [19], strongly suggest that the cited arrangement of CBRs has been universally adopted by all CBPs Calorimetric and spectroscopic analyses have demonstrated ... proteins B Maestro et al Spectroscopic features of the conformational change induced by ligands The influence of ipratropium and atropine on the structure of C-LytA was first analyzed by near-UV ... Equilibrium titrations monitored by CD Fig Spectroscopic analysis of ligand binding to C-LytA (A) Conformational changes induced by ligands on C-LytA monitored by near-UV CD with no ligand added...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 05:20

13 465 0


... limited by uses of certain types of gaskets, flanges, pumps packing and seals, and by use of continuous VCM emissions monitoring Such modifications have been introduced by the Western Europe s-PVC industry ... [8].These estimations could be modified in a near future due to information delivered by national experts during the bilateral consultation scheduled in 2005 Organic chemical industry is addressed by ... industry: PVC production by the suspension process The methodology for this sector has been developed on the basis of information provided by an expert group from CEFIC [4] Organic chemical industry...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20

8 405 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Tumor necrosis factor-a converting enzyme is processed by proprotein-convertases to its mature form which is degraded upon phorbol ester stimulation pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Tumor necrosis factor-a converting enzyme is processed by proprotein-convertases to its mature form which is degraded upon phorbol ester stimulation pptx

... light was densitometrically analyzed by using a digital camera and the software AIDA 2.0 (Raytest, Straubenhardt, Germany) Isolation and detection of APPsa by Western blot analysis Depending on ... buffer and lyzed by addition of an equal volume of 2· Laemmli buffer containing 100 mM dithiothreitol, heated to 95 °C for 20 min, separated by SDS/PAGE on 7.5% gels and transferred by electroblotting ... dimethylsulfoxide After 1.5–6 h the cells were harvested and cellular membranes were isolated Mature and immature forms of endogenous TACE and ADAM10 were detected by Western blot analysis and quantified as...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:20

8 422 0