bringing ux design to an embedded team

Digital Circuit Analysis and Design with an Introduction to

Digital Circuit Analysis and Design with an Introduction to

... Circuit Analysis and Design with an Introduction to CPLDs & FPGAs Students and working professionals will find Digital Circuit Analysis and Design with an Introduction to CPLDs and FPGAs, to be ... Circuit Analysis and Design with an Introduction to CPLDs and FPGAs Orchard Publications 1-3 Chapter Common Number Systems and Conversions • An integer decimal number can be converted to any other ... Digital Circuit Analysis and Design with an Introduction to CPLDs and FPGAs Orchard Publications Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversions 1.2 Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal to Decimal...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 17:19

448 2,7K 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Investigations into the ability of an oblique a-helical template to provide the basis for design of an antimicrobial anionic amphiphilic peptide pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Investigations into the ability of an oblique a-helical template to provide the basis for design of an antimicrobial anionic amphiphilic peptide pot

... that mimicked membranes of E coli A standard toxicity assay showed that AP1 inactivated the organism, and the use of Antimicrobial properties of an anionic a-helical peptide Langmuir-Blodgett troughs ... coli model membranes to the action of AP1 An important determinant of the susceptibility of membranes to a-AMPs is the packing characteristics of the individual membrane lipids [44] To evaluate the ... causes an a-helix to penetrate membranes at a shallow angle of 3060 , thereby disturbing membrane lipid organization and compromising bilayer integrity [22,23] Among the a-AMPs predicted to form...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 12:20

12 689 0
killer ux design[electronic resource] create user experiences to wow your visitors

killer ux design[electronic resource] create user experiences to wow your visitors

... Technology: Using Computers to Change what we Think and Do (San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 2003) 27 28 Killer UX Design behavior change is focusing on how we want people to behave with what we create.5 ... on the app An extra special thanks goes to Stephen, Jamie, and Ekat for working back late and on weekends to design all the amazing images and posters for this book; and to Chris and Ekat for ... human behavior in relation to your product 25 26 Killer UX Design Understanding Human Behavior When designing solutions for people, you need to shift your thinking toward understanding human...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 00:33

289 623 1
báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article An Embedded System Dedicated to Intervehicle Communication Applications" doc

báo cáo hóa học:" Research Article An Embedded System Dedicated to Intervehicle Communication Applications" doc

... and the efficiency of the embedded IVC system are an important factor for car manufacturers and highway infrastructure management To minimize the cost it is essential to implement appropriate embedded ... operation mechanisms into a configurable modular mechanism This design is able to adapt to more various WSN and IVC applications include intelligent transportation, health care, military, and so forth ... 2.2 IVC Protocol The major features of CIVIC protocol are to discover and maintain the routing path in high-mobility embedded networks The current routing protocols can be classified into three...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 11:20

15 342 0
Innovation Through Design: Thinking An approach to invent exciting products and identify possible futures

Innovation Through Design: Thinking An approach to invent exciting products and identify possible futures

... you can, it doesn't mean you should Embrace constraints Use viability, feasibility, and desirability to guide design Design thinking is simply a problem solving tool Notice its not "designer" ... like to be as ignorant as the rest of us Chip Heath, Author Made To Stick Go out and observe Don’t just ask people what they want Divergent to convergent thinking by brainstorming Brainstorming ... design goes unoticed.* * Most of the time Fix problems, don’t hide them Companies that view design as just making products look slick are missing the point The design process can be used to...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2014, 14:04

71 177 0
Đề tài 11 Design and develope an embedded computer

Đề tài 11 Design and develope an embedded computer

... Các bank ghi Vùng địa 00h – 1Fh chia thành bank ghi: bank từ 00h – 07h, bank từ 08h – 0Fh, bank từ 10h – 17h bank từ 18h – 1Fh Các bank ghi đại diện ghi từ R0 đến R7 Sau khởi động hệ thống bank ... CALL CTC8 JMP MAIN ; SANG DAN LEN -CTC1: MOV R7,#32 LAP: SETB P2.0 ; chan DS CLR P2.1 ; chan SH NOP SETB P2.1; Chan ST DJNZ R7,LAP ; tao vog lap CLR P2.2 ; mo chan ST xuat ngoai NOP SETB ... chọn bank ghi truy xuất: RS1 RS0 định dãy ghi tích cực Chúng xóa sau reset hệ thống thay đổi phần mềm cần thiết Tùy theo RS1, RS0 = 00, 01, 10, 11 chọn Bank tích cực tương ứng Bank 0, Bank1, Bank2...

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2015, 14:12

44 802 0
Implementing an 8 bit Processor based Design in an FPGA

Implementing an 8 bit Processor based Design in an FPGA

... ERC markers to each of the output pins in the design that are not being used 12 Annotate the design using the Tools » Annotate Schematics Quietly command The Confirm Designator Changes dialog ... “There are designators requiring update Proceed with changes?” Click Yes The designators will be automatically changed from U? to U1, for example, and numerically augment Your FPGA design schematic ... where to find its RAM and which sub -design (embedded project) to use when the software is to be downloaded to the FPGA device on the daughter board Go back to Sheet1.SchDoc in the Schematic Editor...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2012, 09:12

8 969 3
Gà Tò!  An mỹ Quỳnh phụ Thái bình

Gà Tò! An mỹ Quỳnh phụ Thái bình

... thôi”, anh Cảnh cho biết Mỗi lần, gà đẻ 14 - 15 trứng Sau cho ấp nuôi thời gian, anh Cảnh chọn 2- ưng ý, to đẹp đàn nuôi riêng để tiếp tục lai tạo, số lại mang hủy để tránh “nhờn” giống Anh ... Xuyên) có truyền thống nuôi gà Chỉ vào gà trống chạy lon ton sân, anh khoe: “Con mang đặc trưng gà chưa cao, to lắm” Bắt gà lên, anh bảo, đặc trưng gà có lông suốt từ khuỷu chân xuống, ... danh mục bảo tồn nguồn gene quốc gia Vừa qua, huyện Quỳnh Phụ triển khai đề tài “Xây dựng mô hình tuyển chọn nuôi gà An Mỹ” nhằm mục đích lai tạo gà y hệt gà nguyên chủng Gia đình anh...

Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2013, 19:11

6 1K 2
Configure Routing between the RSM and an External Router Connected to an ISP

Configure Routing between the RSM and an External Router Connected to an ISP

... set set set vlan vlan vlan vlan name default 10 name Accounting 20 name Marketing 30 name Engineering Assign ports to VLANs DLSwitch> (enable) set vlan 10 DLSwitch> (enable) set vlan 20 DLSwitch> ... DLRouter Now that we have the VLAN information for VLAN configured on the DLSwitch We simply need to add it to the DLRouter PortChannel to participate in the Inter-VLAN Routing a Configure DLRouter ... world), and also EIGRP to establish default route and network communication to the DLRouter Everything else is fairly standard such as the hostname, passwords, and default static route to the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2013, 12:15

13 374 0
Module 1: Introduction to Outlook 2000 Team Folders

Module 1: Introduction to Outlook 2000 Team Folders

... interest to the team Users can also send invitations to other team members who can add the meetings and events to their personal Outlook 2000 calendars Team members can also use the Team Calendar ... will log on to Windows NT as Brad Sutton and as the Windows NT Administrator, and then generate an Exchange Server profile by using Outlook 2000 To log on to Windows NT as Brad Sutton To log on, ... click Edit Top News On the TopNewsForm_Admin – TeamFolder_Admin (HTML) form, in the Your Top New Stories box, type Team Folders are up and running Click Save and Close To edit the announcement...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2013, 12:15

62 408 0
Connecting to an Access Databasefrom ASP.NET

Connecting to an Access Databasefrom ASP.NET

... For a user account local to the IIS computer, create a duplicate account on the Access computer with the same name and password Grant the user account Log on Locally and Access this Computer ... and TMP environment variables are properly configured Configure the Access server On the Access computer, the user account that is used to access the database requires Read, Write, Execute, and ... database requires Read, Write, Execute, and Change permissions on the database file The user identity needs Read, Write, Execute, Delete, and Change permissions on the folder containing the database...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 13:15

2 359 0
Tài liệu Converting a DataSet to an ADO Recordset docx

Tài liệu Converting a DataSet to an ADO Recordset docx

... the command to load all orders records SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlText, conn); conn.Open( ); // Create a DataReader from the command SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader( CommandBehavior.SchemaOnly ... xslt.Load(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Project_Directory"] + @"Chapter 05\Orders.xslt"); // Transform the XML document XmlReader xr = xslt.Transform(ordersXml, null, (XmlResolver)null); // Load the transformed document into an XML document ... attributes rather than nested elements The DataSet is then serialized to an XmlDataDocument object The XML transformation Orders.xslt (see Example 5-11) is then applied to the XML document and the results...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:16

15 390 0


... is due to Terri Benson who did an outstanding job on the layout and production Many thanks to each of them We would like to thank Sharon Stober for her insightful Forward And just like an Oscar ... best to replace, overbuild, or deploy some combination to enable an easy transition to providing future cutting-edge services One important element of Bandwidth Boundary deployment is to understand ... flexible, and scalable With its 75-year history of innovative solutions for managing the physical cable plant, ADC is bringing all its experience to bear in the outside plant (OSP) and fiberto-the-premises...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 22:15

164 546 1
Tài liệu Connecting to an ODBC Data Source ppt

Tài liệu Connecting to an ODBC Data Source ppt

... Explorer and drag it onto a form or design surface Configure the OdbcConnection object that appears in the component tray Drag an OdbcConnection from the Data tab of the Toolbox onto a form or design ... needed to establish the connection to the data source The connection string format closely matches the ODBC connection string format Additionally, you can specify an ODBC data source name (DSN) or ... through COM interop (.NET's interoperability layer for COM) The following ODBC providers are guaranteed to be compatible with the ODBC.NET data provider: • • • Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver Microsoft...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 05:15

3 495 0
Tài liệu Connecting to an Oracle Database docx

Tài liệu Connecting to an Oracle Database docx

... file named TNSNAMES.ORA to locate the Oracle database and determine how to connect to it based on the Data Source or Database attribute in the connection string An example of an entry in the TNSNAMES.ORA ... Oracle NET data provider where practical ODBC Finally, the ODBC NET data provider can connect to an Oracle database An example of the connection string is shown here: Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};Server=myOracleDb; ... better than OLE DB or ODBC providers because they are built specifically for the database and because they remove a layer of indirection from the application to the database OLE DB You can use...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 05:15

5 418 0
Tài liệu Edit Data and Update Changes That Are Made to an ADO.NET pdf

Tài liệu Edit Data and Update Changes That Are Made to an ADO.NET pdf

... then stored back into the server, and the text boxes are changed to disabled If the btnCancel is clicked, the text boxes are changed to disabled Comments Although it takes a bit more code to handle ... CommandBuilder object is created to create the Update command for the DataAdapter object The DataAdapter Update method is called to update the dataset with the data changed and then the AcceptChanges ... button to display the customers that begin with the letter A Click the Edit button You will notice that the fields have now taken on a sunken look Place the cursor into the City field and change...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 06:17

10 400 0
Tài liệu Process Selection From Design to Manufacture P2 pdf

Tài liệu Process Selection From Design to Manufacture P2 pdf

... Divided into three ranges: thin mm, medium from mm to 19 mm and thick !19 mm When selecting the material type and thickness, the designer considers many other factors that can be attributed to the ... Production rate and quantity are very closely linked They can both be used to determine the assembly speed and the need for and feasibility of automation However, as the selection methodology is to be ... Selecting candidate processes product Tooling refers to the ease of automation, availability of equipment, skill required, tooling requirements and cost Product economics relate to production rates and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 00:20

10 383 0
Tài liệu Process Selection From Design to Manufacture P1 ppt

Tài liệu Process Selection From Design to Manufacture P1 ppt

... of the line to measure its conformity, performance and cost will not be competitive The need to understand and quantify the consequences of design decisions on product manufacture and quality ... stage and selected for team- working and technical skills Simultaneous Engineering – The simultaneous design of product, its method of manufacture and, the manufacturing system, against clear customer ... Conformability Analysis (CA) (1.32) 1.4 Techniques in design for manufacture and assembly The application of tools and techniques that quantify manufacturing and assembly problems and identify...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 00:20

40 353 0
Tài liệu Exporting the Results of a Query to an Array pdf

Tài liệu Exporting the Results of a Query to an Array pdf

... Returns an array of field values corresponding to the values in the columns and rows selected from the table dt The DataTable to convert to the array rowCount The number of rows to export to the ... greater than the number of // rows in the table, set the number of rows to int nRows = Math.Max((dt.Rows.Count - startRow) + 1, 0); // If the number of rows to export is specified as greater than 0, ... dt.Columns.Count : colName.Length; // The table row to start exporting // Set to if less than is specified startRow = (startRow < 1) ? : startRow; // The number of rows to export calculated as the number of...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 10:20

5 310 0