breastfeeding and infant growth biology or bias



... 1-year-old infants The main food sources of vitamin D were infant formula, dairy milk, porridge, and fish foods Higher maternal and infant 25(OH)D were associated with slower infant growth At ... parturients, deliveries and newborns 2017] National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and Official Statistics of Finland 184 Ouzounian JG, Hernandez GD, Korst LM, Montoro MM, Battista LR, Walden ... Helsinki Finland VITAMIN D IN PREGNANCY AND INFANCY DIETARY SOURCES AND ASSOCIATIONS WITH PREGNANCY OUTCOMES AND INFANT GROWTH Helena Hauta-alus DOCTORAL DISSERTATION To be presented, for public

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2020, 12:49

122 25 0
Báo cáo khoa hoc:"Effect of the slow (K) or rapid (k +) feathering gene on body and feather growth and fatness according to ambient temperature in a Leghorn × brown egg type cross" ppsx

Báo cáo khoa hoc:"Effect of the slow (K) or rapid (k +) feathering gene on body and feather growth and fatness according to ambient temperature in a Leghorn × brown egg type cross" ppsx

... and Payne [20], Plumart and Mueler [14], Mc Donald [11], Lowe and Garwood [9], Goodman and Murin [5], 663 Feathering genes and growth performances at two temperatures Table I Females in a floor ... feathering and growing chick weight in Rhode Island, Red Poult Sci 30 (1951) 866–869 [9] Lowe P.C., Garwood V.A., Independent effects of K and k + alleles and maternal origin on mortality and performance ... EDP Sciences, 2001 Original article Effect of the slow (K) or rapid (k +) feathering gene on body and feather growth and fatness according to ambient temperature in a Leghorn × brown egg type

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:21

12 345 0
Differences in perinatal and infant mortality in high-income countries: Artifacts of birth registration or evidence of true differences?

Differences in perinatal and infant mortality in high-income countries: Artifacts of birth registration or evidence of true differences?

... fetal and infant mortality We examined the effect of birth registration practices on fetal and infant mortality rates to determine whether observed differences in perinatal and infant mortality ... registration or reflected true differences in health status Methods: A retrospective population-based cohort study was done using data from Canada, United States, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and ... by gestational age and birth weight; gestational age—and birth weight-specific stillbirth rates; neonatal, post-neonatal, and cause-specific infant mortality Results: Proportion of live births

Ngày tải lên: 27/02/2020, 12:53

15 36 0
Effect of birth weight, exclusive breastfeeding and growth in infancy on fat mass and fat free mass indices in early adolescence  an analysis of the entebbe mother and baby study (EMaBs)

Effect of birth weight, exclusive breastfeeding and growth in infancy on fat mass and fat free mass indices in early adolescence an analysis of the entebbe mother and baby study (EMaBs)

... in life6 and early-life factors, such as pre- and post-natal growth and infant feeding, have been reported to program and alter body composition7 Sub-optimal nutrition in the fetal or infant periods ... weight for age standardised Z-scores at birth, and at six and 12 months of age For each participant, growth for the periods 0–6 months and 6–12 months was calculated as the change in Z-score during ... Birth weight predicted body composition parameters in Ugandan early adolescents, however, exclusive breastfeeding at six weeks of age and growth in infancy did not Keywords Birth weight, exclusive breastfeeding, infant growth, fat mass, fat free mass,

Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2020, 12:00

20 39 0
Effect of feeding mode on infant growth and cognitive function: Study protocol of the Chilean infant Nutrition randomized controlled Trial (ChiNuT)

Effect of feeding mode on infant growth and cognitive function: Study protocol of the Chilean infant Nutrition randomized controlled Trial (ChiNuT)

... bMFGM in infant formula and consumption in early infancy affects physical growth and brain development when compared to infants fed with a standard formula and a reference group of infants fed ... age Infants eligible for randomization to study formula were consuming infant formula as the sole source of nutrition for at least 48 h prior to randomization Additional inclusion criteria for ... 0.01 g), and records, digitalizes, and stores movement units for each successive interval Actigraphs were be installed on the infant’s left leg, week before coming to the laboratory for the ERP

Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2020, 19:20

11 28 0


... capital and T is land, so output was related to labour, capital and land inputs. Consequently, output growth (g y ) was driven by population growth (g L ), investment (g K ) and land growth ... account for the effects of inflation on growth through its impact on investment and capital accumulation. 2.1 Classical Growth Theory Classical theorists laid the foundation for a number of growth ... and invest if the nation's economy is to grow, linking it to land, capital and labour. Keynesian and Neo-keynesian theory provided a more comprehensive model for linking inflation to growth

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 19:20

51 638 0


... looking for fresh perspectives and new ideas. I want to hear about what unions and universities can do to better support and prepare our workers— not just for the jobs of today, but for the jobs ... Pennsylvania, tomorrow, to get their ideas. It’s also why we’ve asked state and local ocials and community organizations to hold their own jobs forums over the next week or so and to report back ... broadband and high-speed rail, and competitive education and infrastructure. In fact, the money spent on clean water, renewable energy, superfund sites, and much more, is going to more than

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 00:20

52 362 0
Tài liệu technology diffusion and postwar growth potx

Tài liệu technology diffusion and postwar growth potx

... ‘commercial paper and bankers acceptances ae short-lived, they are more timely measures ofthe availabilty of short-term credit than are bank or business Failures and the level or growth rate of ... thre wore many downgrides of corporate honds during the Depression in response to the worsening economy (Wigmore, 1985), This factor suguests that a quality sprcad based om ve average corporate ... gull imped by Vector 2 (Table), ‘Average Corporate TR Sproed Although nether curency-to-deposit ratio has unit rot, vectors 3 and 4 aed one uch rato to vectors | and 2 for robustness Evidence

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 16:20

51 383 0
Stock Markets, Banks, and Economic Growth docx

Stock Markets, Banks, and Economic Growth docx

... technology. For more information regarding JSTOR, please contact Tue Feb 19 03:43:10 2008 Stock Markets, Banks, and Economic Growth By Ross LEVINE AND SARA ZERVOS * ... integration in world capital markets and incorporate these measures into our study of stock markets. banks. and economic growth. Furthermork, we control for economic and political factors that ... however, for theories that more liquid or more internationally integrated cap- ital markets negatively affect saving and growth rates or that greater liquidity retards productivity growth.'

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 14:20

29 396 0


... temporarily, with relatively good growth and relatively poor HD, or vica versa. There may be various reasons for “economic growth lopsided” nations, i.e. those which have high rates of GDP growth ... and Alejandro Ramires (2000) Economic Growth and Human Development, World Development Vol 28, No 2 Ravallion, Martin (1997) Good and Bad Growth: The Human Development Reports, ... et al., 1992). And a more equal distribution of income is known to favor growth for both economic and political economy reasons. Education may also affect per capita income growth via its

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20

15 462 0


... noncorporate sector and K-Q * units in the corporate sector.) With a tax of AB on corporate capital only, there is a distortion in the allocation of capital; capital flows from the corporate ... rates, and low depreciation allowances. Second, taxes may attenu- ate labor supply growth m i by discour- aging labor force participation or hours of work, or by distorting occupational choice or ... from the corporate to the noncorporate sector, so the new allocation is Q units of capital in the noncorporate sector and K-Q units of capital in the corporate sector. The net loss in output is

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20

26 412 0


... sectors: a tradeable natural resource sector, a tradeable (non-resource) manufacturing sector, and a non-traded sector. Capital and labor are used in the manufacturing and non-traded sectors, ... from the growth implications Resource abundance may be good for consumption even if not good for growth; policies might be good for GDP growth, ... have higher overall demand and higher ... motivation and spirit to this paper, and also points to the adverse role of natural resource endowments (measured mainly by land and population density) on growth and manufacturing exports. The

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20

50 544 2
HERONS, EGRETS AND BITTERNS Their biology and conservation in Australia docx

HERONS, EGRETS AND BITTERNS Their biology and conservation in Australia docx

... include organochlorine compounds, organophosphorus insecticides, trace elements and petroleum (For details on the significance of contaminants to heron populations see Custer in Kushlan and ... (2) Western Australia/ Northern Territory wetlands (3) Darwin/Kakadu floodplain (4) Gulf of Carpentaria tidal wetlands (5) Cooper Creek system... Nycticoracinae, are more heavily built birds ... birds, with their slim body and long neck and legs; whereas some of the smaller day herons, and the night herons and bitterns have a more compact build Male and female... diversity

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 21:20

145 919 1
Access to Finance and Economic Growth in Egypt: A Study Led By SAHAR NASR docx

Access to Finance and Economic Growth in Egypt: A Study Led By SAHAR NASR docx

... World Bank [...]... President and CEO of Harvard Management Company; and Nasser Saidi, Director of Hawkamah Institute for Corporate Governance Comments and contributions from several World ... support was received... working papers, and no supervisory body to monitor auditors’ working practices of auditors and enforce disciplinary actions violators A company cannot appoint an audit ... quality of corporate financial reporting leads to increased risks to lenders and investors, and in turn higher costs of borrowers Moreover there are deficiencies in the accounting and auditing

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

185 620 0
Working PaPer SerieS no 1160 / FeBrUarY 2010: evidence For SUrveY maTTerS The eUro area Bank lending emPirical crediT and oUTPUT groWTh pptx

Working PaPer SerieS no 1160 / FeBrUarY 2010: evidence For SUrveY maTTerS The eUro area Bank lending emPirical crediT and oUTPUT groWTh pptx

... explaining bank loan growth and real GDP growth in the euro area After controlling for loan demand, BLS responses concerning corporate credit standards and conditions and terms for loans explain ... lending standards (Lown and Morgan, 2002, 2006) US credit standards are found to be exogenous with respect to the other variables in a vector autoregression system (Lown and Morgan 2002, 2006 and Lown ... non-financial corporations (3C), bank loan growth rate to households for house purchase (3D), bank loan growth rate to households for house purchases corrected for securitisation (3E), bank loan growth

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20

32 509 0
Tài liệu GUTS, TOES and stringy things: biology or highenergy physics? docx

Tài liệu GUTS, TOES and stringy things: biology or highenergy physics? docx

... and strong forces via QM and field theory. Particle physics in the undergraduate curriculum • Two levels of courses for physics majors/minors: pre-QM (sophomore) and post-QM (senior) • Essential ... majors/minors: pre-QM (sophomore) and post-QM (senior) • Essential topics to cover and references in both: • Basic structure of matter • Historical introduction (fundamental particles and forces, ... magnetism, E-W forces, the standard model (E-W + QCD) and GUTs and TOEs (all inclusive) Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) QCD = Theory of strong interaction  QCD more difficult than EM theory: 1. Gluons...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 23:17

39 299 1
Tài liệu Corruption, Democracy and Economic Growth docx

Tài liệu Corruption, Democracy and Economic Growth docx

... that the least corrupt countries (for example, Australia, Finland, Sweden, and so on) score a zero, while the most corrupt (for example, Bangladesh, Haiti, Niger, and so on) score a six. Thus, ... growth. The results in all three tables provide almost uniform support for our argument. The first columns in Tables 2–4 report our results for the interaction of democracy and corruption. For ... of workers allows for greater productivity, since workers are more able to work diligently, for longer hours, and without succumbing to disease or debilitation. It is likely that these factors...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 20:15

16 669 0
Tài liệu Tips on Applying for and Passing the PMP or CAPM Exam pptx

Tài liệu Tips on Applying for and Passing the PMP or CAPM Exam pptx

... and the application form. Even if you intend to submit your application on-line, which is the preferred method, I suggest using the paper form to compile and organize the information beforehand. Once ... Camp For more information or to register, visit or call 1-800-COURSES to speak with a sales representative. Our courses and enhanced, hands-on labs offer practical skills and ... may also fall into this category. More Than One Correct Answer – In cases where multiple answers could be correct, choose the most cor- rect or most appropriate one according to PMI. Double Negatives...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:15

10 739 1
Tài liệu Democracy and Economic Growth pdf

Tài liệu Democracy and Economic Growth pdf

... Growth Alesina, A. and D. Rodrik. 1994. Distributive Politics and Economics Growth. Quarterly Journal of Economics. Andreski, S. 1968. Military Organization and Society. Palo Alto: Stanford ... political leaders to compete for support and votes, 6. alternative sources of information, 7. free and fair elections, and 8. government policies depend on votes and other expressions of preference ... democracy -growth relationship, and may have some random or systematic deviations from the true relationship. An important factor for such deviation is sampling error, which is a significant problem...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 06:17

45 505 0
Tài liệu Democracy and Economic Growth: A meta-analysis pptx

Tài liệu Democracy and Economic Growth: A meta-analysis pptx

... studies will offer more precise estimates and smaller studies will have larger standard errors. The normal expectation is for smaller studies to report effects that fluctuate randomly around the ... democracy -growth effect from sampling error and any distortion arising from research design. 25 Note that Ali and Crain (2001, 2002a and 2002b) use the same dataset and the same author. Hence, ... Distributive Politics and Economics Growth. Quarterly Journal of Economics. Andreski, S. 1968. Military Organization and Society. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press. Aron J. 2000. Growth and Institutions:...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 16:34

46 522 0

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