biết giải bài tốn có một phép chia trong bảng chia 5

Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : UNIT 16 MAN AND THE ENVIROMENT Lesson 2 A2 (P166-167) doc

Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : UNIT 16 MAN AND THE ENVIROMENT Lesson 2 A2 (P166-167) doc

... (produce)? S2: ( a lot) III HOME WORK: - Learn by heart vocabulary - Do A2 (work book) - Prepare A4 -5 (P168) IV TEACHER'S REMARKS SELF EVALUATION AND ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:20

5 942 2
Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : UNIT 16 . MAN AND THE ENVIROMENT Lesson 5 pot

Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : UNIT 16 . MAN AND THE ENVIROMENT Lesson 5 pot

... cans trees III HOME WORK: - Learn by heart the pattern - Do B2 (work book) - IV Prepare lesson B4 -5 P171-172 TEACHER'S REMARKS SELF EVALUATION AND ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:20

5 578 0
Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : UNIT 16 . MAN AND THE ENVIROMENT Lesson 6 docx

Giáo án Anh văn lớp 6 : Tên bài dạy : UNIT 16 . MAN AND THE ENVIROMENT Lesson 6 docx

... waste basket (to) leave bỏ lại (to) put đặt, để A bag tỳi  R&R dialogue: B4 P171  Picture drill B5 P127 Example S1: we shouldn’t leave trash S2: that’s right Key: Picture b: we should save water ... WORK: - Learn by heart the dialogue - Do B4-6 (work book) - Prepare lesson Grammar practice P174- 1 75 IV TEACHER'S REMARKS SELF EVALUATION AND ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:20

5 519 0
The Old Man and the Sea doc

The Old Man and the Sea doc

... great that he will prove us wrong.” “There is no such fish if you are still strong as you say.” “I may not be as strong as I think,” the old man said “But I know many tricks and I have resolution.” ... bird had flown up when the line jerked and the old man had not even seen him go He felt the line [55 ] carefully with his right hand and noticed his hand was bleeding “Something hurt him then,” he ... Hemingway’s most popular work, The Old Man and the Sea, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1 953 , and in 1 954 Hemingway won the Nobel Prize in Literature “for his powerful, style-forming mastery of...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

37 1,3K 1


... Elephant camel • • • • • • a) who is this? It’s Superlan b) who is the strongest girl in the world? Superlan is the strongest girl in the world c) Who is the fastest girl in the world? Superlan ... lot of them d) Because he has a toothache e) Because he live very far from the school 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) a) d) b) e) c) Look at exercise again Write the questions and full answers for the sentences ... Vinh never walk to school? Vinh never walks to school because he lives very far from the school • 5) Why doesn’t Mr.Hai buy eggs in the market? • Mr.Hai doesn’t buy eggs in the market because his...

Ngày tải lên: 17/07/2014, 13:00

28 820 0
Unit 16: Man and the environment. Polluntion

Unit 16: Man and the environment. Polluntion

... water Books we read or study are from wood We work under the lights in the evening Power are from strong waterfalls We go to school by bike or school bus Bikes and schoolbuses are from iron Schoolbuses...

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2014, 08:00

9 432 0
the old man and the sea ernest hemingway

the old man and the sea ernest hemingway

... Essential Hemingway • (1 953 ) The Hemingway Reader • (1972) The Nick Adams Stories • (1976) The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway • (19 95) Collected Stories 50 ... bird had flown up when the line jerked and the old man had not even seen him go He felt the line [55 ] carefully with his right hand and noticed his hand was bleeding “Something hurt him then,” he ... Nobel Prize for Literature in 1 954 Hemingway is sometimes called by his familiar nickname "Papa" His birthdate is sometimes listed in error as 1898 According to a 1 954 article in the New York Times,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 01:04

52 839 0
bài giảng tiếng anh 6 unit 16 man and the environment

bài giảng tiếng anh 6 unit 16 man and the environment

... teacher 2.He also has a few fruit trees 3.His chickens produce any eggs 4.He has a dog and two cats 5. He has a small field and he grows a few vegetables F A Animals and plants Listen and read Mr Hai ... animals and plants (A2-A6) III.* Structure: Các tính từ địnhlượng: • • • • • a lot of: nhiều a little :một a few: vài: some: số, vài Use : (Cách dùng) some / a lot of / a few + danh từ đếm some / a ... animals a an b some c a little 4)Mr Hai’s chickens produce ……… eggs a.a lot of b a little c fews 5) There are………….carrots a a b a little c a few Period: 98 Unit 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMEN Animals...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2014, 13:55

15 3,7K 0
a study on theory of iceberg in  the old man and the sea  by earnest hemingway = nghiên cứu về nguyên lý tảng băng trôi trong tác phẩm  ông già và biển cả  của ernerst hemingway

a study on theory of iceberg in the old man and the sea by earnest hemingway = nghiên cứu về nguyên lý tảng băng trôi trong tác phẩm ông già và biển cả của ernerst hemingway

... Man and the Sea” 13 Characters in “The Old Man and the Sea” 15 1.2.2 Hemingway‟s Iceberg Theory 15 Introduction to the Theory 16 Features of Hemingway‟s ... Santiago 32 The marlin 34 v The sharks 35 The sea 36 2.3.4 .5 The lions 37 The mast 38 PART C CONCLUSION Summary ... the Pulitzer Prize in 1 953 and also contributed enormously to Hemingway's recognition as a world-renowned writer with the award of the Nobel Prize for literature in 1 954 As a writer, Hemingway...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:25

49 1,8K 7
Material process in The Old man and the sea by Hemingway and its Vietnamese translated version A systematic funtional comparison= Quá trình vật chất trong bản g.PDF

Material process in The Old man and the sea by Hemingway and its Vietnamese translated version A systematic funtional comparison= Quá trình vật chất trong bản g.PDF

... 15 25 0 % 70.32 9.67 16.12 2 .58 0 Table 4: Transitivity in English text Type Material Mental Relational Verbal Behavioral Existential No of occ 116 21 19 0 % 71.69 12 .57 11.94 1.88 0 Table 5: ... marlin 36 Animate Actor Inanimate Actor Type The old man NOC 43 18 % 43.87% 37. 75% 18.36% The marlin Actor NOC 50 % 49 .54 % 32.43% 18.01% Table 6: Actors in the original 37 Inanimate 20 Table 7: Actors ... Bắc…………………………………… 25 4.3 A Functional Comparison of Material Process in the original and Vietnamese translated extract from “The old man and the sea” by Hemingway………………………………… 25 4.3.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:44

15 881 1
Material process in The Old man and the sea by Hemingway and its Vietnamese translated version A systematic funtional comparison= Quá trình vật chất trong bản g20150227.PDF

Material process in The Old man and the sea by Hemingway and its Vietnamese translated version A systematic funtional comparison= Quá trình vật chất trong bản g20150227.PDF

... by he (43, 55 , 68, 110, 147), the fish (6, 40, 56 , 59 ) by he (30, 48, 60, 81) or cá (3, 6, 35, 57 ) by (30, 46, 58 , 76) But in some cases, he does not always refer to the old man (59 ); he also ... slowly again (55 ) ‫ ׀׀‬The old man was gaining line steadily now (56 ) ‫ ׀׀‬But he felt faint again (57 ) ‫ ׀׀׀‬He lifted some sea water with his left hand (58 ) ‫ ׀׀‬and put it on his head (59 ) ‫ ׀׀׀‬Then ... (51 ) ‫“ ׀׀‬Đừng nhảy” (52 ) ‫ ׀׀׀‬Con cá quật sợi dây thêm vài lần (53 ) ‫ ׀׀‬và lần văng đầu, (54 ) ‫ ׀׀‬ông lão lại nới thêm chút dây (55 )‫ ׀׀׀‬Lát sau, cá không quật dây đáy (56 ) ‫ ׀׀‬và bắt đầu...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:45

66 897 4
bai tap unit 16 : man and the environment

bai tap unit 16 : man and the environment

... fruits Mr Hai has some animals He has a few cows They produce a little (4)…… milk He has some (5) ………………….They produce a lot of eggs He also has some pigs engineer / doctor / gymnast / farmer ... She is … 3.They would like some vegetables they would 4.Her lips are full  her lips aren’t ……… 5. Don’t waste water You shouldn’t …… VI Re-order electricity / should / waste / not / we matter...

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2015, 05:00

2 344 0
Bài giảng tham khảo thao giảng Anh 6 Unit 16 Man and the environment (8)

Bài giảng tham khảo thao giảng Anh 6 Unit 16 Man and the environment (8)

... ‫ݑ‬s##�##:�#�5U���cv���# � � " � ]�^�#C##���� m)�E)mu���l# ࡱ##��.�:E�Yّ�[`� # �Gu�cS���l50gwS#r#+!��~��n�7#$��uv72�M��# � #�‫ݾ‬k#^}�ɈC5x� �#���#�#%_#�+#���J)ip#�##�WI##08��

Ngày tải lên: 10/06/2015, 09:55

1,5K 267 0