before you read parts of a computer system



... conventional phases of a CAT system) For any given source lexical unit in this data base, VISULEX searches for all the associated information THAM consists of a set of functions programmed in the macro ... help translators in several ways, particularly with Machine Aided Human Translation (MAHT) The translator is provided with a text editing system, as well as an uncoded dictionary which may be ... directly accessed on the screen But the translation is always done by the translator This data base is composed of dictionaries, "formats" and "procedures" of the analysis, transfer and synthesis phases...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 19:21

4 407 0
A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 1

A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 1

... Physical devices Fig 1-1 A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs Card reader Tape drive Input tape Output tape Printer 1401 (a) System tape (b) 7094 (c) (d) ... 1-7 A typical memory hierarchy The numbers are very rough approximations Read/ write head (1 per surface) Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface Direction of arm motion Surface Surface Surface ... Base-2 User-1 data Limit-1 Base-1 User program Limit-1 Base-1 Operating System Operating System (a) (b) Fig 1-9 (a) Use of one base-limit pair The program can access memory between the base and...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:35

30 389 0
A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 2

A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 2

... over the use of a global variable Thread 1's code Thread 2's code Thread 1's stack Thread 2's stack Thread 1's globals Thread 2's globals Fig 2-17 Threads can have private global variables Spooler ... table Process table Thread table Fig 2-13 (a) A user-level threads package (b) A threads package managed by the kernel Multiple user threads on a kernel thread User space Kernel Kernel thread ... threads run Runtime system picks a thread Kernel picks a process Kernel picks a thread Possible: A1 , A2 , A3 , A1 , A2 , A3 Not possible: A1 , B1, A2 , B2, A3 , B3 Possible: A1 , A2 , A3 , A1 , A2 , A3 Also...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:35

45 347 0
A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 3

A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 3

... (e) Has Max Has Max Has Max Has Max A A A A B B B 4 B — — C C C C Free: (a) Free: (b) Free: (c) Fig 3-10 Demonstration that the state in (b) is not safe Free: (d) Has Max Has Max Has Max A A A B ... resource trajectories Has Max Has Max Has Max Has Max Has Max A A A A A B B 4 B – B – B – C C C C 7 C – Free: (a) Free: (b) Free: (c) Free: (d) Fig 3-9 Demonstration that the state in (a) is safe Free: ... (a) T E D V U R E V G (b) Fig 3-5 (a) A resource graph (b) A cycle extracted from (a) Resources in existence (E1, E2, E3, …, Em) Resources available (A1 , A2 , A3 , …, Am) Current allocation matrix...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:35

15 306 0
A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 4

A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 4

... growth A- Data A Actually in use A- Program Operating system Operating system (a) (b) Fig 4-6 (a) Allocating space for a growing data segment (b) Allocating space for a growing stack and a growing data ... global page replacement (a) Original configuration (b) Local page replacement (c) Global page replacement Page faults/sec A B Number of page frames assigned Fig 4-29 Page fault rate as a function ... operand } Second operand Fig 4-32 An instruction causing a page fault Main memory Disk Main memory Pages Disk Pages Swap area Swap area Page table Page table 6 4 0 (a) Disk map (b) Fig 4-33 (a) ...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:35

48 291 0
A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 5

A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 5

... section of a CD-R disk and laser (not to scale) A silver CD-ROM has a similar structure, except without the dye layer and with a pitted aluminum layer instead of a gold layer Polycarbonate substrate ... An RS-232 terminal communicates with a computer over a communication line, one bit at a time Terminal data structure Terminal data structure Central buffer pool Terminal Terminal Buffer area ... video RAM Video RAM Screen RAM address A BCD 0123 25 lines …×3×2×1×0 …×D×C×B A 0×B0 0A0 0×B0000 160 characters 80 characters (a) (a) Fig 5-39 (a) A video RAM image for a simple monochrome display...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:35

52 404 0
A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 6

A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 6

... (b) An archive (b) Attribute Protection Password Creator Owner Read- only flag Hidden flag System flag Archive flag ASCII/binary flag Random access flag Temporary flag Lock flags Record length ... error on last read */ Fig 6-5 A simple program to copy a file Program text Program text Data (a) abc Data xyz (b) Fig 6-6 (a) A segmented process before mapping files into its address space (b) ... list allocation using a file allocation table in main memory File Attributes Address of disk block Address of disk block Address of disk block Address of disk block Address of disk block Address...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:35

40 324 0
A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 7

A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 7

... subtitles Dag, Bob Dag, Alice Mooie dag Jazeker Hoe gaat het Prima En jij Goed Video English audio French audio German audio Fast forward Fast backward Fig 7-3 A movie may consist of several files 1.00 ... processes, each displaying a movie The frame rates and processing requirements per frame are different for each movie A A2 A1 B A3 B1 A4 B2 B3 C3 RMS A1 B1 C1 A2 B2 C2 A3 EDF A1 B1 C1 A2 B2 C2 A3 B4 ... After waiting (d) After starting to refill the buffer (e) Buffer full 120 Frame Video A A Frame A Audio track T T Video A A Frame A T T Video A A A T T Text track Fig 7-17 Interleaving video, audio,...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:35

26 244 0
A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 8

A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 8

... in making a remote procedure call The stubs are shaded gray Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Machine Application Application Application Application Application Application Run-time system ... B A B Code using variable A A and B are unrelated shared variables that just happen to be on the same page Code using variable B Network Fig 8-24 False sharing of a page containing two unrelated ... The main elements of a distributed system based on CORBA The CORBA parts are shown in gray Address space Class object contains the method List messages Read message Append message Delete message...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:35

44 285 0
A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 9

A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 9

... Main’s Stack pointer Virtual address space Virtual address space Stack Main’s local variables Main’s local variables Return addr local variables Return addr A s local variables SP B A s local ... First page (in memory) F A B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A (a) (b) A Second page (not in memory) Page boundary Fig 9-12 The TENEX password problem (c) #include #include ... Mailbox Eric Read Write (a) Read Execute Henry Read Write Read Execute Read Write Robert Read Execute Read Secret (b) Fig 9-30 (a) An authorized state (b) An unauthorized state Read Write Security...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:35

36 348 0
A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 10

A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 10

... –rwx Allowed file accesses Owner can read, write, and execute Owner and group can read, write, and execute Owner can read and write; group can read Owner can read and write; all others can read ... Create a new thread in the caller’s address space Terminate the calling thread Wait for a thread to terminate Create a new mutex Destroy a mutex Lock a mutex Unlock a mutex Create a condition variable ... pthread pthread pthread pthread pthread pthread pthread pthread Thread call create exit join mutex init mutex destroy mutex lock mutex unlock cond init cond destroy cond wait cond signal Description...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:35

40 304 0
A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 11

A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 11

... Nonpaged pool Paged pool A' s page tables B's page tables C's page tables Stacks, data, etc Stacks, data, etc Stacks, data, etc HAL + OS HAL + OS HAL + OS System data System data System data Process ... Timers RAM Spin locks BIOS MOV EAX,ABC ADD EAX,BAX BNE LABEL MOV EAX,ABC MOV EAX,ABC ADD EAX,BAX BNE LABEL MOVE AX,ABC ADD EAX,BAX BNE LABEL Disk Printer Hardware abstraction layer Fig 11-8 Some of ... SACL Add a new ACE to a DACL or SACL allowing access Add a new ACE to a DACL or SACL denying access Remove an ACE from a DACL or SACL Attach a DACL to a security descriptor Fig 11-44 The principal...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:35

46 322 0
A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 12

A computer system consists of hardware, system programs, and application programs figs 12

... /usr/ast/books/mos2/Chap-12 Directory: /usr/ast/books/mos2 Chap-10 Chap-11 Chap-12 I-node table 114 38 Internal name: 2 Fig 12-3 Directories are used to map external names onto internal names ... documentation, which must be written by the chief programmer The administrator and editor each need a secretary Maintains the code and documentation archives Provides any tools the chief programmer ... the chief programmer’s code Part timer who can advise the chief programmer on the language Fig 12-9 Mills’ proposal for populating a 10-person chief programmer team Main program Plan Code Test...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:35

11 284 0
List the components of a radio system

List the components of a radio system

... – Advantages • Can carry up to three times the amount of data as TDMA • Transmissions are much harder to eavesdrop on • A would-be eavesdropper must also know the exact chip in which the transmission ... the signal • Attenuation – A loss of signal strength • Multipath distortion – As a radio signal is transmitted, the electromagnetic waves spread out 24 Signal Strength (continued) 25 Radio Frequency ... • List the components of a radio system • Describe how different factors affect the design of a radio system • Explain the radio frequency spectrum Components of a Radio System • Components include:...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 10:52

30 922 0
Exergoeconomic optimization and improvement of a cogeneration system modeled in a process simulator using direct search and evolutionary methods

Exergoeconomic optimization and improvement of a cogeneration system modeled in a process simulator using direct search and evolutionary methods

... exergoeconomic analysis of the system at each iteration and on several qualitative and quantitative objective criteria, a hierarchical classification of the system components, and the associated subsets of ... Nelder and Mead A global analysis of Tables and reveals an important outcome: the method of Powell systematically leads to the smallest values of the objective function and of the number of simulator ... mathematical optimization Table Results obtained with the genetic algorithm Decision variable Case Case EIS EIS Alternative Alternative Mathematical EIS optimization Alternative EIS Alternative Mathematical...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:30

14 594 0
Reliability analysis of a power system based on the multi state system theory

Reliability analysis of a power system based on the multi state system theory

... the system is above 22.8 Ah, the system is reliable, though the capacity of a battery is lower than 5700 mAh Suppose the capacity of the first branch is 5600 mAh and the capacity of other branches ... branches are all above 5800 mAh, the system is reliable because the required capacity is reached But when we analyze the system reliability using the traditional system reliability theory, the system ... Gendreau, “Tabu search for the redundancy allocation problem of homogenous series-parallel multistate systems,” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2008, Vol.93, No.8, pp.1257–1272 M Agarwal,...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:38

4 408 0
Tài liệu Architecture of a Database System ppt

Tài liệu Architecture of a Database System ppt

... data from the database These operators make calls to fetch data from the DBMS’ Transactional Storage Manager (Figure 1.1, bottom), which manages all data access (read) and manipulation (create, ... in all three DBMS models is that the buffer pool is a large shared data structure available to all database threads and/or processes When a thread needs a page to be read in from the database, ... life of a query in a database system This also serves as an overview of the remaining sections of the paper Consider a simple but typical database interaction at an airport, in which a gate agent...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 05:21

119 381 0
Báo cáo " Development of a spectrometry system Using lock-in amplification technique " doc

Báo cáo " Development of a spectrometry system Using lock-in amplification technique " doc

... example, Raman Spectra of Vietnam petrol extracts excited by a 30mW He-Ne laser instead of Ion Argon laser The Raman excitation by He-Ne laser showed many advantages in comparison with Argon laser ... and may contain any number of embedded space characters A command to the SR830 consists of a four characters command mnemonic, arguments if necessary, and a command terminator The SR830 has a 256 ... and resolution and many advantages for studying Raman and Fluorescence spectra We succeeded in obtaining Raman spectra of petrol extracts by 30mW He-Ne laser excitation The high sensitivity of...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 14:20

6 524 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "The Design of a Computer Language for Linguistic Information" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "The Design of a Computer Language for Linguistic Information" ppt

... decidability of that f{,rmalism [Kaplan and Bresnan, 83] Off-line parsability req.ires that the context-free "skeleton" of the grammar allows no trivial cyclic derivations of the form A ~ A 2.3 Mathematical ... rules that are shared among lexical items, as well as by the declarative nature of the grammar formalism itself, 6The example is merely meant to be indicative of the syntax for and operation of lexical ... formalism, as it was presented in Section 2.1, is sorely inadequate for any major attempt at building natural-language grammars because of its verbosity and redundancy Efficiency of encoding was...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 01:21

5 383 0
An Overview of the Computer System pdf

An Overview of the Computer System pdf

... computer system includes four distinct parts: Hardware Software Data User The Parts of a Computer System - Hardware • A computer' s hardware consists of electronic devices; the parts you can see and ... sections: • The Parts of a Computer System • Looking Inside the Machine • Software: Bringing the Machine to Life The Parts of a Computer System • What is a Computer? • Hardware • Software • Data • Users ... perform tasks for you, such as creating documents The Parts of a Computer System - Data • Data consists of raw facts, which the computer can manipulate and process into information that is useful...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 08:20

29 711 0