... old is he? A He is 12 B He is 11 C He is 13 How many televisions are there in the living room? A There is one B There are two C There are three How many armchairs are there? A There is one B There ... His names Ba B His names Nam 34 How old is he? A He is 12 B He is 11 35 How many televisions are there in the living room? A There is one B There are two 36 How many armchairs are there? A There ... is / is / are / are 3.a) are / am b) is / is c) is / isnt d) are / arent Imperative a in b down c your d your e up How many ? How many + N( plural nouns ) are there ? a There is one b There are...
Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2015, 15:06
... especially their acute administration [42], is another possible explanation for the negative effects of these drugs on cognition reported in the literature [39,43] In addition, this provides a further ... this study was provided by CIBERSAM, which had no further role in study design, the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data, the writing of the report, or in the decision to submit the ... of the drugs administered in the conventional APD group [8], remain controversial, the absence of differences in the present study can be considered more robust Nevertheless, high dosages of conventional...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:22
Báo cáo sinh học: "Prediction error variance and expected response to selection, when selection is based on the best predictor for Gaussian and threshold characters, traits following a Poisson mixed model and survival traits" potx
... which are reasons for considering selection based on the best predictor, and a lot of other results on the best predictor are summarised in [12] (see also references Selection based on the best ... highest correlation to Ui Furthermore, by selecting any upper fraction of the population on the basis of ui bp , then the expected value of Ui (in the selected proportion) is maximised These properties, ... h2 ) The joint ˆ bp distribution of (ai , ) is a bivariate normal distribution that does not depend ˆ on fixed effects Furthermore, if parents of the next generation are chosen based on the best...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:21
Báo cáo sinh học: "Tissue distribution of a plasmid DNA encoding Hsp65 gene is dependent on the dose administered through intramuscular delivery" docx
... lower numbers of colonies These results are important because they show that even after widespread biodistribution of plasmid, the detection was reduced after months Furthermore, there are substantial ... of the message to Hsp65 in the muscle tissue However, there is no satisfactory explanation for the Hsp65 long-term message expression in liver tissue yet, but we must be clear that the backbone ... integrated The liver tissue from nonimmunized animals presented no bands (Fig 4, lanes c and d) Discussion It has been proposed that the long-term expression of a foreign gene is one of the principal...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 19:22
... This model is consistent with biochemical studies discussed later in this chapter At the top of the ring is the “forehead” domain which is angled forward and is partially responsible for the concave ... contain a disordered region at the extreme Cterminus while the 594 mutant did not contain this disordered region or the helical bundle 2.2 Ku Mutant Construction WT Ku80 and the 550 mutant constructs ... in the elution During the analysis of this column, kinase activity was the major determinant of peak fractions because DNA-PK concentration is relatively low at this point of the purification...
Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2014, 09:33
63803 what is there on the table
... bread on the table? Yes, there is Are there any biscuits on the plate? Yes, there are Is there any butter on the table? Yes, there is Are there any tomatoes on the table? Yes, there are Is there ... milk on the table? Yes, there is Is there a piece of cake on the table? No, there isn’t Are there any oranges on the table? No, there aren’t Is there a cup of coffee on the table? Yes, there is ... Fill in is or are and the words, using the pictures: There are two tomatoes on the table There is a mug of tea on the table There are many biscuits on the plate There is a cup of coffee on the table...
Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2016, 11:18
... gasifier chamber and input fuel moisture strongly affect on the overall performance of the fixed bed gasification system Although this research has shown the clear relationship between each of these ... consumption That means this humidity preparation will pull down the overall efficiency Besides, the humidity value depends very much on geographic location and climate condition of the application ... of the material is as the ratio between the amount of moisture contained in the material and the volume of material - Heat total value Qh [Kcal]: Heat total of husk is calculated basing on the...
Ngày tải lên: 14/01/2016, 15:28
Metaphor, based on the association of similarity, is one of the two basic types of semantic transference that have been an interest for many linguistic researchers
... (2) He is in a flood of anger because his wife has been kidnapped Why consider this a metaphorical expression? The answer relies on the acceptance of the notion that the congruent form is the unmarked ... This is the key concept expressed in the theory of Systemic Functional Linguistics developed by Halliday (1985) and basing on it this chapter is concerned with some of the concepts which set the ... Our thesis is entitled “ An investigation into the role of metaphor in description of emotions in English poetic disscourse” and focused on William Shakespeares’ sonnets The choice is based on...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:44
a study on the problems in teaching english speaking skills to the minority students at sonla ethnic boarding high school and so
... questionaire as the instrument because of its convenience and the limitation of scope of this study 2.2.3 Data analysis This part of the thesis is the analysis of all the data collected from the survey ... language use; they are task- based and authentic It is thought that the definition contains aspects that are common to many other definitions The definition above, as with any definitions of the language ... narration, comparison and instruction The latter consists of explanation, prediction, justification, preference and decision Interaction routines are routines based not so much on sequences of...
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:06
Sự can thiệp của Chính phủ vào hoạt động thương mại quốc tế - lý thuyết và ảnh hưởng của nó tới lợi thế so sánh trong thương mại quốc tế và tăng trưởng kinh tế
... thị trờng làm cho nguồn lực sản xuất không đợc phân bổ theo cách hiệu - Trong thập kỷ 20 kỷ XX, hai nhà kinh tế ngời Achentina Raul Prebisch Hans Singer thuộc trờng phái Kinh tế học phát triển ... công nghiệp theo lý thuyết lợi so sánh David Ricardo, hoạt động trao đổi thơng mại nớc phát triển nớc phát triển đảm bảo cho đôi bên có lợi Tuy nhiên, quan sát thực nghiệm, Raul Prebisch Hans Singer ... tích cực từ phía Chính phủ Đó tiền đề lý thuyết cho đời chiến lợc công nghiệp hóa thay nhập (ISI) Theo chiến lợc này, Chính phủ chọn lựa ngành công nghiệp mà có tiềm nhng cha có đủ điều kiện...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20
Tài liệu Installing a Cabinet on the Cement Floor docx
... Installation Manual Installing a Cabinet on the Cement Floor 4.2 Positioning the Cabinet This section describes how to position the cabinet on the cement floor The position varies with the number of ... Installation on the cement floor Installation on the wooden floor (the same as the installation on the cement floor) This chapter guides you to install the cabinet on the cement floor We recommend reading ... installing the cabinet according to the floor of the equipment room Installation on the antistatic floor (refer to Chapter "Installing a cabinet on the antistatic floor" ) Installation on the cement...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu Installing a Cabinet on the Antistatic Floor doc
... the floor of the equipment room Installation on the antistatic floor Installation on the cement floor (see Chapter "Installing a cabinet on the Cement Floor" ) Installation on the wooden floor ... on the Antistatic Floor Installing a Cabinet on the Antistatic Floor About This Chapter When the installation is well prepared, install the cabinet There are three modes for installing the cabinet ... Cabinet This section guides you to mark the installation position for the cabinet on the antistatic floor The position varies with the number of cabinets and their layout 3.2.1 Positioning a Cabinet...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 10:20
Thực tiễn vận dụng lợi thế so sánh nhằm thúc đẩy tăng trưởng kinh tế trung quốc trong bối cảnh hội nhập kinh tế quốc tế và những gợi ý đối với việt nam
... nhu n nh bi t l i d ng s chênh l ch c a ti n ng gi a dân t c qu c t m c a G Haberler v T i i c a G Haberler, l i th so sánh c a m t m t hàng th hi n i th am h ic am i c a m t hàng th Cách ... thu c i th so sánh v tài nguyên thiên nhiên Theo s phát tri n qua t ng th i kì, l i th c nh tranh gi a qu c gia ngày ph thu c vào nhi u y u t khác Theo Porter nhà kinh t h v i M , nh ng ngu n ... phong phú không quy B n m nh m t qu c gia có thu nh p cao Nh t cg t p trung s n xu t s n ph cao nên v n có n n kinh t n, công ngh ng th hai th gi i v quy mô n: m t nh ng nhân t s n xu t, tùy theo...
Ngày tải lên: 08/02/2014, 15:29
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Activated Rac1, but not the tumorigenic variant Rac1b, is ubiquitinated on Lys 147 through a JNK-regulated process docx
... region of Rac1b (dotted green line on the right), where the 19 amino acid insertion of Rac1b is found, is disordered in the crystal The mostly disordered structures of the switch II region are ... polyubiquitination of Rac GTPase is critically dependent on the active GTP-bound conformation, we investigated whether the K16R and K147R substitutions might affect the strength of the L61 activating mutation ... addition Therefore, the reason why Lys147 rather than Lys5 is the main acceptor site for ubiquitin in Rac1 remains to be elucidated Of note, however, is that recent studies on the role of the Rab-like...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 16:20
ảnh hưởng của giá thể lên tăng trưởng tỷ lệ sống của cá leo (wallago attu) ương trong bể
... Tính toán kết Tỷ lệ sống cá (Suvirval Rate, SR) Số cá thu (con) SR (%) = * 100 Số cá thả ban đầu (con) Trọng lượng trung bình Tổng trọng lượng cá cân W (g/con) = Số cá đem cân Chiều dài trung ... dù, dây thừng Từ đó, nylon phổ cập khắp nơi (thesaigontimes.vn) Ở Việt Nam, nuôi trồng thủy sản, dây nylon nghiên cứu dùng làm giá thể cho số loài thủy sinh vật trú ẩn: Theo Đỗ Thị Thanh Hương ... bổ sung gọi Nylon 66 để phân biệt với Nylon tìm sau loại nhựa PA khác cấu trúc nguyên tử carbon phân tử (thesaigontimes.vn) Polyhexamethylene adipamide giáo sư Wallace Hume Carothers thuộc phòng...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 15:21
... Tính toán kết Tỷ lệ sống cá (Suvirval Rate, SR) Số cá thu (con) SR (%) = * 100 Số cá thả ban đầu (con) Trọng lượng trung bình Tổng trọng lượng cá cân W (g/con) = Số cá đem cân Chiều dài trung ... dù, dây thừng Từ đó, nylon phổ cập khắp nơi (thesaigontimes.vn) Ở Việt Nam, nuôi trồng thủy sản, dây nylon nghiên cứu dùng làm giá thể cho số loài thủy sinh vật trú ẩn: Theo Đỗ Thị Thanh Hương ... bổ sung gọi Nylon 66 để phân biệt với Nylon tìm sau loại nhựa PA khác cấu trúc nguyên tử carbon phân tử (thesaigontimes.vn) Polyhexamethylene adipamide giáo sư Wallace Hume Carothers thuộc phòng...
Ngày tải lên: 26/02/2014, 02:20