... claims of Austria, and thus Carinthia became attached to this growing power John, enraged, formed a confederacy with the kings of Hungary and Poland, and some minor princes, and invaded Austria ... unknown, and the ringing of battle-axes on helmet and cuirass, the strokes of sabers and the clash of spears, shouts of onset, and the shrieks of the wounded, as sixty thousand men fought hand to hand ... conspiracy, and offered to neighboring powers, as bribes for their aid, portions of Austria Austria proper was divided by the river Ens into two parts called Upper and Lower Austria Lower Austria...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 21:20
... their hands and feet, in imitation of the dogs of that country, and throwing upon the boys, as they passed, sand and dirt with their hands and feet The youths were perfectly still and silent, and ... larger island possesses Van Diemen's Land is divided from New Holland on the north by Bass's Straits, its extreme points of latitude are 41° 20', and 43° 40' S., and of longitude 144° 40', and 148° ... river, though not always close to it The stream lost its sandy bed and its current together, and became deep, still, and turbid, with a muddy bottom; and the appearance of the water lashing against...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 08:20
Athens: Its Rise and Fall, Complete pot
... peace and in those ages when men fought hand to hand, and individual strength and skill were the nerves of the army, to success in war; but, 3dly, and principally, its uses were in sustaining and ... Mysia and Caria on the mainland twelve cities the most renowned of which were Cyme and Smyrna; and the islands of the Heccatonnesi, Tenedos, and Lesbos, the last illustrious above the rest, and ... proportioned to its extent as one of the largest islands of the Aegean; and was far outshone by the small and rocky Aegina the rival of Athens, and at this time her superior in maritime power and commercial...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 12:20
Cleveland Past and Present Its Representative Men, etc. ppt
... well balanced judgment; a kind parent and a firm friend Orlando Cutter Cleveland Past and Present 23 Orlando Cutter first beheld the harbor and city of Cleveland on the 30th of June, 1818, having ... teacher and superintendent, and to his zeal and liberality the Detroit street Mission Sabbathe school largely owes its prosperity, and its present commodious chapel In every Christian enterprise ... Cleveland Past and Present 47 was an earnest and unshrinking supporter of the Government, and his means were freely used for its support, and for the comfort of the soldiers who were fighting its...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:20
Holcim has strengthened its balance sheet and earning power and positioned itself as an attractive group in the international capital markets
... net are gains and losses on sale of property, plant and equipment, gains and losses on disposal of Group and associated companies, income and losses on investments in associates and non-operating ... by operating assets and other net income, which includes profits 23.1% in the year under review to CHF 4.32 The corresponding and losses of associated companies, profits and losses from cash ... maturities of three months or less Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash at The Group’s interest in jointly controlled entities is consoli- banks and on hand, deposits held on call with banks, other...
Ngày tải lên: 30/07/2014, 17:22
hinese soft power through media products its projection and reception in south korea and japan
... on soft power and an Interaction here does not mean an investigation of China’s soft power in East Asia and Japan and Korea’s soft power in China simultaneously This dissertation limits its scope ... fazhan) and a peaceful rise (heping jueqi) were necessary to minimize the worrisome threats that other countries face due to the rise of China In order to maintain its rise and expand its influence, ... conceptualizing of soft and hard power may not always be useful For example, “the dichotomy of hard and soft power masks the potential for using hard power resources to implement soft power and vice versa”...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:08
Bài giảng power point về thì hiện tại (present simple and present continuous)
... Present Simple Form (+) S V(s, es) (-) S don’t doesn’t V (?) Wh does S V? Present Simple Usages - something that happens often - habits He often smokes cigars a day Present Simple ... V-ing? Present Continuous Note: Rules of V-ing Present Continuous Usages - something that is happening now He is smoking now Present Continuous Usages - Trends (changing/ developing) More and more ... potatoes every year Present Simple Usages - general truths, natural laws The Earth goes around the Sun Present Simple Usages + Timetables (cinemas, trains) The play finishes at p.m Present Simple...
Ngày tải lên: 05/04/2016, 16:15
Evolution of the Earth and its Atmosphere and its Atmosphere
... enabling plants and animals to leave the oceans, and survive and evolve on land ♦ Between 450 million years ago and 350 million years ago, land plants and amphibian animals began to appear, and oxygen ... blocked solar uv from reaching the ground and made it possible for plants and animals to survive above the ocean surface.) Evolution of the Earth and its Atmosphere 3.0 million years ago - 200 ... ago, the industrial age, with its demand for fossil fuels, was getting underway ♦ The impact of people on the atmosphere was about to become noticeable! The Earth and its Atmosphere Today Planetary...
Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2013, 10:51
Revision ò Present Simple and Present Progressive
... the Present Progressive to indicate that something will or will not happen in the near future Examples: I am meeting some friends after school Repetition and Irritation with "Always“: the Present ... I play tennis Facts or Generalizations: the Simple Present can also indicate the speaker believes that a fact was true before, is true now, and will be true in the future It is not important ... Near Future: speakers occasionally use Simple Present to talk about scheduled events in the near future This is most commonly done Usages Now: use the Present Progressive with Normal Verbs to express...
Ngày tải lên: 30/06/2013, 01:27
... of) 3.He was busy yesterday and …… was I (too/ either/ so/ neither) What does she look like? - She’s …… (interesting and sense of humor/ generous and helpful/ tall and thin) I received a letter ... VI Choose and underline the best answers: (2ps) You ought ……… the dentist (go/ to go/ going/goes) Hoa feels sick She ate too …… candy last night (much/ many/ a lot of/ ... neighbor in Nha Trang I have ……………………… friends in Nha Trang You shouldn’t eat …………………………… sweet and candy ………… the evening V Put the words or phrases in the correct order to make meaningful sentences:...
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2013, 01:27
... of) 3.He was busy yesterday and …… was I (too/ either/ so/ neither) What does she look like? - She’s …… (interesting and sense of humor/ generous and helpful/ tall and thin) I received a letter ... raining e That’s fine 56 You look very happy today f I’d love to 6III Put the verbs into present simple and present progressive tenses: Vegetarians (not eat) meat ………………………………………………………… What you ... (cry) …………………………………………………………… IV Choose and underline the best answers: (2ps) You ought ……… the dentist (go/ to go/ going/goes) Hoa feels sick She ate too …… candy last night (much/ many/ a lot of/...
Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2013, 01:26
pratice variable speed and dirves power electronic
... Practical Variable Speed Drives and Power Electronics Torque (Nm) = 9550 × Power (kW) Speed (rev / min) • Energy Energy is the product of power and time and represents the rate at which work ... motor and is characterized by constant power, reduced torque Practical Variable Speed Drives and Power Electronics • The output power is zero at zero speed In the normal speed range and at ... speed of standard AC squirrel cage induction motors Chapter 8: Installation and commissioning The main issues here of general installation and environmental requirements, power supply and earthing...
Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2013, 21:03
Simple present and present continuous
... Nguyễn Trọng Long_Vạn N 09/16/13 Nguyễn Trọng Long_Vạn N Answer these questions and then practice with a classmate and take his/her notes Answers •What you in your free time? _ • Do you ... things lift weights 09/16/13 go for a walk Nguyễn Trọng Long_Vạn Ninh_ Gia Bình_ Bắc Ninh We use the present simple for things that happens sometimes or all the time In this tense we need to add to ... (he, she, it) • I exercise in the mornings I go to the gym every day • The stores open at 9:00 a.m And close at 7:00 p.m • He works very hard He cooks in a restaurant • The Earth goes around the...
Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2013, 07:10
FOCUS ON - modals and present perfect passive phrasal verbs
... in particular right and back, and to demonstrate that many phrasal verbs comprised of get and a particle are actually variations of get to that can be modified with right andlor back Remember ... great improvement in your ability to understand and use English has come about — you've ended up being better able to figure out what you read and hear and better able to come up with the right ... the candles 16 Living in a house with seven dogs is really my cat 49 FOCUS ON: combinations of get, right, back, and to The focus of this section is an expanded definition...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 12:20
modals and present perfect phrasal verbs
... it out of its nest blowout n When a tire bursts and suddenly loses its air while you are driving, you have a blowout Maria had a blowout while she was driving, lost control of her car, and hit ... it _from my children 16 The candy company has the cost of its products despite the rise in the cost of sugar 339 44 FOCUS ON: participle adjectives and passive phrasal verbs with ... adjectives, and the key to doing so is not to understand the difference between true adjectives derived from past participles and past participles with an adjective function but instead to understand...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20
Tài liệu Present continuous and present simple docx
... “I know”, “they like” Những động từ sau không dùng với Present Continuous: like love hate want need prefer know realise suppose mean understand believe remember belong contain consist depend seem ... you understand what I mean? Bạn có hiểu ý muốn nói không? Ann doesn’t seem very happy at the moment Lúc dường Ann không vui Khi think dùng với nghĩa believe (tin tưởng), ta không dùng Present Continuous: ... being selfish Động từ be chia present continuous I am being/He is being You are being v.v… I’m being = I’m behaving / I am acting So sánh câu sau: I can’t understand why he’s being so selfish...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 19:18
Tài liệu ADC HDSL Compatibility and CSU Power Options docx
... alternative powering mechanism called simplex power which provides power to the NID/CSU device from the remote HDSL module Simplex power is provided on the DS1 transmit and receive pairs and consists ... Compatibility and CSU Power Options Application Note 1218 CSU Power Options Powering a customer premises device such as a channel serving unit (CSU) or network interface device (NID) using a local power ... 60 mA simplex power Simplex is always enabled while the strap is in place D1, D2, D3* version HLXR (SPX-HLXRD[X]) modules provide simplex power on initial power up if wire strap is present on chassis...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 09:20
... conditions of warfare But yet the class itself was numerous, and still, nominally at least, possessed of most of its old privileges and authority The extent of its real power depended, however, upon the ... They comprised generally the richest families, and had monopolized the entire government of the city, together with the right to administer its various sources of [16]income and to consume its revenue ... social, and religious—was shaken and showed the rents and fissures caused by time and by the growth of a new life underneath it The [37]empire—the Holy Roman—was in a parlous way as regarded its...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 04:20
Tài liệu Custom, Power and the Power of Rules International Relations and Customary International Law doc
... ‘English School’ Law and international relations 24 31 Power and international law Power and the debate about whether resolutions and declarations constitute State practice Power and the scope of ... Law and power Some working assumptions Power and the study of international law Opinio juris, the customary process and the qualifying effects of international law 13 15 18 21 Regime theory and ... College, Oxford and Visiting Fellow, Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg Custom, Power and the Power of Rules International Relations and Customary...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 06:20