at fpr serial port rate control

AN0547   serial port utilities

AN0547 serial port utilities

... 8/9-bits of data transfer, baud rate, setting the baud rate generator, and configuring the TXSTA and RCSTA control registers The baud rate generator is configured by writing the appropriate value ... 8/9-bits of data transfer, bit rate, setting the baud rate generator, and configuring the TXSTA and RCSTA control registers The baud rate generator is configured by writing the appropriate value ... (USART) The serial port can be configured to operate either in full-duplex asynchronous mode or half duplex synchronous mode The serial port has a dedicated 8-bit baud rate generator Either 8-

Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2016, 11:50

14 204 0
Port state control a GUIDE FOR MEMBERS

Port state control a GUIDE FOR MEMBERS

... Port State Control A guide for Members CONTENTS Introduction The Growing Importance of Port State Control What is Port State Control? Origins Regional Development of Port State Control ... operations PORT STATE CONTROL INTRODUCTION WHAT IS PORT STATE CONTROL? of these developments are as much matters of perception as of reality, but insofar as their impact on the viability of the Port ... DATE July 1982 April 1994 - - GOVERNING BODY Port State Control Committee Port State Control Committee SECRETARIAT Provided by the Netherlands Tokyo MOU Secretariat (Tokyo) Ministry of Transport

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2016, 00:26

42 225 0


... IMO/ ILO v an toàn b o v môi trư ng Ho t ñ!ng ki m tra ñư c g i Ki m tra Nhà nư c c ng bi n (Port State Control - PSC) Ki m tra nhà nư c c ng bi n m!t s tra m!t tàu nư c m!t s" quan ñư c y quy n ... n pháp ñ b o ñ m tàu ñó ñáp ng yêu c u c a Công c Qu c t ñó Ki m tra nhà nư c c ng bi n – Port State Control (PSC) ñư c th c hi n, cách th c nh m làm tăng cư ng n a vai trò c a qu c gia treo ... bi n d a s2 tho thu1n gi a qu c gia c ng bi n m!t vùng (MoUMemorandum of Understanding on Port State Control) V i th a thu1n này, Qu c gia c ng bi n thành viên c a m!t MoU s= ti n hành ki m tra

Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2017, 21:44

10 219 0
Recommendations to enhance port state control in quang ninh port area

Recommendations to enhance port state control in quang ninh port area

... enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS PSC Port State Control PSCO Port State Control Officer DWT Dead Weight Tonnage IMO International Maritime Organization ILO ... Authorities with the PSC inspection data of their ports; Generates statistical reports; Calculates target factor; Publishes notifications; - Supports interregional information exchange projects (PSC ... opportunity to know documents and materials which relate to PSC as well as PSC examination of specific ship In this dissertation, I searched PSC at ports in Quang Ninh; I also evaluated PSC at

Ngày tải lên: 02/12/2017, 15:04

58 222 1
DSpace at VNU: Construction of a Control for the Cubic Semilinear Heat Equation

DSpace at VNU: Construction of a Control for the Cubic Semilinear Heat Equation

... initial data with respect to T that ensures the null controllability property Keywords Null controllability · Cubic semilinear heat equation · Linear heat equation Mathematics Subject Classification ... cubic semilinear heat equation are now well-known results (see, e.g., [2, 4]) It will be said that (1) is null controllable at time T if there exists a control function u such that the corresponding ... S., Tataru, D.: Null controllability for the dissipative semilinear heat equation Appl Math Optim 46, 97–105 (2002) Cazenave, T., Haraux, A.: An Introduction to Semilinear Evolution Equations

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 08:59

15 147 0
DSpace at VNU: Bit Error Rate of Underlay Decode-and-Forward Cognitive Networks with Best Relay Selection

DSpace at VNU: Bit Error Rate of Underlay Decode-and-Forward Cognitive Networks with Best Relay Selection

... Research–“Demokritos," Athens, Greece, where he was a Ph.D scholar at the Wireless Communications Laboratory, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications From 2007– 2011 he also collaborated with the National ... best relay selection saturates at large values of P As seen in Fig 4, the performance saturation phenomenon4 occurs for K = {1, 3} This phenomenon emerges from the fact that the transmit power ... Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Peloponnese, Tripolis, Greece From 2011 he is a Senior Researcher at the Athens Information Technology Center for Research and Education, Athens,

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 14:34

10 95 0
Port state control(2001 edition) model course3 09

Port state control(2001 edition) model course3 09

... limitations of port States exercising control and gives detailed information on what authorized officers are to look for and how to initiate remedial action Although, in principle, port State control ... flag State to exercise control over their ships and explain the role of a port State in supplementing such control; identify and correctly use the legal instruments available for port State control; ... Printers, Portsmouth 10 ISBN 92-801-5104-5 IMO PUBLICATION Sales number: T309E Acknowledgement This course on port State control is based on material developed for IMO under contract by the International

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2018, 15:22

260 435 0
Recommendations to enhance port state control in quang ninh port area

Recommendations to enhance port state control in quang ninh port area

... enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS PSC Port State Control PSCO Port State Control Officer DWT Dead Weight Tonnage IMO International Maritime Organization ILO ... inspection data of their ports; - Generates statistical reports; - Calculates target factor; - Publishes notifications; - Supports interregional information exchange projects [ CITATION PSC142 ... State Control Officer (PSCO) 31 Pham Minh Thuy – GMA02 Page Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area CHAPTER 3: RECOMMENDATIONS TO ENHANCE PORT STATE CONTROL

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2018, 13:33

58 481 0
Lesson Heart rate control in IHD patients with HF

Lesson Heart rate control in IHD patients with HF

... 29 Control heart rate in IHD patient with heart failure SINUS RHYTHM IHD patients with EF < 40% Control HR < 70 pbm Benefit in CAD outcomes Benefit in HF outcomes IHD patients with EF ≥40% Control ... heart rate on cardiovascular disease Kiểm soát nhịp BN có BTTMCB kèm Suy tim – 09/ 2017 Heart rate and coronary artery disease Kiểm soát nhịp BN có BTTMCB kèm Suy tim – 09/ 2017 Heart rate and ... KIỂM SỐT NHỊP Ở BN CĨ BTTMCB KÈM SUY TIM HEART RATE CONTROL IN IHD PATIENTS WITH HF ĐỖ Thị Nam Phương, MD, PhD Viện tim TP HCM Effect of heart rate on cardiovascular disease F Custodis et al

Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2020, 16:57

32 45 0
New use of low-dose aspirin and risk of colorectal cancer by stage at diagnosis: A nested case–control study in UK general practice

New use of low-dose aspirin and risk of colorectal cancer by stage at diagnosis: A nested case–control study in UK general practice

... with national data [20, 21] supporting their representativeness to cases in the general population Furthermore, 1- and 5-year survival rates for all cases are consistent with national rates [22] ... and interpretation of the data nor the interpretation of data or manuscript writing, except for in the form of salary paid to MS-G Availability of data and materials The datasets generated during ... unrelated to dose, indication, gender, CRC location or case-fatality status Reduced risks occurred throughout treatment duration and with all low-dose aspirin doses RRs by aspirin indication

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2020, 03:47

11 35 0
Thí nghiệm Vi xử lý 4: Thí nghiệm giao tiếp Timer và Serial Port

Thí nghiệm Vi xử lý 4: Thí nghiệm giao tiếp Timer và Serial Port

... BÀI THÍ NGHIỆM THÍ NGHIỆM GIAO TIẾP TIMER VÀ SERIAL PORT MỤC TIÊU  Nắm cách lập trình điều khiển timer  Nắm cách lập trình điều khiển serial port CHUẨN BỊ  Đọc chương 1, chương 3, chương ... TIMER VÀ SERIAL PORT MESS: DB "Hello World!", END Kết nghiệm a Kết mô phỏng: (Time/div = 0.25s, V/div = 1V cho Channel A)  Channel A: chân P1.0 b Trả lời câu hỏi 1) Khi sử dụng serial port, timer ... Page | 13 BÀI THÍ NGHIỆM THÍ NGHIỆM GIAO TIẾP TIMER VÀ SERIAL PORT ACALL DISP ; Xuất ký tự lên hình ACALL TRANSMIT ; Gửi ký tự lên serial port SJMP MAIN ; Bắt đầu lại chương trình TRANSMIT: ;

Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2021, 11:40

22 206 0
Port state control principal features at a glance

Port state control principal features at a glance

... International Load Line Certificate (1966) USCG Port State Control examinations consist of annual examinations and then re-examinations or 16 International Load Line Exemption Certificate deficiency ... owners ratios for all flag states whose ships call at US ports and operators associated with ships that have had more than one ship detained by the Coast Guard A flag state’s detention ratio is ... IMPORTANCE OF PORT STATE CONTROL Shipowners and operators should take measures to reduce the likelihood that their ships will be subjected to intervention or detention, bearing in mind that Port...

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2016, 00:26

25 222 1
Serial port programming for Windows and Linux

Serial port programming for Windows and Linux

... data to the serial port //fd is the file descriptor of // the serial port //buf is a pointer to the data that // we want to write to the serial // port //bufSize is the amount of data that we // ... to open the serial port, configure HANDLE fileHandle; the serial port, read and write bytes to and from the fileHandle = serial port, and close the serial port when the task has CreateFile( been ... here a file, so to open the serial port one calls the functions } Provided that the serial port is successfully opened at which the serial port can send and receive data the next step is to configure...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2013, 20:15

10 684 1
Serial Port Complete

Serial Port Complete

... the term serial port refers to ports that use a particular asynchronous protocol These ports include the RS-232 ports on PCs and many serial ports in embedded systems Most serial ports are ... physical serial ports Some Ethernet and Wi-Fi devices function as serial servers that enable applications to access serial ports over a network Microcontrollers in embedded systems can use serial ports ... and serial data and handles other low-level details of serial communications Options and Choices These are some examples of ports controlled by UARTs: • Microcontroller serial ports Many microcontrollers...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 08:15

400 364 1
Tài liệu chương 5: Hoạt động của port nối tiếp (Serial Port) pptx

Tài liệu chương 5: Hoạt động của port nối tiếp (Serial Port) pptx

... Quang Trí Chương 5: Ho t đ ng c a port n i ti p (Serial Port) Trư ng ðH Cơng nghi p Tp.HCM III THANH GHI ðI U KHI N PORT N I TI P (SCON): Thanh ghi SCON (Serial Control Register): ch a bit dùng ... chọn chế độ port nối tiếp Các ch đ c a port n i ti p: Trư c s d ng port n i ti p c n ph i: Giáo trình Vi x lý 156 Biên so n: Ph m Quang Trí Chương 5: Ho t đ ng c a port n i ti p (Serial Port) Ví ... c a port n i ti p (Serial Port) 8051 Data A1H W Trư ng ðH Cơng nghi p Tp.HCM Shift register: Thanh ghi dòch bit extra outputs: ngõ mở rộng Extra outputs ri t e D7 SBUF 10100001B RxD Serial port...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 19:20

11 1,1K 13
Hướng dẫn giao tiếp Serial port sử dụng VB.Net 2008 qua một số ví dụ pot

Hướng dẫn giao tiếp Serial port sử dụng VB.Net 2008 qua một số ví dụ pot

... If SerialPort1.IsOpen Then SerialPort1.Close() End If 'Lấy danh sách cổng có máy' For i As Integer = To My.Computer.Ports.SerialPortNames.Count - ComboBox1.Items.Add(My.Computer.Ports.SerialPortNames(i)) ... Handles Button1.Click Try With SerialPort1 PortName = ComboBox1.Text BaudRate = 9600 Parity = IO.Ports.Parity.None DataBits = StopBits = IO.Ports.StopBits.One End With SerialPort1.Open() Label2.Text ... If Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.ToString) End Try End Sub Nhận: Chọn kiện nhận Chọn serialport -> DataReceived Chat hai máy tính qua cổng Com TUT Sonbui1903 Code: Private Sub SerialPort1_DataReceived(ByVal...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 20:20

10 2K 6
Central Bank Interest-Rate Control in a Cashless, Arrow-Debreu economy: a comment on Wallace pptx

Central Bank Interest-Rate Control in a Cashless, Arrow-Debreu economy: a comment on Wallace pptx

... agent) to set the rate of interest By control of the interest rate the central bank can then control prices and therefore inflation in his two-date model Also, he assumes that the unit-of-account ... central bank cannot buy and sell date-1 ecus for date-2 ecus so as to tie down R and the rate of ‘inflation’ This is hardly surprising To control the nominal rate of interest, i.e the interest ... accounts at each date so etn is person n’s endowment of date-t ecus The endowment of ecus can be negative or positive –a negative endowment represents a debt Person n’s end of date-t holdings of date-t...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 17:20

21 219 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Minimum-length scheduling with rate control in wireless networks: a shortest path approach" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Minimum-length scheduling with rate control in wireless networks: a shortest path approach" docx

... Channel state at time slot t {G(t)}∞ t=0 G Channel process State space of the channel process gt,k (rk(t)) SINR threshold at receiver k at slot t to receive at rate rk(t) rk(t) Nk Transmission rate ... restrict our attention to stationary policies that take decisions merely based on the current system state information Consider a state s = (x, g) ∈ S, and let the system state at time slot t satisfies ... this simplification focuses attention on the trade-off between transmitting more frequently (at a reduced rate) and transmitting less frequently (at a higher rate) We expect that this approach...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20

15 376 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " FMO-based H.264 frame layer rate control for low bit rate video transmission" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: " FMO-based H.264 frame layer rate control for low bit rate video transmission" ppt

... layer rate control Proposed frame layer rate control enhancements The purpose of rate control is to compute QP for all frames within the allowable rates With FMO enabled, the effect on the rate control ... unit layer rate control In addition, only the frame layer rate control is modified; the operation of the GOP layer rate control remains the same The operation of the GOP layer rate control is ... control The video encoder rate control is responsible for allocating the bits per frame for optimum performance At low bit rates where every bit is important, the rate control performs the crucial...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20

11 401 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Adaptive access and rate control of CSMA for energy, rate, and delay optimization" docx

báo cáo hóa học:" Adaptive access and rate control of CSMA for energy, rate, and delay optimization" docx

... adapting source rate to the link state [25] To avoid buffer overflow the arrival rate is constrained by The queue update equation is (1) Where indicates the maximum number of packets that can be transmitted ... so-called relative value function , should satisfy the following Bellman’s fixed point equation [31] for every state: (23) where indicates the successor state of the current state Considering update ... Figure 7a shows that the arrival rate should be reduced as the channel goes to the fade state or as the EWMA of rate increases Figure 7b indicates that the relative utility function decreases...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 17:20

46 468 0