
advanced biological treatment processes

advanced biological treatment processes

... particular book Volume 9, Advanced Biological Treatment Processes, is a sister book to Volume Biological Treatment Processes Both books have been designed to serve as comprehensive biological treatment ... (eds.) 800 pp (2008) Volume 8: Biological Treatment Processes L K Wang, N C Pereira, Y T Hung, and N K Shammas (eds.) 818 pp (20 09) Volume 9: Advanced Biological Treatment Processes L K Wang, ... Studies 89 9.1 Dairy Plant Wastewater Treatment 89 9.2 Refinery Wastewater Treatment 94 9. 3 Municipal Wastewater Treatment 100...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 10:17

752 3.9K 3
Biological treatment processes (humana, 2008)

Biological treatment processes (humana, 2008)

... particular book Volume 8, Biological Treatment Processes, is a sister book to Volume 9, Advanced Biological Treatment Processes Both books have been designed to serve as comprehensive biological treatment ... (eds.) 800 pp (2008) Volume 8: Biological Treatment Processes L K Wang, N C Pereira, Y T Hung, and N K Shammas (eds.) 818 pp (20 09) Volume 9: Advanced Biological Treatment Processes L K Wang, ... Shammas (eds.) 723 pp (2005) Volume 4: Advanced Physicochemical Treatment Processes L K Wang, Y T Hung, and N K Shammas (eds.) 690 pp (2006) Volume 5: Advanced Physicochemical Treatment Technologies...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 18:09

835 405 1
advanced physicochemical treatment technologies volume 5 handbook of environmental engineering

advanced physicochemical treatment technologies volume 5 handbook of environmental engineering

... ND to 33 ND to 28 5–30 9 2400 5–200 ND 36 ND 20 ND 11 620 84 14 13 71 120 57 12 to >99 10 98 97 to >99 20 to >99 to >99 61 to >99 >99 75 58 >99 NM 97 >99 78 66 NM NM >99 19 0–80 57 NM NM NM (Continued) ... 20 99 95 to >99 to >99 20 99 9 98 to 99 33–88 29 to >99 76 45 97 98 a 52 75 10 98 75 73 NM 45 NM 89 72 1 6 1 ND to 42 BDL to 210 ND ... secondary 1.6 2.4 2.7 2 .9 3.1 4.1 5.5 None None 100 100 25–100 25 25 25 25 NA NA 41 38 33–38 31 31 28 25 39 43 25 97 99 97 99 95 97 95 95 90 95 95 >97 >95 Capacityc 2706 2706 1485 898 858 605 546 NA...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 11:43

720 417 0


... 5.47±0.58 3 .94 ±0. 39 7 .93 ±0.08 3 .92 ±0.06 1.83±0. 09 4 .97 ±1.20 3.02±0.13 1.46±0. 09 2.80±0.17 4.14±0.41 3 .92 ±0.11 1.83±0.08 3.08±0.23 3.87±0.32 3.78±0.14 0.62±0.01 0. 69 0.02 0.50±0.01 0.51±0. 09 4.28±0.18 ... 1.54±0.02 0 .90 ±0.01 1. 89 0.20 2 .95 ±0.01 1.70±0.12 3.17±0.06 3.62±1.28 4.84±0.03 1.80±0.13 2.38±0.34 2.71±1.01 4. 49 0.10 1.62±0.01 3 .96 ±0.18 4.60±0.18 4.16±0.12 1. 69 0. 19 2 .95 ±0.12 2 .93 ±0.83 4.18±0.18 ... 4.21±0.02 1.53±0. 19 1. 69 0.11 0 .90 ±0.06 4.54±0.10 1. 79 0.04 1.17±0.08 1.04±0.07 2.74±0.04 1.24±0. 09 1.58±0.11 3.27±0.02 1.24±0.08 46.73±4.21 1.82±0.13 3 .94 ±0.16 1.38±0.04 51.34±3. 59 1.75±0.12 4.36±0.17...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40

6 484 0
Quantification of Microcystin-degrading Bacteria in a Biofilm from a Practical Biological Treatment Facility by Real-time PCR

Quantification of Microcystin-degrading Bacteria in a Biofilm from a Practical Biological Treatment Facility by Real-time PCR

... Hayashi H ( 199 8) Temporal variabilities of the concentrations of intra- and extracellular microcystin and toxic Microcystis species in a hypertrophic lake, Lake Suwa, Japan ( 199 1- 199 4) Environmental ... polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), and other persistent substances (Wilkes et al., 199 6; Tanghe et al., 199 9; Shi et al., 2001; Sakai et al., 2007) We expect this study to promote the research ... P and Riddles P ( 199 6) Enzymatic pathway for the bacterial degradation of the cyanobacterial cyclic peptide toxin microcystin LR Appl Environ Microbiol., 62, 4086-4 094 - 199 - Bourne D G., Riddles...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

9 522 0
Mechanical Biological Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste ppt

Mechanical Biological Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste ppt

... include: An Introductory Guide to Waste Management Options, Advanced Biological Treatment, Mechanical Heat Treatment, Advanced Thermal Treatment, Incineration, Renewable Energy and Waste Technologies, ... in this series Table below outlines the key categories of biological treatment Table 3: Biological Treatment options Options Biological Treatment I II Aerobic - In-Vessel Composting: may be used ... There are a variety of different biological treatment techniques which are used in MBT plant These are described in greater detail in the Advanced Biological Treatment Brief, in this series Table...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 01:21

38 1.1K 0


... Product 0108 29 Number of samples Liner 24 Fluting 68 01 090 9 – 01 091 1 Liner 68 No 010831 – 01 090 2 01 091 7 Liner, fluting 24 No 01 092 1 Liner, fluting 24 01 092 4 Liner, fluting 24 Chapter Processes Involved ... Degrémont ( 199 1) covers almost all aspects of water treatment from biological to chemical treatment Thoroughgoing information about the guys who the dirty work at the biological treatment plant, ... 94 Gissler & Pass paper mill 95 Hennepin Paper Co 95 AssiDoman Lecoursonnois 95 x 5.7 CONCLUSIONS 96 CHAPTER CONTROL OF THE BIOLOGICAL KIDNEY 97 6.1...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 05:20

138 451 0
physicochemical treatment processes

physicochemical treatment processes

... 691 4.1 Hydrolysis Processes 691 4.2 Digestion Processes 695 Thermal Processes 699 5.1 Sludge Incineration 699 5.2 Sludge ... Practice No.8, pp 390 –405 ( 199 2) D H F Liu and B G Liptak, Wastewater Treatment, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL, pp 136–1 39 (2000) Screening and Comminution 19 WPCF and ASCE, Sewage Treatment Plant ... 390 Sedimentation Tanks in Water Treatment 390 4.1 General Consideration 390 4.2 Inlet and Outlet Control 391 4.3 Tank Geometry 392 4.4...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 11:47

731 213 0
Advanced metal forming processes Subjects of interest docx

Advanced metal forming processes Subjects of interest docx

... 2007 References • Edwards, L and Endean, M., Manufacturing with materials, 199 0, Butterworth Heinemann, ISBN 0-7506-2754 -9 • htmsider/pb0278.htm • getFile/ceramics_hip.html ... disadvantages of each type of non-conventional metal forming processes Suranaree University of Technology Tapany Udomphol Jan-Mar 2007 Introduction • Advanced techniques for metal forming are listed below; ... Objectives • This chapter aims to provide additional information on several techniques of metal forming processes other than those conventional process already mentioned in previous chapters • The requirements...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 09:20

12 248 1
Kỹ thuật xử lý nước và nước thải bậc cao (Advanced Wastewater Treatment technologies)

Kỹ thuật xử lý nước và nước thải bậc cao (Advanced Wastewater Treatment technologies)

... dụng tác nhân ánh sáng (Advanced Non – Photochemical Oxidation Processes – ANPOs) - Nhóm trình oxi hóa nâng cao sử dụng tác nhân ánh sáng (Advanced Photochemical Oxidation Processes – APOs) Bảng2: ... hóa nâng cao không nhờ tác nhân ánh sáng (Advanced Non Photochemical Oxidation Processes- ANPOS) [1] 3.1.1 Quá trình Fenton Quá trình phát lần vào năm 1 894 tác giả J.H.Fenton, ông quan sát thấy ... nói chung có hiệu cao khoảng pH 2-4, cao pH khoảng 2,8 (Pignatello, J.J. 199 2) Do điều kiện xử lý nước thường gặp (pH 5 -9) trình xảy không hiệu Đã có nhiều nghiên cứu dạng cải tiến phương pháp...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 14:31

46 536 2


... 6–7.5 6–7.5 2–4 0.5–1.5 (aeration) 1–3 3–5 20–30 70–120 BOD5 removal, %, E 90 95 90 95 60–85 85 90 88 95 85 90 85 90 85 90 Normal Return Sludge Average Resign Flow ϫ 100 Primary Settling Required ... May 197 3 © 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 1 59 43 Antoine, R.L Fixed Biological Surfaces—Wastewater Treatment, CRC Press, Cleveland, Ohio, 197 6, pp 93 –122 44 McCarty, P.L., Anaerobic Treatment ... of biological wastewater treatment processes and the most significant parameters are: ux– Biological Solids Retention Time, or Sludge Age, or Mean Cell Retention Time, is defined BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 20:20

23 536 0
study on compact device for waste processing based on mechanical biological treatment in dong van town, duy tien district, ha nam province, vietnam

study on compact device for waste processing based on mechanical biological treatment in dong van town, duy tien district, ha nam province, vietnam

... standard as mechanical biological treatment 1.3 Introduction of mechanical biological treatment 1.3.1 Definition of mechanical biological treatment Mechanical biological treatment (MBT) of municipal ... optimal subsequent biological or thermal treatment Biological treatment In the second step, a biological treatment under either oxy or anoxic conditions follows mechanical treatment Under ... Organic Waste Mixed municipal waste Mixed municipal waste Opened 198 2; closed 199 1 1 59 2004 Mixed municipal waste Cau Dien, Hanoi 140 199 2; expanded in 2002 Market and street waste Phuc Khanh, Thai...

Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2015, 08:53

84 337 0
Model application for acid mine drainage treatment processes

Model application for acid mine drainage treatment processes

... 10-7 ~ 0.00 253.01 1.31 0.47 17. 29 0.88 - % removal 0.02 2.26 0.00037 25.18 461.1 > 98 > 99 > 99 > 96 > 99 > 99 > 99 > 99 3.64% ISSN 2076-2 895 (Print), ISSN 2076- 290 9 (Online) ©2014 International ... 1.02 0. 29 0.77 792 .96 - 1.75 2 .95 91 .53 3.4 x 10-17 0.008 16.41 1.00 3 .98 x 10-4 3 .94 x 10-13 1.24 x 10-7 ~ 0.00 262.58 1.75 7.78 0 .95 ~ 0.00 3.6 x 10-6 0.52 1.8 x 10-4 1.04 x 10-4 3 .9 x 10-13 ... be combined and treated with single treatment system The schematic of the selected treatment system is shown in Figure ISSN 2076-2 895 (Print), ISSN 2076- 290 9 (Online) ©2014 International Energy...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:32

8 258 0
Biological Alteration of Zinc Complexation Characteristics of Dissolved Organic Matter in Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent under River Water Environment

Biological Alteration of Zinc Complexation Characteristics of Dissolved Organic Matter in Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent under River Water Environment

... (+35° 45' 56.3", +1 39 52' 46.1") in January, 20 09 (pH = 7.2; DOC = 2.1 mg/L; average ambient temp = 7°C) and April, 20 09 (pH = 7.1; DOC = 0 .9 mg/L; average ambient temp = 19 C), respectively ... 222-2 29 Ma H., Allen H E and Yin Y (2001) Characterization of isolated fractions of dissolved organic matter from natural waters and a wastewater effluent, Water Research, 35 (4), 98 5 -99 6 Sarathy ... 14 sample After 7.2 6.3 0.84 1.4 2.2 340 ± 550 ± 890 ± days After 7.2 6.3 0.86 1.4 2.3 350 ± 550 ± 12 90 0 ± 14 days After 7.2 6.3 0.83 1.3 2.1 290 ± 14 460 ± 22 750 ± 26 month Note: K' = conditional...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

9 614 0
Advanced machining processes

Advanced machining processes

... 2 49 191 192 192 193 195 196 196 196 197 197 198 199 201 203 203 204 212 216 218 221 224 226 2 29 2 29 230 230 232 232 233 235 235 238 2 39 240 241 241 242 243 244 244 245 246 Preface Machining processes ... 77 77 77 78 79 84 87 95 97 98 98 99 100 102 Contents 4.4 Electrostream (Capillary) Drilling 4.5 Electrochemical Jet Drilling 4.6 Electrochemical Deburring References Chapter Thermal Processes 5.1 ... 105 108 1 09 112 115 115 115 115 120 125 127 1 29 130 137 138 1 39 140 140 141 144 156 157 157 157 163 165 166 166 166 1 69 1 69 171 172 172 172 173 175 176 177 Chapter Hybrid Electrochemical Processes...

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2014, 21:07

286 567 6
Tài liệu Advanced Linux Programming: 3-Processes pdf

Tài liệu Advanced Linux Programming: 3-Processes pdf

... example: % ps PID TTY 21 693 pts/8 21 694 pts/8 TIME CMD 00:00:00 bash 00:00:00 ps 04 0430 CH03 5/22/01 10:13 AM Page 47 3.1 Looking at Processes This invocation of ps shows two processes. The first, ... Linux as new processes are created Every process also has a parent process (except the special init process, described in Section 3.4.3, “Zombie Processes ).Thus, you can think of the processes ... 0; } */ Ignore the Creating Processes 51 04 0430 CH03 52 5/22/01 Chapter 10:13 AM Page 52 Processes 3.2.3 Process Scheduling Linux schedules the parent and child processes independently; there’s...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 07:20

16 425 0
Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics Volume 29 ppt

Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics Volume 29 ppt

... 1610-742X ISBN-10 3-540- 497 12 -9 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN-13 97 8-3-540- 497 12-7 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York Library of Congress Control Number: 200 693 7681 This work is subject ... University, Stanford, CA 94 305 -90 10, USA, email: Professor Frans Groen, Department of Computer Science, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Kruislaan 403, 1 098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands, ... parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 196 5, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer Violations...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 15:20

245 249 0
Primary Treatment for Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer: Concurrent Platinum-based Chemotherapy and Radiation pptx

Primary Treatment for Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer: Concurrent Platinum-based Chemotherapy and Radiation pptx

... disagree Number Missing 21 (95 %) (5%) 19 (86%) (9% ) (5%) 20 (90 %) (5%) (5%) 21 (95 %) (5%) 21 (95 %) (5%) 20 (90 %) (5%) (5%) 19 (86%) (9% ) (5%) Very likely or likely Unsure 19 (90 %) (5%) Not at all likely ... Rose, 199 9 (4) XRT + CP 19% 3% (GOG-120) XRT + CP/5FU/HU 20% 4% XRT + HU 30% 10% Whitney, 199 9 (5) XRT + CP/5FU 25% 18% (GOG-85) XRT + HU 30% 21% Bulky stage IB cervical cancer Keys, 199 9 (6) ... surgical, (15) FIGO ( 199 1) Morris, 199 9 403/386/386* 350 squamous cell (90 %) clinical & surgical, (3) 14 adenosquamous FIGO ( 199 5) (RTOG 90 -01) 24 adenocarcinoma Pearcey, 2000 2 59/ 253/253 squamous...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 01:20

31 386 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Amino acid limitation regulates the expression of genes involved in several specific biological processes through GCN2-dependent and GCN2-independent pathways ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: Amino acid limitation regulates the expression of genes involved in several specific biological processes through GCN2-dependent and GCN2-independent pathways ppt

... 0007155 0006 397 0007154 00062 59 0022008 0001525 0051726 0006333 GO: 0006732 GO: 0006260 GO: 00060 69 GO: 000 693 6 Up regulated genes Down regulated genes 49 41 25 23 20 17 16 14 11 19 14 19 9 16 10 ... GO biological processes GO : 00454 49 GO : 0006810 GO : 0007165 GO : 0006508 GO : 0016310 GO : 0007155 GO : 000 695 2 GO : 0030154 GO : 0006412 GO : 00066 29 GO : 000 597 5 GO : 0006 397 GO : 000 691 5 ... 5.51e-02 1.56e-03 2.42e-02 3.8 2.6 1 .9 1 .91 e-02 1 .91 e-02 7.72e-03 Ontology ID Ontology terms A GO: 00 090 70 GO: 0006 695 GO: 0006418 GO: 0007005 GO: 00064 69 G0: 0051 094 GO: 0044262 B We measured the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 03:20

12 561 0
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