abstraction knowledge representation and ontology concepts

Trends in digital library research  a knowledge mapping and ontology engineering approach

Trends in digital library research a knowledge mapping and ontology engineering approach

... agents and Semantic Web development; knowledge management, i.e knowledge sharing and reuse, knowledge collaboration, knowledge interoperation, digital library research and education, etc The knowledge ... mapping in library and information science, and knowledge mapping in the digital library domain); (2) research trends in digital libraries, and (3) ontology (ontology overview and ontology engineering) ... explicitly integrating new and old knowledge; and assess understanding or diagnose misunderstanding Furthermore, knowledge mapping helps in creating knowledge repositories and capturing corporate...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2015, 23:42

246 295 0
Knowledge representation and ontologies for lipids and lipidomics

Knowledge representation and ontologies for lipids and lipidomics

... broad and exact lipid synonyms 64 15 Concepts and properties of Literature_Specification, Lipid and Protein 65 16 Concepts from Gene Ontology imported into Lipid Ontology Reference 70 17 Concepts ... 10 Upper Ontology concepts and lipid classification hierarchy in Lipid Ontology 1.0 56 11 Concepts and properties modeled between Lipid and Lipid_Specification ... Lipid_Specification 12 Concepts and properties between Lipid, Protein and Diseases 13 Concepts and properties used to model lipid synonyms 58 61 63 xiv 14 Concepts and properties...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 15:36

168 432 0
Kỹ thuật thu nhận ảnh image representation and modeling

Kỹ thuật thu nhận ảnh image representation and modeling

... trận vuông Nhóm n x n phần tử tạo nên n + mức sáng Ma trận mẫu thờng đợc chọn ma trận Rylander Ma trận Rylander cấp có dạng: Nhập môn xử lý ảnh số - ĐHBK Hà nội 10 12 14 11 15 13 25 Chơng Hai: ... phơng pháp đợc minh hoạ qua hình 2-6 trang bên Lý thuyết mẫu hoá chiều - ảnh với dải giới hạn (Band limited Images) Một hàm f(x,y) gọi dải giới hạn khai triển Fourier F(1, 2) bên miền bao (hình ... nh so sánh kết số phơng pháp xin tham khảo tài liệu [1] 2.3 số phơng pháp biểu diễn ảnh (image representation) Sau bớc số hoá, ảnh đợc lu trữ hay chuyển sang giai đoạn phân tích Trớc đề cập đến...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 10:19

16 667 8
Knowledge Management and Specialized Information Systems

Knowledge Management and Specialized Information Systems

... (Technology to Support Knowledge Management) o Effective KMS dựa việc học kiến thức thay đổi thủ tục hướng tiến cận kết (Is based on learning new knowledge and changing procedures and approaches as ... Tổng quan o Tri thức thường minh (Explicit knowledge)  Khách quan  Có thể đo lường đưa tài liệu thành báo cáo, văn quy luật o Tri thức ngầm (Tacit knowledge)  Khó đo lường đưa tài liệu  Thường ... nhân tri thức (Knowledge Workers) • Thường làm việc theo nhóm Có thể sữ dụng phần mềm làm làm việc cộng tác hệ thống hỗ trợ làm việc nhóm để chia kiến thức  Kho chứa kiến thức (Knowledge repository)...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2013, 11:06

15 1,6K 9
Tài liệu Knowledge Managing and Knowledge Management Systems in Inter-organizational Networks pdf

Tài liệu Knowledge Managing and Knowledge Management Systems in Inter-organizational Networks pdf

... network-based knowledge processes and flows, to create new knowledge and to share and employ existing knowledge to solve problems, make decisions, and take actions 195 Knowledge and Process Management ... absorptive capacity That is, to use ICT and KMS to identify and acquire external information and knowledge, and to process, analyse and interpret this information and knowledge An example of the former ... and suggests further research KNOWLEDGE, KNOWLEDGE MANAGING AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Numerous views of knowledge are discussed in the information systems (IS), strategy, management, and...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 00:20

13 504 0
Tài liệu The National Cancer Institute''''s Thésaurus and Ontology doc

Tài liệu The National Cancer Institute''''s Thésaurus and Ontology doc

... the Thésaurus into an ontology is to represent the concepts and their connections in a machine processable way In our ontology, each concept is given a formal designator and the relationships ... Roles, Properties, and Concepts Kinds are the top-level super classes for all of the concepts defined in the Thésaurus, and basically enumerate the different categories of concepts Kinds include ... broad range of medical terms and topics is a rich and useful data source for the medical community In an effort to make the knowledge in the Thésaurus more useful and accessible to the public,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 05:20

5 362 0
MEDICAL INFORMATICS Knowledge Management and Data Mining in Biomedicine docx

MEDICAL INFORMATICS Knowledge Management and Data Mining in Biomedicine docx

... understanding advanced and emerging biomedical knowledge management, data mining, and text mining concepts and practices Readers of this book will learn the new concepts, technologies, and practices ... bioinformatics challenges and standards, security and privacy, ethical and social issues, and biomedical knowledge mapping Unit I1 presents research topics of relevance to information and knowledge management ... good reference for understanding advanced and emerging biomedical knowledge management, data mining, and text mining concepts and practices Most of the medical libraries and/ or sciencelengineering...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 12:20

656 1,4K 0
MEDICAL INFORMATICS Knowledge Management and Data Mining in Biomedicine ppt

MEDICAL INFORMATICS Knowledge Management and Data Mining in Biomedicine ppt

... understanding advanced and emerging biomedical knowledge management, data mining, and text mining concepts and practices Readers of this book will learn the new concepts, technologies, and practices ... bioinformatics challenges and standards, security and privacy, ethical and social issues, and biomedical knowledge mapping Unit I1 presents research topics of relevance to information and knowledge management ... good reference for understanding advanced and emerging biomedical knowledge management, data mining, and text mining concepts and practices Most of the medical libraries and/ or sciencelengineering...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 12:20

655 509 0
Medical Image Processing, Reconstruction and Restoration: Concepts and Methods ppt

Medical Image Processing, Reconstruction and Restoration: Concepts and Methods ppt

... Parhi and Takao Nishitani Multimedia Systems, Standards, and Networks, edited by Atul Puri and Tsuhan Chen Embedded Multiprocessors: Scheduling and Synchronization, Sundararajan Sriram and Shuvra ... Algorithms, Sensors, and Applications, edited by Kiyoharu Aizawa, Katsuhiko Sakaue and Yasuhito Suenaga Medical Image Processing, Reconstruction and Restoration: Concepts and Methods, Jirí Jan ... persuasion that a good understanding of concepts and principles forms a necessary basis to any valid methodology and solid application It is relatively easy to continue studying and even designing specialized...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 12:20

725 2,4K 2
NLP Techniques for Term Extraction and Ontology Population docx

NLP Techniques for Term Extraction and Ontology Population docx

... systems use the ontology as their target output, and the ontology- based ones also use class and instance information during the IE process While KIM and OntoSyphon make use of the ontology structure, ... related to the data and domain with which we are concerned, and on the other hand a richer ontology which can be used for a variety of semantic web-related tasks such as knowledge management, ... Ontology population is a crucial part of knowledge base construction and maintenance that enables us to relate text to ontologies, providing on the one hand a customised ontology related...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 14:20

21 327 0
The NINCH Guide to Good Practice in the Digital Representation and Management of Cultural Heritage Materials pptx

The NINCH Guide to Good Practice in the Digital Representation and Management of Cultural Heritage Materials pptx

... mission is to make its resources available and useful to the Congress and the American people and to sustain and preserve a universal collection of knowledge and creativity for future generations." ... October 1998 to organize a review and evaluation of current practice and to develop a set of principles and guidelines for good practice in the digital representation and management of cultural heritage ... and artifacts To achieve the highest quality scans of transparent media (e.g 35mm slides and negatives, 6x4 and large format transparencies and microfilm) specialist equipment such as slide and...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 14:20

242 579 0
Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Selected Physicians in a Tertiary-Care Hospital docx

Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Selected Physicians in a Tertiary-Care Hospital docx

... Diagnostic standards and classification of tuberculosis in adults and children Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000; 161: 1376-1395 Manalo MFC, Pineda AV, Montoya JC Knowledge, attitudes and practices ... radiography and sputum smear microscopy for tuberculosis diagnosis and follow-up in Botswana Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1997; 1(4): 333-338 American Thoracic Society and the Center for Disease Control and ... physicians' knowledge, attitudes, practices and their approach to tuberculosis management General Objective It is the general objective of the study to determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 03:20

10 517 1
Computational networks for knowledge representation

Computational networks for knowledge representation

... Beijing, China, 2000, pp 236-239 Nhon Do, An ontology for knowledge representation And Applications Waset, International Conference on Data, Information and Knowledge Management, Singapore, 2008 Michel ... variables and networks of computational objects can be used to represent knowledge in many domains of knowledge The basic components of knowledge consist of a set of simple valued variables and a ... Graph-based Knowledge representation: Computational foundations of Conceptual Graphs, Springer-Verlag London Limited 2009 Frank van Harmelem & Vladimir & Bruce, Handbook of Knowledge Representation, ...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 14:09

5 246 1


... various pieces of information in the knowledge representation is clear How this representation should be created remains unanswered The entire representation could be hand coded by the database designer ... (I "DE" "OCEAN-ESCORT") (i "PC" "PATROL-SHIP -AND- CRAFT") (i "PG" "PATROL-SHIP -AND- CRAFT") (i "PT" "PATROL-SHIP -AND- CRAFT") (i "L" "AMPHIBIOUS -AND- LANDING-SHIP") (i "MC" ,MINE-WARFARE-SHIP") (I ... indicated Here again, the world knowledge axioms are used to guide the systam in choosing the most salient information AUGMENTING THE KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION The world knowledge axioms fall into...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 19:21

8 311 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "The GENIA project: corpus-based knowledge acquisition and information extraction from genome research papers" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "The GENIA project: corpus-based knowledge acquisition and information extraction from genome research papers" docx

... named entity properties, events and other domain-specific concepts from MEDLINE abstracts and full texts One part of this work is the construction and maintenance of an ontology for the domain which ... of EACL '99 and DNA entities was too small to train with As part of the overall project we are creating an expert-tagged corpus of MEDLINE abstracts and full papers for training and testing our ... International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Melbourne, Australia C Buckley, J Allan, and G Salton 1993 Automatic routing and ad-hoc retrieval using SMART: TREC-2...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 23:20

2 333 0