a syntactic semantic and pragmatic analysis of conjunction

A study of the syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic features of discourse marker only and its Vietnamese translational equivalents

A study of the syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic features of discourse marker only and its Vietnamese translational equivalents

... terms of syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic features The qualitative results of the analysis are the generalization of syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic features that appear in the corpora 4.1 SYNTACTIC ... online text of chat as main sources 3.5 DATA ANALYSIS The data are analyzed in terms of syntactic, semantic and pragmatic categories The results of the data analysis are presented qualitatively The ... description of its meanings in Phrase and Sentence Meaning terms of syntactic, semantic and pragmatic features 2.2.4 Pragmatic Features Pragmatic has to with people's use of language in contexts,

Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2016, 14:57

13 432 1
A Study on Syntactic, Semantic and Pragmatic Features of Hyperbolic Expressions in English versus Vi...

A Study on Syntactic, Semantic and Pragmatic Features of Hyperbolic Expressions in English versus Vi...

... and Vietnamese CEO news items in terms of syntax, semantics and pragmatics; (ii) to find out the similarities and differences in syntactic, semantic and pragmatic features of HEs in English and ... news and Vietnamese in terms of syntax, semantics and pragmatics - Proposing implications for the teaching and learning of English as a Foreign Language and in other areas such as economics, translation ... occurrence and frequency of different sub-types of hyperbole The qualitative approach including contrastive analysis was employed to create a description of semantic, syntactic and pragmatic features of

Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2023, 21:07

27 1 0
A study on syntactic, semantic and pragmatic features of exaggeration in english and vietnamese

A study on syntactic, semantic and pragmatic features of exaggeration in english and vietnamese

... Particular is paid to analyzing and categorizing the data syntactically, semantically and pragmatically. 3.6 RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY Reliability and validity are two most important criteria ... languages. 1.5. RESEARCH QUESTIONS - What are the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic features of exaggeration in English and Vietnamese? - What are the similarities and differences of exaggeration ... thesis analyzes the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic features of exaggeration in English and Vietnamese. In -4- practice, the study aims to supply some implications to language teaching and learning.

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16

13 1,6K 4
LV   An investigation into the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic  features of deontic markers

LV An investigation into the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic features of deontic markers

... remains a complicated and troublesome area of language for linguists and learners of English The problem can be traced to the polysemy or ambiguity of modal meanings Semantically, a modal can have ... Syntactic and Pragmatic Features of Directives in English and Vietnamese” described and analysed the syntactic and pragmatic features of directives in English and Vietnamese At ... discovered a number of syntactic, semantic and pragmatic features of UCDM in English and Vietnamese in their practical use in communication Some of them have equivalent ways of expressing and thinking

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2015, 10:03

124 419 1
A contrastive analysis of semantic and pragmatic features of the words denoting birds in english and vietnamese

A contrastive analysis of semantic and pragmatic features of the words denoting birds in english and vietnamese

... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF DANANG ---  --- LÊ THỊ NGA A CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS OF SEMANTIC AND PRAGMATIC FEATURES OF THE WORDS DENOTING BIRDS IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE Field ... classified, and analyzed systematically for the contrastive analysis. 3.3. RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY The research mainly focuses on the WDBs on the aspects of semantics and pragmatics, which are ... RESEARCH QUESTIONS: (1) What are the similarities and differences of semantic features of the WDBs in English and Vietnamese? (2) What are the similarities and differences of pragmatic features of

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:30

13 1,7K 5
A study of semantic and pragmatic features of the adjective warm and its vietnamese equivalents

A study of semantic and pragmatic features of the adjective warm and its vietnamese equivalents

... follows: Table 4.2: Some sub-patterns of Warm and + 16 No Warm in Collocation (Pattern: Warm and +) Warm and A A and Warm A Warm + A English Meaning Vietnamese Meaning 1 warm and pleasant/ cheerful ... The semantic structure of vocabulary of a language can be studied in a precise and systematic way by means of componential analysis of which the theory of semantic field greatly leans. Semantic ... aims at: - Making an investigation of some semantic and pragmatic features of the adjective Warm in English and its equivalents in Vietnamese. - Analyzing meanings of the adjective Warm in particular

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21

13 865 0
A study on semantic and pragmatic features of concessive conjunctions “still”, “yet” in english and “vẫn”, “chưa” in vietnamese

A study on semantic and pragmatic features of concessive conjunctions “still”, “yet” in english and “vẫn”, “chưa” in vietnamese

... similarities and differences of the semantic and pragmatic features of concessive conjunctions “still”, “yet” in English and “vẫn”, “ch? ?a? ?? in Vietnamese The theory of semantics, pragmatics and conjunctions ... as fundemental background for the research Data taken from novels, stories in English and Vietnamese are classified and analyzed through quantitative and qualitative methods to prove the semantic ... MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY M .A THESIS A STUDY ON SEMANTIC AND PRAGMATIC FEATURES OF CONCESSIVE CONJUNCTIONS “STILL”, “YET” IN ENGLISH AND “VẪN”, “CH? ?A? ?? IN VIETNAMESE

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2020, 14:48

160 77 0
A study on semantic and pragmatic features of idioms containing words denoting colors in english and vietnamese

A study on semantic and pragmatic features of idioms containing words denoting colors in english and vietnamese

... Semantics 2.2.5 Pragmatic Theory a Pragmatic with Human Language Behavior b Aspects Of Language Studied In Pragmatics 2.2.6 Relationship between Semantic and Pragmatic Semantics and pragmatics are ... words are used can dictate their true meaning at that particular time Semantics and pragmatics are closely related as they both are attempts to understand the meaning of language beyond the literal ... words in daily communication Phan Thi Le Huyen marked a new trend with contrastive analysis on both semantic and pragmatic features of the adjective “Black” in English and “Đen” in Vietnamese in

Ngày tải lên: 26/05/2020, 17:31

26 267 0
TÓM tắt LUẬN văn a study on semantic and pragmatic features of idioms containing words denoting colors in english and vietnamese

TÓM tắt LUẬN văn a study on semantic and pragmatic features of idioms containing words denoting colors in english and vietnamese

... Semantics 2.2.5 Pragmatic Theory a Pragmatic with Human Language Behavior N CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat @a b Aspects Of Language Studied In Pragmatics 2.2.6 Relationship between Semantic ... between Semantic and Pragmatic Semantics and pragmatics are both related to the way meaning is derived from language Semantics studies the meaning that words and certain combinations of words hold ... such a necessary task for language learners to take the culture and the habit of native speakers into consideration 1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1.2.1 Aims N CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat @a The

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2022, 22:21

26 8 0
A study on syntactic, semantic and lexical features of song titles in English and in Vietnamese

A study on syntactic, semantic and lexical features of song titles in English and in Vietnamese

... semantic and lexical features It was also taken advantage of to make sure if a number of chosen corpus were credible enough 3.2 DATA COLLECTION AND DATA ANALYSIS 3.2.1 Data collection 3.2.2 Data ... syntactic, semantic and lexical features in English and Vietnamese song titles and to find out the similarities and differences of the two languages in terms of syntactic, semantic and lexical ... titles and 186 Vietnamese ones for investigation; Analyzing data: identifying and describing syntactic, semantic and lexical features of English and Vietnamese song titles; Making a comparison

Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2023, 19:54

26 6 0
Báo cáo y học: "Estimated intelligence quotient in anorexia nervosa: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature" pot

Báo cáo y học: "Estimated intelligence quotient in anorexia nervosa: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature" pot

... in anorexia nervosa: a systematic review and meta -analysis of the literature. Annals of General Psychiatry 2010 9:40. Submit your next manuscript to BioMed Central and take full advantage of: ... the standard deviation of the norm group are regarded as known (based on a large sample size), a bias correction of the standard error is not necessary. The effect siz es and standard errors of ... 116.8. A meta -analysis using a random effects model revealed an esti mate of the mean standardised mean difference (SMD) of 0.72 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.53 and 0.91. The SMD of 0.72 means

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 01:21

10 525 0
Báo cáo y học: "Efficacy of different types of aerobic exercise in fibromyalgia syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials" potx

Báo cáo y học: "Efficacy of different types of aerobic exercise in fibromyalgia syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials" potx

... of 14 Table 1: Risk of bias (internal and external validity) of the randomised controlled trials' analysis Author, year Adequate randomisation Adequate allocation concealment Blinding of assessor ... Systematic Reviews and MetaAnalyses statement [14] and the recommendations of the Cochrane Collaboration [15] Page of 14 Protocol Methods of analysis and inclusion criteria were specified in advance ... results - was investigated using visual assessment of the funnel plot (plots of effect estimates against its standard error) calculated by RevMan Analyses software Publication bias may lead to asymmetrical

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 12:20

14 420 0
Báo cáo y học: "A systematic comparative and structural analysis of protein phosphorylation sites based on the mtcPTM database" ppt

Báo cáo y học: "A systematic comparative and structural analysis of protein phosphorylation sites based on the mtcPTM database" ppt

... The database is publicly available online, and experimentalists are encouraged to submit their data for storage and display. Results Handling and storage of phosphosite data The mtcPTM database ... database contains data retrieved from litera- ture, protein annotations, and other databases. In the future, the database will also display phosphorylation sites that have been mapped as part of the ... comparisons of phosphorylation patterns found under different conditions. The database also contains the largest available collection of atomic models of phosphorylatable proteins. Detailed analysis of

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:21

20 296 0
Cognitive and motor outcomes in children born low birth weight: A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies from South Asia

Cognitive and motor outcomes in children born low birth weight: A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies from South Asia

... and meta -analysis of studies from South Asia Ravi Prakash Upadhyay1* , Gitismita Naik1, Tarun Shankar Choudhary1, Ranadip Chowdhury1, Sunita Taneja1, Nita Bhandari1, Jose Carlos Martines2, Rajiv ... Lanka OR Maldives OR Afghanistan OR south Asia) Asian setting and have compared outcomes of interest among normal and low birth weight individuals After initial screening of titles and abstracts, ... mean of 100 and a standard deviation (SD) of 15 [25] In studies where standardized tests were not used, the scores were converted into a standardized scale with mean of 100 and standard deviation

Ngày tải lên: 01/02/2020, 05:26

15 48 0
Effect of childhood BMI on asthma: A systematic review and meta-analysis of case-control studies

Effect of childhood BMI on asthma: A systematic review and meta-analysis of case-control studies

... 44 Lawson JA, Chu LM, Rennie DC, Hagel L, Karunanayake CP, Pahwa P, et al Prevalence, risk factors, and clinical outcomes of atopic and nonatopic asthma among rural children Ann Allergy Asthma ... No.:22/52/2888 approved by Student Research Committee of Ilam University of Medical Science Availability of data and materials The datasets can be made available by the corresponding author upon reasonable ... org/10.1001/jama.2014.732 Attaran D, Tohidi M, Asna-Ashari AM, Ismaii H, Khadivi E, Gharaei SH Evaluation of the correlation between body mass index and the severity of asthma in recently diagnosed patients

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2020, 22:04

13 21 0
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the nutrient content of preterm and term breast milk

A systematic review and meta-analysis of the nutrient content of preterm and term breast milk

... breast milk Dominica A Gidrewicz1* and Tanis R Fenton2 Abstract Background: Breast milk nutrient content varies with prematurity and postnatal age Our aims were to conduct a meta -analysis of ... decreases over weeks after * Correspondence: dominica.gidrewicz@albertahealthservices.ca Department of Pediatrics, University of Calgary, 2888 Shaganappi Trail NW, Calgary, AB T3B 6A8 , Canada Full ... preterm and term breast milk nutrient content (energy, protein, lactose, oligosaccharides, fat, calcium, and phosphorus); and to assess the influence of gestational and postnatal age Additionally

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2020, 15:20

14 31 0
Risk of second primary cancers in cancer patients treated with cisplatin: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized studies

Risk of second primary cancers in cancer patients treated with cisplatin: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized studies

... carboplatin, 135 ifosfamide and etoposide Hydroxyurea, fluorouracil and radiotherapy Carboplatin and radiotherapy Doxorubicin and paclitaxel Paclitaxel and carboplatin Rituximab, cyclophosphamide, ... Vandvik PO, Zhao P, Zhang L, Shen J, Bala MM, Sohani ZN, et al Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors and risk of heart failure in type diabetes: systematic review and meta -analysis of randomised and ... Fountzilas G, Ciuleanu E, Dafni U, Plataniotis G, Kalogera-Fountzila A, Samantas E, Athanassiou E, Tzitzikas J, Ciuleanu T, Nikolaou A, et al Concomitant radiochemotherapy vs radiotherapy alone in patients

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2020, 23:48

12 20 0
Immunization coverage and its determinant factors among children aged 12–23 months in Ethiopia: A systematic review, and Meta-analysis of crosssectional studies

Immunization coverage and its determinant factors among children aged 12–23 months in Ethiopia: A systematic review, and Meta-analysis of crosssectional studies

... review and meta -analysis Data synthesis and statistical analysis Results Data was analyzed using the ‘meta’ packages of the Stata software (version 11.0) Unadjusted prevalence was recalculated based ... of this meta -analysis Authors’ contributions AE: Design of the study, data extraction, analyze and interpretation of data and wrote the paper SS: Data extraction, analyze and interpretation of ... also extracted the data and evaluated the risk of bias Data extraction A standardized data extraction form of JBI was used to extract the necessary data The data extraction tool was piloted by considering

Ngày tải lên: 29/07/2020, 23:03

13 32 0
Báo cáo Y học: A comparative biochemical and structural analysis of the intracellular chorismate mutase (Rv0948c) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv and the secreted chorismate mutase (y2828) from Yersinia pestis pptx

Báo cáo Y học: A comparative biochemical and structural analysis of the intracellular chorismate mutase (Rv0948c) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv and the secreted chorismate mutase (y2828) from Yersinia pestis pptx

... the forward primer 5¢-GG AATTC CATATGCAACCCACTCATACGCTAACAAG-3¢ (with the NdeI restriction recognition sequence underlined) and the reverse primer 5¢-CG GGATCCTTATTTTAATT TTACCTGATTGAAGGTTGAG-3¢ ... recognition sequences for cloning into pG58 was: 5 ¢-GCTACG TTTAAAGCGATGATGAGACCAGAACCCCCACATCA CG-3¢ (forward primer with DraI site underlined) and 5¢-CG GAATTCTTAGTGACCGAGGCGGCCCCTGCC-3¢ (reverse primer ... crystallographic two-fold. The data and refinement statistics are shown in Table 2. The Ramachandran plot has 96.9% of the residues in the most favored region and 3.1% in the additional allowed...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 17:20

12 514 0
Tuberculosis in Liver Transplant Recipients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Individual Patient Data doc

Tuberculosis in Liver Transplant Recipients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Individual Patient Data doc

... behalf of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases ORIGINAL ARTICLE Tuberculosis in Liver Transplant Recipients: A Systematic Review and Meta -Analysis of Individual Patient Data Jon-Erik ... the case-fatality rate. For high-risk transplant candidates, isoniazid appears safe and is probably effective at reducing MTB reactivation. All liver transplant candidates should receive a tuberculin ... Sugawara Y, Nakajima J, Kishi Y, Niiya T, Kaneko J, Makuuchi M. Resection of a pulmonary lesion after liver transplantation: report of a case. Surg Today 2005;35:976-978. 37. Alothman A, Al Abdulkareem...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 03:20

13 530 0

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